/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */

/* The old structures from unireg */

struct st_table;
class Field;

typedef struct st_lex_string
  char *str;
  uint length;

typedef struct st_lex_string_with_init :public st_lex_string
  st_lex_string_with_init(const char *str_arg, uint length_arg)
    str= (char*) str_arg;
    length= length_arg;

typedef struct st_date_time_format {
  uchar positions[8];
  char  time_separator;			/* Separator between hour and minute */
  uint flag;				/* For future */
  LEX_STRING format;

typedef struct st_keyfile_info {	/* used with ha_info() */
  byte ref[MAX_REFLENGTH];		/* Pointer to current row */
  byte dupp_ref[MAX_REFLENGTH];		/* Pointer to dupp row */
  uint ref_length;			/* Length of ref (1-8) */
  uint block_size;			/* index block size */
  File filenr;				/* (uniq) filenr for table */
  ha_rows records;			/* Records i datafilen */
  ha_rows deleted;			/* Deleted records */
  ulonglong data_file_length;		/* Length off data file */
  ulonglong max_data_file_length;	/* Length off data file */
  ulonglong index_file_length;
  ulonglong max_index_file_length;
  ulonglong delete_length;		/* Free bytes */
  ulonglong auto_increment_value;
  int errkey,sortkey;			/* Last errorkey and sorted by */
  time_t create_time;			/* When table was created */
  time_t check_time;
  time_t update_time;
  ulong mean_rec_length;		/* physical reclength */

typedef struct st_key_part_info {	/* Info about a key part */
  Field *field;
  uint	offset;				/* offset in record (from 0) */
  uint	null_offset;			/* Offset to null_bit in record */
  uint16 length;			/* Length of key_part */
  uint16 store_length;
  uint16 key_type;
  uint16 fieldnr;			/* Fieldnum in UNIREG */
  uint16 key_part_flag;			/* 0 or HA_REVERSE_SORT */
  uint8 type;
  uint8 null_bit;			/* Position to null_bit */

typedef struct st_key {
  uint	key_length;			/* Tot length of key */
  uint	flags;				/* dupp key and pack flags */
  uint	key_parts;			/* How many key_parts */
  uint  extra_length;
  uint	usable_key_parts;		/* Should normally be = key_parts */
  enum  ha_key_alg algorithm;
    Note that parser is used when the table is opened for use, and
    parser_name is used when the table is being created.
    struct st_plugin_int *parser;       /* Fulltext [pre]parser */
    LEX_STRING *parser_name;            /* Fulltext [pre]parser name */
  KEY_PART_INFO *key_part;
  char	*name;				/* Name of key */
    Array of AVG(#records with the same field value) for 1st ... Nth key part.
    0 means 'not known'.
    For temporary heap tables this member is NULL.
  ulong *rec_per_key;
  union {
    int  bdb_return_if_eq;
  } handler;
  struct st_table *table;
} KEY;

struct st_join_table;

typedef struct st_reginfo {		/* Extra info about reg */
  struct st_join_table *join_tab;	/* Used by SELECT() */
  enum thr_lock_type lock_type;		/* How database is used */
  bool not_exists_optimize;
  bool impossible_range;

struct st_read_record;				/* For referense later */
class THD;
class handler;

typedef struct st_read_record {			/* Parameter to read_record */
  struct st_table *table;			/* Head-form */
  handler *file;
  struct st_table **forms;			/* head and ref forms */
  int (*read_record)(struct st_read_record *);
  THD *thd;
  SQL_SELECT *select;
  uint cache_records;
  uint ref_length,struct_length,reclength,rec_cache_size,error_offset;
  uint index;
  byte *ref_pos;				/* pointer to form->refpos */
  byte *record;
  byte *rec_buf;                /* to read field values  after filesort */
  byte	*cache,*cache_pos,*cache_end,*read_positions;
  IO_CACHE *io_cache;
  bool print_error, ignore_not_found_rows;

  Originally MySQL used TIME structure inside server only, but since
  4.1 it's exported to user in the new client API. Define aliases for
  new names to keep existing code simple.

typedef struct st_mysql_time TIME;
typedef enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type timestamp_type;

typedef struct {
  ulong year,month,day,hour;
  ulonglong minute,second,second_part;
  bool neg;

typedef struct st_known_date_time_format {
  const char *format_name;
  const char *date_format;
  const char *datetime_format;
  const char *time_format;


extern const char *show_comp_option_name[];

typedef int *(*update_var)(THD *, struct st_mysql_show_var *);

typedef struct	st_lex_user {
  LEX_STRING user, host, password;

  This structure specifies the maximum amount of resources which
  can be consumed by each account. Zero value of a member means
  there is no limit.
typedef struct user_resources {
  /* Maximum number of queries/statements per hour. */
  uint questions;
     Maximum number of updating statements per hour (which statements are
     updating is defined by uc_update_queries array).
  uint updates;
  /* Maximum number of connections established per hour. */
  uint conn_per_hour;
  /* Maximum number of concurrent connections. */
  uint user_conn;
     Values of this enum and specified_limits member are used by the
     parser to store which user limits were specified in GRANT statement.
  uint specified_limits;

  This structure is used for counting resources consumed and for checking
  them against specified user limits.
typedef struct  user_conn {
     Pointer to user+host key (pair separated by '\0') defining the entity
     for which resources are counted (By default it is user account thus
     priv_user/priv_host pair is used. If --old-style-user-limits option
     is enabled, resources are counted for each user+host separately).
  char *user;
  /* Pointer to host part of the key. */
  char *host;
  /* Total length of the key. */
  uint len;
  /* Current amount of concurrent connections for this account. */
  uint connections;
     Current number of connections per hour, number of updating statements
     per hour and total number of statements per hour for this account.
  uint conn_per_hour, updates, questions;
  /* Maximum amount of resources which account is allowed to consume. */
  USER_RESOURCES user_resources;
     The moment of time when per hour counters were reset last time
     (i.e. start of "hour" for conn_per_hour, updates, questions counters).
  time_t intime;

	/* Bits in form->update */
#define REG_MAKE_DUPP		1	/* Make a copy of record when read */
#define REG_NEW_RECORD		2	/* Write a new record if not found */
#define REG_UPDATE		4	/* Uppdate record */
#define REG_DELETE		8	/* Delete found record */
#define REG_PROG		16	/* User is updating database */
#define REG_AUTO_UPDATE		64	/* Used in D-forms for scroll-tables */
#define REG_OVERWRITE		128
#define REG_SKIP_DUP		256

	/* Bits in form->status */
#define STATUS_NO_RECORD	(1+2)	/* Record isn't usably */
#define STATUS_NOT_FOUND	2	/* No record in database when needed */
#define STATUS_NO_PARENT	4	/* Parent record wasn't found */
#define STATUS_NOT_READ		8	/* Record isn't read */
#define STATUS_UPDATED		16	/* Record is updated by formula */
#define STATUS_NULL_ROW		32	/* table->null_row is set */
#define STATUS_DELETED		64