# On cygwin do: # make CYGWIN=cygwin check # For verbose output do # make VERBOSE=1 # For very verbose output do # make VERBOSE=2 # GCOV_FLAGS = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage # PROF_FLAGS = -pg OPTFLAGS = -O2 ifeq ($(VERBOSE),2) VERBVERBOSE=-v MAYBEATSIGN= else ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1) VERBVERBOSE=-q MAYBEATSIGN= else VERBVERBOSE=-q MAYBEATSIGN=@ endif endif ifeq ($(CYGWIN),cygwin) else FPICFLAGS = -fPIC # valgrind is not present on cygwin VGRIND = valgrind --quiet --error-exitcode=1 --leak-check=yes endif CFLAGS = -Wall -W -Wcast-align -Wbad-function-cast -Wextra -Wmissing-noreturn -Wmissing-format-attribute $(OPTFLAGS) -g3 -ggdb3 $(GCOV_FLAGS) $(PROF_FLAGS) -Werror $(FPICFLAGS) -Wshadow -fvisibility=hidden LDFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS) -g $(GCOV_FLAGS) $(PROF_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS += -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE ifdef BRT_FANOUT CPPFLAGS += -DBRT_FANOUT=$(BRT_FANOUT) endif # When debugging, try: valgrind --show-reachable=yes --leak-check=full ./brt-test build default: bins libs tdb-recover tdb_logprint # Put these one-per-line so that if we insert a new one the svn diff can understand it better. # Also keep them sorted. REGRESSION_TESTS = \ brt-serialize-test \ brt-test \ brt-test-cursor \ brt-test-cursor-2 \ brt-test-named-db \ brt-test0 \ brt-test1 \ brt-test2 \ brt-test3 \ brt-test4 \ cachetable-test \ cachetable-test2 \ fifo-test \ fifo-test-exp \ list-test \ log-test2 \ log-test3 \ log-test4 \ log-test5 \ log-test6 \ test-assert \ test-brt-delete-both \ test-brt-overflow \ test-del-inorder \ test-gpma-blackbox \ test-gpma-glassbox \ test-gpma-glassbox \ test-inc-split \ test-primes \ test_oexcl \ test_toku_malloc_plain_free \ ybt-test \ log-test \ # This line intentially kept commented so I can have a \ on the end of the previous line # Add in the binaries that must be run in various ways. BINS = $(REGRESSION_TESTS) \ benchmark-test \ test-gpma-worstinsert \ brtdump \ randbrt \ randdb4 \ tdb_logprint \ # This line intentially kept commented so I can have a \ on the end of the previous line tdb_logprint: LDFLAGS+=-lz tdb_logprint.o: log-internal.h brttypes.h yerror.h log.h kv-pair.h log_header.h tdb_logprint: log_code.o memory.o log.o brt-serialize.o fifo.o gpma.o ybt.o fingerprint.o mempool.o primes.o toku_assert.o roll.o brt.o cachetable.o brt-verify.o key.o tdb-recover: LDFLAGS+=-lz recover.o: log_header.h log-internal.h log.h yerror.h brttypes.h kv-pair.h memory.h key.h tdb-recover: tdb-recover.o recover.o log_code.o memory.o log.o brt-serialize.o fifo.o gpma.o ybt.o fingerprint.o mempool.o primes.o toku_assert.o cachetable.o brt.o brt-verify.o key.o roll.o roll.o: log_header.h log-internal.h log.h yerror.h brttypes.h kv-pair.h memory.h key.h cachetable.h gpma.h log_code.o: log_header.h wbuf.h log-internal.h log_header.h: log_code.c @echo generated log_code.c so log_header.c was also generated log_code.c: logformat ./logformat libs: log.o bins: $(BINS) # Put the benchmarktest_256 first since it takes the longest (and we want to use parallelism in the make) CHECKS = \ benchmarktest_256 \ test-gpma-worstinsert-a \ test-gpma-worstinsert-b \ test-gpma-worstinsert-c \ $(REGRESSION_TESTS) \ # This line intentially kept commented so I can have a \ on the previous line # Put check_benchmarktest_256 first because it is long-running (and therefore on the critical path, so get it started) check: bins $(patsubst %,check_%,$(CHECKS)) check_benchmarktest_256: benchmark-test $(VGRIND) ./benchmark-test $(VERBVERBOSE) --valsize 256 --verify 1 check_test-gpma-worstinsert-a: test-gpma-worstinsert $(VGRIND) ./test-gpma-worstinsert $(VERBVERBOSE) -a check_test-gpma-worstinsert-b: test-gpma-worstinsert $(VGRIND) ./test-gpma-worstinsert $(VERBVERBOSE) -b check_test-gpma-worstinsert-c: test-gpma-worstinsert $(VGRIND) ./test-gpma-worstinsert $(VERBVERBOSE) -c check_test-assert: test-assert @# no arguments, should err $(VGRIND) ./test-assert > /dev/null 2>&1 ; test \($$?\) @# one argument, not "ok" should err @echo Expect an abort message: ($(VGRIND) ./test-assert notok) > test-assert.out 2>&1 ; test \($$?\) @fgrep failed test-assert.out > /dev/null @rm test-assert.out @# one argument, "ok" should not error $(DVGRIND) ./test-assert ok check_%: % $(VGRIND) ./$< $(VERBVERBOSE) check-fanout: let BRT_FANOUT=4; \ while [ $$BRT_FANOUT -le 16 ] ;do \ make clean; make check BRT_FANOUT=$$BRT_FANOUT; \ let BRT_FANOUT=BRT_FANOUT+1; \ done log-test log-test2 log-test3 log-test4 log-test5 log-test6 benchmark-test brt-test brt-test0 brt-test1 brt-test2 brt-test3 brt-test4 test-brt-overflow brt-test-named-db brt-test-cursor brt-test-cursor-2 test-brt-delete-both brt-serialize-test brtdump test-inc-split test-del-inorder: LDFLAGS+=-lz # pma: PROF_FLAGS=-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES = brt-internal.h cachetable.h fifo.h gpma.h brt.h brt-search.h brttypes.h yerror.h ybt.h log.h ../include/db.h kv-pair.h memory.h crc.h mempool.h key.o: brttypes.h key.h list-test: list-test.o toku_assert.o test-brt-delete-both: ybt.o brt.o fifo.o gpma.o memory.o brt-serialize.o cachetable.o ybt.o key.o primes.o toku_assert.o log.o mempool.o brt-verify.o fingerprint.o log_code.o roll.o test-inc-split: test-inc-split.o brt.o brt-test-helpers.o toku_assert.o key.o ybt.o cachetable.o memory.o log.o gpma.o log_code.o fifo.o fingerprint.o brt-serialize.o brt-verify.o roll.o primes.o mempool.o test-del-inorder: test-del-inorder.o brt.o brt-test-helpers.o toku_assert.o key.o ybt.o cachetable.o memory.o log.o gpma.o log_code.o fifo.o fingerprint.o brt-serialize.o brt-verify.o roll.o primes.o mempool.o # pma-test.o: $(BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES) pma-internal.h gpma.h list.h mempool.h # pma-test: pma.o memory.o key.o ybt.o log.o mempool.o fingerprint.o brt-serialize.o fifo.o primes.o toku_assert.o log_code.o roll.o brt.o cachetable.o brt-verify.o pma.o: gpma.h yerror.h pma-internal.h memory.h key.h ybt.h brttypes.h log.h ../include/db.h log_header.h test-gpma-glassbox.o: test-gpma-glassbox.c gpma.h gpma-internal.h toku_assert.h memory.h test-gpma-glassbox: test-gpma-glassbox.o toku_assert.o memory-debug.o gpma.o test-gpma-blackbox: test-gpma-blackbox.o toku_assert.o memory.o gpma.o test-gpma-blackbox.o: test-gpma-blackbox.c gpma.h memory.h toku_assert.h test-gpma-worstinsert: test-gpma-worstinsert.o toku_assert.o memory.o gpma.o test-gpma-worstinsert.o test-gpma-blackbox.o: gpma.h memory.h toku_assert.h gpma.o: gpma.c gpma.h ybt.o: ybt.h brttypes.h ../include/db.h ybt-test: ybt-test.o ybt.o memory.o toku_assert.o ybt-test.o: ybt.h ../include/db.h cachetable.o: cachetable.h hashfun.h memory.h brt-test0 brt-test1 brt-test2 brt-test3 brt-test4 test-brt-overflow brt-test-named-db brt-test-cursor brt-test-cursor-2 brt-test: ybt.o brt.o fifo.o gpma.o memory.o brt-serialize.o cachetable.o ybt.o key.o primes.o toku_assert.o log.o mempool.o brt-verify.o fingerprint.o log_code.o roll.o log.o: log_header.h log-internal.h log.h wbuf.h crc.h brttypes.h $(BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES) logformat: logformat.o toku_assert.o brt-test0.o brt-test1.o brt-test2.o brt-test3.o brt-test4.o test-brt-overflow.h brt-test-named-db.o brt-test-cursor.o brt-test-cursor-2.o brt-test.o brt.o: brt.h brt-search.h ../include/db.h fifo.h gpma.h brttypes.h cachetable.h memory.h brt-serialize-test.o: $(BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES) brt.o: $(BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES) key.h log_header.h fifo.o: fifo.h brttypes.h memory.o: memory.h primes.o: primes.h toku_assert.h fifo-test-exp fifo-test: fifo.o memory.o toku_assert.o ybt.o brt-serialize.o: $(BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES) key.h wbuf.h rbuf.h brt-bigtest: memory.o ybt.o brt.o gpma.o cachetable.o key.o fifo.o brt-serialize.o brt-bigtest.o: brt.h brt-search.h ../include/db.h log-test6 log-test5 log-test4 log-test3 log-test2 log-test: log.o memory.o toku_assert.o roll.o log_code.o brt-serialize.o brt.o cachetable.o gpma.o ybt.o fifo.o key.o fingerprint.o brt-verify.o mempool.o primes.o brt-verify.o: $(BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES) fingerprint.o: $(BRT_INTERNAL_H_INCLUDES) mempool.o: toku_assert.h mempool.h toku_assert.o: toku_assert.h brt-serialize-test: brt-serialize-test.o brt-serialize.o memory.o fifo.o gpma.o key.o ybt.o brt.o cachetable.o primes.o toku_assert.o log.o mempool.o brt-verify.o fingerprint.o log_code.o roll.o test_toku_malloc_plain_free: memory.o toku_assert.o cachetable-test.o: cachetable.h memory.h cachetable-test: cachetable.o memory.o cachetable-test.o primes.o toku_assert.o cachetable-test2.o: cachetable.h memory.h cachetable-test2: cachetable.o memory.o cachetable-test2.o primes.o toku_assert.o benchmark-test: benchmark-test.o ybt.o memory.o brt.o gpma.o cachetable.o key.o fifo.o brt-serialize.o primes.o toku_assert.o log.o mempool.o brt-verify.o fingerprint.o log_code.o roll.o benchmark-test.o: brt.h brt-search.h ../include/db.h test-primes: test-primes.o toku_assert.o primes.o toku_assert.o toku_assert.o test-assert: test-assert.o toku_assert.o brtdump: brtdump.o brt-serialize.o memory.o gpma.o key.o fingerprint.o log.o log_code.o roll.o cachetable.o primes.o toku_assert.o brt.o ybt.o fifo.o mempool.o brt-verify.o test_oexcl: test_oexcl.o toku_assert.o checko2: ifeq ($(OPTFLAGS),-O2) @echo OPTFLAGS=$(OPTFLAGS) ok else @echo OPTFLAGS=$(OPTFLAGS) bad; exit 1 endif clean: rm -rf $(BINS) *.o *.bb *.bbg *.da *.gcov *.gcno *.gcda rm -rf test_oexcl.c.tmp *.brt randdb4: LOADLIBES=-ldb randdb4: randdb4.o toku_assert.o randbrt: brt.o fifo.o cachetable.o memory.o brt-serialize.o # After doing (cd ../src/tests;make test_log5.recover), run these. The files should have no differences. testdump: brtdump ./brtdump ../src/tests/dir.test_log5.c.tdb.recover/foo.db > dump.r && ./brtdump ../src/tests/dir.test_log5.c.tdb/foo.db > dump.o && diff dump.o dump.r TAGS: ../*/*.c ../*/*.h etags ../*/*.c ../*/*.h