--echo # --echo # Bug#20821: INSERT DELAYED fails to write some rows to binlog --echo # --source include/master-slave.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/not_windows.inc --disable_warnings CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS mysqlslap; USE mysqlslap; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT, name VARCHAR(64)); let $query = "INSERT DELAYED INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'Dr. No'), (2, 'From Russia With Love'), (3, 'Goldfinger'), (4, 'Thunderball'), (5, 'You Only Live Twice')"; --exec $MYSQL_SLAP --silent --concurrency=5 --iterations=200 --query=$query --delimiter=";" # Wait until all the 5000 inserts has been inserted into the table let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) = 5000 FROM mysqlslap.t1; source include/wait_condition.inc; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysqlslap.t1; connection slave; # Wait until all the 5000 inserts has been inserted into the table let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) = 5000 FROM mysqlslap.t1; source include/wait_condition.inc; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysqlslap.t1; --echo # --echo # Cleanup --echo # connection master; USE test; DROP SCHEMA mysqlslap; sync_slave_with_master;