/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Testing of the basic functions of a MyISAM spatial table */ /* Written by Alex Barkov, who has a shared copyright to this code */ #include "myisam.h" #ifdef HAVE_SPATIAL #include "sp_defs.h" #define MAX_REC_LENGTH 1024 #define KEYALG HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE static void create_linestring(char *record,uint rownr); static void print_record(char * record,my_off_t offs,const char * tail); static void create_key(char *key,uint rownr); static void print_key(const char *key,const char * tail); static int run_test(const char *filename); static int read_with_pos(MI_INFO * file, int silent); static int rtree_CreateLineStringWKB(double *ords, uint n_dims, uint n_points, uchar *wkb); static void rtree_PrintWKB(uchar *wkb, uint n_dims); static char blob_key[MAX_REC_LENGTH]; int main(int argc __attribute__((unused)),char *argv[]) { MY_INIT(argv[0]); exit(run_test("sp_test")); } int run_test(const char *filename) { MI_INFO *file; MI_UNIQUEDEF uniquedef; MI_CREATE_INFO create_info; MI_COLUMNDEF recinfo[20]; MI_KEYDEF keyinfo[20]; HA_KEYSEG keyseg[20]; key_range min_range, max_range; int silent=0; int create_flag=0; int null_fields=0; int nrecords=30; int uniques=0; int i; int error; int row_count=0; char record[MAX_REC_LENGTH]; char key[MAX_REC_LENGTH]; char read_record[MAX_REC_LENGTH]; int upd=10; ha_rows hrows; /* Define a column for NULLs and DEL markers*/ recinfo[0].type=FIELD_NORMAL; recinfo[0].length=1; /* For NULL bits */ /* Define spatial column */ recinfo[1].type=FIELD_BLOB; recinfo[1].length=4 + mi_portable_sizeof_char_ptr; /* Define a key with 1 spatial segment */ keyinfo[0].seg=keyseg; keyinfo[0].keysegs=1; keyinfo[0].flag=HA_SPATIAL; keyinfo[0].key_alg=KEYALG; keyinfo[0].seg[0].type= HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY; keyinfo[0].seg[0].flag=0; keyinfo[0].seg[0].start= 1; keyinfo[0].seg[0].length=1; /* Spatial ignores it anyway */ keyinfo[0].seg[0].null_bit= null_fields ? 2 : 0; keyinfo[0].seg[0].null_pos=0; keyinfo[0].seg[0].language=default_charset_info->number; keyinfo[0].seg[0].bit_start=4; /* Long BLOB */ if (!silent) printf("- Creating isam-file\n"); bzero((char*) &create_info,sizeof(create_info)); create_info.max_rows=10000000; if (mi_create(filename, 1, /* keys */ keyinfo, 2, /* columns */ recinfo,uniques,&uniquedef,&create_info,create_flag)) goto err; if (!silent) printf("- Open isam-file\n"); if (!(file=mi_open(filename,2,HA_OPEN_ABORT_IF_LOCKED))) goto err; if (!silent) printf("- Writing key:s\n"); for (i=0; i<nrecords; i++ ) { create_linestring(record,i); error=mi_write(file,record); print_record(record,mi_position(file),"\n"); if (!error) { row_count++; } else { printf("mi_write: %d\n", error); goto err; } } if ((error=read_with_pos(file,silent))) goto err; if (!silent) printf("- Deleting rows with position\n"); for (i=0; i < nrecords/4; i++) { my_errno=0; bzero((char*) read_record,MAX_REC_LENGTH); error=mi_rrnd(file,read_record,i == 0 ? 0L : HA_OFFSET_ERROR); if (error) { printf("pos: %2d mi_rrnd: %3d errno: %3d\n",i,error,my_errno); goto err; } print_record(read_record,mi_position(file),"\n"); error=mi_delete(file,read_record); if (error) { printf("pos: %2d mi_delete: %3d errno: %3d\n",i,error,my_errno); goto err; } } if (!silent) printf("- Updating rows with position\n"); for (i=0; i < nrecords/2 ; i++) { my_errno=0; bzero((char*) read_record,MAX_REC_LENGTH); error=mi_rrnd(file,read_record,i == 0 ? 0L : HA_OFFSET_ERROR); if (error) { if (error==HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED) continue; printf("pos: %2d mi_rrnd: %3d errno: %3d\n",i,error,my_errno); goto err; } print_record(read_record,mi_position(file),""); create_linestring(record,i+nrecords*upd); printf("\t-> "); print_record(record,mi_position(file),"\n"); error=mi_update(file,read_record,record); if (error) { printf("pos: %2d mi_update: %3d errno: %3d\n",i,error,my_errno); goto err; } } if ((error=read_with_pos(file,silent))) goto err; if (!silent) printf("- Test mi_rkey then a sequence of mi_rnext_same\n"); create_key(key, nrecords*4/5); print_key(key," search for INTERSECT\n"); if ((error=mi_rkey(file,read_record,0,key,0,HA_READ_MBR_INTERSECT))) { printf("mi_rkey: %3d errno: %3d\n",error,my_errno); goto err; } print_record(read_record,mi_position(file)," mi_rkey\n"); row_count=1; for (;;) { if ((error=mi_rnext_same(file,read_record))) { if (error==HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) break; printf("mi_next: %3d errno: %3d\n",error,my_errno); goto err; } print_record(read_record,mi_position(file)," mi_rnext_same\n"); row_count++; } printf(" %d rows\n",row_count); if (!silent) printf("- Test mi_rfirst then a sequence of mi_rnext\n"); error=mi_rfirst(file,read_record,0); if (error) { printf("mi_rfirst: %3d errno: %3d\n",error,my_errno); goto err; } row_count=1; print_record(read_record,mi_position(file)," mi_frirst\n"); for(i=0;i<nrecords;i++) { if ((error=mi_rnext(file,read_record,0))) { if (error==HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) break; printf("mi_next: %3d errno: %3d\n",error,my_errno); goto err; } print_record(read_record,mi_position(file)," mi_rnext\n"); row_count++; } printf(" %d rows\n",row_count); if (!silent) printf("- Test mi_records_in_range()\n"); create_key(key, nrecords*upd); print_key(key," INTERSECT\n"); min_range.key= key; min_range.length= 1000; /* Big enough */ min_range.flag= HA_READ_MBR_INTERSECT; max_range.key= record+1; max_range.length= 1000; /* Big enough */ max_range.flag= HA_READ_KEY_EXACT; hrows= mi_records_in_range(file,0, &min_range, &max_range); printf(" %ld rows\n", (long) hrows); if (mi_close(file)) goto err; my_end(MY_CHECK_ERROR); return 0; err: printf("got error: %3d when using myisam-database\n",my_errno); return 1; /* skip warning */ } static int read_with_pos (MI_INFO * file,int silent) { int error; int i; char read_record[MAX_REC_LENGTH]; int rows=0; if (!silent) printf("- Reading rows with position\n"); for (i=0;;i++) { my_errno=0; bzero((char*) read_record,MAX_REC_LENGTH); error=mi_rrnd(file,read_record,i == 0 ? 0L : HA_OFFSET_ERROR); if (error) { if (error==HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) break; if (error==HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED) continue; printf("pos: %2d mi_rrnd: %3d errno: %3d\n",i,error,my_errno); return error; } rows++; print_record(read_record,mi_position(file),"\n"); } printf(" %d rows\n",rows); return 0; } #ifdef NOT_USED static void bprint_record(char * record, my_off_t offs __attribute__((unused)), const char * tail) { int i; char * pos; i=(unsigned char)record[0]; printf("%02X ",i); for( pos=record+1, i=0; i<32; i++,pos++) { int b=(unsigned char)*pos; printf("%02X",b); } printf("%s",tail); } #endif static void print_record(char * record, my_off_t offs,const char * tail) { char *pos; char *ptr; uint len; printf(" rec=(%d)",(unsigned char)record[0]); pos=record+1; len=sint4korr(pos); pos+=4; printf(" len=%d ",len); memcpy_fixed(&ptr,pos,sizeof(char*)); if (ptr) rtree_PrintWKB((uchar*) ptr,SPDIMS); else printf("<NULL> "); printf(" offs=%ld ",(long int)offs); printf("%s",tail); } #ifdef NOT_USED static void create_point(char *record,uint rownr) { uint tmp; char *ptr; char *pos=record; double x[200]; int i; for(i=0;i<SPDIMS;i++) x[i]=rownr; bzero((char*) record,MAX_REC_LENGTH); *pos=0x01; /* DEL marker */ pos++; memset(blob_key,0,sizeof(blob_key)); tmp=rtree_CreatePointWKB(x,SPDIMS,blob_key); int4store(pos,tmp); pos+=4; ptr=blob_key; memcpy_fixed(pos,&ptr,sizeof(char*)); } #endif static void create_linestring(char *record,uint rownr) { uint tmp; char *ptr; char *pos=record; double x[200]; int i,j; int npoints=2; for(j=0;j<npoints;j++) for(i=0;i<SPDIMS;i++) x[i+j*SPDIMS]=rownr*j; bzero((char*) record,MAX_REC_LENGTH); *pos=0x01; /* DEL marker */ pos++; memset(blob_key,0,sizeof(blob_key)); tmp=rtree_CreateLineStringWKB(x,SPDIMS,npoints, (uchar*) blob_key); int4store(pos,tmp); pos+=4; ptr=blob_key; memcpy_fixed(pos,&ptr,sizeof(char*)); } static void create_key(char *key,uint rownr) { double c=rownr; char *pos; uint i; bzero(key,MAX_REC_LENGTH); for ( pos=key, i=0; i<2*SPDIMS; i++) { float8store(pos,c); pos+=sizeof(c); } } static void print_key(const char *key,const char * tail) { double c; uint i; printf(" key="); for (i=0; i<2*SPDIMS; i++) { float8get(c,key); key+=sizeof(c); printf("%.14g ",c); } printf("%s",tail); } #ifdef NOT_USED static int rtree_CreatePointWKB(double *ords, uint n_dims, uchar *wkb) { uint i; *wkb = wkbXDR; ++wkb; int4store(wkb, wkbPoint); wkb += 4; for (i=0; i < n_dims; ++i) { float8store(wkb, ords[i]); wkb += 8; } return 5 + n_dims * 8; } #endif static int rtree_CreateLineStringWKB(double *ords, uint n_dims, uint n_points, uchar *wkb) { uint i; uint n_ords = n_dims * n_points; *wkb = wkbXDR; ++wkb; int4store(wkb, wkbLineString); wkb += 4; int4store(wkb, n_points); wkb += 4; for (i=0; i < n_ords; ++i) { float8store(wkb, ords[i]); wkb += 8; } return 9 + n_points * n_dims * 8; } static void rtree_PrintWKB(uchar *wkb, uint n_dims) { uint wkb_type; ++wkb; wkb_type = uint4korr(wkb); wkb += 4; switch ((enum wkbType)wkb_type) { case wkbPoint: { uint i; double ord; printf("POINT("); for (i=0; i < n_dims; ++i) { float8get(ord, wkb); wkb += 8; printf("%.14g", ord); if (i < n_dims - 1) printf(" "); else printf(")"); } break; } case wkbLineString: { uint p, i; uint n_points; double ord; printf("LineString("); n_points = uint4korr(wkb); wkb += 4; for (p=0; p < n_points; ++p) { for (i=0; i < n_dims; ++i) { float8get(ord, wkb); wkb += 8; printf("%.14g", ord); if (i < n_dims - 1) printf(" "); } if (p < n_points - 1) printf(", "); else printf(")"); } break; } case wkbPolygon: { printf("POLYGON(...)"); break; } case wkbMultiPoint: { printf("MULTIPOINT(...)"); break; } case wkbMultiLineString: { printf("MULTILINESTRING(...)"); break; } case wkbMultiPolygon: { printf("MULTIPOLYGON(...)"); break; } case wkbGeometryCollection: { printf("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(...)"); break; } default: { printf("UNKNOWN GEOMETRY TYPE"); break; } } } #else int main(int argc __attribute__((unused)),char *argv[] __attribute__((unused))) { exit(0); } #endif /*HAVE_SPATIAL*/