# # Test of problem with CONCAT_WS() and long separators. # --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 ( number INT NOT NULL, alpha CHAR(6) NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1413006,'idlfmv'), (1413065,'smpsfz'),(1413127,'sljrhx'),(1413304,'qerfnd'); SELECT number, alpha, CONCAT_WS('<---->',number,alpha) AS new FROM t1 GROUP BY number; SELECT CONCAT_WS('<---->',number,alpha) AS new FROM t1 GROUP BY new LIMIT 1; SELECT number, alpha, CONCAT_WS('<->',number,alpha) AS new FROM t1 GROUP BY new LIMIT 1; SELECT number, alpha, CONCAT_WS('-',number,alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha) AS new FROM t1 GROUP BY new LIMIT 1; SELECT number, alpha, CONCAT_WS('<------------------>',number,alpha) AS new FROM t1 GROUP BY new LIMIT 1; drop table t1; # # Bug #5540: a problem with double type # create table t1 (a char(4), b double, c date, d tinyint(4)); insert into t1 values ('AAAA', 105, '2003-03-01', 1); select * from t1 where concat(A,C,B,D) = 'AAAA2003-03-011051'; drop table t1; # BUG#6825 select 'a' union select concat('a', -4); select 'a' union select concat('a', -4.5); select 'a' union select concat('a', -(4 + 1)); select 'a' union select concat('a', 4 - 5); select 'a' union select concat('a', -'3'); select 'a' union select concat('a', -concat('3',4)); select 'a' union select concat('a', -0); --replace_result a-0.0 a0.0 select 'a' union select concat('a', -0.0); --replace_result a-0.0000 a0.0000 select 'a' union select concat('a', -0.0000); # # Bug#16716: subselect in concat() may lead to a wrong result # select concat((select x from (select 'a' as x) as t1 ), (select y from (select 'b' as y) as t2 )) from (select 1 union select 2 ) as t3; # End of 4.1 tests # # Bug#15962: CONCAT() in UNION may lead to a data trucation. # create table t1(f1 varchar(6)) charset=utf8; insert into t1 values ("123456"); select concat(f1, 2) a from t1 union select 'x' a from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #36488: regexp returns false matches, concatenating with previous rows # CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 varchar(100), c2 varchar(100)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('',''), ('','First'), ('Random','Random'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE CONCAT(c1,' ',c2) REGEXP 'First.*'; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # End of 5.0 tests