/* Copyright (C) 2002 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #ifdef USE_PRAGMA_IMPLEMENTATION #pragma implementation #endif #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__WIN__) #undef SAFEMALLOC /* Problems with threads */ #endif #include "sp_pcontext.h" #include "sp_head.h" /* Sanity check for SQLSTATEs. Will not check if it's really an existing state (there are just too many), but will check length and bad characters. Returns TRUE if it's ok, FALSE if it's bad. */ bool sp_cond_check(LEX_STRING *sqlstate) { int i; const char *p; if (sqlstate->length != 5) return FALSE; for (p= sqlstate->str, i= 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { char c = p[i]; if ((c < '0' || '9' < c) && (c < 'A' || 'Z' < c)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } sp_pcontext::sp_pcontext(sp_pcontext *prev) :Sql_alloc(), m_max_var_index(0), m_max_cursor_index(0), m_max_handler_index(0), m_context_handlers(0), m_parent(prev), m_pboundary(0) { VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&m_vars, sizeof(sp_variable_t *), 16, 8)); VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&m_case_expr_id_lst, sizeof(int), 16, 8)); VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&m_conds, sizeof(sp_cond_type_t *), 16, 8)); VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&m_cursors, sizeof(LEX_STRING), 16, 8)); VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&m_handlers, sizeof(sp_cond_type_t *), 16, 8)); m_label.empty(); m_children.empty(); if (!prev) { m_var_offset= m_cursor_offset= 0; m_num_case_exprs= 0; } else { m_var_offset= prev->m_var_offset + prev->m_max_var_index; m_cursor_offset= prev->current_cursor_count(); m_num_case_exprs= prev->get_num_case_exprs(); } } void sp_pcontext::destroy() { List_iterator_fast<sp_pcontext> li(m_children); sp_pcontext *child; while ((child= li++)) child->destroy(); m_children.empty(); m_label.empty(); delete_dynamic(&m_vars); delete_dynamic(&m_case_expr_id_lst); delete_dynamic(&m_conds); delete_dynamic(&m_cursors); delete_dynamic(&m_handlers); } sp_pcontext * sp_pcontext::push_context() { sp_pcontext *child= new sp_pcontext(this); if (child) m_children.push_back(child); return child; } sp_pcontext * sp_pcontext::pop_context() { m_parent->m_max_var_index+= m_max_var_index; uint submax= max_handler_index(); if (submax > m_parent->m_max_handler_index) m_parent->m_max_handler_index= submax; submax= max_cursor_index(); if (submax > m_parent->m_max_cursor_index) m_parent->m_max_cursor_index= submax; if (m_num_case_exprs > m_parent->m_num_case_exprs) m_parent->m_num_case_exprs= m_num_case_exprs; return m_parent; } uint sp_pcontext::diff_handlers(sp_pcontext *ctx, bool exclusive) { uint n= 0; sp_pcontext *pctx= this; sp_pcontext *last_ctx= NULL; while (pctx && pctx != ctx) { n+= pctx->m_context_handlers; last_ctx= pctx; pctx= pctx->parent_context(); } if (pctx) return (exclusive && last_ctx ? n - last_ctx->m_context_handlers : n); return 0; // Didn't find ctx } uint sp_pcontext::diff_cursors(sp_pcontext *ctx, bool exclusive) { uint n= 0; sp_pcontext *pctx= this; sp_pcontext *last_ctx= NULL; while (pctx && pctx != ctx) { n+= pctx->m_cursors.elements; last_ctx= pctx; pctx= pctx->parent_context(); } if (pctx) return (exclusive && last_ctx ? n - last_ctx->m_cursors.elements : n); return 0; // Didn't find ctx } /* This does a linear search (from newer to older variables, in case we have shadowed names). It's possible to have a more efficient allocation and search method, but it might not be worth it. The typical number of parameters and variables will in most cases be low (a handfull). ...and, this is only called during parsing. */ sp_variable_t * sp_pcontext::find_variable(LEX_STRING *name, my_bool scoped) { uint i= m_vars.elements - m_pboundary; while (i--) { sp_variable_t *p; get_dynamic(&m_vars, (gptr)&p, i); if (my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar *)name->str, name->length, (const uchar *)p->name.str, p->name.length) == 0) { return p; } } if (!scoped && m_parent) return m_parent->find_variable(name, scoped); return NULL; } /* Find a variable by offset from the top. This used for two things: - When evaluating parameters at the beginning, and setting out parameters at the end, of invokation. (Top frame only, so no recursion then.) - For printing of sp_instr_set. (Debug mode only.) */ sp_variable_t * sp_pcontext::find_variable(uint offset) { if (m_var_offset <= offset && offset < m_var_offset + m_vars.elements) { // This frame sp_variable_t *p; get_dynamic(&m_vars, (gptr)&p, offset - m_var_offset); return p; } if (m_parent) return m_parent->find_variable(offset); // Some previous frame return NULL; // index out of bounds } sp_variable_t * sp_pcontext::push_variable(LEX_STRING *name, enum enum_field_types type, sp_param_mode_t mode) { sp_variable_t *p= (sp_variable_t *)sql_alloc(sizeof(sp_variable_t)); if (!p) return NULL; ++m_max_var_index; p->name.str= name->str; p->name.length= name->length; p->type= type; p->mode= mode; p->offset= current_var_count(); p->dflt= NULL; insert_dynamic(&m_vars, (gptr)&p); return p; } sp_label_t * sp_pcontext::push_label(char *name, uint ip) { sp_label_t *lab = (sp_label_t *)sql_alloc(sizeof(sp_label_t)); if (lab) { lab->name= name; lab->ip= ip; lab->type= SP_LAB_IMPL; lab->ctx= this; m_label.push_front(lab); } return lab; } sp_label_t * sp_pcontext::find_label(char *name) { List_iterator_fast<sp_label_t> li(m_label); sp_label_t *lab; while ((lab= li++)) if (my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, name, lab->name) == 0) return lab; if (m_parent) return m_parent->find_label(name); return NULL; } void sp_pcontext::push_cond(LEX_STRING *name, sp_cond_type_t *val) { sp_cond_t *p= (sp_cond_t *)sql_alloc(sizeof(sp_cond_t)); if (p) { p->name.str= name->str; p->name.length= name->length; p->val= val; insert_dynamic(&m_conds, (gptr)&p); } } /* See comment for find_variable() above */ sp_cond_type_t * sp_pcontext::find_cond(LEX_STRING *name, my_bool scoped) { uint i= m_conds.elements; while (i--) { sp_cond_t *p; get_dynamic(&m_conds, (gptr)&p, i); if (my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar *)name->str, name->length, (const uchar *)p->name.str, p->name.length) == 0) { return p->val; } } if (!scoped && m_parent) return m_parent->find_cond(name, scoped); return NULL; } /* This only searches the current context, for error checking of duplicates. Returns TRUE if found. */ bool sp_pcontext::find_handler(sp_cond_type_t *cond) { uint i= m_handlers.elements; while (i--) { sp_cond_type_t *p; get_dynamic(&m_handlers, (gptr)&p, i); if (cond->type == p->type) { switch (p->type) { case sp_cond_type_t::number: if (cond->mysqlerr == p->mysqlerr) return TRUE; break; case sp_cond_type_t::state: if (strcmp(cond->sqlstate, p->sqlstate) == 0) return TRUE; break; default: return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } void sp_pcontext::push_cursor(LEX_STRING *name) { LEX_STRING n; if (m_cursors.elements == m_max_cursor_index) m_max_cursor_index+= 1; n.str= name->str; n.length= name->length; insert_dynamic(&m_cursors, (gptr)&n); } /* See comment for find_variable() above */ my_bool sp_pcontext::find_cursor(LEX_STRING *name, uint *poff, my_bool scoped) { uint i= m_cursors.elements; while (i--) { LEX_STRING n; get_dynamic(&m_cursors, (gptr)&n, i); if (my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar *)name->str, name->length, (const uchar *)n.str, n.length) == 0) { *poff= m_cursor_offset + i; return TRUE; } } if (!scoped && m_parent) return m_parent->find_cursor(name, poff, scoped); return FALSE; } void sp_pcontext::retrieve_field_definitions(List<create_field> *field_def_lst) { /* Put local/context fields in the result list. */ for (uint i = 0; i < m_vars.elements; ++i) { sp_variable_t *var_def; get_dynamic(&m_vars, (gptr) &var_def, i); field_def_lst->push_back(&var_def->field_def); } /* Put the fields of the enclosed contexts in the result list. */ List_iterator_fast<sp_pcontext> li(m_children); sp_pcontext *ctx; while ((ctx = li++)) ctx->retrieve_field_definitions(field_def_lst); } /* Find a cursor by offset from the top. This is only used for debugging. */ my_bool sp_pcontext::find_cursor(uint offset, LEX_STRING *n) { if (m_cursor_offset <= offset && offset < m_cursor_offset + m_cursors.elements) { // This frame get_dynamic(&m_cursors, (gptr)n, offset - m_cursor_offset); return TRUE; } if (m_parent) return m_parent->find_cursor(offset, n); // Some previous frame return FALSE; // index out of bounds }