/********************************************************************** File space management (c) 1995 Innobase Oy Created 11/29/1995 Heikki Tuuri ***********************************************************************/ #include "fsp0fsp.h" #ifdef UNIV_NONINL #include "fsp0fsp.ic" #endif #include "buf0buf.h" #include "fil0fil.h" #include "sync0sync.h" #include "mtr0log.h" #include "fut0fut.h" #include "ut0byte.h" #include "srv0srv.h" #include "page0types.h" #include "ibuf0ibuf.h" #include "btr0btr.h" #include "btr0sea.h" #include "dict0boot.h" #include "dict0mem.h" #include "log0log.h" #define FSP_HEADER_OFFSET FIL_PAGE_DATA /* Offset of the space header within a file page */ /* The data structures in files are defined just as byte strings in C */ typedef byte fsp_header_t; typedef byte xdes_t; /* SPACE HEADER ============ File space header data structure: this data structure is contained in the first page of a space. The space for this header is reserved in every extent descriptor page, but used only in the first. */ /*-------------------------------------*/ #define FSP_SPACE_ID 0 /* space id */ #define FSP_NOT_USED 4 /* this field contained a value up to which we know that the modifications in the database have been flushed to the file space; not used now */ #define FSP_SIZE 8 /* Current size of the space in pages */ #define FSP_FREE_LIMIT 12 /* Minimum page number for which the free list has not been initialized: the pages >= this limit are, by definition, free; note that in a single-table tablespace where size < 64 pages, this number is 64, i.e., we have initialized the space about the first extent, but have not physically allocted those pages to the file */ #define FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE 16 /* The size of the compressed page in bytes, or 0 for uncompressed tablespaces */ #define FSP_FRAG_N_USED 20 /* number of used pages in the FSP_FREE_FRAG list */ #define FSP_FREE 24 /* list of free extents */ #define FSP_FREE_FRAG (24 + FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* list of partially free extents not belonging to any segment */ #define FSP_FULL_FRAG (24 + 2 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* list of full extents not belonging to any segment */ #define FSP_SEG_ID (24 + 3 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* 8 bytes which give the first unused segment id */ #define FSP_SEG_INODES_FULL (32 + 3 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* list of pages containing segment headers, where all the segment inode slots are reserved */ #define FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE (32 + 4 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* list of pages containing segment headers, where not all the segment header slots are reserved */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* File space header size */ #define FSP_HEADER_SIZE (32 + 5 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) #define FSP_FREE_ADD 4 /* this many free extents are added to the free list from above FSP_FREE_LIMIT at a time */ /* FILE SEGMENT INODE ================== Segment inode which is created for each segment in a tablespace. NOTE: in purge we assume that a segment having only one currently used page can be freed in a few steps, so that the freeing cannot fill the file buffer with bufferfixed file pages. */ typedef byte fseg_inode_t; #define FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE FSEG_PAGE_DATA /* the list node for linking segment inode pages */ #define FSEG_ARR_OFFSET (FSEG_PAGE_DATA + FLST_NODE_SIZE) /*-------------------------------------*/ #define FSEG_ID 0 /* 8 bytes of segment id: if this is ut_dulint_zero, it means that the header is unused */ #define FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED 8 /* number of used segment pages in the FSEG_NOT_FULL list */ #define FSEG_FREE 12 /* list of free extents of this segment */ #define FSEG_NOT_FULL (12 + FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* list of partially free extents */ #define FSEG_FULL (12 + 2 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* list of full extents */ #define FSEG_MAGIC_N (12 + 3 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* magic number used in debugging */ #define FSEG_FRAG_ARR (16 + 3 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE) /* array of individual pages belonging to this segment in fsp fragment extent lists */ #define FSEG_FRAG_ARR_N_SLOTS (FSP_EXTENT_SIZE / 2) /* number of slots in the array for the fragment pages */ #define FSEG_FRAG_SLOT_SIZE 4 /* a fragment page slot contains its page number within space, FIL_NULL means that the slot is not in use */ /*-------------------------------------*/ #define FSEG_INODE_SIZE (16 + 3 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE + FSEG_FRAG_ARR_N_SLOTS * FSEG_FRAG_SLOT_SIZE) #define FSP_SEG_INODES_PER_PAGE(zip_size) \ (((zip_size ? zip_size : UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) \ - FSEG_ARR_OFFSET - 10) / FSEG_INODE_SIZE) /* Number of segment inodes which fit on a single page */ #define FSEG_MAGIC_N_VALUE 97937874 #define FSEG_FILLFACTOR 8 /* If this value is x, then if the number of unused but reserved pages in a segment is less than reserved pages * 1/x, and there are at least FSEG_FRAG_LIMIT used pages, then we allow a new empty extent to be added to the segment in fseg_alloc_free_page. Otherwise, we use unused pages of the segment. */ #define FSEG_FRAG_LIMIT FSEG_FRAG_ARR_N_SLOTS /* If the segment has >= this many used pages, it may be expanded by allocating extents to the segment; until that only individual fragment pages are allocated from the space */ #define FSEG_FREE_LIST_LIMIT 40 /* If the reserved size of a segment is at least this many extents, we allow extents to be put to the free list of the extent: at most FSEG_FREE_LIST_MAX_LEN many */ #define FSEG_FREE_LIST_MAX_LEN 4 /* EXTENT DESCRIPTOR ================= File extent descriptor data structure: contains bits to tell which pages in the extent are free and which contain old tuple version to clean. */ /*-------------------------------------*/ #define XDES_ID 0 /* The identifier of the segment to which this extent belongs */ #define XDES_FLST_NODE 8 /* The list node data structure for the descriptors */ #define XDES_STATE (FLST_NODE_SIZE + 8) /* contains state information of the extent */ #define XDES_BITMAP (FLST_NODE_SIZE + 12) /* Descriptor bitmap of the pages in the extent */ /*-------------------------------------*/ #define XDES_BITS_PER_PAGE 2 /* How many bits are there per page */ #define XDES_FREE_BIT 0 /* Index of the bit which tells if the page is free */ #define XDES_CLEAN_BIT 1 /* NOTE: currently not used! Index of the bit which tells if there are old versions of tuples on the page */ /* States of a descriptor */ #define XDES_FREE 1 /* extent is in free list of space */ #define XDES_FREE_FRAG 2 /* extent is in free fragment list of space */ #define XDES_FULL_FRAG 3 /* extent is in full fragment list of space */ #define XDES_FSEG 4 /* extent belongs to a segment */ /* File extent data structure size in bytes. The "+ 7 ) / 8" part in the definition rounds the number of bytes upward. */ #define XDES_SIZE (XDES_BITMAP + (FSP_EXTENT_SIZE * XDES_BITS_PER_PAGE + 7) / 8) /* Offset of the descriptor array on a descriptor page */ #define XDES_ARR_OFFSET (FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + FSP_HEADER_SIZE) /************************************************************************** Returns an extent to the free list of a space. */ static void fsp_free_extent( /*============*/ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page, /* in: page offset in the extent */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ /************************************************************************** Frees an extent of a segment to the space free list. */ static void fseg_free_extent( /*=============*/ fseg_inode_t* seg_inode, /* in: segment inode */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page, /* in: page offset in the extent */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr handle */ /************************************************************************** Calculates the number of pages reserved by a segment, and how many pages are currently used. */ static ulint fseg_n_reserved_pages_low( /*======================*/ /* out: number of reserved pages */ fseg_inode_t* header, /* in: segment inode */ ulint* used, /* out: number of pages used (<= reserved) */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr handle */ /************************************************************************ Marks a page used. The page must reside within the extents of the given segment. */ static void fseg_mark_page_used( /*================*/ fseg_inode_t* seg_inode,/* in: segment inode */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page, /* in: page offset */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ /************************************************************************** Returns the first extent descriptor for a segment. We think of the extent lists of the segment catenated in the order FSEG_FULL -> FSEG_NOT_FULL -> FSEG_FREE. */ static xdes_t* fseg_get_first_extent( /*==================*/ /* out: the first extent descriptor, or NULL if none */ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ /************************************************************************** Puts new extents to the free list if there are free extents above the free limit. If an extent happens to contain an extent descriptor page, the extent is put to the FSP_FREE_FRAG list with the page marked as used. */ static void fsp_fill_free_list( /*===============*/ ibool init_space, /* in: TRUE if this is a single-table tablespace and we are only initing the tablespace's first extent descriptor page and ibuf bitmap page; then we do not allocate more extents */ ulint space, /* in: space */ fsp_header_t* header, /* in: space header */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ /************************************************************************** Allocates a single free page from a segment. This function implements the intelligent allocation strategy which tries to minimize file space fragmentation. */ static ulint fseg_alloc_free_page_low( /*=====================*/ /* out: the allocated page number, FIL_NULL if no page could be allocated */ ulint space, /* in: space */ fseg_inode_t* seg_inode, /* in: segment inode */ ulint hint, /* in: hint of which page would be desirable */ byte direction, /* in: if the new page is needed because of an index page split, and records are inserted there in order, into which direction they go alphabetically: FSP_DOWN, FSP_UP, FSP_NO_DIR */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr handle */ /************************************************************************** Reads the file space size stored in the header page. */ ulint fsp_get_size_low( /*=============*/ /* out: tablespace size stored in the space header */ page_t* page) /* in: header page (page 0 in the tablespace) */ { return(mach_read_from_4(page + FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + FSP_SIZE)); } /************************************************************************** Gets a pointer to the space header and x-locks its page. */ UNIV_INLINE fsp_header_t* fsp_get_space_header( /*=================*/ /* out: pointer to the space header, page x-locked */ ulint id, /* in: space id */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { fsp_header_t* header; ut_ad(mtr); header = FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + buf_page_get(id, 0, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(header, SYNC_FSP_PAGE); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_ad(id == mach_read_from_4(FSP_SPACE_ID + header)); return(header); } /************************************************************************** Gets a descriptor bit of a page. */ UNIV_INLINE ibool xdes_get_bit( /*=========*/ /* out: TRUE if free */ xdes_t* descr, /* in: descriptor */ ulint bit, /* in: XDES_FREE_BIT or XDES_CLEAN_BIT */ ulint offset, /* in: page offset within extent: 0 ... FSP_EXTENT_SIZE - 1 */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ulint index; ulint byte_index; ulint bit_index; ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(descr), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); ut_ad((bit == XDES_FREE_BIT) || (bit == XDES_CLEAN_BIT)); ut_ad(offset < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); index = bit + XDES_BITS_PER_PAGE * offset; byte_index = index / 8; bit_index = index % 8; return(ut_bit_get_nth( mtr_read_ulint(descr + XDES_BITMAP + byte_index, MLOG_1BYTE, mtr), bit_index)); } /************************************************************************** Sets a descriptor bit of a page. */ UNIV_INLINE void xdes_set_bit( /*=========*/ xdes_t* descr, /* in: descriptor */ ulint bit, /* in: XDES_FREE_BIT or XDES_CLEAN_BIT */ ulint offset, /* in: page offset within extent: 0 ... FSP_EXTENT_SIZE - 1 */ ibool val, /* in: bit value */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ulint index; ulint byte_index; ulint bit_index; ulint descr_byte; ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(descr), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); ut_ad((bit == XDES_FREE_BIT) || (bit == XDES_CLEAN_BIT)); ut_ad(offset < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); index = bit + XDES_BITS_PER_PAGE * offset; byte_index = index / 8; bit_index = index % 8; descr_byte = mtr_read_ulint(descr + XDES_BITMAP + byte_index, MLOG_1BYTE, mtr); descr_byte = ut_bit_set_nth(descr_byte, bit_index, val); mlog_write_ulint(descr + XDES_BITMAP + byte_index, descr_byte, MLOG_1BYTE, mtr); } /************************************************************************** Looks for a descriptor bit having the desired value. Starts from hint and scans upward; at the end of the extent the search is wrapped to the start of the extent. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint xdes_find_bit( /*==========*/ /* out: bit index of the bit, ULINT_UNDEFINED if not found */ xdes_t* descr, /* in: descriptor */ ulint bit, /* in: XDES_FREE_BIT or XDES_CLEAN_BIT */ ibool val, /* in: desired bit value */ ulint hint, /* in: hint of which bit position would be desirable */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ulint i; ut_ad(descr && mtr); ut_ad(val <= TRUE); ut_ad(hint < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(descr), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); for (i = hint; i < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE; i++) { if (val == xdes_get_bit(descr, bit, i, mtr)) { return(i); } } for (i = 0; i < hint; i++) { if (val == xdes_get_bit(descr, bit, i, mtr)) { return(i); } } return(ULINT_UNDEFINED); } /************************************************************************** Looks for a descriptor bit having the desired value. Scans the extent in a direction opposite to xdes_find_bit. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint xdes_find_bit_downward( /*===================*/ /* out: bit index of the bit, ULINT_UNDEFINED if not found */ xdes_t* descr, /* in: descriptor */ ulint bit, /* in: XDES_FREE_BIT or XDES_CLEAN_BIT */ ibool val, /* in: desired bit value */ ulint hint, /* in: hint of which bit position would be desirable */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ulint i; ut_ad(descr && mtr); ut_ad(val <= TRUE); ut_ad(hint < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(descr), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); for (i = hint + 1; i > 0; i--) { if (val == xdes_get_bit(descr, bit, i - 1, mtr)) { return(i - 1); } } for (i = FSP_EXTENT_SIZE - 1; i > hint; i--) { if (val == xdes_get_bit(descr, bit, i, mtr)) { return(i); } } return(ULINT_UNDEFINED); } /************************************************************************** Returns the number of used pages in a descriptor. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint xdes_get_n_used( /*============*/ /* out: number of pages used */ xdes_t* descr, /* in: descriptor */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ulint i; ulint count = 0; ut_ad(descr && mtr); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(descr), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); for (i = 0; i < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE; i++) { if (FALSE == xdes_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, i, mtr)) { count++; } } return(count); } /************************************************************************** Returns true if extent contains no used pages. */ UNIV_INLINE ibool xdes_is_free( /*=========*/ /* out: TRUE if totally free */ xdes_t* descr, /* in: descriptor */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { if (0 == xdes_get_n_used(descr, mtr)) { return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } /************************************************************************** Returns true if extent contains no free pages. */ UNIV_INLINE ibool xdes_is_full( /*=========*/ /* out: TRUE if full */ xdes_t* descr, /* in: descriptor */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { if (FSP_EXTENT_SIZE == xdes_get_n_used(descr, mtr)) { return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } /************************************************************************** Sets the state of an xdes. */ UNIV_INLINE void xdes_set_state( /*===========*/ xdes_t* descr, /* in: descriptor */ ulint state, /* in: state to set */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { ut_ad(descr && mtr); ut_ad(state >= XDES_FREE); ut_ad(state <= XDES_FSEG); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(descr), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); mlog_write_ulint(descr + XDES_STATE, state, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } /************************************************************************** Gets the state of an xdes. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint xdes_get_state( /*===========*/ /* out: state */ xdes_t* descr, /* in: descriptor */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { ulint state; ut_ad(descr && mtr); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(descr), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); state = mtr_read_ulint(descr + XDES_STATE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); ut_ad(state - 1 < XDES_FSEG); return(state); } /************************************************************************** Inits an extent descriptor to the free and clean state. */ UNIV_INLINE void xdes_init( /*======*/ xdes_t* descr, /* in: descriptor */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ulint i; ut_ad(descr && mtr); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(descr), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); ut_ad((XDES_SIZE - XDES_BITMAP) % 4 == 0); for (i = XDES_BITMAP; i < XDES_SIZE; i += 4) { mlog_write_ulint(descr + i, 0xFFFFFFFFUL, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } xdes_set_state(descr, XDES_FREE, mtr); } /************************************************************************ Calculates the page where the descriptor of a page resides. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint xdes_calc_descriptor_page( /*======================*/ /* out: descriptor page offset */ ulint zip_size, /* in: compressed page size in bytes; 0 for uncompressed pages */ ulint offset) /* in: page offset */ { #if UNIV_PAGE_SIZE <= XDES_ARR_OFFSET \ + (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) * XDES_SIZE # error #endif #if PAGE_ZIP_MIN_SIZE <= XDES_ARR_OFFSET \ + (PAGE_ZIP_MIN_SIZE / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) * XDES_SIZE # error #endif if (!zip_size) { return(ut_2pow_round(offset, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE)); } else { ut_ad(zip_size > XDES_ARR_OFFSET + (zip_size / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) * XDES_SIZE); return(ut_2pow_round(offset, zip_size)); } } /************************************************************************ Calculates the descriptor index within a descriptor page. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint xdes_calc_descriptor_index( /*=======================*/ /* out: descriptor index */ ulint zip_size, /* in: compressed page size in bytes; 0 for uncompressed pages */ ulint offset) /* in: page offset */ { if (!zip_size) { return(ut_2pow_remainder(offset, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); } else { return(ut_2pow_remainder(offset, zip_size) / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); } } /************************************************************************ Gets pointer to a the extent descriptor of a page. The page where the extent descriptor resides is x-locked. If the page offset is equal to the free limit of the space, adds new extents from above the free limit to the space free list, if not free limit == space size. This adding is necessary to make the descriptor defined, as they are uninitialized above the free limit. */ UNIV_INLINE xdes_t* xdes_get_descriptor_with_space_hdr( /*===============================*/ /* out: pointer to the extent descriptor, NULL if the page does not exist in the space or if offset > free limit */ fsp_header_t* sp_header,/* in: space header, x-latched */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint offset, /* in: page offset; if equal to the free limit, we try to add new extents to the space free list */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { ulint limit; ulint size; ulint zip_size; ulint descr_page_no; page_t* descr_page; ut_ad(mtr); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, fil_space_get_latch(space), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK)); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(sp_header), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_S_FIX) || mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(sp_header), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); /* Read free limit and space size */ limit = mach_read_from_4(sp_header + FSP_FREE_LIMIT); size = mach_read_from_4(sp_header + FSP_SIZE); zip_size = mach_read_from_4(sp_header + FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE); /* If offset is >= size or > limit, return NULL */ if ((offset >= size) || (offset > limit)) { return(NULL); } /* If offset is == limit, fill free list of the space. */ if (offset == limit) { fsp_fill_free_list(FALSE, space, sp_header, mtr); } descr_page_no = xdes_calc_descriptor_page(zip_size, offset); if (descr_page_no == 0) { /* It is on the space header page */ descr_page = buf_frame_align(sp_header); } else { descr_page = buf_page_get(space, descr_page_no, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(descr_page, SYNC_FSP_PAGE); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ } return(descr_page + XDES_ARR_OFFSET + XDES_SIZE * xdes_calc_descriptor_index(zip_size, offset)); } /************************************************************************ Gets pointer to a the extent descriptor of a page. The page where the extent descriptor resides is x-locked. If the page offset is equal to the free limit of the space, adds new extents from above the free limit to the space free list, if not free limit == space size. This adding is necessary to make the descriptor defined, as they are uninitialized above the free limit. */ static xdes_t* xdes_get_descriptor( /*================*/ /* out: pointer to the extent descriptor, NULL if the page does not exist in the space or if offset > free limit */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint offset, /* in: page offset; if equal to the free limit, we try to add new extents to the space free list */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { fsp_header_t* sp_header; sp_header = FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + buf_page_get(space, 0, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(sp_header, SYNC_FSP_PAGE); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ return(xdes_get_descriptor_with_space_hdr(sp_header, space, offset, mtr)); } /************************************************************************ Gets pointer to a the extent descriptor if the file address of the descriptor list node is known. The page where the extent descriptor resides is x-locked. */ UNIV_INLINE xdes_t* xdes_lst_get_descriptor( /*====================*/ /* out: pointer to the extent descriptor */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ fil_addr_t lst_node,/* in: file address of the list node contained in the descriptor */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { xdes_t* descr; ut_ad(mtr); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, fil_space_get_latch(space), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK)); descr = fut_get_ptr(space, lst_node, RW_X_LATCH, mtr) - XDES_FLST_NODE; return(descr); } /************************************************************************ Gets pointer to the next descriptor in a descriptor list and x-locks its page. */ UNIV_INLINE xdes_t* xdes_lst_get_next( /*==============*/ xdes_t* descr, /* in: pointer to a descriptor */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { ulint space; ut_ad(mtr && descr); space = buf_frame_get_space_id(descr); return(xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, flst_get_next_addr(descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr), mtr)); } /************************************************************************ Returns page offset of the first page in extent described by a descriptor. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint xdes_get_offset( /*============*/ /* out: offset of the first page in extent */ xdes_t* descr) /* in: extent descriptor */ { ut_ad(descr); return(buf_frame_get_page_no(descr) + ((descr - buf_frame_align(descr) - XDES_ARR_OFFSET) / XDES_SIZE) * FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); } /*************************************************************** Inits a file page whose prior contents should be ignored. */ static void fsp_init_file_page_low( /*===================*/ byte* ptr) /* in: pointer to a page */ { buf_block_t* block = buf_block_align(ptr); page_t* page = buf_block_get_frame(block); page_zip_des_t* page_zip; block->check_index_page_at_flush = FALSE; page_zip = buf_block_get_page_zip(block); if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(page_zip)) { memset(page, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); memset(page_zip->data, 0, page_zip->size); return; } #ifdef UNIV_BASIC_LOG_DEBUG memset(page, 0xff, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); #endif memset(page + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - FIL_PAGE_END_LSN_OLD_CHKSUM, 0, 8); memset(page + FIL_PAGE_LSN, 0, 8); } /*************************************************************** Inits a file page whose prior contents should be ignored. */ static void fsp_init_file_page( /*===============*/ page_t* page, /* in: page */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { fsp_init_file_page_low(page); mlog_write_initial_log_record(page, MLOG_INIT_FILE_PAGE, mtr); } /*************************************************************** Parses a redo log record of a file page init. */ byte* fsp_parse_init_file_page( /*=====================*/ /* out: end of log record or NULL */ byte* ptr, /* in: buffer */ byte* end_ptr __attribute__((unused)), /* in: buffer end */ page_t* page) /* in: page or NULL */ { ut_ad(ptr && end_ptr); if (page) { fsp_init_file_page_low(page); } return(ptr); } /************************************************************************** Initializes the fsp system. */ void fsp_init(void) /*==========*/ { /* Does nothing at the moment */ } /************************************************************************** Writes the space id and compressed page size to a tablespace header. This function is used past the buffer pool when we in fil0fil.c create a new single-table tablespace. */ void fsp_header_init_fields( /*===================*/ page_t* page, /* in/out: first page in the space */ ulint space_id, /* in: space id */ ulint zip_size) /* in: compressed page size in bytes; 0 for uncompressed pages */ { mach_write_to_4(FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + FSP_SPACE_ID + page, space_id); mach_write_to_4(FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE + page, zip_size); } /************************************************************************** Initializes the space header of a new created space and creates also the insert buffer tree root if space == 0. */ void fsp_header_init( /*============*/ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint size, /* in: current size in blocks */ ulint zip_size, /* in: compressed page size, or 0 */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */ { fsp_header_t* header; page_t* page; ut_ad(mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), mtr); page = buf_page_create(space, 0, zip_size, mtr); buf_page_get(space, 0, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(page, SYNC_FSP_PAGE); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ /* The prior contents of the file page should be ignored */ fsp_init_file_page(page, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(page + FIL_PAGE_TYPE, FIL_PAGE_TYPE_FSP_HDR, MLOG_2BYTES, mtr); header = FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + page; mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_SPACE_ID, space, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_NOT_USED, 0, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, size, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FREE_LIMIT, 0, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE, zip_size, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, 0, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); flst_init(header + FSP_FREE, mtr); flst_init(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, mtr); flst_init(header + FSP_FULL_FRAG, mtr); flst_init(header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FULL, mtr); flst_init(header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE, mtr); mlog_write_dulint(header + FSP_SEG_ID, ut_dulint_create(0, 1), mtr); if (space == 0) { fsp_fill_free_list(FALSE, space, header, mtr); btr_create(DICT_CLUSTERED | DICT_UNIVERSAL | DICT_IBUF, space, ut_dulint_add(DICT_IBUF_ID_MIN, space), srv_sys->dummy_ind1, mtr); } else { fsp_fill_free_list(TRUE, space, header, mtr); } } /************************************************************************** Reads the space id from the first page of a tablespace. */ ulint fsp_header_get_space_id( /*====================*/ /* out: space id, ULINT UNDEFINED if error */ page_t* page) /* in: first page of a tablespace */ { ulint fsp_id; ulint id; fsp_id = mach_read_from_4(FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + page + FSP_SPACE_ID); id = mach_read_from_4(page + FIL_PAGE_ARCH_LOG_NO_OR_SPACE_ID); if (id != fsp_id) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: space id in fsp header %lu, but in the page header %lu\n", (ulong) fsp_id, (ulong) id); return(ULINT_UNDEFINED); } return(id); } /************************************************************************** Reads the compressed page size from the first page of a tablespace. */ ulint fsp_header_get_zip_size( /*=====================*/ /* out: compressed page size, or 0 if uncompressed */ page_t* page) /* in: first page of a tablespace */ { return(mach_read_from_4(FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE + page)); } /************************************************************************** Increases the space size field of a space. */ void fsp_header_inc_size( /*================*/ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint size_inc,/* in: size increment in pages */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */ { fsp_header_t* header; ulint size; ut_ad(mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, mtr); size = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, size + size_inc, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } /************************************************************************** Gets the current free limit of a tablespace. The free limit means the place of the first page which has never been put to the the free list for allocation. The space above that address is initialized to zero. Sets also the global variable log_fsp_current_free_limit. */ ulint fsp_header_get_free_limit( /*======================*/ /* out: free limit in megabytes */ ulint space) /* in: space id, must be 0 */ { fsp_header_t* header; ulint limit; ulint zip_size; mtr_t mtr; ut_a(space == 0); /* We have only one log_fsp_current_... variable */ mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); limit = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_FREE_LIMIT, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); zip_size = mach_read_from_4(header + FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE); if (!zip_size) { limit /= ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); } else { limit /= ((1024 * 1024) / zip_size); } log_fsp_current_free_limit_set_and_checkpoint(limit); mtr_commit(&mtr); return(limit); } /************************************************************************** Gets the size of the tablespace from the tablespace header. If we do not have an auto-extending data file, this should be equal to the size of the data files. If there is an auto-extending data file, this can be smaller. */ ulint fsp_header_get_tablespace_size( /*===========================*/ /* out: size in pages */ ulint space) /* in: space id, must be 0 */ { fsp_header_t* header; ulint size; mtr_t mtr; ut_a(space == 0); /* We have only one log_fsp_current_... variable */ mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); size = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); return(size); } /*************************************************************************** Tries to extend a single-table tablespace so that a page would fit in the data file. */ static ibool fsp_try_extend_data_file_with_pages( /*================================*/ /* out: TRUE if success */ ulint space, /* in: space */ ulint page_no, /* in: page number */ fsp_header_t* header, /* in: space header */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ibool success; ulint actual_size; ulint size; ut_a(space != 0); size = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); ut_a(page_no >= size); success = fil_extend_space_to_desired_size(&actual_size, space, page_no + 1); /* actual_size now has the space size in pages; it may be less than we wanted if we ran out of disk space */ mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, actual_size, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); return(success); } /*************************************************************************** Tries to extend the last data file of a tablespace if it is auto-extending. */ static ibool fsp_try_extend_data_file( /*=====================*/ /* out: FALSE if not auto-extending */ ulint* actual_increase,/* out: actual increase in pages, where we measure the tablespace size from what the header field says; it may be the actual file size rounded down to megabyte */ ulint space, /* in: space */ fsp_header_t* header, /* in: space header */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ulint size; ulint zip_size; ulint new_size; ulint old_size; ulint size_increase; ulint actual_size; ibool success; *actual_increase = 0; if (space == 0 && !srv_auto_extend_last_data_file) { return(FALSE); } size = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); zip_size = mach_read_from_4(header + FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE); old_size = size; if (space == 0) { if (!srv_last_file_size_max) { size_increase = SRV_AUTO_EXTEND_INCREMENT; } else { if (srv_last_file_size_max < srv_data_file_sizes[srv_n_data_files - 1]) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: Last data file size is %lu, max size allowed %lu\n", (ulong) srv_data_file_sizes[srv_n_data_files - 1], (ulong) srv_last_file_size_max); } size_increase = srv_last_file_size_max - srv_data_file_sizes[srv_n_data_files - 1]; if (size_increase > SRV_AUTO_EXTEND_INCREMENT) { size_increase = SRV_AUTO_EXTEND_INCREMENT; } } } else { /* We extend single-table tablespaces first one extent at a time, but for bigger tablespaces more. It is not enough to extend always by one extent, because some extents are frag page extents. */ ulint extent_size; /* one megabyte, in pages */ if (!zip_size) { extent_size = FSP_EXTENT_SIZE; } else { extent_size = FSP_EXTENT_SIZE * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / zip_size; } if (size < extent_size) { /* Let us first extend the file to extent_size */ success = fsp_try_extend_data_file_with_pages( space, extent_size - 1, header, mtr); if (!success) { new_size = mtr_read_ulint( header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); *actual_increase = new_size - old_size; return(FALSE); } size = extent_size; } if (size < 32 * extent_size) { size_increase = extent_size; } else { /* Below in fsp_fill_free_list() we assume that we add at most FSP_FREE_ADD extents at a time */ size_increase = FSP_FREE_ADD * extent_size; } } if (size_increase == 0) { return(TRUE); } success = fil_extend_space_to_desired_size(&actual_size, space, size + size_increase); /* We ignore any fragments of a full megabyte when storing the size to the space header */ if (!zip_size) { new_size = ut_calc_align_down(actual_size, (1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); } else { new_size = ut_calc_align_down(actual_size, (1024 * 1024) / zip_size); } mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, new_size, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); *actual_increase = new_size - old_size; return(TRUE); } /************************************************************************** Puts new extents to the free list if there are free extents above the free limit. If an extent happens to contain an extent descriptor page, the extent is put to the FSP_FREE_FRAG list with the page marked as used. */ static void fsp_fill_free_list( /*===============*/ ibool init_space, /* in: TRUE if this is a single-table tablespace and we are only initing the tablespace's first extent descriptor page and ibuf bitmap page; then we do not allocate more extents */ ulint space, /* in: space */ fsp_header_t* header, /* in: space header */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ulint limit; ulint size; ulint zip_size; xdes_t* descr; ulint count = 0; ulint frag_n_used; page_t* descr_page; page_t* ibuf_page; ulint actual_increase; ulint i; mtr_t ibuf_mtr; ut_ad(header && mtr); /* Check if we can fill free list from above the free list limit */ size = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); limit = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_FREE_LIMIT, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); zip_size = mach_read_from_4(FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE + header); ut_a(ut_is_2pow(zip_size)); ut_a(zip_size <= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); ut_a(!zip_size || zip_size >= PAGE_ZIP_MIN_SIZE); if (space == 0 && srv_auto_extend_last_data_file && size < limit + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE * FSP_FREE_ADD) { /* Try to increase the last data file size */ fsp_try_extend_data_file(&actual_increase, space, header, mtr); size = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } if (space != 0 && !init_space && size < limit + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE * FSP_FREE_ADD) { /* Try to increase the .ibd file size */ fsp_try_extend_data_file(&actual_increase, space, header, mtr); size = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } i = limit; while ((init_space && i < 1) || ((i + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE <= size) && (count < FSP_FREE_ADD))) { ibool init_xdes; if (zip_size) { init_xdes = ut_2pow_remainder(i, zip_size) == 0; } else { init_xdes = ut_2pow_remainder(i, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) == 0; } mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FREE_LIMIT, i + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); /* Update the free limit info in the log system and make a checkpoint */ if (space == 0) { ut_a(!zip_size); log_fsp_current_free_limit_set_and_checkpoint( (i + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) / ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE)); } if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(init_xdes)) { /* We are going to initialize a new descriptor page and a new ibuf bitmap page: the prior contents of the pages should be ignored. */ if (i > 0) { descr_page = buf_page_create( space, i, zip_size, mtr); buf_page_get(space, i, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(descr_page, SYNC_FSP_PAGE); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ fsp_init_file_page(descr_page, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(descr_page + FIL_PAGE_TYPE, FIL_PAGE_TYPE_XDES, MLOG_2BYTES, mtr); } /* Initialize the ibuf bitmap page in a separate mini-transaction because it is low in the latching order, and we must be able to release its latch before returning from the fsp routine */ mtr_start(&ibuf_mtr); ibuf_page = buf_page_create(space, i + FSP_IBUF_BITMAP_OFFSET, zip_size, &ibuf_mtr); buf_page_get(space, i + FSP_IBUF_BITMAP_OFFSET, RW_X_LATCH, &ibuf_mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(ibuf_page, SYNC_FSP_PAGE); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ fsp_init_file_page(ibuf_page, &ibuf_mtr); ibuf_bitmap_page_init(ibuf_page, zip_size, &ibuf_mtr); mtr_commit(&ibuf_mtr); } descr = xdes_get_descriptor_with_space_hdr(header, space, i, mtr); xdes_init(descr, mtr); #if UNIV_PAGE_SIZE % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE # error "UNIV_PAGE_SIZE % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE != 0" #endif #if PAGE_ZIP_MIN_SIZE % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE # error "PAGE_ZIP_MIN_SIZE % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE != 0" #endif if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(init_xdes)) { /* The first page in the extent is a descriptor page and the second is an ibuf bitmap page: mark them used */ xdes_set_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, 0, FALSE, mtr); xdes_set_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, FSP_IBUF_BITMAP_OFFSET, FALSE, mtr); xdes_set_state(descr, XDES_FREE_FRAG, mtr); flst_add_last(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); frag_n_used = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, frag_n_used + 2, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } else { flst_add_last(header + FSP_FREE, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); count++; } i += FSP_EXTENT_SIZE; } } /************************************************************************** Allocates a new free extent. */ static xdes_t* fsp_alloc_free_extent( /*==================*/ /* out: extent descriptor, NULL if cannot be allocated */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint hint, /* in: hint of which extent would be desirable: any page offset in the extent goes; the hint must not be > FSP_FREE_LIMIT */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { fsp_header_t* header; fil_addr_t first; xdes_t* descr; ut_ad(mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, mtr); descr = xdes_get_descriptor_with_space_hdr(header, space, hint, mtr); if (descr && (xdes_get_state(descr, mtr) == XDES_FREE)) { /* Ok, we can take this extent */ } else { /* Take the first extent in the free list */ first = flst_get_first(header + FSP_FREE, mtr); if (fil_addr_is_null(first)) { fsp_fill_free_list(FALSE, space, header, mtr); first = flst_get_first(header + FSP_FREE, mtr); } if (fil_addr_is_null(first)) { return(NULL); /* No free extents left */ } descr = xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, first, mtr); } flst_remove(header + FSP_FREE, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); return(descr); } /************************************************************************** Allocates a single free page from a space. The page is marked as used. */ static ulint fsp_alloc_free_page( /*================*/ /* out: the page offset, FIL_NULL if no page could be allocated */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint hint, /* in: hint of which page would be desirable */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { fsp_header_t* header; fil_addr_t first; xdes_t* descr; page_t* page; ulint free; ulint frag_n_used; ulint page_no; ulint space_size; ibool success; ut_ad(mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, mtr); /* Get the hinted descriptor */ descr = xdes_get_descriptor_with_space_hdr(header, space, hint, mtr); if (descr && (xdes_get_state(descr, mtr) == XDES_FREE_FRAG)) { /* Ok, we can take this extent */ } else { /* Else take the first extent in free_frag list */ first = flst_get_first(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, mtr); if (fil_addr_is_null(first)) { /* There are no partially full fragments: allocate a free extent and add it to the FREE_FRAG list. NOTE that the allocation may have as a side-effect that an extent containing a descriptor page is added to the FREE_FRAG list. But we will allocate our page from the the free extent anyway. */ descr = fsp_alloc_free_extent(space, hint, mtr); if (descr == NULL) { /* No free space left */ return(FIL_NULL); } xdes_set_state(descr, XDES_FREE_FRAG, mtr); flst_add_last(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); } else { descr = xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, first, mtr); } /* Reset the hint */ hint = 0; } /* Now we have in descr an extent with at least one free page. Look for a free page in the extent. */ free = xdes_find_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, TRUE, hint % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr); if (free == ULINT_UNDEFINED) { ut_print_buf(stderr, ((byte*)descr) - 500, 1000); ut_error; } page_no = xdes_get_offset(descr) + free; space_size = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); if (space_size <= page_no) { /* It must be that we are extending a single-table tablespace whose size is still < 64 pages */ ut_a(space != 0); if (page_no >= FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: trying to extend a single-table tablespace %lu\n" "InnoDB: by single page(s) though the space size %lu. Page no %lu.\n", (ulong) space, (ulong) space_size, (ulong) page_no); return(FIL_NULL); } success = fsp_try_extend_data_file_with_pages(space, page_no, header, mtr); if (!success) { /* No disk space left */ return(FIL_NULL); } } xdes_set_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, free, FALSE, mtr); /* Update the FRAG_N_USED field */ frag_n_used = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); frag_n_used++; mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, frag_n_used, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); if (xdes_is_full(descr, mtr)) { /* The fragment is full: move it to another list */ flst_remove(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); xdes_set_state(descr, XDES_FULL_FRAG, mtr); flst_add_last(header + FSP_FULL_FRAG, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, frag_n_used - FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } /* Initialize the allocated page to the buffer pool, so that it can be obtained immediately with buf_page_get without need for a disk read. */ buf_page_create(space, page_no, mach_read_from_4(FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE + header), mtr); page = buf_page_get(space, page_no, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(page, SYNC_FSP_PAGE); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ /* Prior contents of the page should be ignored */ fsp_init_file_page(page, mtr); return(page_no); } /************************************************************************** Frees a single page of a space. The page is marked as free and clean. */ static void fsp_free_page( /*==========*/ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page, /* in: page offset */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { fsp_header_t* header; xdes_t* descr; ulint state; ulint frag_n_used; ut_ad(mtr); /* fprintf(stderr, "Freeing page %lu in space %lu\n", page, space); */ header = fsp_get_space_header(space, mtr); descr = xdes_get_descriptor_with_space_hdr(header, space, page, mtr); state = xdes_get_state(descr, mtr); if (state != XDES_FREE_FRAG && state != XDES_FULL_FRAG) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: File space extent descriptor of page %lu has state %lu\n", (ulong) page, (ulong) state); fputs("InnoDB: Dump of descriptor: ", stderr); ut_print_buf(stderr, ((byte*)descr) - 50, 200); putc('\n', stderr); if (state == XDES_FREE) { /* We put here some fault tolerance: if the page is already free, return without doing anything! */ return; } ut_error; } if (xdes_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: File space extent descriptor of page %lu says it is free\n" "InnoDB: Dump of descriptor: ", (ulong) page); ut_print_buf(stderr, ((byte*)descr) - 50, 200); putc('\n', stderr); /* We put here some fault tolerance: if the page is already free, return without doing anything! */ return; } xdes_set_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, TRUE, mtr); xdes_set_bit(descr, XDES_CLEAN_BIT, page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, TRUE, mtr); frag_n_used = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); if (state == XDES_FULL_FRAG) { /* The fragment was full: move it to another list */ flst_remove(header + FSP_FULL_FRAG, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); xdes_set_state(descr, XDES_FREE_FRAG, mtr); flst_add_last(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, frag_n_used + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE - 1, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } else { ut_a(frag_n_used > 0); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, frag_n_used - 1, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } if (xdes_is_free(descr, mtr)) { /* The extent has become free: move it to another list */ flst_remove(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); fsp_free_extent(space, page, mtr); } } /************************************************************************** Returns an extent to the free list of a space. */ static void fsp_free_extent( /*============*/ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page, /* in: page offset in the extent */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { fsp_header_t* header; xdes_t* descr; ut_ad(mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, mtr); descr = xdes_get_descriptor_with_space_hdr(header, space, page, mtr); if (xdes_get_state(descr, mtr) == XDES_FREE) { ut_print_buf(stderr, (byte*)descr - 500, 1000); ut_error; } xdes_init(descr, mtr); flst_add_last(header + FSP_FREE, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); } /************************************************************************** Returns the nth inode slot on an inode page. */ UNIV_INLINE fseg_inode_t* fsp_seg_inode_page_get_nth_inode( /*=============================*/ /* out: segment inode */ page_t* page, /* in: segment inode page */ ulint i, /* in: inode index on page */ ulint zip_size __attribute__((unused)),/* in: compressed page size, or 0 */ mtr_t* mtr __attribute__((unused))) /* in: mini-transaction handle */ { ut_ad(i < FSP_SEG_INODES_PER_PAGE(zip_size)); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(page), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); return(page + FSEG_ARR_OFFSET + FSEG_INODE_SIZE * i); } /************************************************************************** Looks for a used segment inode on a segment inode page. */ static ulint fsp_seg_inode_page_find_used( /*=========================*/ /* out: segment inode index, or ULINT_UNDEFINED if not found */ page_t* page, /* in: segment inode page */ ulint zip_size,/* in: compressed page size, or 0 */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */ { ulint i; fseg_inode_t* inode; for (i = 0; i < FSP_SEG_INODES_PER_PAGE(zip_size); i++) { inode = fsp_seg_inode_page_get_nth_inode( page, i, zip_size, mtr); if (ut_dulint_cmp(mach_read_from_8(inode + FSEG_ID), ut_dulint_zero) != 0) { /* This is used */ return(i); } } return(ULINT_UNDEFINED); } /************************************************************************** Looks for an unused segment inode on a segment inode page. */ static ulint fsp_seg_inode_page_find_free( /*=========================*/ /* out: segment inode index, or ULINT_UNDEFINED if not found */ page_t* page, /* in: segment inode page */ ulint i, /* in: search forward starting from this index */ ulint zip_size,/* in: compressed page size, or 0 */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */ { fseg_inode_t* inode; for (; i < FSP_SEG_INODES_PER_PAGE(zip_size); i++) { inode = fsp_seg_inode_page_get_nth_inode( page, i, zip_size, mtr); if (ut_dulint_cmp(mach_read_from_8(inode + FSEG_ID), ut_dulint_zero) == 0) { /* This is unused */ return(i); } } return(ULINT_UNDEFINED); } /************************************************************************** Allocates a new file segment inode page. */ static ibool fsp_alloc_seg_inode_page( /*=====================*/ /* out: TRUE if could be allocated */ fsp_header_t* space_header, /* in: space header */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */ { fseg_inode_t* inode; page_t* page; ulint page_no; ulint space; ulint zip_size; ulint i; space = buf_frame_get_space_id(space_header); page_no = fsp_alloc_free_page(space, 0, mtr); if (page_no == FIL_NULL) { return(FALSE); } page = buf_page_get(space, page_no, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); buf_block_align(page)->check_index_page_at_flush = FALSE; mlog_write_ulint(page + FIL_PAGE_TYPE, FIL_PAGE_INODE, MLOG_2BYTES, mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(page, SYNC_FSP_PAGE); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ zip_size = mtr_read_ulint( space_header + FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); for (i = 0; i < FSP_SEG_INODES_PER_PAGE(zip_size); i++) { inode = fsp_seg_inode_page_get_nth_inode( page, i, zip_size, mtr); mlog_write_dulint(inode + FSEG_ID, ut_dulint_zero, mtr); } flst_add_last(space_header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE, page + FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE, mtr); return(TRUE); } /************************************************************************** Allocates a new file segment inode. */ static fseg_inode_t* fsp_alloc_seg_inode( /*================*/ /* out: segment inode, or NULL if not enough space */ fsp_header_t* space_header, /* in: space header */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */ { ulint page_no; page_t* page; fseg_inode_t* inode; ibool success; ulint zip_size; ulint n; if (flst_get_len(space_header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE, mtr) == 0) { /* Allocate a new segment inode page */ success = fsp_alloc_seg_inode_page(space_header, mtr); if (!success) { return(NULL); } } page_no = flst_get_first(space_header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE, mtr).page; zip_size = mach_read_from_4(space_header + FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE); page = buf_page_get(buf_frame_get_space_id(space_header), page_no, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(page, SYNC_FSP_PAGE); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ n = fsp_seg_inode_page_find_free(page, 0, zip_size, mtr); ut_a(n != ULINT_UNDEFINED); inode = fsp_seg_inode_page_get_nth_inode(page, n, zip_size, mtr); if (ULINT_UNDEFINED == fsp_seg_inode_page_find_free(page, n + 1, zip_size, mtr)) { /* There are no other unused headers left on the page: move it to another list */ flst_remove(space_header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE, page + FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE, mtr); flst_add_last(space_header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FULL, page + FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE, mtr); } return(inode); } /************************************************************************** Frees a file segment inode. */ static void fsp_free_seg_inode( /*===============*/ ulint space, /* in: space id */ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */ { page_t* page; fsp_header_t* space_header; ulint zip_size; page = buf_frame_align(inode); space_header = fsp_get_space_header(space, mtr); zip_size = mach_read_from_4(space_header + FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE); ut_ad(mach_read_from_4(inode + FSEG_MAGIC_N) == FSEG_MAGIC_N_VALUE); if (ULINT_UNDEFINED == fsp_seg_inode_page_find_free( page, 0, zip_size, mtr)) { /* Move the page to another list */ flst_remove(space_header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FULL, page + FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE, mtr); flst_add_last(space_header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE, page + FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE, mtr); } mlog_write_dulint(inode + FSEG_ID, ut_dulint_zero, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(inode + FSEG_MAGIC_N, 0, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); if (ULINT_UNDEFINED == fsp_seg_inode_page_find_used( page, zip_size, mtr)) { /* There are no other used headers left on the page: free it */ flst_remove(space_header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE, page + FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE, mtr); fsp_free_page(space, buf_frame_get_page_no(page), mtr); } } /************************************************************************** Returns the file segment inode, page x-latched. */ static fseg_inode_t* fseg_inode_get( /*===========*/ /* out: segment inode, page x-latched */ fseg_header_t* header, /* in: segment header */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { fil_addr_t inode_addr; fseg_inode_t* inode; inode_addr.page = mach_read_from_4(header + FSEG_HDR_PAGE_NO); inode_addr.boffset = mach_read_from_2(header + FSEG_HDR_OFFSET); inode = fut_get_ptr(mach_read_from_4(header + FSEG_HDR_SPACE), inode_addr, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); ut_ad(mach_read_from_4(inode + FSEG_MAGIC_N) == FSEG_MAGIC_N_VALUE); return(inode); } /************************************************************************** Gets the page number from the nth fragment page slot. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint fseg_get_nth_frag_page_no( /*======================*/ /* out: page number, FIL_NULL if not in use */ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ ulint n, /* in: slot index */ mtr_t* mtr __attribute__((unused))) /* in: mtr handle */ { ut_ad(inode && mtr); ut_ad(n < FSEG_FRAG_ARR_N_SLOTS); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(inode), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); return(mach_read_from_4(inode + FSEG_FRAG_ARR + n * FSEG_FRAG_SLOT_SIZE)); } /************************************************************************** Sets the page number in the nth fragment page slot. */ UNIV_INLINE void fseg_set_nth_frag_page_no( /*======================*/ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ ulint n, /* in: slot index */ ulint page_no,/* in: page number to set */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { ut_ad(inode && mtr); ut_ad(n < FSEG_FRAG_ARR_N_SLOTS); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(inode), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); mlog_write_ulint(inode + FSEG_FRAG_ARR + n * FSEG_FRAG_SLOT_SIZE, page_no, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } /************************************************************************** Finds a fragment page slot which is free. */ static ulint fseg_find_free_frag_page_slot( /*==========================*/ /* out: slot index; ULINT_UNDEFINED if none found */ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { ulint i; ulint page_no; ut_ad(inode && mtr); for (i = 0; i < FSEG_FRAG_ARR_N_SLOTS; i++) { page_no = fseg_get_nth_frag_page_no(inode, i, mtr); if (page_no == FIL_NULL) { return(i); } } return(ULINT_UNDEFINED); } /************************************************************************** Finds a fragment page slot which is used and last in the array. */ static ulint fseg_find_last_used_frag_page_slot( /*===============================*/ /* out: slot index; ULINT_UNDEFINED if none found */ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { ulint i; ulint page_no; ut_ad(inode && mtr); for (i = 0; i < FSEG_FRAG_ARR_N_SLOTS; i++) { page_no = fseg_get_nth_frag_page_no(inode, FSEG_FRAG_ARR_N_SLOTS - i - 1, mtr); if (page_no != FIL_NULL) { return(FSEG_FRAG_ARR_N_SLOTS - i - 1); } } return(ULINT_UNDEFINED); } /************************************************************************** Calculates reserved fragment page slots. */ static ulint fseg_get_n_frag_pages( /*==================*/ /* out: number of fragment pages */ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { ulint i; ulint count = 0; ut_ad(inode && mtr); for (i = 0; i < FSEG_FRAG_ARR_N_SLOTS; i++) { if (FIL_NULL != fseg_get_nth_frag_page_no(inode, i, mtr)) { count++; } } return(count); } /************************************************************************** Creates a new segment. */ page_t* fseg_create_general( /*================*/ /* out: the page where the segment header is placed, x-latched, NULL if could not create segment because of lack of space */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page, /* in: page where the segment header is placed: if this is != 0, the page must belong to another segment, if this is 0, a new page will be allocated and it will belong to the created segment */ ulint byte_offset, /* in: byte offset of the created segment header on the page */ ibool has_done_reservation, /* in: TRUE if the caller has already done the reservation for the pages with fsp_reserve_free_extents (at least 2 extents: one for the inode and the other for the segment) then there is no need to do the check for this individual operation */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { fsp_header_t* space_header; fseg_inode_t* inode; dulint seg_id; fseg_header_t* header = 0; /* remove warning */ rw_lock_t* latch; ibool success; ulint n_reserved; page_t* ret = NULL; ulint i; ut_ad(mtr); if (page != 0) { header = byte_offset + buf_page_get(space, page, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); } #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(!mutex_own(&kernel_mutex) || mtr_memo_contains(mtr, fil_space_get_latch(space), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ latch = fil_space_get_latch(space); mtr_x_lock(latch, mtr); if (rw_lock_get_x_lock_count(latch) == 1) { /* This thread did not own the latch before this call: free excess pages from the insert buffer free list */ if (space == 0) { ibuf_free_excess_pages(space); } } if (!has_done_reservation) { success = fsp_reserve_free_extents(&n_reserved, space, 2, FSP_NORMAL, mtr); if (!success) { return(NULL); } } space_header = fsp_get_space_header(space, mtr); inode = fsp_alloc_seg_inode(space_header, mtr); if (inode == NULL) { goto funct_exit; } /* Read the next segment id from space header and increment the value in space header */ seg_id = mtr_read_dulint(space_header + FSP_SEG_ID, mtr); mlog_write_dulint(space_header + FSP_SEG_ID, ut_dulint_add(seg_id, 1), mtr); mlog_write_dulint(inode + FSEG_ID, seg_id, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, 0, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); flst_init(inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr); flst_init(inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, mtr); flst_init(inode + FSEG_FULL, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(inode + FSEG_MAGIC_N, FSEG_MAGIC_N_VALUE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); for (i = 0; i < FSEG_FRAG_ARR_N_SLOTS; i++) { fseg_set_nth_frag_page_no(inode, i, FIL_NULL, mtr); } if (page == 0) { page = fseg_alloc_free_page_low(space, inode, 0, FSP_UP, mtr); if (page == FIL_NULL) { fsp_free_seg_inode(space, inode, mtr); goto funct_exit; } header = byte_offset + buf_page_get(space, page, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header - byte_offset + FIL_PAGE_TYPE, FIL_PAGE_TYPE_SYS, MLOG_2BYTES, mtr); } mlog_write_ulint(header + FSEG_HDR_OFFSET, inode - buf_frame_align(inode), MLOG_2BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSEG_HDR_PAGE_NO, buf_frame_get_page_no(inode), MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(header + FSEG_HDR_SPACE, space, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); ret = buf_frame_align(header); funct_exit: if (!has_done_reservation) { fil_space_release_free_extents(space, n_reserved); } return(ret); } /************************************************************************** Creates a new segment. */ page_t* fseg_create( /*========*/ /* out: the page where the segment header is placed, x-latched, NULL if could not create segment because of lack of space */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page, /* in: page where the segment header is placed: if this is != 0, the page must belong to another segment, if this is 0, a new page will be allocated and it will belong to the created segment */ ulint byte_offset, /* in: byte offset of the created segment header on the page */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { return(fseg_create_general(space, page, byte_offset, FALSE, mtr)); } /************************************************************************** Calculates the number of pages reserved by a segment, and how many pages are currently used. */ static ulint fseg_n_reserved_pages_low( /*======================*/ /* out: number of reserved pages */ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ ulint* used, /* out: number of pages used (<= reserved) */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { ulint ret; ut_ad(inode && used && mtr); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(inode), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); *used = mtr_read_ulint(inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr) + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE * flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_FULL, mtr) + fseg_get_n_frag_pages(inode, mtr); ret = fseg_get_n_frag_pages(inode, mtr) + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE * flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr) + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE * flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, mtr) + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE * flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_FULL, mtr); return(ret); } /************************************************************************** Calculates the number of pages reserved by a segment, and how many pages are currently used. */ ulint fseg_n_reserved_pages( /*==================*/ /* out: number of reserved pages */ fseg_header_t* header, /* in: segment header */ ulint* used, /* out: number of pages used (<= reserved) */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { ulint ret; fseg_inode_t* inode; ulint space; space = buf_frame_get_space_id(header); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(!mutex_own(&kernel_mutex) || mtr_memo_contains(mtr, fil_space_get_latch(space), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), mtr); inode = fseg_inode_get(header, mtr); ret = fseg_n_reserved_pages_low(inode, used, mtr); return(ret); } /************************************************************************* Tries to fill the free list of a segment with consecutive free extents. This happens if the segment is big enough to allow extents in the free list, the free list is empty, and the extents can be allocated consecutively from the hint onward. */ static void fseg_fill_free_list( /*================*/ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint hint, /* in: hint which extent would be good as the first extent */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { xdes_t* descr; ulint i; dulint seg_id; ulint reserved; ulint used; ut_ad(inode && mtr); reserved = fseg_n_reserved_pages_low(inode, &used, mtr); if (reserved < FSEG_FREE_LIST_LIMIT * FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) { /* The segment is too small to allow extents in free list */ return; } if (flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr) > 0) { /* Free list is not empty */ return; } for (i = 0; i < FSEG_FREE_LIST_MAX_LEN; i++) { descr = xdes_get_descriptor(space, hint, mtr); if ((descr == NULL) || (XDES_FREE != xdes_get_state(descr, mtr))) { /* We cannot allocate the desired extent: stop */ return; } descr = fsp_alloc_free_extent(space, hint, mtr); xdes_set_state(descr, XDES_FSEG, mtr); seg_id = mtr_read_dulint(inode + FSEG_ID, mtr); mlog_write_dulint(descr + XDES_ID, seg_id, mtr); flst_add_last(inode + FSEG_FREE, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); hint += FSP_EXTENT_SIZE; } } /************************************************************************* Allocates a free extent for the segment: looks first in the free list of the segment, then tries to allocate from the space free list. NOTE that the extent returned still resides in the segment free list, it is not yet taken off it! */ static xdes_t* fseg_alloc_free_extent( /*===================*/ /* out: allocated extent, still placed in the segment free list, NULL if could not be allocated */ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { xdes_t* descr; dulint seg_id; fil_addr_t first; if (flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr) > 0) { /* Segment free list is not empty, allocate from it */ first = flst_get_first(inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr); descr = xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, first, mtr); } else { /* Segment free list was empty, allocate from space */ descr = fsp_alloc_free_extent(space, 0, mtr); if (descr == NULL) { return(NULL); } seg_id = mtr_read_dulint(inode + FSEG_ID, mtr); xdes_set_state(descr, XDES_FSEG, mtr); mlog_write_dulint(descr + XDES_ID, seg_id, mtr); flst_add_last(inode + FSEG_FREE, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); /* Try to fill the segment free list */ fseg_fill_free_list(inode, space, xdes_get_offset(descr) + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr); } return(descr); } /************************************************************************** Allocates a single free page from a segment. This function implements the intelligent allocation strategy which tries to minimize file space fragmentation. */ static ulint fseg_alloc_free_page_low( /*=====================*/ /* out: the allocated page number, FIL_NULL if no page could be allocated */ ulint space, /* in: space */ fseg_inode_t* seg_inode, /* in: segment inode */ ulint hint, /* in: hint of which page would be desirable */ byte direction, /* in: if the new page is needed because of an index page split, and records are inserted there in order, into which direction they go alphabetically: FSP_DOWN, FSP_UP, FSP_NO_DIR */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { fsp_header_t* space_header; ulint space_size; dulint seg_id; ulint used; ulint reserved; xdes_t* descr; /* extent of the hinted page */ ulint ret_page; /* the allocated page offset, FIL_NULL if could not be allocated */ xdes_t* ret_descr; /* the extent of the allocated page */ page_t* page; ibool frag_page_allocated = FALSE; ibool success; ulint n; ut_ad(mtr); ut_ad((direction >= FSP_UP) && (direction <= FSP_NO_DIR)); ut_ad(mach_read_from_4(seg_inode + FSEG_MAGIC_N) == FSEG_MAGIC_N_VALUE); seg_id = mtr_read_dulint(seg_inode + FSEG_ID, mtr); ut_ad(ut_dulint_cmp(seg_id, ut_dulint_zero) > 0); reserved = fseg_n_reserved_pages_low(seg_inode, &used, mtr); space_header = fsp_get_space_header(space, mtr); descr = xdes_get_descriptor_with_space_hdr(space_header, space, hint, mtr); if (descr == NULL) { /* Hint outside space or too high above free limit: reset hint */ hint = 0; descr = xdes_get_descriptor(space, hint, mtr); } /* In the big if-else below we look for ret_page and ret_descr */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ((xdes_get_state(descr, mtr) == XDES_FSEG) && (0 == ut_dulint_cmp(mtr_read_dulint(descr + XDES_ID, mtr), seg_id)) && (xdes_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, hint % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr) == TRUE)) { /* 1. We can take the hinted page =================================*/ ret_descr = descr; ret_page = hint; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ } else if ((xdes_get_state(descr, mtr) == XDES_FREE) && ((reserved - used) < reserved / FSEG_FILLFACTOR) && (used >= FSEG_FRAG_LIMIT)) { /* 2. We allocate the free extent from space and can take ========================================================= the hinted page ===============*/ ret_descr = fsp_alloc_free_extent(space, hint, mtr); ut_a(ret_descr == descr); xdes_set_state(ret_descr, XDES_FSEG, mtr); mlog_write_dulint(ret_descr + XDES_ID, seg_id, mtr); flst_add_last(seg_inode + FSEG_FREE, ret_descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); /* Try to fill the segment free list */ fseg_fill_free_list(seg_inode, space, hint + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr); ret_page = hint; /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ } else if ((direction != FSP_NO_DIR) && ((reserved - used) < reserved / FSEG_FILLFACTOR) && (used >= FSEG_FRAG_LIMIT) && (NULL != (ret_descr = fseg_alloc_free_extent(seg_inode, space, mtr)))) { /* 3. We take any free extent (which was already assigned above =============================================================== in the if-condition to ret_descr) and take the lowest or ======================================================== highest page in it, depending on the direction ==============================================*/ ret_page = xdes_get_offset(ret_descr); if (direction == FSP_DOWN) { ret_page += FSP_EXTENT_SIZE - 1; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ } else if ((xdes_get_state(descr, mtr) == XDES_FSEG) && (0 == ut_dulint_cmp(mtr_read_dulint(descr + XDES_ID, mtr), seg_id)) && (!xdes_is_full(descr, mtr))) { /* 4. We can take the page from the same extent as the ====================================================== hinted page (and the extent already belongs to the ================================================== segment) ========*/ ret_descr = descr; ret_page = xdes_get_offset(ret_descr) + xdes_find_bit(ret_descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, TRUE, hint % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ } else if (reserved - used > 0) { /* 5. We take any unused page from the segment ==============================================*/ fil_addr_t first; if (flst_get_len(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, mtr) > 0) { first = flst_get_first(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, mtr); } else if (flst_get_len(seg_inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr) > 0) { first = flst_get_first(seg_inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr); } else { ut_error; return(FIL_NULL); } ret_descr = xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, first, mtr); ret_page = xdes_get_offset(ret_descr) + xdes_find_bit(ret_descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, TRUE, 0, mtr); /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ } else if (used < FSEG_FRAG_LIMIT) { /* 6. We allocate an individual page from the space ===================================================*/ ret_page = fsp_alloc_free_page(space, hint, mtr); ret_descr = NULL; frag_page_allocated = TRUE; if (ret_page != FIL_NULL) { /* Put the page in the fragment page array of the segment */ n = fseg_find_free_frag_page_slot(seg_inode, mtr); ut_a(n != FIL_NULL); fseg_set_nth_frag_page_no(seg_inode, n, ret_page, mtr); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ } else { /* 7. We allocate a new extent and take its first page ======================================================*/ ret_descr = fseg_alloc_free_extent(seg_inode, space, mtr); if (ret_descr == NULL) { ret_page = FIL_NULL; } else { ret_page = xdes_get_offset(ret_descr); } } if (ret_page == FIL_NULL) { /* Page could not be allocated */ return(FIL_NULL); } if (space != 0) { space_size = fil_space_get_size(space); if (space_size <= ret_page) { /* It must be that we are extending a single-table tablespace whose size is still < 64 pages */ if (ret_page >= FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error (2): trying to extend a single-table tablespace %lu\n" "InnoDB: by single page(s) though the space size %lu. Page no %lu.\n", (ulong) space, (ulong) space_size, (ulong) ret_page); return(FIL_NULL); } success = fsp_try_extend_data_file_with_pages(space, ret_page, space_header, mtr); if (!success) { /* No disk space left */ return(FIL_NULL); } } } if (!frag_page_allocated) { /* Initialize the allocated page to buffer pool, so that it can be obtained immediately with buf_page_get without need for a disk read */ page = buf_page_create(space, ret_page, mach_read_from_4(FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE + space_header), mtr); if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(page != buf_page_get( space, ret_page, RW_X_LATCH, mtr))) { ut_error; } #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(page, SYNC_FSP_PAGE); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ /* The prior contents of the page should be ignored */ fsp_init_file_page(page, mtr); /* At this point we know the extent and the page offset. The extent is still in the appropriate list (FSEG_NOT_FULL or FSEG_FREE), and the page is not yet marked as used. */ ut_ad(xdes_get_descriptor(space, ret_page, mtr) == ret_descr); ut_ad(xdes_get_bit(ret_descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, ret_page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr) == TRUE); fseg_mark_page_used(seg_inode, space, ret_page, mtr); } buf_reset_check_index_page_at_flush(space, ret_page); return(ret_page); } /************************************************************************** Allocates a single free page from a segment. This function implements the intelligent allocation strategy which tries to minimize file space fragmentation. */ ulint fseg_alloc_free_page_general( /*=========================*/ /* out: allocated page offset, FIL_NULL if no page could be allocated */ fseg_header_t* seg_header,/* in: segment header */ ulint hint, /* in: hint of which page would be desirable */ byte direction,/* in: if the new page is needed because of an index page split, and records are inserted there in order, into which direction they go alphabetically: FSP_DOWN, FSP_UP, FSP_NO_DIR */ ibool has_done_reservation, /* in: TRUE if the caller has already done the reservation for the page with fsp_reserve_free_extents, then there is no need to do the check for this individual page */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { fseg_inode_t* inode; ulint space; rw_lock_t* latch; ibool success; ulint page_no; ulint n_reserved; space = buf_frame_get_space_id(seg_header); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(!mutex_own(&kernel_mutex) || mtr_memo_contains(mtr, fil_space_get_latch(space), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ latch = fil_space_get_latch(space); mtr_x_lock(latch, mtr); if (rw_lock_get_x_lock_count(latch) == 1) { /* This thread did not own the latch before this call: free excess pages from the insert buffer free list */ if (space == 0) { ibuf_free_excess_pages(space); } } inode = fseg_inode_get(seg_header, mtr); if (!has_done_reservation) { success = fsp_reserve_free_extents(&n_reserved, space, 2, FSP_NORMAL, mtr); if (!success) { return(FIL_NULL); } } page_no = fseg_alloc_free_page_low(buf_frame_get_space_id(inode), inode, hint, direction, mtr); if (!has_done_reservation) { fil_space_release_free_extents(space, n_reserved); } return(page_no); } /************************************************************************** Allocates a single free page from a segment. This function implements the intelligent allocation strategy which tries to minimize file space fragmentation. */ ulint fseg_alloc_free_page( /*=================*/ /* out: allocated page offset, FIL_NULL if no page could be allocated */ fseg_header_t* seg_header,/* in: segment header */ ulint hint, /* in: hint of which page would be desirable */ byte direction,/* in: if the new page is needed because of an index page split, and records are inserted there in order, into which direction they go alphabetically: FSP_DOWN, FSP_UP, FSP_NO_DIR */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { return(fseg_alloc_free_page_general(seg_header, hint, direction, FALSE, mtr)); } /************************************************************************** Checks that we have at least 2 frag pages free in the first extent of a single-table tablespace, and they are also physically initialized to the data file. That is we have already extended the data file so that those pages are inside the data file. If not, this function extends the tablespace with pages. */ static ibool fsp_reserve_free_pages( /*===================*/ /* out: TRUE if there were >= 3 free pages, or we were able to extend */ ulint space, /* in: space id, must be != 0 */ fsp_header_t* space_header, /* in: header of that space, x-latched */ ulint size, /* in: size of the tablespace in pages, must be < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE / 2 */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { xdes_t* descr; ulint n_used; ut_a(space != 0); ut_a(size < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE / 2); descr = xdes_get_descriptor_with_space_hdr(space_header, space, 0, mtr); n_used = xdes_get_n_used(descr, mtr); ut_a(n_used <= size); if (size >= n_used + 2) { return(TRUE); } return(fsp_try_extend_data_file_with_pages(space, n_used + 1, space_header, mtr)); } /************************************************************************** Reserves free pages from a tablespace. All mini-transactions which may use several pages from the tablespace should call this function beforehand and reserve enough free extents so that they certainly will be able to do their operation, like a B-tree page split, fully. Reservations must be released with function fil_space_release_free_extents! The alloc_type below has the following meaning: FSP_NORMAL means an operation which will probably result in more space usage, like an insert in a B-tree; FSP_UNDO means allocation to undo logs: if we are deleting rows, then this allocation will in the long run result in less space usage (after a purge); FSP_CLEANING means allocation done in a physical record delete (like in a purge) or other cleaning operation which will result in less space usage in the long run. We prefer the latter two types of allocation: when space is scarce, FSP_NORMAL allocations will not succeed, but the latter two allocations will succeed, if possible. The purpose is to avoid dead end where the database is full but the user cannot free any space because these freeing operations temporarily reserve some space. Single-table tablespaces whose size is < 32 pages are a special case. In this function we would liberally reserve several 64 page extents for every page split or merge in a B-tree. But we do not want to waste disk space if the table only occupies < 32 pages. That is why we apply different rules in that special case, just ensuring that there are 3 free pages available. */ ibool fsp_reserve_free_extents( /*=====================*/ /* out: TRUE if we were able to make the reservation */ ulint* n_reserved,/* out: number of extents actually reserved; if we return TRUE and the tablespace size is < 64 pages, then this can be 0, otherwise it is n_ext */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint n_ext, /* in: number of extents to reserve */ ulint alloc_type,/* in: FSP_NORMAL, FSP_UNDO, or FSP_CLEANING */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { fsp_header_t* space_header; rw_lock_t* latch; ulint n_free_list_ext; ulint free_limit; ulint size; ulint zip_size; ulint n_free; ulint n_free_up; ulint reserve; ibool success; ulint n_pages_added; ut_ad(mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(!mutex_own(&kernel_mutex) || mtr_memo_contains(mtr, fil_space_get_latch(space), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ *n_reserved = n_ext; latch = fil_space_get_latch(space); mtr_x_lock(latch, mtr); space_header = fsp_get_space_header(space, mtr); zip_size = mach_read_from_4(FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE + space_header); ut_a(ut_is_2pow(zip_size)); ut_a(zip_size <= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); ut_a(!zip_size || zip_size >= PAGE_ZIP_MIN_SIZE); try_again: size = mtr_read_ulint(space_header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); if (size < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE / 2) { /* Use different rules for small single-table tablespaces */ *n_reserved = 0; return(fsp_reserve_free_pages(space, space_header, size, mtr)); } n_free_list_ext = flst_get_len(space_header + FSP_FREE, mtr); free_limit = mtr_read_ulint(space_header + FSP_FREE_LIMIT, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); /* Below we play safe when counting free extents above the free limit: some of them will contain extent descriptor pages, and therefore will not be free extents */ n_free_up = (size - free_limit) / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE; if (n_free_up > 0) { n_free_up--; if (!zip_size) { n_free_up -= n_free_up / (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); } else { n_free_up -= n_free_up / (zip_size / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); } } n_free = n_free_list_ext + n_free_up; if (alloc_type == FSP_NORMAL) { /* We reserve 1 extent + 0.5 % of the space size to undo logs and 1 extent + 0.5 % to cleaning operations; NOTE: this source code is duplicated in the function below! */ reserve = 2 + ((size / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) * 2) / 200; if (n_free <= reserve + n_ext) { goto try_to_extend; } } else if (alloc_type == FSP_UNDO) { /* We reserve 0.5 % of the space size to cleaning operations */ reserve = 1 + ((size / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) * 1) / 200; if (n_free <= reserve + n_ext) { goto try_to_extend; } } else { ut_a(alloc_type == FSP_CLEANING); } success = fil_space_reserve_free_extents(space, n_free, n_ext); if (success) { return(TRUE); } try_to_extend: success = fsp_try_extend_data_file(&n_pages_added, space, space_header, mtr); if (success && n_pages_added > 0) { goto try_again; } return(FALSE); } /************************************************************************** This function should be used to get information on how much we still will be able to insert new data to the database without running out the tablespace. Only free extents are taken into account and we also subtract the safety margin required by the above function fsp_reserve_free_extents. */ ulint fsp_get_available_space_in_free_extents( /*====================================*/ /* out: available space in kB */ ulint space) /* in: space id */ { fsp_header_t* space_header; ulint n_free_list_ext; ulint free_limit; ulint size; ulint zip_size; ulint n_free; ulint n_free_up; ulint reserve; rw_lock_t* latch; mtr_t mtr; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(!mutex_own(&kernel_mutex)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ mtr_start(&mtr); latch = fil_space_get_latch(space); mtr_x_lock(latch, &mtr); space_header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); zip_size = mach_read_from_4(FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE + space_header); size = mtr_read_ulint(space_header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); n_free_list_ext = flst_get_len(space_header + FSP_FREE, &mtr); free_limit = mtr_read_ulint(space_header + FSP_FREE_LIMIT, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); if (size < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) { ut_a(space != 0); /* This must be a single-table tablespace */ return(0); /* TODO: count free frag pages and return a value based on that */ } /* Below we play safe when counting free extents above the free limit: some of them will contain extent descriptor pages, and therefore will not be free extents */ n_free_up = (size - free_limit) / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE; if (n_free_up > 0) { n_free_up--; if (!zip_size) { n_free_up -= n_free_up / (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); } else { n_free_up -= n_free_up / (zip_size / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); } } n_free = n_free_list_ext + n_free_up; /* We reserve 1 extent + 0.5 % of the space size to undo logs and 1 extent + 0.5 % to cleaning operations; NOTE: this source code is duplicated in the function above! */ reserve = 2 + ((size / FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) * 2) / 200; if (reserve > n_free) { return(0); } if (!zip_size) { return(((n_free - reserve) * FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) * (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / 1024)); } else { return(((n_free - reserve) * FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) * (zip_size / 1024)); } } /************************************************************************ Marks a page used. The page must reside within the extents of the given segment. */ static void fseg_mark_page_used( /*================*/ fseg_inode_t* seg_inode,/* in: segment inode */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page, /* in: page offset */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { xdes_t* descr; ulint not_full_n_used; ut_ad(seg_inode && mtr); descr = xdes_get_descriptor(space, page, mtr); ut_ad(mtr_read_ulint(seg_inode + FSEG_ID, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr) == mtr_read_ulint(descr + XDES_ID, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr)); if (xdes_is_free(descr, mtr)) { /* We move the extent from the free list to the NOT_FULL list */ flst_remove(seg_inode + FSEG_FREE, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); flst_add_last(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); } ut_ad(xdes_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr) == TRUE); /* We mark the page as used */ xdes_set_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, FALSE, mtr); not_full_n_used = mtr_read_ulint(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); not_full_n_used++; mlog_write_ulint(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, not_full_n_used, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); if (xdes_is_full(descr, mtr)) { /* We move the extent from the NOT_FULL list to the FULL list */ flst_remove(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); flst_add_last(seg_inode + FSEG_FULL, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, not_full_n_used - FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } } /************************************************************************** Frees a single page of a segment. */ static void fseg_free_page_low( /*===============*/ fseg_inode_t* seg_inode, /* in: segment inode */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page, /* in: page offset */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { xdes_t* descr; ulint not_full_n_used; ulint state; dulint descr_id; dulint seg_id; ulint i; ut_ad(seg_inode && mtr); ut_ad(mach_read_from_4(seg_inode + FSEG_MAGIC_N) == FSEG_MAGIC_N_VALUE); /* Drop search system page hash index if the page is found in the pool and is hashed */ btr_search_drop_page_hash_when_freed(space, page); descr = xdes_get_descriptor(space, page, mtr); ut_a(descr); if (xdes_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr)) { fputs("InnoDB: Dump of the tablespace extent descriptor: ", stderr); ut_print_buf(stderr, descr, 40); fprintf(stderr, "\n" "InnoDB: Serious error! InnoDB is trying to free page %lu\n" "InnoDB: though it is already marked as free in the tablespace!\n" "InnoDB: The tablespace free space info is corrupt.\n" "InnoDB: You may need to dump your InnoDB tables and recreate the whole\n" "InnoDB: database!\n", (ulong) page); crash: fputs( "InnoDB: Please refer to\n" "InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/forcing-recovery.html\n" "InnoDB: about forcing recovery.\n", stderr); ut_error; } state = xdes_get_state(descr, mtr); if (state != XDES_FSEG) { /* The page is in the fragment pages of the segment */ for (i = 0;; i++) { if (fseg_get_nth_frag_page_no(seg_inode, i, mtr) == page) { fseg_set_nth_frag_page_no(seg_inode, i, FIL_NULL, mtr); break; } } fsp_free_page(space, page, mtr); return; } /* If we get here, the page is in some extent of the segment */ descr_id = mtr_read_dulint(descr + XDES_ID, mtr); seg_id = mtr_read_dulint(seg_inode + FSEG_ID, mtr); /* fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: InnoDB is freeing space %lu page %lu,\n" "InnoDB: which belongs to descr seg %lu %lu\n" "InnoDB: segment %lu %lu.\n", space, page, ut_dulint_get_high(descr_id), ut_dulint_get_low(descr_id), ut_dulint_get_high(seg_id), ut_dulint_get_low(seg_id)); */ if (0 != ut_dulint_cmp(descr_id, seg_id)) { fputs("InnoDB: Dump of the tablespace extent descriptor: ", stderr); ut_print_buf(stderr, descr, 40); fputs("\nInnoDB: Dump of the segment inode: ", stderr); ut_print_buf(stderr, seg_inode, 40); putc('\n', stderr); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Serious error: InnoDB is trying to free space %lu page %lu,\n" "InnoDB: which does not belong to segment %lu %lu but belongs\n" "InnoDB: to segment %lu %lu.\n", (ulong) space, (ulong) page, (ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(descr_id), (ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(descr_id), (ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(seg_id), (ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(seg_id)); goto crash; } not_full_n_used = mtr_read_ulint(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); if (xdes_is_full(descr, mtr)) { /* The fragment is full: move it to another list */ flst_remove(seg_inode + FSEG_FULL, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); flst_add_last(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); mlog_write_ulint(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, not_full_n_used + FSP_EXTENT_SIZE - 1, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } else { ut_a(not_full_n_used > 0); mlog_write_ulint(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, not_full_n_used - 1, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } xdes_set_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, TRUE, mtr); xdes_set_bit(descr, XDES_CLEAN_BIT, page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, TRUE, mtr); if (xdes_is_free(descr, mtr)) { /* The extent has become free: free it to space */ flst_remove(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); fsp_free_extent(space, page, mtr); } } /************************************************************************** Frees a single page of a segment. */ void fseg_free_page( /*===========*/ fseg_header_t* seg_header, /* in: segment header */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page, /* in: page offset */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { fseg_inode_t* seg_inode; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(!mutex_own(&kernel_mutex) || mtr_memo_contains(mtr, fil_space_get_latch(space), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), mtr); seg_inode = fseg_inode_get(seg_header, mtr); fseg_free_page_low(seg_inode, space, page, mtr); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG_FILE_ACCESSES buf_page_set_file_page_was_freed(space, page); #endif } /************************************************************************** Frees an extent of a segment to the space free list. */ static void fseg_free_extent( /*=============*/ fseg_inode_t* seg_inode, /* in: segment inode */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page, /* in: a page in the extent */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr handle */ { ulint first_page_in_extent; xdes_t* descr; ulint not_full_n_used; ulint descr_n_used; ulint i; ut_ad(seg_inode && mtr); descr = xdes_get_descriptor(space, page, mtr); ut_a(xdes_get_state(descr, mtr) == XDES_FSEG); ut_a(0 == ut_dulint_cmp( mtr_read_dulint(descr + XDES_ID, mtr), mtr_read_dulint(seg_inode + FSEG_ID, mtr))); first_page_in_extent = page - (page % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE; i++) { if (FALSE == xdes_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, i, mtr)) { /* Drop search system page hash index if the page is found in the pool and is hashed */ btr_search_drop_page_hash_when_freed(space, first_page_in_extent + i); } } if (xdes_is_full(descr, mtr)) { flst_remove(seg_inode + FSEG_FULL, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); } else if (xdes_is_free(descr, mtr)) { flst_remove(seg_inode + FSEG_FREE, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); } else { flst_remove(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, mtr); not_full_n_used = mtr_read_ulint( seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); descr_n_used = xdes_get_n_used(descr, mtr); ut_a(not_full_n_used >= descr_n_used); mlog_write_ulint(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, not_full_n_used - descr_n_used, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); } fsp_free_extent(space, page, mtr); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG_FILE_ACCESSES for (i = 0; i < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE; i++) { buf_page_set_file_page_was_freed(space, first_page_in_extent + i); } #endif } /************************************************************************** Frees part of a segment. This function can be used to free a segment by repeatedly calling this function in different mini-transactions. Doing the freeing in a single mini-transaction might result in too big a mini-transaction. */ ibool fseg_free_step( /*===========*/ /* out: TRUE if freeing completed */ fseg_header_t* header, /* in, own: segment header; NOTE: if the header resides on the first page of the frag list of the segment, this pointer becomes obsolete after the last freeing step */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ulint n; ulint page; xdes_t* descr; fseg_inode_t* inode; ulint space; space = buf_frame_get_space_id(header); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(!mutex_own(&kernel_mutex) || mtr_memo_contains(mtr, fil_space_get_latch(space), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), mtr); descr = xdes_get_descriptor(space, buf_frame_get_page_no(header), mtr); /* Check that the header resides on a page which has not been freed yet */ ut_a(descr); ut_a(xdes_get_bit(descr, XDES_FREE_BIT, buf_frame_get_page_no(header) % FSP_EXTENT_SIZE, mtr) == FALSE); inode = fseg_inode_get(header, mtr); descr = fseg_get_first_extent(inode, mtr); if (descr != NULL) { /* Free the extent held by the segment */ page = xdes_get_offset(descr); fseg_free_extent(inode, space, page, mtr); return(FALSE); } /* Free a frag page */ n = fseg_find_last_used_frag_page_slot(inode, mtr); if (n == ULINT_UNDEFINED) { /* Freeing completed: free the segment inode */ fsp_free_seg_inode(space, inode, mtr); return(TRUE); } fseg_free_page_low(inode, space, fseg_get_nth_frag_page_no(inode, n, mtr), mtr); n = fseg_find_last_used_frag_page_slot(inode, mtr); if (n == ULINT_UNDEFINED) { /* Freeing completed: free the segment inode */ fsp_free_seg_inode(space, inode, mtr); return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } /************************************************************************** Frees part of a segment. Differs from fseg_free_step because this function leaves the header page unfreed. */ ibool fseg_free_step_not_header( /*======================*/ /* out: TRUE if freeing completed, except the header page */ fseg_header_t* header, /* in: segment header which must reside on the first fragment page of the segment */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ulint n; ulint page; xdes_t* descr; fseg_inode_t* inode; ulint space; ulint page_no; space = buf_frame_get_space_id(header); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(!mutex_own(&kernel_mutex) || mtr_memo_contains(mtr, fil_space_get_latch(space), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), mtr); inode = fseg_inode_get(header, mtr); descr = fseg_get_first_extent(inode, mtr); if (descr != NULL) { /* Free the extent held by the segment */ page = xdes_get_offset(descr); fseg_free_extent(inode, space, page, mtr); return(FALSE); } /* Free a frag page */ n = fseg_find_last_used_frag_page_slot(inode, mtr); if (n == ULINT_UNDEFINED) { ut_error; } page_no = fseg_get_nth_frag_page_no(inode, n, mtr); if (page_no == buf_frame_get_page_no(header)) { return(TRUE); } fseg_free_page_low(inode, space, page_no, mtr); return(FALSE); } /*********************************************************************** Frees a segment. The freeing is performed in several mini-transactions, so that there is no danger of bufferfixing too many buffer pages. */ void fseg_free( /*======*/ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page_no,/* in: page number where the segment header is placed */ ulint offset) /* in: byte offset of the segment header on that page */ { mtr_t mtr; ibool finished; fseg_header_t* header; fil_addr_t addr; addr.page = page_no; addr.boffset = offset; for (;;) { mtr_start(&mtr); header = fut_get_ptr(space, addr, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr); finished = fseg_free_step(header, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); if (finished) { return; } } } /************************************************************************** Returns the first extent descriptor for a segment. We think of the extent lists of the segment catenated in the order FSEG_FULL -> FSEG_NOT_FULL -> FSEG_FREE. */ static xdes_t* fseg_get_first_extent( /*==================*/ /* out: the first extent descriptor, or NULL if none */ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { fil_addr_t first; ulint space; xdes_t* descr; ut_ad(inode && mtr); space = buf_frame_get_space_id(inode); first = fil_addr_null; if (flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_FULL, mtr) > 0) { first = flst_get_first(inode + FSEG_FULL, mtr); } else if (flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, mtr) > 0) { first = flst_get_first(inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, mtr); } else if (flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr) > 0) { first = flst_get_first(inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr); } if (first.page == FIL_NULL) { return(NULL); } descr = xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, first, mtr); return(descr); } /*********************************************************************** Validates a segment. */ static ibool fseg_validate_low( /*==============*/ /* out: TRUE if ok */ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ mtr_t* mtr2) /* in: mtr */ { ulint space; dulint seg_id; mtr_t mtr; xdes_t* descr; fil_addr_t node_addr; ulint n_used = 0; ulint n_used2 = 0; ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr2, buf_block_align(inode), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); ut_ad(mach_read_from_4(inode + FSEG_MAGIC_N) == FSEG_MAGIC_N_VALUE); space = buf_frame_get_space_id(inode); seg_id = mtr_read_dulint(inode + FSEG_ID, mtr2); n_used = mtr_read_ulint(inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr2); flst_validate(inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr2); flst_validate(inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, mtr2); flst_validate(inode + FSEG_FULL, mtr2); /* Validate FSEG_FREE list */ node_addr = flst_get_first(inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr2); while (!fil_addr_is_null(node_addr)) { mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); descr = xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, node_addr, &mtr); ut_a(xdes_get_n_used(descr, &mtr) == 0); ut_a(xdes_get_state(descr, &mtr) == XDES_FSEG); ut_a(0 == ut_dulint_cmp( mtr_read_dulint(descr + XDES_ID, &mtr), seg_id)); node_addr = flst_get_next_addr(descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } /* Validate FSEG_NOT_FULL list */ node_addr = flst_get_first(inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, mtr2); while (!fil_addr_is_null(node_addr)) { mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); descr = xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, node_addr, &mtr); ut_a(xdes_get_n_used(descr, &mtr) > 0); ut_a(xdes_get_n_used(descr, &mtr) < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); ut_a(xdes_get_state(descr, &mtr) == XDES_FSEG); ut_a(0 == ut_dulint_cmp( mtr_read_dulint(descr + XDES_ID, &mtr), seg_id)); n_used2 += xdes_get_n_used(descr, &mtr); node_addr = flst_get_next_addr(descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } /* Validate FSEG_FULL list */ node_addr = flst_get_first(inode + FSEG_FULL, mtr2); while (!fil_addr_is_null(node_addr)) { mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); descr = xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, node_addr, &mtr); ut_a(xdes_get_n_used(descr, &mtr) == FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); ut_a(xdes_get_state(descr, &mtr) == XDES_FSEG); ut_a(0 == ut_dulint_cmp( mtr_read_dulint(descr + XDES_ID, &mtr), seg_id)); node_addr = flst_get_next_addr(descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } ut_a(n_used == n_used2); return(TRUE); } /*********************************************************************** Validates a segment. */ ibool fseg_validate( /*==========*/ /* out: TRUE if ok */ fseg_header_t* header, /* in: segment header */ mtr_t* mtr2) /* in: mtr */ { fseg_inode_t* inode; ibool ret; ulint space; space = buf_frame_get_space_id(header); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), mtr2); inode = fseg_inode_get(header, mtr2); ret = fseg_validate_low(inode, mtr2); return(ret); } /*********************************************************************** Writes info of a segment. */ static void fseg_print_low( /*===========*/ fseg_inode_t* inode, /* in: segment inode */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { ulint space; ulint seg_id_low; ulint seg_id_high; ulint n_used; ulint n_frag; ulint n_free; ulint n_not_full; ulint n_full; ulint reserved; ulint used; ulint page_no; dulint d_var; ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, buf_block_align(inode), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); space = buf_frame_get_space_id(inode); page_no = buf_frame_get_page_no(inode); reserved = fseg_n_reserved_pages_low(inode, &used, mtr); d_var = mtr_read_dulint(inode + FSEG_ID, mtr); seg_id_low = ut_dulint_get_low(d_var); seg_id_high = ut_dulint_get_high(d_var); n_used = mtr_read_ulint(inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); n_frag = fseg_get_n_frag_pages(inode, mtr); n_free = flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_FREE, mtr); n_not_full = flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, mtr); n_full = flst_get_len(inode + FSEG_FULL, mtr); fprintf(stderr, "SEGMENT id %lu %lu space %lu; page %lu; res %lu used %lu; full ext %lu\n" "fragm pages %lu; free extents %lu; not full extents %lu: pages %lu\n", (ulong) seg_id_high, (ulong) seg_id_low, (ulong) space, (ulong) page_no, (ulong) reserved, (ulong) used, (ulong) n_full, (ulong) n_frag, (ulong) n_free, (ulong) n_not_full, (ulong) n_used); } /*********************************************************************** Writes info of a segment. */ void fseg_print( /*=======*/ fseg_header_t* header, /* in: segment header */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { fseg_inode_t* inode; ulint space; space = buf_frame_get_space_id(header); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), mtr); inode = fseg_inode_get(header, mtr); fseg_print_low(inode, mtr); } /*********************************************************************** Validates the file space system and its segments. */ ibool fsp_validate( /*=========*/ /* out: TRUE if ok */ ulint space) /* in: space id */ { fsp_header_t* header; fseg_inode_t* seg_inode; page_t* seg_inode_page; ulint size; ulint zip_size; ulint free_limit; ulint frag_n_used; mtr_t mtr; mtr_t mtr2; xdes_t* descr; fil_addr_t node_addr; fil_addr_t next_node_addr; ulint descr_count = 0; ulint n_used = 0; ulint n_used2 = 0; ulint n_full_frag_pages; ulint n; ulint seg_inode_len_free; ulint seg_inode_len_full; /* Start first a mini-transaction mtr2 to lock out all other threads from the fsp system */ mtr_start(&mtr2); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr2); mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); zip_size = mach_read_from_4(FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE + header); ut_a(ut_is_2pow(zip_size)); ut_a(zip_size <= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); ut_a(!zip_size || zip_size >= PAGE_ZIP_MIN_SIZE); size = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); free_limit = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_FREE_LIMIT, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); frag_n_used = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); n_full_frag_pages = FSP_EXTENT_SIZE * flst_get_len(header + FSP_FULL_FRAG, &mtr); ut_a(free_limit <= size || (space != 0 && size < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE)); flst_validate(header + FSP_FREE, &mtr); flst_validate(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, &mtr); flst_validate(header + FSP_FULL_FRAG, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); /* Validate FSP_FREE list */ mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); node_addr = flst_get_first(header + FSP_FREE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); while (!fil_addr_is_null(node_addr)) { mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); descr_count++; descr = xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, node_addr, &mtr); ut_a(xdes_get_n_used(descr, &mtr) == 0); ut_a(xdes_get_state(descr, &mtr) == XDES_FREE); node_addr = flst_get_next_addr(descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } /* Validate FSP_FREE_FRAG list */ mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); node_addr = flst_get_first(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); while (!fil_addr_is_null(node_addr)) { mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); descr_count++; descr = xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, node_addr, &mtr); ut_a(xdes_get_n_used(descr, &mtr) > 0); ut_a(xdes_get_n_used(descr, &mtr) < FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); ut_a(xdes_get_state(descr, &mtr) == XDES_FREE_FRAG); n_used += xdes_get_n_used(descr, &mtr); node_addr = flst_get_next_addr(descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } /* Validate FSP_FULL_FRAG list */ mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); node_addr = flst_get_first(header + FSP_FULL_FRAG, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); while (!fil_addr_is_null(node_addr)) { mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); descr_count++; descr = xdes_lst_get_descriptor(space, node_addr, &mtr); ut_a(xdes_get_n_used(descr, &mtr) == FSP_EXTENT_SIZE); ut_a(xdes_get_state(descr, &mtr) == XDES_FULL_FRAG); node_addr = flst_get_next_addr(descr + XDES_FLST_NODE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } /* Validate segments */ mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); node_addr = flst_get_first(header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FULL, &mtr); seg_inode_len_full = flst_get_len(header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FULL, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); while (!fil_addr_is_null(node_addr)) { n = 0; do { mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); seg_inode_page = fut_get_ptr(space, node_addr, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr) - FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE; seg_inode = fsp_seg_inode_page_get_nth_inode( seg_inode_page, n, zip_size, &mtr); ut_a(ut_dulint_cmp( mach_read_from_8(seg_inode + FSEG_ID), ut_dulint_zero) != 0); fseg_validate_low(seg_inode, &mtr); descr_count += flst_get_len(seg_inode + FSEG_FREE, &mtr); descr_count += flst_get_len(seg_inode + FSEG_FULL, &mtr); descr_count += flst_get_len(seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, &mtr); n_used2 += fseg_get_n_frag_pages(seg_inode, &mtr); next_node_addr = flst_get_next_addr(seg_inode_page + FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } while (++n < FSP_SEG_INODES_PER_PAGE(zip_size)); node_addr = next_node_addr; } mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); node_addr = flst_get_first(header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE, &mtr); seg_inode_len_free = flst_get_len(header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); while (!fil_addr_is_null(node_addr)) { n = 0; do { mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); seg_inode_page = fut_get_ptr(space, node_addr, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr) - FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE; seg_inode = fsp_seg_inode_page_get_nth_inode( seg_inode_page, n, zip_size, &mtr); if (ut_dulint_cmp(mach_read_from_8( seg_inode + FSEG_ID), ut_dulint_zero) != 0) { fseg_validate_low(seg_inode, &mtr); descr_count += flst_get_len( seg_inode + FSEG_FREE, &mtr); descr_count += flst_get_len( seg_inode + FSEG_FULL, &mtr); descr_count += flst_get_len( seg_inode + FSEG_NOT_FULL, &mtr); n_used2 += fseg_get_n_frag_pages( seg_inode, &mtr); } next_node_addr = flst_get_next_addr(seg_inode_page + FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } while (++n < FSP_SEG_INODES_PER_PAGE(zip_size)); node_addr = next_node_addr; } ut_a(descr_count * FSP_EXTENT_SIZE == free_limit); if (!zip_size) { ut_a(n_used + n_full_frag_pages == n_used2 + 2 * ((free_limit + (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) + seg_inode_len_full + seg_inode_len_free); } else { ut_a(n_used + n_full_frag_pages == n_used2 + 2 * ((free_limit + (zip_size - 1)) / zip_size) + seg_inode_len_full + seg_inode_len_free); } ut_a(frag_n_used == n_used); mtr_commit(&mtr2); return(TRUE); } /*********************************************************************** Prints info of a file space. */ void fsp_print( /*======*/ ulint space) /* in: space id */ { fsp_header_t* header; fseg_inode_t* seg_inode; page_t* seg_inode_page; ulint zip_size; ulint size; ulint free_limit; ulint frag_n_used; fil_addr_t node_addr; fil_addr_t next_node_addr; ulint n_free; ulint n_free_frag; ulint n_full_frag; ulint seg_id_low; ulint seg_id_high; ulint n; ulint n_segs = 0; dulint d_var; mtr_t mtr; mtr_t mtr2; /* Start first a mini-transaction mtr2 to lock out all other threads from the fsp system */ mtr_start(&mtr2); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr2); mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); size = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_SIZE, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); free_limit = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_FREE_LIMIT, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); frag_n_used = mtr_read_ulint(header + FSP_FRAG_N_USED, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); n_free = flst_get_len(header + FSP_FREE, &mtr); n_free_frag = flst_get_len(header + FSP_FREE_FRAG, &mtr); n_full_frag = flst_get_len(header + FSP_FULL_FRAG, &mtr); d_var = mtr_read_dulint(header + FSP_SEG_ID, &mtr); seg_id_low = ut_dulint_get_low(d_var); seg_id_high = ut_dulint_get_high(d_var); fprintf(stderr, "FILE SPACE INFO: id %lu\n" "size %lu, free limit %lu, free extents %lu\n" "not full frag extents %lu: used pages %lu, full frag extents %lu\n" "first seg id not used %lu %lu\n", (long) space, (ulong) size, (ulong) free_limit, (ulong) n_free, (ulong) n_free_frag, (ulong) frag_n_used, (ulong) n_full_frag, (ulong) seg_id_high, (ulong) seg_id_low); mtr_commit(&mtr); /* Print segments */ mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); zip_size = mach_read_from_4(header + FSP_PAGE_ZIP_SIZE); node_addr = flst_get_first(header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FULL, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); while (!fil_addr_is_null(node_addr)) { n = 0; do { mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); seg_inode_page = fut_get_ptr(space, node_addr, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr) - FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE; seg_inode = fsp_seg_inode_page_get_nth_inode( seg_inode_page, n, zip_size, &mtr); ut_a(ut_dulint_cmp(mach_read_from_8( seg_inode + FSEG_ID), ut_dulint_zero) != 0); fseg_print_low(seg_inode, &mtr); n_segs++; next_node_addr = flst_get_next_addr(seg_inode_page + FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } while (++n < FSP_SEG_INODES_PER_PAGE(zip_size)); node_addr = next_node_addr; } mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); header = fsp_get_space_header(space, &mtr); node_addr = flst_get_first(header + FSP_SEG_INODES_FREE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); while (!fil_addr_is_null(node_addr)) { n = 0; do { mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_x_lock(fil_space_get_latch(space), &mtr); seg_inode_page = fut_get_ptr(space, node_addr, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr) - FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE; seg_inode = fsp_seg_inode_page_get_nth_inode( seg_inode_page, n, zip_size, &mtr); if (ut_dulint_cmp(mach_read_from_8( seg_inode + FSEG_ID), ut_dulint_zero) != 0) { fseg_print_low(seg_inode, &mtr); n_segs++; } next_node_addr = flst_get_next_addr(seg_inode_page + FSEG_INODE_PAGE_NODE, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } while (++n < FSP_SEG_INODES_PER_PAGE(zip_size)); node_addr = next_node_addr; } mtr_commit(&mtr2); fprintf(stderr, "NUMBER of file segments: %lu\n", (ulong) n_segs); }