/* a pma cursor is a key and value pair that may be contained in a pma */ typedef struct pma_cursor { PMA pma; DBT key; DBT val; void *sskey; void *ssval; } *PMA_CURSOR; /* create a pma cursor */ static int toku_pma_cursor(PMA pma, PMA_CURSOR *cursorptr, void **sskey, void **ssval) { PMA_CURSOR cursor = toku_malloc(sizeof *cursor); if (cursor == 0) return ENOMEM; cursor->pma = pma; toku_init_dbt(&cursor->key); toku_init_dbt(&cursor->val); cursor->sskey = sskey; cursor->ssval = ssval; *cursorptr = cursor; return 0; } static inline void toku_destroy_dbt(DBT *dbt) { if (dbt->data && (dbt->flags & DB_DBT_MALLOC)) { toku_free(dbt->data); dbt->data = 0; } } /* free a pma cursor */ static int toku_pma_cursor_free(PMA_CURSOR *cursorptr) { PMA_CURSOR cursor = *cursorptr; *cursorptr = 0; toku_destroy_dbt(&cursor->key); toku_destroy_dbt(&cursor->val); toku_free_n(cursor, sizeof *cursor); return 0; } /* bind a new key and value to the pma cursor */ static void pma_cursor_set_key_val(PMA_CURSOR cursor, DBT *newkey, DBT *newval) { toku_destroy_dbt(&cursor->key); toku_destroy_dbt(&cursor->val); cursor->key = *newkey; toku_init_dbt(newkey); cursor->val = *newval; toku_init_dbt(newval); } static int pma_cursor_compare_one(brt_search_t *so, DBT *x, DBT *y) { so = so; x = x; y = y; return 1; } static int toku_pma_cursor_set_position_first (PMA_CURSOR cursor) { DBT newkey; toku_init_dbt(&newkey); newkey.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; DBT newval; toku_init_dbt(&newval); newval.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; brt_search_t so; brt_search_init(&so, pma_cursor_compare_one, BRT_SEARCH_LEFT, 0, 0, 0); int r = toku_pma_search(cursor->pma, &so, &newkey, &newval); if (r == 0) pma_cursor_set_key_val(cursor, &newkey, &newval); toku_destroy_dbt(&newkey); toku_destroy_dbt(&newval); return r; } static int toku_pma_cursor_set_position_last (PMA_CURSOR cursor) { DBT newkey; toku_init_dbt(&newkey); newkey.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; DBT newval; toku_init_dbt(&newval); newval.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; brt_search_t so; brt_search_init(&so, pma_cursor_compare_one, BRT_SEARCH_RIGHT, 0, 0, 0); int r = toku_pma_search(cursor->pma, &so, &newkey, &newval); if (r == 0) pma_cursor_set_key_val(cursor, &newkey, &newval); toku_destroy_dbt(&newkey); toku_destroy_dbt(&newval); return r; } static int pma_cursor_compare_kv_xy(PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v, DBT *x, DBT *y) { int cmp = pma->compare_fun(pma->db, k, x); if (cmp == 0 && v && y) cmp = pma->compare_fun(pma->db, v, y); return cmp; } static int pma_cursor_compare_next(brt_search_t *so, DBT *x, DBT *y) { PMA pma = so->context; return pma_cursor_compare_kv_xy(pma, so->k, so->v, x, y) < 0; } static int toku_pma_cursor_set_position_next (PMA_CURSOR cursor) { DBT newkey; toku_init_dbt(&newkey); newkey.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; DBT newval; toku_init_dbt(&newval); newval.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; brt_search_t so; brt_search_init(&so, pma_cursor_compare_next, BRT_SEARCH_LEFT, &cursor->key, &cursor->val, cursor->pma); int r = toku_pma_search(cursor->pma, &so, &newkey, &newval); if (r == 0) pma_cursor_set_key_val(cursor, &newkey, &newval); toku_destroy_dbt(&newkey); toku_destroy_dbt(&newval); return r; } static int pma_cursor_compare_prev(brt_search_t *so, DBT *x, DBT *y) { PMA pma = so->context; return pma_cursor_compare_kv_xy(pma, so->k, so->v, x, y) > 0; } static int toku_pma_cursor_set_position_prev (PMA_CURSOR cursor) { DBT newkey; toku_init_dbt(&newkey); newkey.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; DBT newval; toku_init_dbt(&newval); newval.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; brt_search_t so; brt_search_init(&so, pma_cursor_compare_prev, BRT_SEARCH_RIGHT, &cursor->key, &cursor->val, cursor->pma); int r = toku_pma_search(cursor->pma, &so, &newkey, &newval); if (r == 0) pma_cursor_set_key_val(cursor, &newkey, &newval); toku_destroy_dbt(&newkey); toku_destroy_dbt(&newval); return r; } static int pma_cursor_compare_both(brt_search_t *so, DBT *x, DBT *y) { PMA pma = so->context; return pma_cursor_compare_kv_xy(pma, so->k, so->v, x, y) <= 0; } static int toku_pma_cursor_set_both(PMA_CURSOR cursor, DBT *key, DBT *val) { DBT newkey; toku_init_dbt(&newkey); newkey.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; DBT newval; toku_init_dbt(&newval); newval.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; brt_search_t so; brt_search_init(&so, pma_cursor_compare_both, BRT_SEARCH_LEFT, key, val, cursor->pma); int r = toku_pma_search(cursor->pma, &so, &newkey, &newval); if (r != 0 || pma_cursor_compare_kv_xy(cursor->pma, key, val, &newkey, &newval) != 0) { r = DB_NOTFOUND; } else pma_cursor_set_key_val(cursor, &newkey, &newval); toku_destroy_dbt(&newkey); toku_destroy_dbt(&newval); return r; } static int toku_pma_cursor_get_current(PMA_CURSOR cursor, DBT *key, DBT *val, int even_deleted) { assert(even_deleted == 0); if (cursor->key.data == 0 || cursor->val.data == 0) return EINVAL; DBT newkey; toku_init_dbt(&newkey); newkey.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; DBT newval; toku_init_dbt(&newval); newval.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; brt_search_t so; brt_search_init(&so, pma_cursor_compare_both, BRT_SEARCH_LEFT, &cursor->key, &cursor->val, cursor->pma); int r = toku_pma_search(cursor->pma, &so, &newkey, &newval); if (r != 0 || pma_cursor_compare_kv_xy(cursor->pma, &cursor->key, &cursor->val, &newkey, &newval) != 0) { r = DB_KEYEMPTY; } toku_destroy_dbt(&newkey); toku_destroy_dbt(&newval); if (r != 0) return r; if (key) r = toku_dbt_set_value(key, cursor->key.data, cursor->key.size, cursor->sskey); if (val && r == 0) r = toku_dbt_set_value(val, cursor->val.data, cursor->val.size, cursor->ssval); return r; } static int toku_pma_cursor_set_range_both(PMA_CURSOR cursor, DBT *key, DBT *val) { DBT newkey; toku_init_dbt(&newkey); newkey.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; DBT newval; toku_init_dbt(&newval); newval.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; brt_search_t so; brt_search_init(&so, pma_cursor_compare_both, BRT_SEARCH_LEFT, key, val, cursor->pma); int r = toku_pma_search(cursor->pma, &so, &newkey, &newval); if (r == 0) pma_cursor_set_key_val(cursor, &newkey, &newval); toku_destroy_dbt(&newkey); toku_destroy_dbt(&newval); return r; } static int toku_pma_cursor_delete_under(PMA_CURSOR cursor, u_int32_t *kvsize, u_int32_t rand4sem, u_int32_t *fingerprint) { cursor = cursor; kvsize = kvsize; rand4sem = rand4sem; fingerprint = fingerprint; DBT key; toku_init_dbt(&key); key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; DBT val; toku_init_dbt(&val); val.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; int r = toku_pma_cursor_get_current(cursor, &key, &val, 0); if (r == 0) { PMA pma = cursor->pma; r = toku_pma_delete(pma, &key, pma->dup_mode & TOKU_DB_DUPSORT ? &val : 0, rand4sem, fingerprint, kvsize); assert(r == 0); } toku_destroy_dbt(&key); toku_destroy_dbt(&val); return r; }