# Can't run test of external client with embedded server -- source include/not_embedded.inc # Only run test if "mysql_upgrade" is found --require r/have_mysql_upgrade.result --disable_query_log select LENGTH("$MYSQL_UPGRADE")>0 as have_mysql_upgrade; --enable_query_log # Get version of the server so it can be masked out in the # error messages from mysql_upgrade let $VERSION=`select LEFT(version(), 6)`; # # Basic test that we can run mysql_upgrde and that it finds the # expected binaries it uses. # --echo Run mysql_upgrade once --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --skip-verbose 2>&1 # It should have created a file in the MySQL Servers datadir file_exists $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/mysql_upgrade_info; --echo Run it again - should say already completed --replace_result $VERSION VERSION --error 1 --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --skip-verbose 2>&1 # It should have created a file in the MySQL Servers datadir file_exists $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/mysql_upgrade_info; --echo Force should run it regardless of wether it's been run before --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --skip-verbose --force 2>&1 # It should have created a file in the MySQL Servers datadir file_exists $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/mysql_upgrade_info; # # Bug #25452 mysql_upgrade access denied. # # Password protect a root account and run mysql_upgrade CREATE USER mysqltest1@'%' IDENTIFIED by 'sakila'; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO mysqltest1@'%'; --echo Run mysql_upgrade with password protected account --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --skip-verbose --force --user=mysqltest1 --password=sakila 2>&1 DROP USER mysqltest1@'%'; # # Bug #26639 mysql_upgrade exits successfully even if external command failed # --echo Run mysql_upgrade with a non existing server socket --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR var --replace_regex /.*mysqlcheck.*: Got/mysqlcheck: Got/ --error 1 --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --skip-verbose --force --socket=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/no_sock_here 2>&1