.\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii foo.1 .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2007 Tokutek. All Rights Reserved. .TH DB_ENV->set_lk_max_locks 3 "November 2007" Tokutek "TokuDB Programmer's Manual" .SH NAME DB_ENV->set_lk_max_locks .SH SYNOPSIS .LP \fB #include <db.h> .br .sp .BI "int DB_ENV->set_lk_max_locks(DB_ENV *" dbenv ", u_int32_t " max ");" .br .BI "int DB_ENV->set_lk_max(DB_ENV *" dbenv ", u_int32_t " max ");" .SH DESCRIPTION These functions provide compatibility with Berkeley DB. The TokuDB locking system has no limits on the number of locks, and these function ignore their arguments, returning 0. .LP .SH RETURN VALUE .LP Returns zero. .SH CONFORMING TO The TokuDB embedded database provides a subset of the functionality of the Berkeley DB. Programs that work with TokuDB probably work with with most versions of Berkeley DB with only recompilation or relinking. The database files are incompatible, however, so to convert from one library to the other you would need to dump the database with one library's tool and load it with the other's. .SH RESTRICTIONS .LP Restrictions: At most a few thousand databases per file. .SH AUTHOR Tokutek, Inc. .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2007 Tokutek. All Rights Reserved.