/* An in-memory Packed Memory Array dictionary. The keys and values are arrays of bytes, but are not necessarily kept in scan order. Only the pointers are kept. */ #include "pma-internal.h" #include "key.h" #include "memory.h" #include "myassert.h" #include "../include/ydb-constants.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> /* Only needed for testing. */ #include <string.h> int pma_n_entries (PMA pma) { return pma->n_pairs_present; } int pma_index_limit (PMA pma) { return pma->N; } int pmanode_valid (PMA pma, int i) { assert(0<=i); assert(i<pma_index_limit(pma)); return pma->pairs[i].key!=0; } bytevec pmanode_key (PMA pma, int i) { assert(0<=i); assert(i<pma_index_limit(pma)); return pma->pairs[i].key; } ITEMLEN pmanode_keylen (PMA pma, int i) { assert(0<=i); assert(i<pma_index_limit(pma)); return pma->pairs[i].keylen; } bytevec pmanode_val (PMA pma, int i) { assert(0<=i); assert(i<pma_index_limit(pma)); return pma->pairs[i].val; } ITEMLEN pmanode_vallen (PMA pma, int i) { assert(0<=i); assert(i<pma_index_limit(pma)); return pma->pairs[i].vallen; } /* Could pick the same one every time if we wanted. */ int pma_random_pick(PMA pma, bytevec *key, ITEMLEN *keylen, bytevec *val, ITEMLEN *vallen) { #if 1 int i; /* For now a simple implementation where we simply start at the beginning and look. */ for (i=0; i<pma_index_limit(pma); i++) { if (pma->pairs[i].key) { *key = pmanode_key(pma,i); *keylen = pmanode_keylen(pma,i); *val = pmanode_val(pma,i); *vallen = pmanode_vallen(pma,i); return 0; } } return DB_NOTFOUND; #else /* Maybe we should pick a random item to remove in order to reduce the unbalancing. */ int i; int l = pma_index_limit(pma); int r = random()%l; /* For now a simple implementation where we simply start at the beginning and look. */ for (i=0; i<l; i++) { int ir=(i+r)%l; if (pma->pairs[ir].key) { *key = pmanode_key(pma,ir); *keylen = pmanode_keylen(pma,ir); *val = pmanode_val(pma,ir); *vallen = pmanode_vallen(pma,ir); return 0; } } return DB_NOTFOUND; #endif } static int pma_count_finds=0; static int pma_count_divides=0; static int pma_count_scans=0; void pma_show_stats (void) { printf("%d finds, %d divides, %d scans\n", pma_count_finds, pma_count_divides, pma_count_scans); } // Return the smallest index such that no lower index contains a larger key. // This will be in the range 0 (inclusive) to pma_index_limit(pma) (inclusive). // Thus the returned index may not be a valid index into the array if it is == pma_index_limit(pma) // For example: if the array is empty, that means we return 0. // For example: if the array is full of small keys, that means we return pma_index_limit(pma), which is off the end of teh array. // For example: if the array is full of large keys, then we return 0. int pmainternal_find (PMA pma, DBT *k, DB *db) { int lo=0, hi=pma_index_limit(pma); /* lo and hi are the minimum and maximum values (inclusive) that we could possibly return. */ pma_count_finds++; while (lo<hi) { int mid; // Scan forward looking for a non-null value. for (mid=(lo+hi)/2; mid<hi; mid++) { if (pma->pairs[mid].key!=0) { // Found one. DBT k2; int cmp = pma->compare_fun(db, k, fill_dbt(&k2, pma->pairs[mid].key, pma->pairs[mid].keylen)); if (cmp==0) return mid; else if (cmp<0) { /* key is smaller than the midpoint, so look in the low half. */ hi = (lo+hi)/2; /* recalculate the midpoint, since mid is no necessarily the midpoint now. */ pma_count_divides++; goto next_range; } else { /* key is larger than the midpoint. So look in the high half. */ lo = mid+1; /* The smallest value we could want to return is lo. */ pma_count_divides++; goto next_range; } /* Not reached */ } pma_count_scans++; } /* If we got here, all from mid to hi were null, so adjust hi to the midpoint. */ /* If the whole array is null, we'll end up returning index 0, which is good. */ hi = (lo+hi)/2; pma_count_divides++; next_range: ; /* We have adjusted lo and hi, so look again. */ } assert(0<=lo); assert(lo==hi); assert(hi <= pma_index_limit(pma)); /* If lo points at something, the something should not be smaller than key. */ if (lo>0 && lo < pma_index_limit(pma) && pma->pairs[lo].key) { //printf("lo=%d\n", lo); DBT k2; assert(0 >= pma->compare_fun(db, k, fill_dbt(&k2, pma->pairs[lo].key, pma->pairs[lo].keylen))); } return lo; } //int min (int i, int j) { if (i<j) return i; else return j; } //int max (int i, int j) { if (i<j) return j; else return i; } //double lg (int n) { return log((double)n)/log(2.0); } int pmainternal_printpairs (struct pair *pairs, int N) { int count=0; int i; printf("{"); for (i=0; i<N; i++) { if (i!=0) printf(" "); if (pairs[i].key) { printf("%s", (char*)pairs[i].key); count++; } else printf("_"); } printf("}"); return count; } void print_pma (PMA pma) { int count; printf("N=%d n_present=%d ", pma_index_limit(pma), pma->n_pairs_present); count=pmainternal_printpairs(pma->pairs, pma_index_limit(pma)); printf("\n"); assert(count==pma->n_pairs_present); } /* Smooth the data, and return the location of the null. */ int distribute_data (struct pair *destpairs, int dcount, struct pair *sourcepairs, int scount) { assert(scount<=dcount); if (scount==0) { return -1; } if (scount==1) { *destpairs=*sourcepairs; if (destpairs->key==0) return 0; else return -1; } else { int r1 = distribute_data(destpairs, dcount/2, sourcepairs, scount/2); int r2 = distribute_data(destpairs +dcount/2, dcount-dcount/2, sourcepairs+scount/2, scount-scount/2); assert(r1==-1 || r2==-1); if (r1!=-1) return r1; else if (r2!=-1) return r2+dcount/2; else return -1; } } /* spread the non-empty pairs around. There are n of them. Create an empty slot just before the IDXth element, and return that slot's index in the smoothed array. */ int pmainternal_smooth_region (struct pair *pairs, int n, int idx) { int i; int n_present=0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if (pairs[i].key) n_present++; } n_present++; // Save one for the blank guy. { struct pair *MALLOC_N(n_present,tmppairs); int n_saved=0; int r; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if (i==idx) { tmppairs[n_saved++].key = 0; } if (pairs[i].key) { tmppairs[n_saved++] = pairs[i]; } pairs[i].key = 0; pairs[i].keylen = 0; pairs[i].val = 0; pairs[i].vallen = 0; } if (idx==n) { tmppairs[n_saved++].key = 0; } //printf(" temp="); printpairs(tmppairs, n_saved); assert(n_saved==n_present); /* Now the tricky part. Distribute the data. */ r=distribute_data (pairs, n, tmppairs, n_saved); toku_free(tmppairs); return r; } } int lg (int n) { int result=0; int two_to_result = 1; while (two_to_result<n) { result++; two_to_result*=2; } return result; } void pmainternal_calculate_parameters (PMA pma) /* Calculate densitystep and uplgN, given N. */ { int N = pma_index_limit(pma); int lgN = lg(N); int n_divisions=0; //printf("N=%d lgN=%d\n", N, lgN); while (N/2>=lgN) { n_divisions++; N/=2; } pma->uplgN=N; //printf("uplgN = %d n_divisions=%d\n", pma->uplgN, n_divisions); assert(n_divisions>0); pma->densitystep = 0.5/n_divisions; } int pmainternal_count_region (struct pair *pairs, int lo, int hi) { int n=0; while (lo<hi) { if (pairs[lo].key) n++; lo++; } return n; } int pma_create (PMA *pma, int (*compare_fun)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*)) { TAGMALLOC(PMA, result); int i; if (result==0) return -1; result->N = 4; result->n_pairs_present = 0; MALLOC_N((1+result->N),result->pairs); result->pairs[result->N].key = (void*)0xdeadbeef; //printf("pairs=%p (size=%d)\n", result->pairs,result->N*sizeof(*result->pairs)); if (result->pairs==0) { toku_free(result); return -1; } for (i=0; i<result->N; i++) { result->pairs[i].key = 0; result->pairs[i].keylen = 0; result->pairs[i].val = 0; result->pairs[i].vallen = 0; } pmainternal_calculate_parameters(result); result->cursors_head = result->cursors_tail = 0; result->compare_fun = compare_fun; result->skey=0; result->sval = 0; *pma = result; assert((unsigned long)result->pairs[result->N].key==0xdeadbeefL); return 0; } int pma_init_array(PMA pma, int n) { int i; int twor; if (pma->pairs) { toku_free(pma->pairs); pma->pairs = 0; } /* find the smallest power of 2 >= n */ twor = 4; while (twor < n) twor *= 2; pma->N = twor; MALLOC_N(1+pma->N, pma->pairs); pma->pairs[pma->N].key = (void *) 0xdeadbeef; for (i=0; i<pma->N; i++) { pma->pairs[i].key = 0; pma->pairs[i].keylen = 0; pma->pairs[i].val = 0; pma->pairs[i].vallen = 0; } pmainternal_calculate_parameters(pma); return 0; } int pma_cursor (PMA pma, PMA_CURSOR *cursp) { PMA_CURSOR MALLOC(curs); if (errno!=0) return errno; assert(curs!=0); curs->position=-1; /* undefined */ if (pma->cursors_head) { pma->cursors_head->prev = curs; } else { pma->cursors_tail = curs; } curs->next = pma->cursors_head; curs->prev = 0; curs->pma = pma; curs->skey = 0; curs->sval=0; pma->cursors_head = curs; *cursp=curs; return 0; } int pma_cursor_set_position_last (PMA_CURSOR c) { PMA pma = c->pma; c->position=pma->N-1; while (c->pma->pairs[c->position].key==0) { if (c->position>0) c->position--; else return DB_NOTFOUND; } return 0; } int pma_cursor_set_position_first (PMA_CURSOR c) { PMA pma = c->pma; c->position=0; while (c->pma->pairs[c->position].key==0) { if (c->position+1<pma->N) c->position++; else return DB_NOTFOUND; } return 0; } int pma_cursor_set_position_next (PMA_CURSOR c) { PMA pma = c->pma; int old_position=c->position; c->position++; while (c->position<pma->N) { if (c->pma->pairs[c->position].key!=0) return 0; c->position++; } c->position=old_position; return DB_NOTFOUND; } int pma_cget_current (PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DBT *val) { PMA pma = c->pma; if (pma->pairs[c->position].key==0) return BRT_KEYEMPTY; ybt_set_value(key, pma->pairs[c->position].key, pma->pairs[c->position].keylen, &c->skey); ybt_set_value(val, pma->pairs[c->position].val, pma->pairs[c->position].vallen, &c->sval); return 0; } #if 0 int pma_cget_first (PMA_CURSOR c, YBT *key, YBT *val) { PMA pma=c->pma; c->position=0; if (pma->n_pairs_present==0) return DB_NOTFOUND; while (pma->pairs[c->position].key==0 && c->position<pma->N) { c->position++; } assert(c->position<pma->N && pma->pairs[c->position].key!=0); ybt_set_value(key, pma->pairs[c->position].key, pma->pairs[c->position].keylen, &c->skey); ybt_set_value(val, pma->pairs[c->position].val, pma->pairs[c->position].vallen, &c->sval); return 0; } #endif int pma_cursor_free (PMA_CURSOR *cursp) { PMA_CURSOR curs=*cursp; PMA pma = curs->pma; if (curs->prev==0) { assert(pma->cursors_head==curs); pma->cursors_head = curs->next; } else { curs->prev->next = curs->next; } if (curs->next==0) { assert(pma->cursors_tail==curs); pma->cursors_tail = curs->prev; } else { curs->next->prev = curs->prev; } if (curs->skey) toku_free(curs->skey); if (curs->sval) toku_free(curs->sval); toku_free(curs); *cursp=0; return 0; } /* Make some space for a key to go at idx (the thing currently at idx should end up at to the right.) */ /* Return the new index. (Making space may involve moving things around, including the hole at index.) */ int pmainternal_make_space_at (PMA pma, int idx) { /* Within a range LO to HI we have a limit of how much packing we will tolerate. * We allow the entire array to be 50% full. * We allow a region of size lgN to be full. * At sizes in between, we interpolate. */ int size=pma->uplgN; int lo=idx; int hi=idx; double density=1.0; while (1) { /* set hi-lo equal size, make sure it is a supserset of (hi,lo). */ lo=idx-size/2; hi=idx+size/2; //printf("lo=%d hi=%d\n", lo, hi); if (lo<0) { hi-=lo; lo=0; } else if (hi>pma_index_limit(pma)) { lo-=(hi-pma_index_limit(pma)); hi=pma_index_limit(pma); } else { ; /* nothing */ } //printf("lo=%d hi=%d\n", lo, hi); assert(0<=lo); assert(lo<hi); assert(hi<=pma_index_limit(pma)); assert(hi-lo==size); // separate into separate assertions so that gcov doesn't see branches not taken. assert(density>0.499); assert(density<=1); if (density<0.5001) { assert(lo==0); assert(hi==pma_index_limit(pma)); } { int count = (1+ /* Don't forget space for the new guy. */ pmainternal_count_region(pma->pairs, lo, hi)); if (count/(double)(hi-lo) <= density) break; if (lo==0 && hi==pma_index_limit(pma)) { /* The array needs to be doubled in size. */ int i; assert(size==pma_index_limit(pma)); size*=2; //printf("realloc %p to %d\n", pma->pairs, size*sizeof(*pma->pairs)); pma->pairs = toku_realloc(pma->pairs, (1+size)*sizeof(*pma->pairs)); for (i=hi; i<size; i++) pma->pairs[i].key=0; pma->pairs[size].key = (void*)0xdeadbeefL; pma->N=size; pmainternal_calculate_parameters(pma); hi=size; //printf("doubled N\n"); break; } } density-=pma->densitystep; size*=2; } //printf("%s:%d Smoothing from %d to %d to density %f\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, lo, hi, density); { int new_index = pmainternal_smooth_region(pma->pairs+lo, hi-lo, idx-lo); return new_index+lo; } } enum pma_errors pma_lookup (PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v, DB *db) { DBT k2; int l = pmainternal_find(pma, k, db); assert(0<=l ); assert(l<=pma_index_limit(pma)); if (l==pma_index_limit(pma)) return DB_NOTFOUND; if (pma->pairs[l].key!=0 && pma->compare_fun(db, k, fill_dbt(&k2, pma->pairs[l].key,pma->pairs[l].keylen))==0) { return ybt_set_value(v, pma->pairs[l].val, pma->pairs[l].vallen, &pma->sval); } else { return DB_NOTFOUND; } } void maybe_free (const void *p) { if (p) toku_free((void*)p); } /* returns 0 if OK. * You must have freed all the cursors, otherwise returns nonzero and does nothing. */ int pma_free (PMA *pmap) { int i; PMA pma=*pmap; if (pma->cursors_head) return -1; for (i=0; i<pma_index_limit(pma); i++) { if (pma->pairs[i].key) { maybe_free(pma->pairs[i].key); maybe_free(pma->pairs[i].val); pma->pairs[i].key=0; pma->pairs[i].val=0; } } toku_free(pma->pairs); toku_free(pma); if (pma->skey) toku_free(pma->skey); if (pma->sval) toku_free(pma->sval); *pmap=0; return 0; } /* Copies keylen and datalen */ int pma_insert (PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v, DB* db) { int idx = pmainternal_find(pma, k, db); if (idx < pma_index_limit(pma) && pma->pairs[idx].key) { DBT k2; if (0==pma->compare_fun(db, k, fill_dbt(&k2, pma->pairs[idx].key, pma->pairs[idx].keylen))) { return BRT_ALREADY_THERE; /* It is already here. Return an error. */ } } if (pma->pairs[idx].key) { idx = pmainternal_make_space_at (pma, idx); /* returns the new idx. */ } assert(!pma->pairs[idx].key); pma->pairs[idx].key = memdup(k->data, k->size); pma->pairs[idx].keylen = k->size; pma->pairs[idx].val = memdup(v->data, v->size); pma->pairs[idx].vallen = v->size; pma->n_pairs_present++; return BRT_OK; } int pma_delete (PMA pma, DBT *k, DB *db) { int l = pmainternal_find(pma, k, db); if (pma->pairs[l].key==0) { printf("%s:%d l=%d r=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, l, DB_NOTFOUND); return DB_NOTFOUND; } assert(pma->pairs[l].val!=0); toku_free((void*)pma->pairs[l].key); toku_free((void*)pma->pairs[l].val); pma->pairs[l].key = 0; pma->pairs[l].val = 0; pma->pairs[l].keylen = 0; pma->pairs[l].vallen = 0; pma->n_pairs_present--; // Need to rebalance // smooth_after_delete(pma,l); return BRT_OK; } void pma_iterate (PMA pma, void(*f)(bytevec,ITEMLEN,bytevec,ITEMLEN, void*), void*v) { int i; for (i=0; i<pma_index_limit(pma); i++) { if (pma->pairs[i].key) { f(pma->pairs[i].key, pma->pairs[i].keylen, pma->pairs[i].val, pma->pairs[i].vallen, v); } } } struct pair *pma_extract_pairs(PMA pma) { int npairs; struct pair *pairs; int i; int lastpair; npairs = pma_n_entries(pma); pairs = toku_malloc(npairs * sizeof (struct pair)); lastpair = 0; for (i=0; i<pma_index_limit(pma); i++) { if (pma->pairs[i].key != 0) { pairs[lastpair] = pma->pairs[i]; pma->pairs[i].key = 0; pma->pairs[i].val = 0; lastpair += 1; } } assert(lastpair == npairs); return pairs; } int pma_split(PMA old, PMA *newa, PMA *newb, PMA_CURSOR *cursors, int ncursors) { int error; int npairs; struct pair *pairs; int sumlen; int runlen; int len; int i; int spliti; assert(cursors == 0 && ncursors == 0); /* create the new pma's */ error = pma_create(newa, old->compare_fun); if (error != 0) return error; error = pma_create(newb, old->compare_fun); if (error != 0) { pma_free(newb); return error; } /* extract the pairs */ npairs = pma_n_entries(old); pairs = pma_extract_pairs(old); old->n_pairs_present = 0; /* split the pairs in half by length */ sumlen = 0; for (i=0; i<npairs; i++) sumlen += 4 + pairs[i].keylen + 4 + pairs[i].vallen; runlen = 0; for (i=0; i < npairs; i++) { len = 4 + pairs[i].keylen + 4 + pairs[i].vallen; if (runlen + len > sumlen/2) break; runlen += len; } spliti = i; /* put the first 1/2 of pairs into newa */ pma_init_array(*newa, 2 * spliti); distribute_data((*newa)->pairs, pma_index_limit(*newa), &pairs[0], spliti); (*newa)->n_pairs_present = spliti; /* put the second 1/2 of pairs into newb */ pma_init_array(*newb, 2 * (npairs-spliti)); distribute_data((*newb)->pairs, pma_index_limit(*newb), &pairs[spliti], npairs-spliti); (*newb)->n_pairs_present = npairs-spliti; toku_free(pairs); return 0; }