/* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Kentoku Shiba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #define SPIDER_DB_WRAPPER_STR "mysql" #define SPIDER_DB_WRAPPER_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_DB_WRAPPER_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_DB_PK_NAME_STR "PRIMARY" #define SPIDER_DB_PK_NAME_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_DB_PK_NAME_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_DB_UNIQUE_NAME_STR "UNIQUE" #define SPIDER_DB_UNIQUE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_DB_UNIQUE_NAME_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_DB_KEY_NAME_STR "KEY" #define SPIDER_DB_KEY_NAME_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_DB_KEY_NAME_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_DB_SEQUENCE_NAME_STR "" #define SPIDER_DB_SEQUENCE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_DB_SEQUENCE_NAME_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_DB_TABLE_LOCK_READ_LOCAL 0 #define SPIDER_DB_TABLE_LOCK_READ 1 #define SPIDER_DB_TABLE_LOCK_LOW_PRIORITY_WRITE 2 #define SPIDER_DB_TABLE_LOCK_WRITE 3 #define SPIDER_DB_INSERT_REPLACE (1 << 0) #define SPIDER_DB_INSERT_IGNORE (1 << 1) #define SPIDER_DB_INSERT_LOW_PRIORITY (1 << 2) #define SPIDER_DB_INSERT_HIGH_PRIORITY (1 << 3) #define SPIDER_DB_INSERT_DELAYED (1 << 4) #define SPIDER_SQL_OPEN_PAREN_STR "(" #define SPIDER_SQL_OPEN_PAREN_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_OPEN_PAREN_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_CLOSE_PAREN_STR ")" #define SPIDER_SQL_CLOSE_PAREN_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_CLOSE_PAREN_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_COMMA_STR "," #define SPIDER_SQL_COMMA_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_COMMA_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_UNION_ALL_STR ")union all(" #define SPIDER_SQL_UNION_ALL_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_UNION_ALL_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_NULL_STR "null" #define SPIDER_SQL_NULL_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_NULL_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_GT_STR " > " #define SPIDER_SQL_GT_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_GT_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_GTEQUAL_STR " >= " #define SPIDER_SQL_GTEQUAL_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_GTEQUAL_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_LT_STR " < " #define SPIDER_SQL_LT_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_LT_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_LTEQUAL_STR " <= " #define SPIDER_SQL_LTEQUAL_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_LTEQUAL_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_ID_STR "id" #define SPIDER_SQL_ID_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_ID_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_TMP_BKA_ENGINE_STR "memory" #define SPIDER_SQL_TMP_BKA_ENGINE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_TMP_BKA_ENGINE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_INSERT_STR "insert " #define SPIDER_SQL_INSERT_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_INSERT_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_REPLACE_STR "replace " #define SPIDER_SQL_REPLACE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_REPLACE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SELECT_STR "select " #define SPIDER_SQL_SELECT_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SELECT_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_UPDATE_STR "update " #define SPIDER_SQL_UPDATE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_UPDATE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_DELETE_STR "delete " #define SPIDER_SQL_DELETE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_DELETE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_DISTINCT_STR "distinct " #define SPIDER_SQL_DISTINCT_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_DISTINCT_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_HIGH_PRIORITY_STR "high_priority " #define SPIDER_SQL_HIGH_PRIORITY_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_HIGH_PRIORITY_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_LOW_PRIORITY_STR "low_priority " #define SPIDER_SQL_LOW_PRIORITY_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_LOW_PRIORITY_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_DELAYED_STR "delayed " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_DELAYED_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_DELAYED_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_IGNORE_STR "ignore " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_IGNORE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_IGNORE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_FROM_STR " from " #define SPIDER_SQL_FROM_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_FROM_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_WHERE_STR " where " #define SPIDER_SQL_WHERE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_WHERE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_OR_STR " or " #define SPIDER_SQL_OR_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_OR_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_ORDER_STR " order by " #define SPIDER_SQL_ORDER_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_ORDER_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_DESC_STR " desc" #define SPIDER_SQL_DESC_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_DESC_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_LIMIT_STR " limit " #define SPIDER_SQL_LIMIT_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_LIMIT_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_INTO_STR "into " #define SPIDER_SQL_INTO_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_INTO_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_VALUES_STR ")values" #define SPIDER_SQL_VALUES_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_VALUES_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SHARED_LOCK_STR " lock in share mode" #define SPIDER_SQL_SHARED_LOCK_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SHARED_LOCK_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_FOR_UPDATE_STR " for update" #define SPIDER_SQL_FOR_UPDATE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_FOR_UPDATE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_ALTER_TABLE_STR "alter table " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_ALTER_TABLE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_ALTER_TABLE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_DISABLE_KEYS_STR " disable keys" #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_DISABLE_KEYS_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_DISABLE_KEYS_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_ENABLE_KEYS_STR " enable keys" #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_ENABLE_KEYS_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_ENABLE_KEYS_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_CHECK_TABLE_STR "check table " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_CHECK_TABLE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_CHECK_TABLE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_ANALYZE_STR "analyze " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_ANALYZE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_ANALYZE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_OPTIMIZE_STR "optimize " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_OPTIMIZE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_OPTIMIZE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_REPAIR_STR "repair " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_REPAIR_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_REPAIR_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_TABLE_STR "table " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_TABLE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_TABLE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_QUICK_STR " quick" #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_QUICK_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_QUICK_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_FAST_STR " fast" #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_FAST_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_FAST_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_MEDIUM_STR " medium" #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_MEDIUM_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_MEDIUM_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_EXTENDED_STR " extended" #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_EXTENDED_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_EXTENDED_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_LOCAL_STR "local " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_LOCAL_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_LOCAL_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_USE_FRM_STR " use_frm" #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_USE_FRM_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_USE_FRM_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_TRUNCATE_TABLE_STR "truncate table " #define SPIDER_SQL_TRUNCATE_TABLE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_TRUNCATE_TABLE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_EXPLAIN_SELECT_STR "explain select 1 " #define SPIDER_SQL_EXPLAIN_SELECT_LEN sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_EXPLAIN_SELECT_STR) - 1 #define SPIDER_SQL_FLUSH_LOGS_STR "flush logs" #define SPIDER_SQL_FLUSH_LOGS_LEN sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_FLUSH_LOGS_STR) - 1 #define SPIDER_SQL_FLUSH_TABLES_STR "flush tables" #define SPIDER_SQL_FLUSH_TABLES_LEN sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_FLUSH_TABLES_STR) - 1 #define SPIDER_SQL_WITH_READ_LOCK_STR " with read lock" #define SPIDER_SQL_WITH_READ_LOCK_LEN sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_WITH_READ_LOCK_STR) - 1 #define SPIDER_SQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE_STR " on duplicate key update " #define SPIDER_SQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_UPDATE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_HANDLER_STR "handler " #define SPIDER_SQL_HANDLER_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_HANDLER_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_OPEN_STR " open " #define SPIDER_SQL_OPEN_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_OPEN_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_CLOSE_STR " close " #define SPIDER_SQL_CLOSE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_CLOSE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_READ_STR " read " #define SPIDER_SQL_READ_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_READ_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_FIRST_STR " first " #define SPIDER_SQL_FIRST_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_FIRST_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_NEXT_STR " next " #define SPIDER_SQL_NEXT_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_NEXT_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_PREV_STR " prev " #define SPIDER_SQL_PREV_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_PREV_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_LAST_STR " last " #define SPIDER_SQL_LAST_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_LAST_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_AS_STR "as " #define SPIDER_SQL_AS_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_AS_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_WITH_QUERY_EXPANSION_STR " with query expansion" #define SPIDER_SQL_WITH_QUERY_EXPANSION_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_WITH_QUERY_EXPANSION_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_IN_BOOLEAN_MODE_STR " in boolean mode" #define SPIDER_SQL_IN_BOOLEAN_MODE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_IN_BOOLEAN_MODE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_MATCH_STR "match(" #define SPIDER_SQL_MATCH_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_MATCH_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_AGAINST_STR ")against(" #define SPIDER_SQL_AGAINST_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_AGAINST_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_IS_NULL_STR " is null" #define SPIDER_SQL_IS_NULL_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_IS_NULL_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_IS_NOT_NULL_STR " is not null" #define SPIDER_SQL_IS_NOT_NULL_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_IS_NOT_NULL_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_NOT_NULL_STR " not null" #define SPIDER_SQL_NOT_NULL_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_NOT_NULL_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_DEFAULT_STR " default " #define SPIDER_SQL_DEFAULT_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_DEFAULT_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SPACE_STR " " #define SPIDER_SQL_SPACE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SPACE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_ONE_STR "1" #define SPIDER_SQL_ONE_LEN sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_ONE_STR) - 1 #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_CACHE_STR "sql_cache " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_CACHE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_CACHE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_NO_CACHE_STR "sql_no_cache " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_NO_CACHE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_NO_CACHE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_QUICK_MODE_STR "quick " #define SPIDER_SQL_SQL_QUICK_MODE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SQL_QUICK_MODE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SET_STR " set " #define SPIDER_SQL_SET_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SET_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_UNDERSCORE_STR "_" #define SPIDER_SQL_UNDERSCORE_LEN sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_UNDERSCORE_STR) - 1 #define SPIDER_SQL_PF_EQUAL_STR " <=> " #define SPIDER_SQL_PF_EQUAL_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_PF_EQUAL_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_GROUP_STR " group by " #define SPIDER_SQL_GROUP_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_GROUP_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_PLUS_STR " + " #define SPIDER_SQL_PLUS_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_PLUS_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_MINUS_STR " - " #define SPIDER_SQL_MINUS_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_MINUS_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_SHOW_RECORDS_STR "select count(*) from " #define SPIDER_SQL_SHOW_RECORDS_LEN sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SHOW_RECORDS_STR) - 1 #define SPIDER_SQL_SHOW_INDEX_STR "show index from " #define SPIDER_SQL_SHOW_INDEX_LEN sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SHOW_INDEX_STR) - 1 #define SPIDER_SQL_SELECT_STATISTICS_STR "select `column_name`,`cardinality` from `information_schema`.`statistics` where `table_schema` = " #define SPIDER_SQL_SELECT_STATISTICS_LEN sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_SELECT_STATISTICS_STR) - 1 #define SPIDER_SQL_MAX_STR "max" #define SPIDER_SQL_MAX_LEN sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_MAX_STR) - 1 #define SPIDER_SQL_DROP_TMP_STR "drop temporary table if exists " #define SPIDER_SQL_DROP_TMP_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_DROP_TMP_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_CREATE_TMP_STR "create temporary table " #define SPIDER_SQL_CREATE_TMP_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_CREATE_TMP_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_TMP_BKA_STR "tmp_spider_bka_" #define SPIDER_SQL_TMP_BKA_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_TMP_BKA_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_ENGINE_STR ")engine=" #define SPIDER_SQL_ENGINE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_ENGINE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_DEF_CHARSET_STR " default charset=" #define SPIDER_SQL_DEF_CHARSET_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_DEF_CHARSET_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_ID_TYPE_STR " bigint" #define SPIDER_SQL_ID_TYPE_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_ID_TYPE_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_COLUMN_NAME_STR "`column_name`" #define SPIDER_SQL_COLUMN_NAME_LEN sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_COLUMN_NAME_STR) - 1 #define SPIDER_SQL_A_DOT_STR "a." #define SPIDER_SQL_A_DOT_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_A_DOT_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_B_DOT_STR "b." #define SPIDER_SQL_B_DOT_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_B_DOT_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_A_STR "a" #define SPIDER_SQL_A_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_A_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_B_STR "b" #define SPIDER_SQL_B_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SQL_B_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SQL_INT_LEN 20 #define SPIDER_SQL_HANDLER_CID_LEN 6 #define SPIDER_SQL_HANDLER_CID_FORMAT "t%05u" #define SPIDER_UDF_PING_TABLE_PING_ONLY (1 << 0) #define SPIDER_UDF_PING_TABLE_USE_WHERE (1 << 1) int spider_db_connect( const SPIDER_SHARE *share, SPIDER_CONN *conn, int link_idx ); int spider_db_ping( ha_spider *spider, SPIDER_CONN *conn, int link_idx ); void spider_db_disconnect( SPIDER_CONN *conn ); int spider_db_conn_queue_action( SPIDER_CONN *conn ); int spider_db_before_query( SPIDER_CONN *conn, int *need_mon ); int spider_db_query( SPIDER_CONN *conn, const char *query, uint length, int quick_mode, int *need_mon ); int spider_db_errorno( SPIDER_CONN *conn ); int spider_db_set_trx_isolation( SPIDER_CONN *conn, int trx_isolation, int *need_mon ); int spider_db_set_names_internal( SPIDER_TRX *trx, SPIDER_SHARE *share, SPIDER_CONN *conn, int all_link_idx, int *need_mon ); int spider_db_set_names( ha_spider *spider, SPIDER_CONN *conn, int link_idx ); int spider_db_query_with_set_names( ulong sql_type, ha_spider *spider, SPIDER_CONN *conn, int link_idx ); int spider_db_query_for_bulk_update( ha_spider *spider, SPIDER_CONN *conn, int link_idx, uint *dup_key_found ); size_t spider_db_real_escape_string( SPIDER_CONN *conn, char *to, const char *from, size_t from_length ); int spider_db_consistent_snapshot( SPIDER_CONN *conn, int *need_mon ); int spider_db_start_transaction( SPIDER_CONN *conn, int *need_mon ); int spider_db_commit( SPIDER_CONN *conn ); int spider_db_rollback( SPIDER_CONN *conn ); int spider_db_append_hex_string( spider_string *str, uchar *hex_ptr, int hex_ptr_length ); void spider_db_append_xid_str( spider_string *tmp_str, XID *xid ); int spider_db_xa_end( SPIDER_CONN *conn, XID *xid ); int spider_db_xa_prepare( SPIDER_CONN *conn, XID *xid ); int spider_db_xa_commit( SPIDER_CONN *conn, XID *xid ); int spider_db_xa_rollback( SPIDER_CONN *conn, XID *xid ); int spider_db_lock_tables( ha_spider *spider, int link_idx ); int spider_db_unlock_tables( ha_spider *spider, int link_idx ); int spider_db_append_name_with_quote_str( spider_string *str, char *name, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_append_select( ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_append_select_columns( ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_append_null_value( spider_string *str, KEY_PART_INFO *key_part, const uchar **ptr ); int spider_db_append_key_columns( const key_range *start_key, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str ); int spider_db_append_key_hint( spider_string *str, char *hint_str ); int spider_db_append_key_where_internal( spider_string *str, spider_string *str_part, spider_string *str_part2, const key_range *start_key, const key_range *end_key, ha_spider *spider, bool set_order, ulong sql_type, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_append_key_where( const key_range *start_key, const key_range *end_key, ha_spider *spider ); #ifdef HANDLER_HAS_DIRECT_AGGREGATE int spider_db_refetch_for_item_sum_funcs( ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_fetch_for_item_sum_funcs( SPIDER_DB_ROW *row, ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_fetch_for_item_sum_func( SPIDER_DB_ROW *row, Item_sum *item_sum, ha_spider *spider ); #endif int spider_db_append_match_fetch( ha_spider *spider, st_spider_ft_info *ft_first, st_spider_ft_info *ft_current, SPIDER_DB_ROW *row ); int spider_db_append_match_where( ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_append_hint_after_table( ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, spider_string *hint ); int spider_db_append_show_records( SPIDER_SHARE *share ); void spider_db_free_show_records( SPIDER_SHARE *share ); int spider_db_append_show_index( SPIDER_SHARE *share ); void spider_db_free_show_index( SPIDER_SHARE *share ); void spider_db_append_handler_next( ha_spider *spider ); void spider_db_get_row_from_tmp_tbl_rec( SPIDER_RESULT *current, SPIDER_DB_ROW **row ); int spider_db_get_row_from_tmp_tbl( SPIDER_RESULT *current, SPIDER_DB_ROW **row ); int spider_db_get_row_from_tmp_tbl_pos( SPIDER_POSITION *pos, SPIDER_DB_ROW **row ); int spider_db_fetch_row( SPIDER_SHARE *share, Field *field, SPIDER_DB_ROW *row, my_ptrdiff_t ptr_diff ); int spider_db_fetch_table( ha_spider *spider, uchar *buf, TABLE *table, SPIDER_RESULT_LIST *result_list ); int spider_db_fetch_key( ha_spider *spider, uchar *buf, TABLE *table, const KEY *key_info, SPIDER_RESULT_LIST *result_list ); int spider_db_fetch_minimum_columns( ha_spider *spider, uchar *buf, TABLE *table, SPIDER_RESULT_LIST *result_list ); void spider_db_free_one_result_for_start_next( ha_spider *spider ); void spider_db_free_one_result( SPIDER_RESULT_LIST *result_list, SPIDER_RESULT *result ); int spider_db_free_result( ha_spider *spider, bool final ); int spider_db_store_result( ha_spider *spider, int link_idx, TABLE *table ); void spider_db_discard_result( ha_spider *spider, int link_idx, SPIDER_CONN *conn ); void spider_db_discard_multiple_result( ha_spider *spider, int link_idx, SPIDER_CONN *conn ); #ifdef HA_CAN_BULK_ACCESS int spider_db_bulk_store_result( ha_spider *spider, SPIDER_CONN *conn, int link_idx, bool discard_result ); #endif int spider_db_fetch( uchar *buf, ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table ); int spider_db_seek_prev( uchar *buf, ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table ); int spider_db_seek_next( uchar *buf, ha_spider *spider, int link_idx, TABLE *table ); int spider_db_seek_last( uchar *buf, ha_spider *spider, int link_idx, TABLE *table ); int spider_db_seek_first( uchar *buf, ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table ); void spider_db_set_pos_to_first_row( SPIDER_RESULT_LIST *result_list ); void spider_db_create_position( ha_spider *spider, SPIDER_POSITION *pos ); int spider_db_seek_tmp( uchar *buf, SPIDER_POSITION *pos, ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table ); int spider_db_seek_tmp_table( uchar *buf, SPIDER_POSITION *pos, ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table ); int spider_db_seek_tmp_key( uchar *buf, SPIDER_POSITION *pos, ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table, const KEY *key_info ); int spider_db_seek_tmp_minimum_columns( uchar *buf, SPIDER_POSITION *pos, ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table ); int spider_db_show_table_status( ha_spider *spider, int link_idx, int sts_mode, uint flag ); int spider_db_show_records( ha_spider *spider, int link_idx, bool pre_call ); void spider_db_set_cardinarity( ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table ); int spider_db_show_index( ha_spider *spider, int link_idx, TABLE *table, int crd_mode ); ha_rows spider_db_explain_select( key_range *start_key, key_range *end_key, ha_spider *spider, int link_idx ); int spider_db_bulk_insert_init( ha_spider *spider, const TABLE *table ); int spider_db_bulk_insert( ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table, bool bulk_end ); #ifdef HA_CAN_BULK_ACCESS int spider_db_bulk_bulk_insert( ha_spider *spider ); #endif int spider_db_update_auto_increment( ha_spider *spider, int link_idx ); int spider_db_bulk_update_size_limit( ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table ); int spider_db_bulk_update_end( ha_spider *spider, uint *dup_key_found ); int spider_db_bulk_update( ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table, my_ptrdiff_t ptr_diff ); int spider_db_update( ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table, const uchar *old_data ); #ifdef HANDLER_HAS_DIRECT_UPDATE_ROWS int spider_db_direct_update( ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table, KEY_MULTI_RANGE *ranges, uint range_count, uint *update_rows ); #endif #ifdef HA_CAN_BULK_ACCESS int spider_db_bulk_direct_update( ha_spider *spider, uint *update_rows ); #endif int spider_db_bulk_delete( ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table, my_ptrdiff_t ptr_diff ); int spider_db_delete( ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table, const uchar *buf ); #ifdef HANDLER_HAS_DIRECT_UPDATE_ROWS int spider_db_direct_delete( ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table, KEY_MULTI_RANGE *ranges, uint range_count, uint *delete_rows ); #endif int spider_db_delete_all_rows( ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_disable_keys( ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_enable_keys( ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_check_table( ha_spider *spider, HA_CHECK_OPT* check_opt ); int spider_db_repair_table( ha_spider *spider, HA_CHECK_OPT* check_opt ); int spider_db_analyze_table( ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_optimize_table( ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_flush_tables( ha_spider *spider, bool lock ); int spider_db_flush_logs( ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_print_item_type( Item *item, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_open_item_cond( Item_cond *item_cond, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_open_item_func( Item_func *item_func, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); #ifdef HANDLER_HAS_DIRECT_AGGREGATE int spider_db_open_item_sum_func( Item_sum *item_sum, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); #endif int spider_db_open_item_ident( Item_ident *item_ident, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_open_item_field( Item_field *item_field, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_open_item_ref( Item_ref *item_ref, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_open_item_row( Item_row *item_row, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_open_item_string( Item *item, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_open_item_int( Item *item, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_open_item_cache( Item_cache *item_cache, ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_append_condition( ha_spider *spider, const char *alias, uint alias_length, bool test_flg ); #ifdef HANDLER_HAS_DIRECT_UPDATE_ROWS int spider_db_append_update_columns( ha_spider *spider, spider_string *str, const char *alias, uint alias_length, uint dbton_id ); #endif uint spider_db_check_ft_idx( Item_func *item_func, ha_spider *spider ); int spider_db_udf_fetch_row( SPIDER_TRX *trx, Field *field, SPIDER_DB_ROW *row, ulong *length ); int spider_db_udf_fetch_table( SPIDER_TRX *trx, SPIDER_CONN *conn, TABLE *table, SPIDER_DB_RESULT *result, uint set_on, uint set_off ); int spider_db_udf_direct_sql_connect( const SPIDER_DIRECT_SQL *direct_sql, SPIDER_CONN *conn ); int spider_db_udf_direct_sql_ping( SPIDER_DIRECT_SQL *direct_sql ); int spider_db_udf_direct_sql( SPIDER_DIRECT_SQL *direct_sql ); int spider_db_udf_direct_sql_select_db( SPIDER_DIRECT_SQL *direct_sql, SPIDER_CONN *conn ); int spider_db_udf_direct_sql_set_names( SPIDER_DIRECT_SQL *direct_sql, SPIDER_TRX *trx, SPIDER_CONN *conn ); int spider_db_udf_check_and_set_set_names( SPIDER_TRX *trx ); int spider_db_udf_append_set_names( SPIDER_TRX *trx ); void spider_db_udf_free_set_names( SPIDER_TRX *trx ); int spider_db_udf_ping_table( SPIDER_TABLE_MON_LIST *table_mon_list, SPIDER_SHARE *share, SPIDER_TRX *trx, SPIDER_CONN *conn, char *where_clause, uint where_clause_length, bool ping_only, bool use_where, longlong limit ); int spider_db_udf_ping_table_append_mon_next( spider_string *str, char *child_table_name, uint child_table_name_length, int link_id, char *where_clause, uint where_clause_length, longlong first_sid, int full_mon_count, int current_mon_count, int success_count, int fault_count, int flags, longlong limit ); int spider_db_udf_ping_table_append_select( spider_string *str, SPIDER_SHARE *share, SPIDER_TRX *trx, spider_string *where_str, bool use_where, longlong limit, uint dbton_id ); int spider_db_udf_ping_table_mon_next( THD *thd, SPIDER_TABLE_MON *table_mon, SPIDER_CONN *conn, SPIDER_MON_TABLE_RESULT *mon_table_result, char *child_table_name, uint child_table_name_length, int link_id, char *where_clause, uint where_clause_length, longlong first_sid, int full_mon_count, int current_mon_count, int success_count, int fault_count, int flags, longlong limit ); int spider_db_udf_copy_tables( SPIDER_COPY_TABLES *copy_tables, ha_spider *spider, TABLE *table, longlong bulk_insert_rows ); int spider_db_open_handler( ha_spider *spider, SPIDER_CONN *conn, int link_idx ); #ifdef HA_CAN_BULK_ACCESS int spider_db_bulk_open_handler( ha_spider *spider, SPIDER_CONN *conn, int link_idx ); #endif int spider_db_close_handler( ha_spider *spider, SPIDER_CONN *conn, int link_idx, uint tgt_conn_kind ); #if defined(HS_HAS_SQLCOM) && defined(HAVE_HANDLERSOCKET) void spider_db_hs_request_buf_reset( SPIDER_CONN *conn ); #endif bool spider_db_conn_is_network_error( int error_num );