/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Write a record to heap-databas */ #include "heapdef.h" #ifdef __WIN__ #include <fcntl.h> #endif #define LOWFIND 1 #define LOWUSED 2 #define HIGHFIND 4 #define HIGHUSED 8 static byte *next_free_record_pos(HP_SHARE *info); static HASH_INFO *hp_find_free_hash(HP_SHARE *info, HP_BLOCK *block, ulong records); int heap_write(HP_INFO *info, const byte *record) { HP_KEYDEF *keydef, *end; byte *pos; HP_SHARE *share=info->s; DBUG_ENTER("heap_write"); #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (info->mode & O_RDONLY) { DBUG_RETURN(my_errno=EACCES); } #endif if (!(pos=next_free_record_pos(share))) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); share->changed=1; for (keydef = share->keydef, end = keydef + share->keys; keydef < end; keydef++) { if ((*keydef->write_key)(info, keydef, record, pos)) goto err; } memcpy(pos,record,(size_t) share->reclength); pos[share->reclength]=1; /* Mark record as not deleted */ if (++share->records == share->blength) share->blength+= share->blength; info->current_ptr=pos; info->current_hash_ptr=0; info->update|=HA_STATE_AKTIV; #if !defined(DBUG_OFF) && defined(EXTRA_HEAP_DEBUG) DBUG_EXECUTE("check_heap",heap_check_heap(info, 0);); #endif if (share->auto_key) heap_update_auto_increment(info, record); DBUG_RETURN(0); err: DBUG_PRINT("info",("Duplicate key: %d", keydef - share->keydef)); info->errkey= keydef - share->keydef; if (keydef->algorithm == HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE) { /* we don't need to delete non-inserted key from rb-tree */ keydef--; } while (keydef >= share->keydef) { if ((*keydef->delete_key)(info, keydef, record, pos, 0)) break; keydef--; } share->deleted++; *((byte**) pos)=share->del_link; share->del_link=pos; pos[share->reclength]=0; /* Record deleted */ DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); } /* heap_write */ /* Write a key to rb_tree-index */ int hp_rb_write_key(HP_INFO *info, HP_KEYDEF *keyinfo, const byte *record, byte *recpos) { heap_rb_param custom_arg; uint old_allocated; info->last_pos= NULL; /* For heap_rnext/heap_rprev */ custom_arg.keyseg= keyinfo->seg; custom_arg.key_length= hp_rb_make_key(keyinfo, info->recbuf, record, recpos); if (keyinfo->flag & HA_NOSAME) { custom_arg.search_flag= SEARCH_FIND | SEARCH_SAME; keyinfo->rb_tree.flag= TREE_NO_DUPS; } else { custom_arg.search_flag= SEARCH_SAME; keyinfo->rb_tree.flag= 0; } old_allocated= keyinfo->rb_tree.allocated; if (!tree_insert(&keyinfo->rb_tree, (void*)info->recbuf, custom_arg.key_length, &custom_arg)) { my_errno= HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; return 1; } info->s->index_length+= (keyinfo->rb_tree.allocated-old_allocated); return 0; } /* Find where to place new record */ static byte *next_free_record_pos(HP_SHARE *info) { int block_pos; byte *pos; ulong length; DBUG_ENTER("next_free_record_pos"); if (info->del_link) { pos=info->del_link; info->del_link= *((byte**) pos); info->deleted--; DBUG_PRINT("exit",("Used old position: %lx",pos)); DBUG_RETURN(pos); } if (!(block_pos=(info->records % info->block.records_in_block))) { if ((info->records > info->max_records && info->max_records) || (info->data_length + info->index_length >= info->max_table_size)) { my_errno=HA_ERR_RECORD_FILE_FULL; DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } if (hp_get_new_block(&info->block,&length)) DBUG_RETURN(NULL); info->data_length+=length; } DBUG_PRINT("exit",("Used new position: %lx", (byte*) info->block.level_info[0].last_blocks+block_pos* info->block.recbuffer)); DBUG_RETURN((byte*) info->block.level_info[0].last_blocks+ block_pos*info->block.recbuffer); } /* Write a hash-key to the hash-index SYNOPSIS info Heap table info keyinfo Key info record Table record to added recpos Memory buffer where the table record will be stored if added successfully NOTE Hash index uses HP_BLOCK structure as a 'growable array' of HASH_INFO structs. Array size == number of entries in hash index. hp_mask(hp_rec_hashnr()) maps hash entries values to hash array positions. If there are several hash entries with the same hash array position P, they are connected in a linked list via HASH_INFO::next_key. The first list element is located at position P, next elements are located at positions for which there is no record that should be located at that position. The order of elements in the list is arbitrary. RETURN 0 - OK -1 - Out of memory HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY - Duplicate record on unique key. The record was still added and the caller must call hp_delete_key for it. */ int hp_write_key(HP_INFO *info, HP_KEYDEF *keyinfo, const byte *record, byte *recpos) { HP_SHARE *share = info->s; int flag; ulong halfbuff,hashnr,first_index; byte *ptr_to_rec,*ptr_to_rec2; HASH_INFO *empty,*gpos,*gpos2,*pos; DBUG_ENTER("hp_write_key"); LINT_INIT(gpos); LINT_INIT(gpos2); LINT_INIT(ptr_to_rec); LINT_INIT(ptr_to_rec2); flag=0; if (!(empty= hp_find_free_hash(share,&keyinfo->block,share->records))) DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* No more memory */ halfbuff= (long) share->blength >> 1; pos= hp_find_hash(&keyinfo->block,(first_index=share->records-halfbuff)); /* We're about to add one more hash array position, with hash_mask=#records. The number of hash positions will change and some entries might need to be relocated to the newly added position. Those entries are currently members of the list that starts at #first_index position (this is guaranteed by properties of hp_mask(hp_rec_hashnr(X)) mapping function) At #first_index position currently there may be either: a) An entry with hashnr != first_index. We don't need to move it. or b) A list of items with hash_mask=first_index. The list contains entries of 2 types: 1) entries that should be relocated to the list that starts at new position we're adding ('uppper' list) 2) entries that should be left in the list starting at #first_index position ('lower' list) */ if (pos != empty) /* If some records */ { do { hashnr = hp_rec_hashnr(keyinfo, pos->ptr_to_rec); if (flag == 0) { /* First loop, bail out if we're dealing with case a) from above comment */ if (hp_mask(hashnr, share->blength, share->records) != first_index) break; } /* flag & LOWFIND - found a record that should be put into lower position flag & LOWUSED - lower position occupied by the record Same for HIGHFIND and HIGHUSED and 'upper' position gpos - ptr to last element in lower position's list gpos2 - ptr to last element in upper position's list ptr_to_rec - ptr to last entry that should go into lower list. ptr_to_rec2 - same for upper list. */ if (!(hashnr & halfbuff)) { /* Key should be put into 'lower' list */ if (!(flag & LOWFIND)) { /* key is the first element to go into lower position */ if (flag & HIGHFIND) { flag=LOWFIND | HIGHFIND; /* key shall be moved to the current empty position */ gpos=empty; ptr_to_rec=pos->ptr_to_rec; empty=pos; /* This place is now free */ } else { /* We can only get here at first iteration: key is at 'lower' position pos and should be left here. */ flag=LOWFIND | LOWUSED; gpos=pos; ptr_to_rec=pos->ptr_to_rec; } } else { /* Already have another key for lower position */ if (!(flag & LOWUSED)) { /* Change link of previous lower-list key */ gpos->ptr_to_rec=ptr_to_rec; gpos->next_key=pos; flag= (flag & HIGHFIND) | (LOWFIND | LOWUSED); } gpos=pos; ptr_to_rec=pos->ptr_to_rec; } } else { /* key will be put into 'higher' list */ if (!(flag & HIGHFIND)) { flag= (flag & LOWFIND) | HIGHFIND; /* key shall be moved to the last (empty) position */ gpos2= empty; empty= pos; ptr_to_rec2=pos->ptr_to_rec; } else { if (!(flag & HIGHUSED)) { /* Change link of previous upper-list key and save */ gpos2->ptr_to_rec=ptr_to_rec2; gpos2->next_key=pos; flag= (flag & LOWFIND) | (HIGHFIND | HIGHUSED); } gpos2=pos; ptr_to_rec2=pos->ptr_to_rec; } } } while ((pos=pos->next_key)); if ((flag & (LOWFIND | HIGHFIND)) == (LOWFIND | HIGHFIND)) { /* If both 'higher' and 'lower' list have at least one element, now there are two hash buckets instead of one. */ keyinfo->hash_buckets++; } if ((flag & (LOWFIND | LOWUSED)) == LOWFIND) { gpos->ptr_to_rec=ptr_to_rec; gpos->next_key=0; } if ((flag & (HIGHFIND | HIGHUSED)) == HIGHFIND) { gpos2->ptr_to_rec=ptr_to_rec2; gpos2->next_key=0; } } /* Check if we are at the empty position */ pos=hp_find_hash(&keyinfo->block, hp_mask(hp_rec_hashnr(keyinfo, record), share->blength, share->records + 1)); if (pos == empty) { pos->ptr_to_rec=recpos; pos->next_key=0; keyinfo->hash_buckets++; } else { /* Check if more records in same hash-nr family */ empty[0]=pos[0]; gpos=hp_find_hash(&keyinfo->block, hp_mask(hp_rec_hashnr(keyinfo, pos->ptr_to_rec), share->blength, share->records + 1)); if (pos == gpos) { pos->ptr_to_rec=recpos; pos->next_key=empty; } else { keyinfo->hash_buckets++; pos->ptr_to_rec=recpos; pos->next_key=0; hp_movelink(pos, gpos, empty); } /* Check if duplicated keys */ if ((keyinfo->flag & HA_NOSAME) && pos == gpos && (!(keyinfo->flag & HA_NULL_PART_KEY) || !hp_if_null_in_key(keyinfo, record))) { pos=empty; do { if (! hp_rec_key_cmp(keyinfo, record, pos->ptr_to_rec)) { DBUG_RETURN(my_errno=HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY); } } while ((pos=pos->next_key)); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Returns ptr to block, and allocates block if neaded */ static HASH_INFO *hp_find_free_hash(HP_SHARE *info, HP_BLOCK *block, ulong records) { uint block_pos; ulong length; if (records < block->last_allocated) return hp_find_hash(block,records); if (!(block_pos=(records % block->records_in_block))) { if (hp_get_new_block(block,&length)) return(NULL); info->index_length+=length; } block->last_allocated=records+1; return((HASH_INFO*) ((byte*) block->level_info[0].last_blocks+ block_pos*block->recbuffer)); }