source include/;

# Test replication of auto_increment

create table t1 (n int auto_increment primary key);
set insert_id = 2000;
insert into t1 values (NULL),(NULL),(NULL);
select * from t1;
connection master;
--replace_result $SLAVE_MYPORT 9999
show slave hosts;
drop table t1;
stop slave;
connection master;

# Test replication of timestamp

create table t2(id int auto_increment primary key, created datetime);
set timestamp=12345;
insert into t2 set created=now();
select * from t2;

# Test replication of CREATE .. LIKE (Bug #2557)

create table t3 like t2;
create temporary table t4 like t2;
create table t5 select * from t4;
connection slave;
start slave;
select * from t2;
show create table t3;
show create table t5;
connection master;
drop table t2,t3,t5;

# End of 4.1 tests