/************ JMgoConn C++ Functions Source Code File (.CPP) ***********/ /* Name: JMgoConn.CPP Version 1.1 */ /* */ /* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2017 */ /* */ /* This file contains the MongoDB Java connection classes functions. */ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* Include relevant MariaDB header file. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include /***********************************************************************/ /* Required objects includes. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "global.h" #include "plgdbsem.h" #include "colblk.h" #include "xobject.h" #include "xtable.h" #include "filter.h" #include "jmgoconn.h" #define nullptr 0 bool IsNum(PSZ s); bool MakeSelector(PGLOBAL g, PFIL fp, PSTRG s); /* --------------------------- Class JNCOL --------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Add a column in the column list. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JNCOL::AddCol(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, PSZ jp) { char *p; PJKC kp, kcp; if ((p = strchr(jp, '.'))) { PJNCOL icp; *p++ = 0; for (kp = Klist; kp; kp = kp->Next) if (kp->Jncolp && !strcmp(jp, kp->Key)) break; if (!kp) { icp = new(g) JNCOL(IsNum(p)); kcp = (PJKC)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(JKCOL)); kcp->Next = NULL; kcp->Jncolp = icp; kcp->Colp = NULL; if (Array) { kcp->Key = NULL; kcp->N = atoi(p); } else { kcp->Key = PlugDup(g, jp); kcp->N = 0; } // endif Array if (Klist) { for (kp = Klist; kp->Next; kp = kp->Next); kp->Next = kcp; } else Klist = kcp; } else icp = kp->Jncolp; *(p - 1) = '.'; icp->AddCol(g, colp, p); } else { kcp = (PJKC)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(JKCOL)); kcp->Next = NULL; kcp->Jncolp = NULL; kcp->Colp = colp; if (Array) { kcp->Key = NULL; kcp->N = atoi(jp); } else { kcp->Key = jp; kcp->N = 0; } // endif Array if (Klist) { for (kp = Klist; kp->Next; kp = kp->Next); kp->Next = kcp; } else Klist = kcp; } // endif jp } // end of AddCol /***********************************************************************/ /* JMgoConn construction/destruction. */ /***********************************************************************/ JMgoConn::JMgoConn(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ collname, PCSZ wrapper) : JAVAConn(g, wrapper) { CollName = collname; readid = fetchid = getdocid = objfldid = fcollid = acollid = mkdocid = docaddid = mkarid = araddid = insertid = updateid = deleteid = gcollid = countid = rewindid = nullptr; DiscFunc = "MongoDisconnect"; Fpc = NULL; m_Fetch = 0; m_Ncol = 0; m_Version = 0; } // end of JMgoConn /***********************************************************************/ /* AddJars: add some jar file to the Class path. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JMgoConn::AddJars(PSTRG jpop, char sep) { #if defined(DEVELOPMENT) if (m_Version == 2) { jpop->Append(sep); // jpop->Append("C:/Eclipse/workspace/MongoWrap2/bin"); jpop->Append(sep); jpop->Append("C:/mongo-java-driver/mongo-java-driver-2.13.3.jar"); } else { jpop->Append(sep); // jpop->Append("C:/Eclipse/workspace/MongoWrap3/bin"); // jpop->Append("C:/Program Files/MariaDB 10.1/lib/plugin/JavaWrappers.jar"); jpop->Append(sep); jpop->Append("C:/mongo-java-driver/mongo-java-driver-3.4.2.jar"); } // endif m_Version #endif // DEVELOPMENT } // end of AddJars /***********************************************************************/ /* Connect: connect to a data source. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JMgoConn::Connect(PJPARM sop) { bool err = false; jint rc; jboolean brc; jstring cln; PGLOBAL& g = m_G; m_Version = sop->Version; /*******************************************************************/ /* Create or attach a JVM. */ /*******************************************************************/ if (Open(g)) return true; /*******************************************************************/ /* Connect to MongoDB. */ /*******************************************************************/ jmethodID cid = nullptr; if (gmID(g, cid, "MongoConnect", "([Ljava/lang/String;)I")) return true; // Build the java string array jobjectArray parms = env->NewObjectArray(4, // constructs java array of 4 env->FindClass("java/lang/String"), NULL); // Strings //m_Scrollable = sop->Scrollable; //m_RowsetSize = sop->Fsize; // change some elements if (sop->Driver) env->SetObjectArrayElement(parms, 0, env->NewStringUTF(sop->Url)); if (sop->Url) env->SetObjectArrayElement(parms, 1, env->NewStringUTF(sop->Driver)); if (sop->User) env->SetObjectArrayElement(parms, 2, env->NewStringUTF(sop->User)); if (sop->Pwd) env->SetObjectArrayElement(parms, 3, env->NewStringUTF(sop->Pwd)); // call method rc = env->CallIntMethod(job, cid, parms); err = Check(rc); env->DeleteLocalRef(parms); // Not used anymore if (err) { sprintf(g->Message, "Connecting: %s rc=%d", Msg, (int)rc); return true; } // endif Msg /*********************************************************************/ /* Get the collection. */ /*********************************************************************/ if (gmID(g, gcollid, "GetCollection", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z")) return true; cln = env->NewStringUTF(CollName); brc = env->CallBooleanMethod(job, gcollid, cln); env->DeleteLocalRef(cln); if (Check(brc ? -1 : 0)) { sprintf(g->Message, "GetCollection: %s", Msg); return true; } // endif Msg m_Connected = true; return false; } // end of Connect /***********************************************************************/ /* CollSize: returns the number of documents in the collection. */ /***********************************************************************/ int JMgoConn::CollSize(PGLOBAL g) { if (!gmID(g, countid, "GetCollSize", "()J")) { jlong card = env->CallLongMethod(job, countid); return (int)card; } else return 2; // Make MariaDB happy } // end of CollSize /***********************************************************************/ /* OpenDB: Data Base open routine for MONGO access method. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JMgoConn::MakeCursor(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, PCSZ options, PCSZ filter, bool pipe) { const char *p; bool b = false, id = (tdbp->GetMode() != MODE_READ), all = false; uint len; PCOL cp; PSZ jp; PCSZ op = NULL, sf = NULL, Options = options; PSTRG s = NULL; PFIL filp = tdbp->GetFilter(); if (Options && !stricmp(Options, "all")) { Options = NULL; all = true; } // endif Options for (cp = tdbp->GetColumns(); cp; cp = cp->GetNext()) if (!strcmp(cp->GetName(), "_id")) id = true; else if (cp->GetFmt() && !strcmp(cp->GetFmt(), "*") && (!Options || pipe)) all = true; if (pipe && Options) { if (trace(1)) htrc("Pipeline: %s\n", Options); p = strrchr(Options, ']'); if (!p) { strcpy(g->Message, "Missing ] in pipeline"); return true; } else *(char*)p = 0; s = new(g) STRING(g, 1023, (PSZ)Options); if (filp) { s->Append(",{\"$match\":"); if (MakeSelector(g, filp, s)) { strcpy(g->Message, "Failed making selector"); return NULL; } else s->Append('}'); tdbp->SetFilter(NULL); // Not needed anymore } // endif To_Filter if (!all && tdbp->GetColumns()) { // Project list len = s->GetLength(); s->Append(",{\"$project\":{\""); if (!id) s->Append("_id\":0,\""); for (PCOL cp = tdbp->GetColumns(); cp; cp = cp->GetNext()) { if (b) s->Append(",\""); else b = true; if ((jp = cp->GetJpath(g, true))) s->Append(jp); else { s->Truncate(len); goto nop; } // endif Jpath s->Append("\":1"); } // endfor cp s->Append("}}"); } // endif all nop: s->Append("]}"); s->Resize(s->GetLength() + 1); *(char*)p = ']'; // Restore Colist for discovery p = s->GetStr(); if (trace(33)) htrc("New Pipeline: %s\n", p); return AggregateCollection(p); } else { if (filter || filp) { if (trace(1)) { if (filter) htrc("Filter: %s\n", filter); if (filp) { char buf[512]; filp->Prints(g, buf, 511); htrc("To_Filter: %s\n", buf); } // endif To_Filter } // endif trace s = new(g) STRING(g, 1023, (PSZ)filter); len = s->GetLength(); if (filp) { if (filter) s->Append(','); if (MakeSelector(g, filp, s)) { strcpy(g->Message, "Failed making selector"); return NULL; } // endif Selector tdbp->SetFilter(NULL); // Not needed anymore } // endif To_Filter if (trace(33)) htrc("selector: %s\n", s->GetStr()); s->Resize(s->GetLength() + 1); sf = PlugDup(g, s->GetStr()); } // endif Filter if (!all) { if (Options && *Options) { if (trace(1)) htrc("options=%s\n", Options); op = Options; } else if (tdbp->GetColumns()) { // Projection list if (s) s->Set("{\""); else s = new(g) STRING(g, 511, "{\""); if (!id) s->Append("_id\":0,\""); for (PCOL cp = tdbp->GetColumns(); cp; cp = cp->GetNext()) { if (b) s->Append(",\""); else b = true; if ((jp = cp->GetJpath(g, true))) s->Append(jp); else { // Can this happen? htrc("Fail getting projection path of %s\n", cp->GetName()); goto nope; } // endif Jpath s->Append("\":1"); } // endfor cp s->Append("}"); s->Resize(s->GetLength() + 1); op = s->GetStr(); } else { // count(*) ? op = "{\"_id\":1}"; } // endif Options } // endif all nope: return FindCollection(sf, op); } // endif Pipe } // end of MakeCursor /***********************************************************************/ /* Find a collection and make cursor. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JMgoConn::FindCollection(PCSZ query, PCSZ proj) { bool rc = true; jboolean brc; jstring qry = nullptr, prj = nullptr; PGLOBAL& g = m_G; // Get the methods used to execute a query and get the result if (!gmID(g, fcollid, "FindColl", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z")) { if (query) qry = env->NewStringUTF(query); if (proj) prj = env->NewStringUTF(proj); brc = env->CallBooleanMethod(job, fcollid, qry, prj); if (!Check(brc ? -1 : 0)) { rc = false; } else sprintf(g->Message, "FindColl: %s", Msg); if (query) env->DeleteLocalRef(qry); if (proj) env->DeleteLocalRef(prj); } // endif xqid return rc; } // end of FindCollection /***********************************************************************/ /* Find a collection and make cursor. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JMgoConn::AggregateCollection(PCSZ pipeline) { bool rc = true; jboolean brc; jstring pip = nullptr; PGLOBAL& g = m_G; // Get the methods used to execute a query and get the result if (!gmID(g, acollid, "AggregateColl", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z")) { pip = env->NewStringUTF(pipeline); brc = env->CallBooleanMethod(job, acollid, pip); if (!Check(brc ? -1 : 0)) { rc = false; } else sprintf(g->Message, "AggregateColl: %s", Msg); env->DeleteLocalRef(pip); } // endif acollid return rc; } // end of AggregateCollection /***********************************************************************/ /* Fetch next row. */ /***********************************************************************/ int JMgoConn::Fetch(int pos) { jint rc = JNI_ERR; PGLOBAL& g = m_G; //if (m_Full) // Result set has one row // return 1; //if (pos) { // if (!m_Scrollable) { // strcpy(g->Message, "Cannot fetch(pos) if FORWARD ONLY"); // return rc; // } else if (gmID(m_G, fetchid, "Fetch", "(I)Z")) // return rc; // if (env->CallBooleanMethod(job, fetchid, pos)) // rc = m_Rows; //} else { if (gmID(g, readid, "ReadNext", "()I")) return (int)rc; rc = env->CallIntMethod(job, readid); if (!Check(rc)) { //if (rc == 0) // m_Full = (m_Fetch == 1); //else // m_Fetch++; m_Ncol = (int)rc; rc = MY_MIN(rc, 1); m_Rows += rc; } else sprintf(g->Message, "Fetch: %s", Msg); //} // endif pos return rc; } // end of Fetch /***********************************************************************/ /* Get the Json string of the current document. */ /***********************************************************************/ PSZ JMgoConn::GetDocument(void) { PGLOBAL& g = m_G; PSZ doc = NULL; jstring jdc; if (!gmID(g, getdocid, "GetDoc", "()Ljava/lang/String;")) { jdc = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(job, getdocid); if (jdc) doc = (PSZ)GetUTFString(jdc); } // endif getdocid return doc; } // end of GetDocument /***********************************************************************/ /* Group columns for inserting or updating. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JMgoConn::MakeColumnGroups(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp) { Fpc = new(g) JNCOL(false); for (PCOL colp = tdbp->GetColumns(); colp; colp = colp->GetNext()) if (!colp->IsSpecial()) Fpc->AddCol(g, colp, colp->GetJpath(g, false)); } // end of MakeColumnGroups /***********************************************************************/ /* Get additional method ID. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JMgoConn::GetMethodId(PGLOBAL g, MODE mode) { if (mode == MODE_UPDATE) { if (gmID(g, mkdocid, "MakeDocument", "()Ljava/lang/Object;")) return true; if (gmID(g, docaddid, "DocAdd", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z")) return true; if (gmID(g, updateid, "CollUpdate", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)J")) return true; } else if (mode == MODE_INSERT) { if (gmID(g, mkdocid, "MakeDocument", "()Ljava/lang/Object;")) return true; if (gmID(g, docaddid, "DocAdd", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z")) return true; if (gmID(g, mkarid, "MakeArray", "()Ljava/lang/Object;")) return true; if (gmID(g, araddid, "ArrayAdd", "(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;)Z")) return true; if (gmID(g, insertid, "CollInsert", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z")) return true; } else if (mode == MODE_DELETE) if (gmID(g, deleteid, "CollDelete", "(Z)J")) return true; return gmID(g, rewindid, "Rewind", "()Z"); } // end of GetMethodId /***********************************************************************/ /* MakeObject. */ /***********************************************************************/ jobject JMgoConn::MakeObject(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, bool&error ) { jclass cls; jmethodID cns = nullptr; // Constructor jobject val = nullptr; PVAL valp = colp->GetValue(); error = false; if (valp->IsNull()) return NULL; try { switch (valp->GetType()) { case TYPE_STRING: val = env->NewStringUTF(valp->GetCharValue()); break; case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_SHORT: cls = env->FindClass("java/lang/Integer"); cns = env->GetMethodID(cls, "", "(I)V"); val = env->NewObject(cls, cns, valp->GetIntValue()); break; case TYPE_TINY: cls = env->FindClass("java/lang/Boolean"); cns = env->GetMethodID(cls, "", "(Z)V"); val = env->NewObject(cls, cns, (valp->GetIntValue() != 0)); break; case TYPE_BIGINT: cls = env->FindClass("java/lang/Long"); cns = env->GetMethodID(cls, "", "(J)V"); val = env->NewObject(cls, cns, valp->GetBigintValue()); break; case TYPE_DOUBLE: cls = env->FindClass("java/lang/Double"); cns = env->GetMethodID(cls, "", "(D)V"); val = env->NewObject(cls, cns, valp->GetFloatValue()); break; default: sprintf(g->Message, "Cannot make object from %d type", valp->GetType()); error = true; break; } // endswitch Type } catch (...) { sprintf(g->Message, "Cannot make object from %s value", colp->GetName()); error = true; } // end try/catch return val; } // end of MakeObject /***********************************************************************/ /* MakeDoc. */ /***********************************************************************/ jobject JMgoConn::MakeDoc(PGLOBAL g, PJNCOL jcp) { bool error = false; jobject parent, child, val; jstring jkey; if (jcp->Array) parent = env->CallObjectMethod(job, mkarid); else parent = env->CallObjectMethod(job, mkdocid); for (PJKC kp = jcp->Klist; kp; kp = kp->Next) if (kp->Jncolp) { if (!(child = MakeDoc(g, kp->Jncolp))) return NULL; if (!jcp->Array) { jkey = env->NewStringUTF(kp->Key); if (env->CallBooleanMethod(job, docaddid, parent, jkey, child)) return NULL; env->DeleteLocalRef(jkey); } else if (env->CallBooleanMethod(job, araddid, parent, kp->N, child)) return NULL; } else { if (!(val = MakeObject(g, kp->Colp, error))) { if (error) return NULL; } else if (!jcp->Array) { jkey = env->NewStringUTF(kp->Key); if (env->CallBooleanMethod(job, docaddid, parent, jkey, val)) return NULL; env->DeleteLocalRef(jkey); } else if (env->CallBooleanMethod(job, araddid, parent, kp->N, val)) { if (Check(-1)) sprintf(g->Message, "ArrayAdd: %s", Msg); else sprintf(g->Message, "ArrayAdd: unknown error"); return NULL; } // endif ArrayAdd } // endif Jncolp return parent; } // end of MakeDoc /***********************************************************************/ /* Insert a new document in the collation. */ /***********************************************************************/ int JMgoConn::DocWrite(PGLOBAL g) { jobject doc; if (!Fpc || !(doc = MakeDoc(g, Fpc))) return RC_FX; if (env->CallBooleanMethod(job, insertid, doc)) { if (Check(-1)) sprintf(g->Message, "CollInsert: %s", Msg); else sprintf(g->Message, "CollInsert: unknown error"); return RC_FX; } // endif Insert return RC_OK; } // end of DocWrite /***********************************************************************/ /* Update the current document from the collection. */ /***********************************************************************/ int JMgoConn::DocUpdate(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp) { int rc = RC_OK; bool error; PCOL colp; jstring jkey; jobject val, upd, updlist = env->CallObjectMethod(job, mkdocid); // Make the list of changes to do for (colp = tdbp->GetSetCols(); colp; colp = colp->GetNext()) { jkey = env->NewStringUTF(colp->GetJpath(g, false)); val = MakeObject(g, colp, error); if (error) return RC_FX; if (env->CallBooleanMethod(job, docaddid, updlist, jkey, val)) return RC_OK; env->DeleteLocalRef(jkey); } // endfor colp // Make the update parameter upd = env->CallObjectMethod(job, mkdocid); jkey = env->NewStringUTF("$set"); if (env->CallBooleanMethod(job, docaddid, upd, jkey, updlist)) return RC_OK; env->DeleteLocalRef(jkey); jlong ar = env->CallLongMethod(job, updateid, upd); if (trace(1)) htrc("DocUpdate: ar = %ld\n", ar); if (Check((int)ar)) { sprintf(g->Message, "CollUpdate: %s", Msg); rc = RC_FX; } // endif ar return rc; } // end of DocUpdate /***********************************************************************/ /* Remove all or only the current document from the collection. */ /***********************************************************************/ int JMgoConn::DocDelete(PGLOBAL g, bool all) { int rc = RC_OK; jlong ar = env->CallLongMethod(job, deleteid, all); if (trace(1)) htrc("DocDelete: ar = %ld\n", ar); if (Check((int)ar)) { sprintf(g->Message, "CollDelete: %s", Msg); rc = RC_FX; } // endif ar return rc; } // end of DocDelete /***********************************************************************/ /* Rewind the collection. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JMgoConn::Rewind(void) { return env->CallBooleanMethod(job, rewindid); } // end of Rewind /***********************************************************************/ /* Retrieve the column string value from the document. */ /***********************************************************************/ PSZ JMgoConn::GetColumnValue(PSZ path) { PGLOBAL& g = m_G; PSZ fld = NULL; jstring fn, jn = nullptr; if (!path || (jn = env->NewStringUTF(path)) == nullptr) { sprintf(g->Message, "Fail to allocate jstring %s", SVP(path)); throw (int)TYPE_AM_MGO; } // endif name if (!gmID(g, objfldid, "GetField", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;")) { fn = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(job, objfldid, jn); if (fn) fld = (PSZ)GetUTFString(fn); } // endif objfldid return fld; } // end of GetColumnValue