# do a lot of longblob insertions up to 32MB-4 in size with a random key set storage_engine='tokudb'; --disable_warnings drop table if exists t; --enable_warnings create table t (id int not null primary key, v longblob not null); select @@max_allowed_packet into @my_max_allowed_packet; set global max_allowed_packet=100000000; connect(conn1,localhost,root,,); let $nrows=1000; let $maxid=$nrows; let $maxblob=32*1024*1024; while ($nrows) { eval insert ignore into t (id,v) values (floor(rand()*$maxid),repeat('a',($maxblob-4)*rand())); dec $nrows; } connection default; disconnect conn1; set global max_allowed_packet=@my_max_allowed_packet; check table t; optimize table t; check table t; drop table t;