/* Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Arjen G Lentz & Antony T Curtis for Open Query This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* ====================================================================== Open Query Graph Computation Engine, based on a concept by Arjen Lentz Mk.II implementation by Antony Curtis & Arjen Lentz For more information, documentation, support, enhancement engineering, and non-GPL licensing, see http://openquery.com/graph or contact graph@openquery.com For packaged binaries, see http://ourdelta.org ====================================================================== */ #include #define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "graphcore.h" using namespace open_query; using namespace boost; static const row empty_row = { 0 }; namespace open_query { enum vertex_id_t { vertex_id }; struct VertexInfo { inline VertexInfo() { } inline VertexInfo(VertexID _id) : id(_id) { } VertexID id; }; struct EdgeInfo { EdgeWeight weight; }; } namespace boost { BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(vertex, id); namespace graph { template<> struct internal_vertex_name { typedef multi_index::member type; }; template<> struct internal_vertex_constructor { typedef vertex_from_name type; }; } } namespace open_query { #include "graphcore-graph.h" typedef graph_traits::vertex_descriptor Vertex; typedef graph_traits::edge_descriptor Edge; typedef std::list > > shortest_path_list; typedef shortest_path_list::iterator shortest_path_iterator; template class id_equals_t { public: id_equals_t(ID id, IDMap map) : m_id(id), m_map(map) { } template bool operator()(V u) const { return m_map[u] == m_id; } private: ID m_id; IDMap m_map; }; template inline id_equals_t id_equals(ID id, IDMap idmap) { return id_equals_t(id, idmap); } template class target_equals_t { public: target_equals_t(T target, Graph &g) : m_target(target), m_g(g) { } template bool operator()(V u) const { return target(u, m_g) == m_target; } private: T m_target; Graph &m_g; }; template inline target_equals_t target_equals(T target, Graph &g) { return target_equals_t(target, g); } template class source_equals_t { public: source_equals_t(T source, Graph &g) : m_source(source), m_g(g) { } template bool operator()(V u) const { return source(u, m_g) == m_source; } private: T m_source; Graph &m_g; }; template inline source_equals_t source_equals(T source, Graph &g) { return source_equals_t(source, g); } struct reference { int m_flags; int m_sequence; Vertex m_vertex; Edge m_edge; EdgeWeight m_weight; enum { HAVE_SEQUENCE = 1, HAVE_WEIGHT = 2, HAVE_EDGE = 4, }; inline reference() : m_flags(0), m_sequence(0), m_vertex(graph_traits::null_vertex()), m_edge(), m_weight(0) { } inline reference(int s, Edge e) : m_flags(HAVE_SEQUENCE | HAVE_EDGE), m_sequence(s), m_vertex(graph_traits::null_vertex()), m_edge(e), m_weight(0) { } inline reference(int s, Vertex v, const optional &e, const optional &w) : m_flags(HAVE_SEQUENCE | (w ? HAVE_WEIGHT : 0) | (e ? HAVE_EDGE : 0)), m_sequence(s), m_vertex(v) { if (w) m_weight= *w; if (e) m_edge= *e; } inline reference(int s, Vertex v, Edge e, EdgeWeight w) : m_flags(HAVE_SEQUENCE | HAVE_WEIGHT | HAVE_EDGE), m_sequence(s), m_vertex(v), m_edge(e), m_weight(w) { } inline reference(int s, Vertex v, EdgeWeight w) : m_flags(HAVE_SEQUENCE | HAVE_WEIGHT), m_sequence(s), m_vertex(v), m_edge(), m_weight(w) { } inline reference(int s, Vertex v) : m_flags(HAVE_SEQUENCE), m_sequence(s), m_vertex(v), m_edge(), m_weight(0) { } optional sequence() const { if (m_flags & HAVE_SEQUENCE) { return m_sequence; } return optional(); } optional vertex() const { if (m_vertex != graph_traits::null_vertex()) return m_vertex; return optional(); } optional edge() const { if (m_flags & HAVE_EDGE) return m_edge; return optional(); }; optional weight() const { if (m_flags & HAVE_WEIGHT) return m_weight; return optional(); } }; } namespace open_query { class GRAPHCORE_INTERNAL oqgraph_share { public: Graph g; weightmap_type weightmap; idmap_type idmap; indexmap_type indexmap; optional find_vertex(VertexID id) const; optional find_edge(Vertex, Vertex) const; inline oqgraph_share() throw() : g(), weightmap(GRAPH_WEIGHTMAP(g)), idmap(GRAPH_IDMAP(g)), indexmap(GRAPH_INDEXMAP(g)) { } inline ~oqgraph_share() { } }; class GRAPHCORE_INTERNAL oqgraph_cursor { public: oqgraph_share *const share; inline oqgraph_cursor(oqgraph_share *arg) : share(arg) { } virtual ~oqgraph_cursor() { } virtual int fetch_row(const row &, row&) = 0; virtual int fetch_row(const row &, row&, const reference&) = 0; virtual void current(reference& ref) const = 0; }; } namespace open_query { class GRAPHCORE_INTERNAL stack_cursor : public oqgraph_cursor { private: optional no_weight; public: int sequence; std::stack results; reference last; inline stack_cursor(oqgraph_share *arg) : oqgraph_cursor(arg), no_weight(), sequence(0), results(), last() { } int fetch_row(const row &, row&); int fetch_row(const row &, row&, const reference&); void current(reference& ref) const { ref= last; } }; class GRAPHCORE_INTERNAL vertices_cursor : public oqgraph_cursor { typedef graph_traits::vertex_iterator vertex_iterator; size_t position; reference last; public: inline vertices_cursor(oqgraph_share *arg) : oqgraph_cursor(arg), position(0) { } int fetch_row(const row &, row&); int fetch_row(const row &, row&, const reference&); void current(reference& ref) const { ref= last; } }; class GRAPHCORE_INTERNAL edges_cursor : public oqgraph_cursor { typedef graph_traits::edge_iterator edge_iterator; typedef edge_iterator::difference_type edge_difference; edge_difference position; reference last; public: inline edges_cursor(oqgraph_share *arg) : oqgraph_cursor(arg), position(0), last() { } int fetch_row(const row &, row&); int fetch_row(const row &, row&, const reference&); void current(reference& ref) const { ref= last; } }; struct GRAPHCORE_INTERNAL oqgraph_visit_dist : public base_visitor { typedef on_finish_vertex event_filter; oqgraph_visit_dist(std::vector::iterator p, std::vector::iterator d, stack_cursor *cursor) : seq(0), m_cursor(*cursor), m_p(p), m_d(d) { assert(cursor); } template void operator()(T u, Graph &g) { m_cursor.results.push(reference(++seq, u, m_d[GRAPH_INDEXMAP(g)[u]])); } private: int seq; stack_cursor &m_cursor; std::vector::iterator m_p; std::vector::iterator m_d; }; template struct GRAPHCORE_INTERNAL oqgraph_goal : public base_visitor > { typedef goal_filter event_filter; oqgraph_goal(Vertex goal, std::vector::iterator p, stack_cursor *cursor) : m_goal(goal), m_cursor(*cursor), m_p(p) { assert(cursor); } template void operator()(T u, Graph &g) { if (u == m_goal) { int seq= 0; indexmap_type indexmap= GRAPH_INDEXMAP(g); for (Vertex q, v= u;; v = q, seq++) if ((q= m_p[ indexmap[v] ]) == v) break; for (Vertex v= u;; u= v) { optional edge; optional weight; v= m_p[ indexmap[u] ]; if (record_weight && u != v) { typename graph_traits::out_edge_iterator ei, ei_end; for (tie(ei, ei_end)= out_edges(v, g); ei != ei_end; ++ei) { if (target(*ei, g) == u) { edge= *ei; weight= GRAPH_WEIGHTMAP(g)[*ei]; break; } } } else if (u != v) weight= 1; m_cursor.results.push(reference(seq--, u, edge, weight)); if (u == v) break; } throw this; } } private: Vertex m_goal; stack_cursor &m_cursor; std::vector::iterator m_p; }; } namespace open_query { inline oqgraph::oqgraph(oqgraph_share *arg) throw() : share(arg), cursor(0) { } inline oqgraph::~oqgraph() throw() { delete cursor; } unsigned oqgraph::edges_count() const throw() { return num_edges(share->g); } unsigned oqgraph::vertices_count() const throw() { return num_vertices(share->g); } oqgraph* oqgraph::create(oqgraph_share *share) throw() { assert(share != NULL); return new (std::nothrow) oqgraph(share); } oqgraph_share* oqgraph::create() throw() { return new (std::nothrow) oqgraph_share(); } optional oqgraph_share::find_edge(Vertex orig, Vertex dest) const { if (in_degree(dest, g) >= out_degree(orig, g)) { graph_traits::out_edge_iterator ei, ei_end; tie(ei, ei_end)= out_edges(orig, g); if ((ei= find_if(ei, ei_end, target_equals(dest, g))) != ei_end) return *ei; } else { graph_traits::in_edge_iterator ei, ei_end; tie(ei, ei_end)= in_edges(dest, g); if ((ei= find_if(ei, ei_end, source_equals(orig, g))) != ei_end) return *ei; } return optional(); } optional oqgraph_share::find_vertex(VertexID id) const { return boost::graph::find_vertex(id, g); } int oqgraph::delete_all() throw() { share->g.clear(); return 0; } int oqgraph::insert_edge( VertexID orig_id, VertexID dest_id, EdgeWeight weight, bool replace) throw() { optional orig, dest; optional edge; bool inserted= 0; if (weight < 0) return INVALID_WEIGHT; if (!(orig= share->find_vertex(orig_id))) { try { orig= add_vertex(VertexInfo(orig_id), share->g); if (orig == graph_traits::null_vertex()) return CANNOT_ADD_VERTEX; } catch (...) { return CANNOT_ADD_VERTEX; } } if (!(dest= share->find_vertex(dest_id))) { try { dest= add_vertex(VertexInfo(dest_id), share->g); if (dest == graph_traits::null_vertex()) return CANNOT_ADD_VERTEX; } catch (...) { return CANNOT_ADD_VERTEX; } } if (!(edge= share->find_edge(*orig, *dest))) { try { tie(edge, inserted)= add_edge(*orig, *dest, share->g); if (!inserted) return CANNOT_ADD_EDGE; } catch (...) { return CANNOT_ADD_EDGE; } } else { if (!replace) return DUPLICATE_EDGE; } share->weightmap[*edge]= weight; return OK; } int oqgraph::delete_edge(current_row_st) throw() { reference ref; if (cursor) return EDGE_NOT_FOUND; cursor->current(ref); optional edge; if (!(edge= ref.edge())) return EDGE_NOT_FOUND; Vertex orig= source(*edge, share->g); Vertex dest= target(*edge, share->g); remove_edge(*edge, share->g); if (!degree(orig, share->g)) remove_vertex(orig, share->g); if (!degree(dest, share->g)) remove_vertex(dest, share->g); return OK; } int oqgraph::modify_edge(current_row_st, VertexID *orig_id, VertexID *dest_id, EdgeWeight *weight, bool replace) throw() { if (!cursor) return EDGE_NOT_FOUND; reference ref; cursor->current(ref); optional edge; if (!(edge= ref.edge())) return EDGE_NOT_FOUND; if (weight && *weight < 0) return INVALID_WEIGHT; optional orig= source(*edge, share->g), dest= target(*edge, share->g); bool orig_neq= orig_id ? share->idmap[*orig] != *orig_id : 0; bool dest_neq= dest_id ? share->idmap[*dest] != *dest_id : 0; if (orig_neq || dest_neq) { optional new_edge; if (orig_neq && !(orig= share->find_vertex(*orig_id))) { try { orig= add_vertex(VertexInfo(*orig_id), share->g); if (orig == graph_traits::null_vertex()) return CANNOT_ADD_VERTEX; } catch (...) { return CANNOT_ADD_VERTEX; } } if (dest_neq && !(dest= share->find_vertex(*dest_id))) { try { dest= add_vertex(VertexInfo(*dest_id), share->g); if (dest == graph_traits::null_vertex()) return CANNOT_ADD_VERTEX; } catch (...) { return CANNOT_ADD_VERTEX; } } if (!(new_edge= share->find_edge(*orig, *dest))) { try { bool inserted; tie(new_edge, inserted)= add_edge(*orig, *dest, share->g); if (!inserted) return CANNOT_ADD_EDGE; } catch (...) { return CANNOT_ADD_EDGE; } } else { if (!replace) return DUPLICATE_EDGE; } share->weightmap[*new_edge]= share->weightmap[*edge]; remove_edge(*edge, share->g); edge= new_edge; } if (weight) share->weightmap[*edge]= *weight; return OK; } int oqgraph::modify_edge( VertexID orig_id, VertexID dest_id, EdgeWeight weight) throw() { optional orig, dest; optional edge; if (weight < 0) return INVALID_WEIGHT; if (!(orig= share->find_vertex(orig_id))) return EDGE_NOT_FOUND; if (!(dest= share->find_vertex(dest_id))) return EDGE_NOT_FOUND; if (!(edge= share->find_edge(*orig, *dest))) return EDGE_NOT_FOUND; share->weightmap[*edge]= weight; return OK; } int oqgraph::delete_edge(VertexID orig_id, VertexID dest_id) throw() { optional orig, dest; optional edge; if (!(orig= share->find_vertex(orig_id))) return EDGE_NOT_FOUND; if (!(dest= share->find_vertex(dest_id))) return EDGE_NOT_FOUND; if (!(edge= share->find_edge(*orig, *dest))) return EDGE_NOT_FOUND; remove_edge(*edge, share->g); if (!degree(*orig, share->g)) remove_vertex(*orig, share->g); if (!degree(*dest, share->g)) remove_vertex(*dest, share->g); return OK; } int oqgraph::search(int *latch, VertexID *orig_id, VertexID *dest_id) throw() { optional orig, dest; int op= 0, seq= 0; enum { NO_SEARCH = 0, DIJKSTRAS = 1, BREADTH_FIRST = 2, ALGORITHM = 0x0ffff, HAVE_ORIG = 0x10000, HAVE_DEST = 0x20000, }; delete cursor; cursor= 0; row_info= empty_row; if ((row_info.latch_indicator= latch)) op= ALGORITHM & (row_info.latch= *latch); if ((row_info.orig_indicator= orig_id) && (op|= HAVE_ORIG)) orig= share->find_vertex((row_info.orig= *orig_id)); if ((row_info.dest_indicator= dest_id) && (op|= HAVE_DEST)) dest= share->find_vertex((row_info.dest= *dest_id)); //try //{ switch (op) { case NO_SEARCH | HAVE_ORIG | HAVE_DEST: case NO_SEARCH | HAVE_ORIG: if ((cursor= new (std::nothrow) stack_cursor(share)) && orig) { graph_traits::out_edge_iterator ei, ei_end; for (tie(ei, ei_end)= out_edges(*orig, share->g); ei != ei_end; ++ei) { Vertex v= target(*ei, share->g); static_cast(cursor)-> results.push(reference(++seq, v, *ei, share->weightmap[*ei])); } } /* fall through */ case NO_SEARCH | HAVE_DEST: if ((op & HAVE_DEST) && (cursor || (cursor= new (std::nothrow) stack_cursor(share))) && dest) { graph_traits::in_edge_iterator ei, ei_end; for (tie(ei, ei_end)= in_edges(*dest, share->g); ei != ei_end; ++ei) { Vertex v= source(*ei, share->g); static_cast(cursor)-> results.push(reference(++seq, v, *ei, share->weightmap[*ei])); } } break; case NO_SEARCH: cursor= new (std::nothrow) vertices_cursor(share); break; case DIJKSTRAS | HAVE_ORIG | HAVE_DEST: if ((cursor= new (std::nothrow) stack_cursor(share)) && orig && dest) { std::vector p(num_vertices(share->g)); std::vector d(num_vertices(share->g)); oqgraph_goal vis(*dest, p.begin(), static_cast(cursor)); p[share->indexmap[*orig]]= *orig; try { dijkstra_shortest_paths(share->g, *orig, weight_map( share->weightmap ). distance_map( make_iterator_property_map(d.begin(), share->indexmap) ). predecessor_map( make_iterator_property_map(p.begin(), share->indexmap) ). visitor( make_dijkstra_visitor(vis) ) ); } catch (...) { /* printf("found\n"); */ } } break; case BREADTH_FIRST | HAVE_ORIG | HAVE_DEST: if ((cursor= new (std::nothrow) stack_cursor(share)) && orig && dest) { std::vector p(num_vertices(share->g)); oqgraph_goal vis(*dest, p.begin(), static_cast(cursor)); p[share->indexmap[*orig]]= *orig; try { breadth_first_search(share->g, *orig, visitor(make_bfs_visitor( std::make_pair( record_predecessors( make_iterator_property_map(p.begin(), share->indexmap), on_tree_edge() ), vis) ) ) ); } catch (...) { /* printf("found\n"); */ } } break; case DIJKSTRAS | HAVE_ORIG: case BREADTH_FIRST | HAVE_ORIG: if ((cursor= new (std::nothrow) stack_cursor(share)) && (orig || dest)) { std::vector p(num_vertices(share->g)); std::vector d(num_vertices(share->g)); oqgraph_visit_dist vis(p.begin(), d.begin(), static_cast(cursor)); p[share->indexmap[*orig]]= *orig; switch (ALGORITHM & op) { case DIJKSTRAS: dijkstra_shortest_paths(share->g, *orig, weight_map( share->weightmap ). distance_map( make_iterator_property_map(d.begin(), share->indexmap) ). predecessor_map( make_iterator_property_map(p.begin(), share->indexmap) ). visitor( make_dijkstra_visitor(vis) ) ); break; case BREADTH_FIRST: breadth_first_search(share->g, *orig, visitor(make_bfs_visitor( std::make_pair( record_predecessors( make_iterator_property_map(p.begin(), share->indexmap), on_tree_edge() ), std::make_pair( record_distances( make_iterator_property_map(d.begin(), share->indexmap), on_tree_edge() ), vis )) )) ); break; default: abort(); } } break; case BREADTH_FIRST | HAVE_DEST: case DIJKSTRAS | HAVE_DEST: if ((cursor= new (std::nothrow) stack_cursor(share)) && (orig || dest)) { std::vector p(num_vertices(share->g)); std::vector d(num_vertices(share->g)); oqgraph_visit_dist vis(p.begin(), d.begin(), static_cast(cursor)); reverse_graph r(share->g); p[share->indexmap[*dest]]= *dest; switch (ALGORITHM & op) { case DIJKSTRAS: dijkstra_shortest_paths(r, *dest, weight_map( share->weightmap ). distance_map( make_iterator_property_map(d.begin(), share->indexmap) ). predecessor_map( make_iterator_property_map(p.begin(), share->indexmap) ). visitor( make_dijkstra_visitor(vis) ) ); break; case BREADTH_FIRST: breadth_first_search(r, *dest, visitor(make_bfs_visitor( std::make_pair( record_predecessors( make_iterator_property_map(p.begin(), share->indexmap), on_tree_edge() ), std::make_pair( record_distances( make_iterator_property_map(d.begin(), share->indexmap), on_tree_edge() ), vis )) )) ); break; default: abort(); } } break; default: break; } return 0; //} //catch (...) //{ // return MISC_FAIL; //} } int oqgraph::fetch_row(row& result) throw() { if (!cursor) return NO_MORE_DATA; return cursor->fetch_row(row_info, result); } int oqgraph::fetch_row(row& result, const void* ref_ptr) throw() { const reference &ref= *(const reference*) ref_ptr; if (!cursor) return NO_MORE_DATA; return cursor->fetch_row(row_info, result, ref); } void oqgraph::row_ref(void *ref_ptr) throw() { reference &ref= *(reference*) ref_ptr; if (cursor) cursor->current(ref); else ref= reference(); } int oqgraph::random(bool scan) throw() { if (scan || !cursor) { delete cursor; cursor= 0; if (!(cursor= new (std::nothrow) edges_cursor(share))) return MISC_FAIL; } row_info= empty_row; return OK; } void oqgraph::free(oqgraph *graph) throw() { delete graph; } void oqgraph::free(oqgraph_share *graph) throw() { delete graph; } const size_t oqgraph::sizeof_ref= sizeof(reference); } int stack_cursor::fetch_row(const row &row_info, row &result) { if (!results.empty()) { if (int res= fetch_row(row_info, result, results.top())) return res; results.pop(); return oqgraph::OK; } else { last= reference(); return oqgraph::NO_MORE_DATA; } } int stack_cursor::fetch_row(const row &row_info, row &result, const reference &ref) { last= ref; if (optional v= last.vertex()) { optional seq; optional w; optional v; result= row_info; if ((result.seq_indicator= seq= last.sequence())) result.seq= *seq; if ((result.link_indicator= v= last.vertex())) result.link= share->idmap[*v]; if ((result.weight_indicator= w= last.weight())) result.weight= *w; return oqgraph::OK; } else return oqgraph::NO_MORE_DATA; } int vertices_cursor::fetch_row(const row &row_info, row &result) { vertex_iterator it, end; reference ref; size_t count= position; for (tie(it, end)= vertices(share->g); count && it != end; ++it, --count); if (it != end) ref= reference(position+1, *it); if (int res= fetch_row(row_info, result, ref)) return res; position++; return oqgraph::OK; } int vertices_cursor::fetch_row(const row &row_info, row &result, const reference &ref) { last= ref; optional v= last.vertex(); result= row_info; if (v) { result.link_indicator= 1; result.link= share->idmap[*v]; #ifdef DISPLAY_VERTEX_INFO result.seq_indicator= 1; if ((result.seq= degree(*v, share->g))) { EdgeWeight weight= 0; graph_traits::in_edge_iterator iei, iei_end; for (tie(iei, iei_end)= in_edges(*v, share->g); iei != iei_end; ++iei) weight+= share->weightmap[*iei]; graph_traits::out_edge_iterator oei, oei_end; for (tie(oei, oei_end)= out_edges(*v, share->g); oei != oei_end; ++oei) weight+= share->weightmap[*oei]; result.weight_indicator= 1; result.weight= weight / result.seq; } #endif return oqgraph::OK; } else return oqgraph::NO_MORE_DATA; } int edges_cursor::fetch_row(const row &row_info, row &result) { edge_iterator it, end; reference ref; size_t count= position; for (tie(it, end)= edges(share->g); count && it != end; ++it, --count); if (it != end) ref= reference(position+1, *it); if (int res= fetch_row(row_info, result, ref)) return res; ++position; return oqgraph::OK; } int edges_cursor::fetch_row(const row &row_info, row &result, const reference &ref) { optional edge; if ((edge= (last= ref).edge())) { result= row_info; result.orig_indicator= result.dest_indicator= result.weight_indicator= 1; result.orig= share->idmap[ source( *edge, share->g ) ]; result.dest= share->idmap[ target( *edge, share->g ) ]; result.weight= share->weightmap[ *edge ]; return oqgraph::OK; } return oqgraph::NO_MORE_DATA; } namespace boost { GRAPHCORE_INTERNAL void throw_exception(std::exception const&) { abort(); } }