create table t( a int, b int without system versioning ) with system versioning; insert into t values(1, 2); insert into t values(3, 4); select * from t; select a from t for system_time as of timestamp now(6); select a, b, b+0 from t for system_time as of timestamp now(6); select * from t for system_time as of timestamp now(6); select count(*) from t group by b query for system_time as of timestamp now(6); select * from t for system_time as of timestamp now(6) order by b asc; select * from t for system_time as of timestamp now(6) order by b desc; select * from t group by a having a=2 query for system_time as of timestamp now(6); select * from t group by b having b=2 query for system_time as of timestamp now(6); select a from t where b=2 query for system_time as of timestamp now(6); select a from t where b=NULL query for system_time as of timestamp now(6); select count(*), b from t group by b having b=NULL query for system_time as of timestamp now(6); select a, b from t; drop table t;