DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7; drop database if exists mysqltest; CREATE TABLE t1 ( pk1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, attr1 INT NOT NULL, attr2 INT, attr3 VARCHAR(10) ) ENGINE=ndbcluster; SHOW INDEX FROM t1; Table Non_unique Key_name Seq_in_index Column_name Collation Cardinality Sub_part Packed Null Index_type Comment t1 0 PRIMARY 1 pk1 A 0 NULL NULL BTREE INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412, NULL, '9412'), (9411,9413, 17, '9413'); SHOW INDEX FROM t1; Table Non_unique Key_name Seq_in_index Column_name Collation Cardinality Sub_part Packed Null Index_type Comment t1 0 PRIMARY 1 pk1 A 2 NULL NULL BTREE SELECT pk1 FROM t1 ORDER BY pk1; pk1 9410 9411 SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY pk1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 9410 9412 NULL 9412 9411 9413 17 9413 SELECT t1.* FROM t1 ORDER BY pk1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 9410 9412 NULL 9412 9411 9413 17 9413 UPDATE t1 SET attr1=1 WHERE pk1=9410; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY pk1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 9410 1 NULL 9412 9411 9413 17 9413 UPDATE t1 SET pk1=2 WHERE attr1=1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY pk1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 2 1 NULL 9412 9411 9413 17 9413 UPDATE t1 SET pk1=pk1 + 1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY pk1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 3 1 NULL 9412 9412 9413 17 9413 DELETE FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412, NULL, '9412'), (9408, 8765, NULL, '8765'), (7,8, NULL, NULL), (8,9, NULL, NULL), (9,10, NULL, NULL), (10,11, NULL, NULL), (11,12, NULL, NULL), (12,13, NULL, NULL), (13,14, NULL, NULL); UPDATE t1 SET attr1 = 9999; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY pk1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 7 9999 NULL NULL 8 9999 NULL NULL 9 9999 NULL NULL 10 9999 NULL NULL 11 9999 NULL NULL 12 9999 NULL NULL 13 9999 NULL NULL 9408 9999 NULL 8765 9410 9999 NULL 9412 UPDATE t1 SET attr1 = 9998 WHERE pk1 < 1000; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY pk1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 7 9998 NULL NULL 8 9998 NULL NULL 9 9998 NULL NULL 10 9998 NULL NULL 11 9998 NULL NULL 12 9998 NULL NULL 13 9998 NULL NULL 9408 9999 NULL 8765 9410 9999 NULL 9412 UPDATE t1 SET attr1 = 9997 WHERE attr1 = 9999; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY pk1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 7 9998 NULL NULL 8 9998 NULL NULL 9 9998 NULL NULL 10 9998 NULL NULL 11 9998 NULL NULL 12 9998 NULL NULL 13 9998 NULL NULL 9408 9997 NULL 8765 9410 9997 NULL 9412 DELETE FROM t1 WHERE pk1 = 9410; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY pk1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 7 9998 NULL NULL 8 9998 NULL NULL 9 9998 NULL NULL 10 9998 NULL NULL 11 9998 NULL NULL 12 9998 NULL NULL 13 9998 NULL NULL 9408 9997 NULL 8765 DELETE FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 INSERT INTO t1 values (1, 4, NULL, NULL), (2, 4, NULL, NULL), (3, 5, NULL, NULL), (4, 4, NULL, NULL), (5, 5, NULL, NULL); DELETE FROM t1 WHERE attr1=4; SELECT * FROM t1 order by pk1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 3 5 NULL NULL 5 5 NULL NULL DELETE FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412, NULL, NULL), (9411, 9413, NULL, NULL); DELETE FROM t1 WHERE pk1 = 9410; SELECT * FROM t1; pk1 attr1 attr2 attr3 9411 9413 NULL NULL DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT, id2 int) engine=ndbcluster; INSERT INTO t1 values(3456, 7890); SELECT * FROM t1; id id2 3456 7890 UPDATE t1 SET id=2 WHERE id2=12; SELECT * FROM t1; id id2 3456 7890 UPDATE t1 SET id=1234 WHERE id2=7890; SELECT * FROM t1; id id2 1234 7890 DELETE FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 values(3456, 7890), (3456, 7890), (3456, 7890), (3454, 7890); SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY id; id id2 3454 7890 3456 7890 3456 7890 3456 7890 DELETE FROM t1 WHERE id = 3456; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY id; id id2 3454 7890 DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( pk1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, attr1 INT NOT NULL ) ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER; INSERT INTO t1 values(1, 9999); DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( pk1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, attr1 INT NOT NULL ) ENGINE=NDB; INSERT INTO t1 values(1, 9999); DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t2 ( a bigint unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b int unsigned not null, c int unsigned ) engine=ndbcluster; CREATE TABLE t3 ( a bigint unsigned NOT NULL, b bigint unsigned not null, c bigint unsigned, PRIMARY KEY(a) ) engine=ndbcluster; CREATE TABLE t4 ( a bigint unsigned NOT NULL, b bigint unsigned not null, c bigint unsigned NOT NULL, d int unsigned, PRIMARY KEY(a, b, c) ) engine=ndbcluster; select * from t2 where a = 7 order by b; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t2 where a = 7 order by a; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t2 where a = 7 order by 2; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t2 where a = 7 order by c; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t2 where a = 7 and b = 16 order by b; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t2 where a = 7 and b = 16 order by a; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t2 where a = 7 and b = 17 order by a; a b c select * from t2 where a = 7 and b != 16 order by b; a b c select * from t2 where a = 7 and b = 16 and c = 5 order by b; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t2 where a = 7 and b = 16 and c = 5 order by a; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t2 where a = 7 and b = 16 and c = 6 order by a; a b c select * from t2 where a = 7 and b != 16 and c = 5 order by b; a b c select * from t3 where a = 7 order by b; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t3 where a = 7 order by a; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t3 where a = 7 order by 2; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t3 where a = 7 order by c; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t3 where a = 7 and b = 16 order by b; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t3 where a = 7 and b = 16 order by a; a b c 7 16 5 select * from t3 where a = 7 and b = 17 order by a; a b c select * from t3 where a = 7 and b != 16 order by b; a b c select * from t4 where a = 7 order by b; a b c d 7 16 5 26007 select * from t4 where a = 7 order by a; a b c d 7 16 5 26007 select * from t4 where a = 7 order by 2; a b c d 7 16 5 26007 select * from t4 where a = 7 order by c; a b c d 7 16 5 26007 select * from t4 where a = 7 and b = 16 order by b; a b c d 7 16 5 26007 select * from t4 where a = 7 and b = 16 order by a; a b c d 7 16 5 26007 select * from t4 where a = 7 and b = 17 order by a; a b c d select * from t4 where a = 7 and b != 16 order by b; a b c d delete from t2 where a > 5; select x1.a, x1.b from t2 x1, t2 x2 where x1.b = x2.b order by x1.a; a b 1 10 3 12 5 14 select a, b FROM t2 outer_table where a = (select a from t2 where b = outer_table.b ) order by a; a b 1 10 3 12 5 14 delete from t2; delete from t3; delete from t4; drop table t2; drop table t3; drop table t4; CREATE TABLE t5 ( a bigint unsigned NOT NULL, b bigint unsigned not null, c bigint unsigned NOT NULL, d int unsigned, PRIMARY KEY(a, b, c) ) engine=ndbcluster; insert into t5 values(10, 19, 5, 26010); delete from t5 where a=10 and b=19 and c=5; select * from t5; a b c d insert into t5 values(10, 19, 5, 26010); update t5 set d=21997 where a=10 and b=19 and c=5; select * from t5; a b c d 10 19 5 21997 delete from t5; drop table t5; CREATE TABLE t6 ( adress char(255), a int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b int ) engine = NDB; insert into t6 values ("Nice road 3456", 1, 23), ("Street Road 78", 3, 92), ("Road street 89C", 5, 71), (NULL, 7, NULL); select * from t6 order by a; adress a b Nice road 3456 1 23 Street Road 78 3 92 Road street 89C 5 71 NULL 7 NULL select a, b from t6 order by a; a b 1 23 3 92 5 71 7 NULL update t6 set adress="End of road 09" where a=3; update t6 set b=181, adress="Street 76" where a=7; select * from t6 order by a; adress a b Nice road 3456 1 23 End of road 09 3 92 Road street 89C 5 71 Street 76 7 181 select * from t6 where a=1; adress a b Nice road 3456 1 23 delete from t6 where a=1; select * from t6 order by a; adress a b End of road 09 3 92 Road street 89C 5 71 Street 76 7 181 delete from t6 where b=71; select * from t6 order by a; adress a b End of road 09 3 92 Street 76 7 181 drop table t6; CREATE TABLE t7 ( adress char(255), a int NOT NULL, b int, c int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(a, c) ) engine = NDB; insert into t7 values ("Highway 3456", 1, 23, 2), ("Street Road 78", 3, 92, 3), ("Main street 89C", 5, 71, 4), (NULL, 8, NULL, 12); select * from t7 order by a; adress a b c Highway 3456 1 23 2 Street Road 78 3 92 3 Main street 89C 5 71 4 NULL 8 NULL 12 select a, b from t7 order by a; a b 1 23 3 92 5 71 8 NULL update t7 set adress="End of road 09" where a=3; update t7 set adress="Gatuvägen 90C" where a=5 and c=4; update t7 set adress="No adress" where adress is NULL; select * from t7 order by a; adress a b c Highway 3456 1 23 2 End of road 09 3 92 3 Gatuvägen 90C 5 71 4 No adress 8 NULL 12 select * from t7 where a=1 and c=2; adress a b c Highway 3456 1 23 2 delete from t7 where a=1; delete from t7 where a=3 and c=3; delete from t7 where a=5 and c=4; select * from t7; adress a b c No adress 8 NULL 12 delete from t7 where b=23; select * from t7; adress a b c No adress 8 NULL 12 drop table t7; CREATE TABLE t1 ( pk1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, attr1 INT NOT NULL, attr2 INT, attr3 VARCHAR(10) ) ENGINE=ndbcluster; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412, NULL, '9412'), (9411,9413, 17, '9413'); create database mysqltest; use mysqltest; CREATE TABLE t2 ( a bigint unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b int unsigned not null, c int unsigned ) engine=ndbcluster; insert into t2 select pk1,attr1,attr2 from test.t1; select * from t2 order by a; a b c 9410 9412 NULL 9411 9413 17 select b from test.t1, t2 where c = test.t1.attr2; b 9413 select b,test.t1.attr1 from test.t1, t2 where test.t1.pk1 < a; b attr1 9413 9412 drop table test.t1, t2; drop database mysqltest; use test; create table t1 (a int primary key, b char(0)); insert into t1 values (1,""); insert into t1 values (2,NULL); select * from t1 order by a; a b 1 2 NULL select * from t1 order by b; a b 2 NULL 1 select * from t1 where b IS NULL; a b 2 NULL select * from t1 where b IS NOT NULL; a b 1 drop table t1;