#!/bin/sh - # # See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 # Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved. # # $Id: gen_rec.awk,v 11.26 2001/01/08 21:06:46 bostic Exp $ # # This awk script generates all the log, print, and read routines for the DB # logging. It also generates a template for the recovery functions (these # functions must still be edited, but are highly stylized and the initial # template gets you a fair way along the path). # # For a given file prefix.src, we generate a file prefix_auto.c, and a file # prefix_auto.h that contains: # # external declarations for the file's functions # defines for the physical record types # (logical types are defined in each subsystem manually) # structures to contain the data unmarshalled from the log. # # This awk script requires that five variables be set when it is called: # # source_file -- the C source file being created # subsystem -- the subsystem prefix, e.g., "db" # header_file -- the C #include file being created # template_file -- the template file being created # template_dir -- the directory to find the source template # # And stdin must be the input file that defines the recovery setup. BEGIN { if (source_file == "" || subsystem == "" || header_file == "" || template_file == "" || template_dir == "") { print "Usage: gen_rec.awk requires five variables to be set:" print "\tsource_file\t-- the C source file being created" print "\tsubsystem\t-- the subsystem prefix, e.g., \"db\"" print "\theader_file\t-- the C #include file being created" print "\ttemplate_file\t-- the template file being created" print "\ttemplate_dir\t-- the directory to find the source template" exit } FS="[\t ][\t ]*" CFILE=source_file NAME=subsystem HFILE=header_file TFILE=template_file TDIR=template_dir } /^[ ]*PREFIX/ { prefix = $2 num_funcs = 0; # Start .c file. printf("/* Do not edit: automatically built by gen_rec.awk. */\n") \ > CFILE # Start .h file, make the entire file conditional. printf("/* Do not edit: automatically built by gen_rec.awk. */\n\n") \ > HFILE printf("#ifndef\t%s_AUTO_H\n#define\t%s_AUTO_H\n", prefix, prefix) \ >> HFILE; # Write recovery template file headers # This assumes we're doing DB recovery. printf("#include \"db_config.h\"\n\n") > TFILE printf("#ifndef NO_SYSTEM_INCLUDES\n") >> TFILE printf("#include <sys/types.h>\n\n") >> TFILE printf("#include <string.h>\n") >> TFILE printf("#endif\n\n") >> TFILE printf("#include \"db_int.h\"\n") >> TFILE printf("#include \"db_page.h\"\n") >> TFILE printf("#include \"%s.h\"\n", prefix) >> TFILE printf("#include \"log.h\"\n\n") >> TFILE } /^[ ]*INCLUDE/ { if ($3 == "") printf("%s\n", $2) >> CFILE else printf("%s %s\n", $2, $3) >> CFILE } /^[ ]*(BEGIN|DEPRECATED)/ { if (in_begin) { print "Invalid format: missing END statement" exit } in_begin = 1; is_dbt = 0; is_deprecated = ($1 == "DEPRECATED"); nvars = 0; thisfunc = $2; funcname = sprintf("%s_%s", prefix, $2); rectype = $3; funcs[num_funcs] = funcname; funcs_dep[num_funcs] = is_deprecated; ++num_funcs; } /^[ ]*(ARG|DBT|POINTER)/ { vars[nvars] = $2; types[nvars] = $3; atypes[nvars] = $1; modes[nvars] = $1; formats[nvars] = $NF; for (i = 4; i < NF; i++) types[nvars] = sprintf("%s %s", types[nvars], $i); if ($1 == "ARG") sizes[nvars] = sprintf("sizeof(%s)", $2); else if ($1 == "POINTER") sizes[nvars] = sprintf("sizeof(*%s)", $2); else { # DBT sizes[nvars] = \ sprintf("sizeof(u_int32_t) + (%s == NULL ? 0 : %s->size)", \ $2, $2); is_dbt = 1; } nvars++; } /^[ ]*END/ { if (!in_begin) { print "Invalid format: missing BEGIN statement" exit; } # Declare the record type. printf("\n#define\tDB_%s\t%d\n", funcname, rectype) >> HFILE # Structure declaration. printf("typedef struct _%s_args {\n", funcname) >> HFILE # Here are the required fields for every structure printf("\tu_int32_t type;\n\tDB_TXN *txnid;\n") >> HFILE printf("\tDB_LSN prev_lsn;\n") >>HFILE # Here are the specified fields. for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { t = types[i]; if (modes[i] == "POINTER") { ndx = index(t, "*"); t = substr(types[i], 0, ndx - 2); } printf("\t%s\t%s;\n", t, vars[i]) >> HFILE } printf("} __%s_args;\n\n", funcname) >> HFILE # Output the log, print and read functions. if (!is_deprecated) log_function(); print_function(); read_function(); # Recovery template cmd = sprintf("sed -e s/PREF/%s/ -e s/FUNC/%s/ < %s/rec_ctemp >> %s", prefix, thisfunc, TDIR, TFILE) system(cmd); # Done writing stuff, reset and continue. in_begin = 0; } END { # Print initialization routine; function prototype printf("int __%s_init_print __P((DB_ENV *));\n", prefix) >> HFILE; # Create the routine to call db_add_recovery(print_fn, id) printf("int\n__%s_init_print(dbenv)\n", prefix) >> CFILE; printf("\tDB_ENV *dbenv;\n{\n\tint ret;\n\n") >> CFILE; for (i = 0; i < num_funcs; i++) { printf("\tif ((ret = __db_add_recovery(dbenv,\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t __%s_print, DB_%s)) != 0)\n", \ funcs[i], funcs[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\t\treturn (ret);\n") >> CFILE; } printf("\treturn (0);\n}\n\n") >> CFILE; # Recover initialization routine printf("int __%s_init_recover __P((DB_ENV *));\n", prefix) >> HFILE; # Create the routine to call db_add_recovery(func, id) printf("int\n__%s_init_recover(dbenv)\n", prefix) >> CFILE; printf("\tDB_ENV *dbenv;\n{\n\tint ret;\n\n") >> CFILE; for (i = 0; i < num_funcs; i++) { printf("\tif ((ret = __db_add_recovery(dbenv,\n") >> CFILE; if (funcs_dep[i] == 1) printf("\t __deprecated_recover, DB_%s)) != 0)\n", \ funcs[i]) >> CFILE; else printf("\t __%s_recover, DB_%s)) != 0)\n", \ funcs[i], funcs[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\t\treturn (ret);\n") >> CFILE; } printf("\treturn (0);\n}\n\n") >> CFILE; # End the conditional for the HFILE printf("#endif\n") >> HFILE; } function log_function() { # Write the log function; function prototype printf("int __%s_log __P((", funcname) >> HFILE; printf("DB_ENV *, DB_TXN *, DB_LSN *, u_int32_t") >> HFILE; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { printf(", ") >> HFILE; if (modes[i] == "DBT") printf("const ") >> HFILE; printf("%s", types[i]) >> HFILE; if (modes[i] == "DBT") printf(" *") >> HFILE; } printf("));\n") >> HFILE; # Function declaration printf("int\n__%s_log(dbenv, txnid, ret_lsnp, flags", \ funcname) >> CFILE; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { printf(",") >> CFILE; if ((i % 6) == 0) printf("\n\t") >> CFILE; else printf(" ") >> CFILE; printf("%s", vars[i]) >> CFILE; } printf(")\n") >> CFILE; # Now print the parameters printf("\tDB_ENV *dbenv;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tDB_TXN *txnid;\n\tDB_LSN *ret_lsnp;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tu_int32_t flags;\n") >> CFILE; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { if (modes[i] == "DBT") printf("\tconst %s *%s;\n", types[i], vars[i]) >> CFILE; else printf("\t%s %s;\n", types[i], vars[i]) >> CFILE; } # Function body and local decls printf("{\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tDBT logrec;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tDB_LSN *lsnp, null_lsn;\n") >> CFILE; if (is_dbt == 1) printf("\tu_int32_t zero;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tu_int32_t rectype, txn_num;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tint ret;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tu_int8_t *bp;\n\n") >> CFILE; # Initialization printf("\trectype = DB_%s;\n", funcname) >> CFILE; printf("\tif (txnid != NULL &&\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t TAILQ_FIRST(&txnid->kids) != NULL &&\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t (ret = __txn_activekids(dbenv, rectype, txnid)) != 0)\n")\ >> CFILE; printf("\t\treturn (ret);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\ttxn_num = txnid == NULL ? 0 : txnid->txnid;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tif (txnid == NULL) {\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t\tZERO_LSN(null_lsn);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t\tlsnp = &null_lsn;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t} else\n\t\tlsnp = &txnid->last_lsn;\n") >> CFILE; # Malloc printf("\tlogrec.size = sizeof(rectype) + ") >> CFILE; printf("sizeof(txn_num) + sizeof(DB_LSN)") >> CFILE; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) printf("\n\t + %s", sizes[i]) >> CFILE; printf(";\n\tif ((ret = ") >> CFILE; printf(\ "__os_malloc(dbenv, logrec.size, NULL, &logrec.data)) != 0)\n")\ >> CFILE; printf("\t\treturn (ret);\n\n") >> CFILE; # Copy args into buffer printf("\tbp = logrec.data;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tmemcpy(bp, &rectype, sizeof(rectype));\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += sizeof(rectype);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tmemcpy(bp, &txn_num, sizeof(txn_num));\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += sizeof(txn_num);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tmemcpy(bp, lsnp, sizeof(DB_LSN));\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += sizeof(DB_LSN);\n") >> CFILE; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i ++) { if (modes[i] == "ARG") { printf("\tmemcpy(bp, &%s, %s);\n", \ vars[i], sizes[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += %s;\n", sizes[i]) >> CFILE; } else if (modes[i] == "DBT") { printf("\tif (%s == NULL) {\n", vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\t\tzero = 0;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t\tmemcpy(bp, &zero, sizeof(u_int32_t));\n") \ >> CFILE; printf("\t\tbp += sizeof(u_int32_t);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t} else {\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t\tmemcpy(bp, &%s->size, ", vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("sizeof(%s->size));\n", vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\t\tbp += sizeof(%s->size);\n", vars[i]) \ >> CFILE; printf("\t\tmemcpy(bp, %s->data, %s->size);\n", \ vars[i], vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\t\tbp += %s->size;\n\t}\n", vars[i]) >> CFILE; } else { # POINTER printf("\tif (%s != NULL)\n", vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\t\tmemcpy(bp, %s, %s);\n", vars[i], \ sizes[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\telse\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t\tmemset(bp, 0, %s);\n", sizes[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += %s;\n", sizes[i]) >> CFILE; } } # Error checking printf("\tDB_ASSERT((u_int32_t)") >> CFILE; printf("(bp - (u_int8_t *)logrec.data) == logrec.size);\n") >> CFILE; # Issue log call # The logging system cannot call the public log_put routine # due to mutual exclusion constraints. So, if we are # generating code for the log subsystem, use the internal # __log_put. if (prefix == "log") printf("\tret = __log_put\(dbenv, ret_lsnp, ") >> CFILE; else printf("\tret = log_put(dbenv, ret_lsnp, ") >> CFILE; printf("(DBT *)&logrec, flags);\n") >> CFILE; # Update the transactions last_lsn printf("\tif (txnid != NULL)\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t\ttxnid->last_lsn = *ret_lsnp;\n") >> CFILE; # Free and return printf("\t__os_free(logrec.data, logrec.size);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\treturn (ret);\n}\n\n") >> CFILE; } function print_function() { # Write the print function; function prototype printf("int __%s_print", funcname) >> HFILE; printf(" __P((DB_ENV *, DBT *, DB_LSN *, db_recops, void *));\n") \ >> HFILE; # Function declaration printf("int\n__%s_print(dbenv, ", funcname) >> CFILE; printf("dbtp, lsnp, notused2, notused3)\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tDB_ENV *dbenv;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tDBT *dbtp;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tDB_LSN *lsnp;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tdb_recops notused2;\n\tvoid *notused3;\n{\n") >> CFILE; # Locals printf("\t__%s_args *argp;\n", funcname) >> CFILE; printf("\tu_int32_t i;\n\tu_int ch;\n\tint ret;\n\n") >> CFILE; # Get rid of complaints about unused parameters. printf("\ti = 0;\n\tch = 0;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tnotused2 = DB_TXN_ABORT;\n\tnotused3 = NULL;\n\n") >> CFILE; # Call read routine to initialize structure printf("\tif ((ret = __%s_read(dbenv, dbtp->data, &argp)) != 0)\n", \ funcname) >> CFILE; printf("\t\treturn (ret);\n") >> CFILE; # Print values in every record printf("\tprintf(\"[%%lu][%%lu]%s: ", funcname) >> CFILE; printf("rec: %%lu txnid %%lx ") >> CFILE; printf("prevlsn [%%lu][%%lu]\\n\",\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t (u_long)lsnp->file,\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t (u_long)lsnp->offset,\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t (u_long)argp->type,\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t (u_long)argp->txnid->txnid,\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t (u_long)argp->prev_lsn.file,\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t (u_long)argp->prev_lsn.offset);\n") >> CFILE; # Now print fields of argp for (i = 0; i < nvars; i ++) { printf("\tprintf(\"\\t%s: ", vars[i]) >> CFILE; if (modes[i] == "DBT") { printf("\");\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tfor (i = 0; i < ") >> CFILE; printf("argp->%s.size; i++) {\n", vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\t\tch = ((u_int8_t *)argp->%s.data)[i];\n", \ vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\t\tif (isprint(ch) || ch == 0xa)\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t\t\tputchar(ch);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t\telse\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t\t\tprintf(\"%%#x \", ch);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t}\n\tprintf(\"\\n\");\n") >> CFILE; } else if (types[i] == "DB_LSN *") { printf("[%%%s][%%%s]\\n\",\n", \ formats[i], formats[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\t (u_long)argp->%s.file,", \ vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf(" (u_long)argp->%s.offset);\n", \ vars[i]) >> CFILE; } else { if (formats[i] == "lx") printf("0x") >> CFILE; printf("%%%s\\n\", ", formats[i]) >> CFILE; if (formats[i] == "lx" || formats[i] == "lu") printf("(u_long)") >> CFILE; if (formats[i] == "ld") printf("(long)") >> CFILE; printf("argp->%s);\n", vars[i]) >> CFILE; } } printf("\tprintf(\"\\n\");\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t__os_free(argp, 0);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\treturn (0);\n") >> CFILE; printf("}\n\n") >> CFILE; } function read_function() { # Write the read function; function prototype printf("int __%s_read __P((DB_ENV *, void *, ", funcname) >> HFILE; printf("__%s_args **));\n", funcname) >> HFILE; # Function declaration printf("int\n__%s_read(dbenv, recbuf, argpp)\n", funcname) >> CFILE; # Now print the parameters printf("\tDB_ENV *dbenv;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tvoid *recbuf;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\t__%s_args **argpp;\n", funcname) >> CFILE; # Function body and local decls printf("{\n\t__%s_args *argp;\n", funcname) >> CFILE; printf("\tu_int8_t *bp;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tint ret;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\n\tret = __os_malloc(dbenv, sizeof(") >> CFILE; printf("__%s_args) +\n\t sizeof(DB_TXN), NULL, &argp);\n", \ funcname) >> CFILE; printf("\tif (ret != 0)\n\t\treturn (ret);\n") >> CFILE; # Set up the pointers to the txnid and the prev lsn printf("\targp->txnid = (DB_TXN *)&argp[1];\n") >> CFILE; # First get the record type, prev_lsn, and txnid fields. printf("\tbp = recbuf;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tmemcpy(&argp->type, bp, sizeof(argp->type));\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += sizeof(argp->type);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tmemcpy(&argp->txnid->txnid, bp, ") >> CFILE; printf("sizeof(argp->txnid->txnid));\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += sizeof(argp->txnid->txnid);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tmemcpy(&argp->prev_lsn, bp, sizeof(DB_LSN));\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += sizeof(DB_LSN);\n") >> CFILE; # Now get rest of data. for (i = 0; i < nvars; i ++) { if (modes[i] == "DBT") { printf("\tmemset(&argp->%s, 0, sizeof(argp->%s));\n", \ vars[i], vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\tmemcpy(&argp->%s.size, ", vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("bp, sizeof(u_int32_t));\n") >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += sizeof(u_int32_t);\n") >> CFILE; printf("\targp->%s.data = bp;\n", vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += argp->%s.size;\n", vars[i]) >> CFILE; } else if (modes[i] == "ARG") { printf("\tmemcpy(&argp->%s, bp, %s%s));\n", \ vars[i], "sizeof(argp->", vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += sizeof(argp->%s);\n", vars[i]) >> CFILE; } else { # POINTER printf("\tmemcpy(&argp->%s, bp, ", vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf(" sizeof(argp->%s));\n", vars[i]) >> CFILE; printf("\tbp += sizeof(argp->%s);\n", vars[i]) >> CFILE; } } # Free and return printf("\t*argpp = argp;\n") >> CFILE; printf("\treturn (0);\n}\n\n") >> CFILE; }