/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <NDBT.hpp> #include <NDBT_Test.hpp> #include <HugoTransactions.hpp> #include <UtilTransactions.hpp> #include <random.h> #include <getarg.h> struct Parameter { const char * name; unsigned value; unsigned min; unsigned max; }; #define P_OPER 0 #define P_RANGE 1 #define P_ROWS 2 #define P_LOOPS 3 #define P_CREATE 4 #define P_LOAD 5 #define P_MAX 6 /** * operation * 0 - serial pk * 1 - batch pk * 2 - serial uniq * 3 - batch uniq * 4 - index eq * 5 - range scan * 6 - ordered range scan * 7 - interpreted scan */ static const char * g_ops[] = { "serial pk", "batch pk", "serial uniq index access", "batch uniq index access", "index eq-bound", "index range", "index ordered", "interpreted scan" }; #define P_OP_TYPES 8 static Uint64 g_times[P_OP_TYPES]; static Parameter g_paramters[] = { { "operation", 0, 0, 6 }, // 0 { "range", 1000, 1, ~0 },// 1 no of rows to read { "size", 1000000, 1, ~0 },// 2 rows in tables { "iterations", 3, 1, ~0 },// 3 { "create_drop", 0, 0, 1 }, // 4 { "data", 0, 0, 1 } // 5 }; static Ndb* g_ndb = 0; static const NdbDictionary::Table * g_tab; static const NdbDictionary::Index * g_i_unique; static const NdbDictionary::Index * g_i_ordered; static char g_table[256]; static char g_unique[256]; static char g_ordered[256]; static char g_buffer[2*1024*1024]; int create_table(); int load_table(); int run_read(); int clear_table(); int drop_table(); void print_result(); int main(int argc, const char** argv){ ndb_init(); int verbose = 1; int optind = 0; struct getargs args[1+P_MAX] = { { "verbose", 'v', arg_flag, &verbose, "Print verbose status", "verbose" } }; const int num_args = 1 + P_MAX; int i; for(i = 0; i<P_MAX; i++){ args[i+1].long_name = g_paramters[i].name; args[i+1].short_name = * g_paramters[i].name; args[i+1].type = arg_integer; args[i+1].value = &g_paramters[i].value; BaseString tmp; tmp.assfmt("min: %d max: %d", g_paramters[i].min, g_paramters[i].max); args[i+1].help = strdup(tmp.c_str()); args[i+1].arg_help = 0; } if(getarg(args, num_args, argc, argv, &optind)) { arg_printusage(args, num_args, argv[0], "tabname1 tabname2 ..."); return NDBT_WRONGARGS; } myRandom48Init(NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond()); memset(g_times, 0, sizeof(g_times)); Ndb_cluster_connection con; if(con.connect(12, 5, 1)) { return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED); } g_ndb = new Ndb(&con, "TEST_DB"); if(g_ndb->init() != 0){ g_err << "init() failed" << endl; goto error; } if(g_ndb->waitUntilReady() != 0){ g_err << "Wait until ready failed" << endl; goto error; } for(i = optind; i<argc; i++){ const char * T = argv[i]; g_info << "Testing " << T << endl; BaseString::snprintf(g_table, sizeof(g_table), T); BaseString::snprintf(g_ordered, sizeof(g_ordered), "IDX_O_%s", T); BaseString::snprintf(g_unique, sizeof(g_unique), "IDX_U_%s", T); if(create_table()) goto error; if(load_table()) goto error; for(int l = 0; l<g_paramters[P_LOOPS].value; l++){ for(int j = 0; j<P_OP_TYPES; j++){ g_paramters[P_OPER].value = j; if(run_read()) goto error; } } print_result(); } if(g_ndb) delete g_ndb; return NDBT_OK; error: if(g_ndb) delete g_ndb; return NDBT_FAILED; } int create_table(){ NdbDictionary::Dictionary* dict = g_ndb->getDictionary(); assert(dict); if(g_paramters[P_CREATE].value){ const NdbDictionary::Table * pTab = NDBT_Tables::getTable(g_table); assert(pTab); NdbDictionary::Table copy = * pTab; copy.setLogging(false); if(dict->createTable(copy) != 0){ g_err << "Failed to create table: " << g_table << endl; return -1; } NdbDictionary::Index x(g_ordered); x.setTable(g_table); x.setType(NdbDictionary::Index::OrderedIndex); x.setLogging(false); for (unsigned k = 0; k < copy.getNoOfColumns(); k++){ if(copy.getColumn(k)->getPrimaryKey()){ x.addColumn(copy.getColumn(k)->getName()); } } if(dict->createIndex(x) != 0){ g_err << "Failed to create index: " << endl; return -1; } x.setName(g_unique); x.setType(NdbDictionary::Index::UniqueHashIndex); if(dict->createIndex(x) != 0){ g_err << "Failed to create index: " << endl; return -1; } } g_tab = dict->getTable(g_table); g_i_unique = dict->getIndex(g_unique, g_table); g_i_ordered = dict->getIndex(g_ordered, g_table); assert(g_tab); assert(g_i_unique); assert(g_i_ordered); return 0; } int drop_table(){ if(!g_paramters[P_CREATE].value) return 0; if(g_ndb->getDictionary()->dropTable(g_tab->getName()) != 0){ g_err << "Failed to drop table: " << g_tab->getName() << endl; return -1; } g_tab = 0; return 0; } int load_table(){ if(!g_paramters[P_LOAD].value) return 0; int rows = g_paramters[P_ROWS].value; HugoTransactions hugoTrans(* g_tab); if (hugoTrans.loadTable(g_ndb, rows)){ g_err.println("Failed to load %s with %d rows", g_tab->getName(), rows); return -1; } return 0; } int clear_table(){ if(!g_paramters[P_LOAD].value) return 0; int rows = g_paramters[P_ROWS].value; UtilTransactions utilTrans(* g_tab); if (utilTrans.clearTable(g_ndb, rows) != 0){ g_err.println("Failed to clear table %s", g_tab->getName()); return -1; } return 0; } inline void err(NdbError e){ ndbout << e << endl; } int run_read(){ int iter = g_paramters[P_LOOPS].value; NDB_TICKS start1, stop; int sum_time= 0; const Uint32 rows = g_paramters[P_ROWS].value; const Uint32 range = g_paramters[P_RANGE].value; start1 = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); NdbConnection * pTrans = g_ndb->startTransaction(); if(!pTrans){ g_err << "Failed to start transaction" << endl; err(g_ndb->getNdbError()); return -1; } NdbOperation * pOp; NdbScanOperation * pSp; NdbIndexOperation * pUp; NdbIndexScanOperation * pIp; Uint32 start_row = rand() % (rows - range); Uint32 stop_row = start_row + range; /** * 0 - serial pk * 1 - batch pk * 2 - serial uniq * 3 - batch uniq * 4 - index eq * 5 - range scan * 6 - interpreted scan */ int check = 0; void* res = (void*)~0; const Uint32 pk = 0; Uint32 cnt = 0; for(; start_row < stop_row; start_row++){ switch(g_paramters[P_OPER].value){ case 0: pOp = pTrans->getNdbOperation(g_table); check = pOp->readTuple(); check = pOp->equal(pk, start_row); break; case 1: for(; start_row<stop_row; start_row++){ pOp = pTrans->getNdbOperation(g_table); check = pOp->readTuple(); check = pOp->equal(pk, start_row); for(int j = 0; j<g_tab->getNoOfColumns(); j++){ res = pOp->getValue(j); assert(res); } } break; case 2: pOp = pTrans->getNdbIndexOperation(g_unique, g_table); check = pOp->readTuple(); check = pOp->equal(pk, start_row); break; case 3: for(; start_row<stop_row; start_row++){ pOp = pTrans->getNdbIndexOperation(g_unique, g_table); check = pOp->readTuple(); check = pOp->equal(pk, start_row); for(int j = 0; j<g_tab->getNoOfColumns(); j++){ res = pOp->getValue(j); assert(res); } } break; case 4: pOp = pSp = pIp = pTrans->getNdbIndexScanOperation(g_ordered,g_table); pIp->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_CommittedRead, 0, 0); check = pIp->setBound(pk, NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundEQ, &start_row); break; case 5: pOp = pSp = pIp = pTrans->getNdbIndexScanOperation(g_ordered,g_table); pIp->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_CommittedRead, 0, 0); check = pIp->setBound(pk, NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundLE, &start_row); check = pIp->setBound(pk, NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundGT, &stop_row); start_row = stop_row; break; case 6: pOp = pSp = pIp = pTrans->getNdbIndexScanOperation(g_ordered,g_table); pIp->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_CommittedRead, 0, 0, true); check = pIp->setBound(pk, NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundLE, &start_row); check = pIp->setBound(pk, NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundGT, &stop_row); start_row = stop_row; break; case 7: pOp = pSp = pTrans->getNdbScanOperation(g_table); pSp->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_CommittedRead, 0, 0); NdbScanFilter filter(pOp) ; filter.begin(NdbScanFilter::AND); filter.ge(pk, start_row); filter.lt(pk, stop_row); filter.end(); start_row = stop_row; break; } assert(res); if(check != 0){ ndbout << pOp->getNdbError() << endl; ndbout << pTrans->getNdbError() << endl; } assert(check == 0); for(int j = 0; j<g_tab->getNoOfColumns(); j++){ res = pOp->getValue(j); assert(res); } check = pTrans->execute(NoCommit); if(check != 0){ ndbout << pTrans->getNdbError() << endl; } assert(check == 0); if(g_paramters[P_OPER].value >= 4){ while((check = pSp->nextResult(true)) == 0){ cnt++; } if(check == -1){ err(pTrans->getNdbError()); return -1; } assert(check == 1); pSp->close(); } } assert(g_paramters[P_OPER].value < 4 || (cnt == range)); pTrans->close(); stop = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); g_times[g_paramters[P_OPER].value] += (stop - start1); return 0; } void print_result(){ int tmp = 1; tmp *= g_paramters[P_RANGE].value; tmp *= g_paramters[P_LOOPS].value; int t, t2; for(int i = 0; i<P_OP_TYPES; i++){ g_err << g_ops[i] << " avg: " << (int)((1000*g_times[i])/tmp) << " us/row (" << (1000 * tmp)/g_times[i] << " rows / sec)" << endl; } }