/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
// vim: expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4:
#ident "$Id$"
#ident "Copyright (c) 2010 Tokutek Inc.  All rights reserved."

#include <db.h>
#include "fttypes.h"
#include "ftloader.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include <toku_pthread.h>
#include "dbufio.h"

/* These functions are exported to allow the tests to compile. */

/* These structures maintain a collection of all the open temporary files used by the loader. */
struct file_info {
    BOOL is_open;
    BOOL is_extant; // if true, the file must be unlinked.
    char *fname;
    FILE *file;
    u_int64_t n_rows; // how many rows were written into that file
    size_t buffer_size;
    void *buffer;
struct file_infos {
    int n_files;
    int n_files_limit;
    struct file_info *file_infos;
    int n_files_open, n_files_extant;
    toku_mutex_t lock; // must protect this data structure because current activity performs a REALLOC(fi->file_infos).
typedef struct fidx { int idx; } FIDX;
static const FIDX FIDX_NULL __attribute__((__unused__)) = {-1};
static int fidx_is_null (const FIDX f) __attribute__((__unused__));
static int fidx_is_null (const FIDX f) { return f.idx==-1; }
FILE *toku_bl_fidx2file (FTLOADER bl, FIDX i);

int ft_loader_open_temp_file (FTLOADER bl, FIDX*file_idx);

/* These data structures are used for manipulating a collection of rows in main memory. */
struct row {
    size_t off; // the offset in the data array.
    int   klen,vlen;
struct rowset {
    uint64_t memory_budget;
    size_t n_rows, n_rows_limit;
    struct row *rows;
    size_t n_bytes, n_bytes_limit;
    char *data;

int init_rowset (struct rowset *rows, uint64_t memory_budget);
void destroy_rowset (struct rowset *rows);
int add_row (struct rowset *rows, DBT *key, DBT *val);

int loader_write_row(DBT *key, DBT *val, FIDX data, FILE*, u_int64_t *dataoff, FTLOADER bl);
int loader_read_row (FILE *f, DBT *key, DBT *val);

struct merge_fileset {
    BOOL have_sorted_output;  // Is there an previous key?
    FIDX sorted_output;       // this points to one of the data_fidxs.  If output_is_sorted then this is the file containing sorted data.  It's still open
    DBT  prev_key;            // What is it?  If it's here, its the last output in the merge fileset

    int n_temp_files, n_temp_files_limit;
    FIDX *data_fidxs;

void init_merge_fileset (struct merge_fileset *fs);
void destroy_merge_fileset (struct merge_fileset *fs);

struct poll_callback_s {
    ft_loader_poll_func poll_function;
    void *poll_extra;
typedef struct poll_callback_s *ft_loader_poll_callback;

int ft_loader_init_poll_callback(ft_loader_poll_callback);

void ft_loader_destroy_poll_callback(ft_loader_poll_callback);

void ft_loader_set_poll_function(ft_loader_poll_callback, ft_loader_poll_func poll_function, void *poll_extra);

int ft_loader_call_poll_function(ft_loader_poll_callback, float progress);

struct error_callback_s {
    int error;
    ft_loader_error_func error_callback;
    void *extra;
    DB *db;
    int which_db;
    DBT key;
    DBT val;
    BOOL did_callback;
    toku_mutex_t mutex;
typedef struct error_callback_s *ft_loader_error_callback;

void ft_loader_init_error_callback(ft_loader_error_callback);

void ft_loader_destroy_error_callback(ft_loader_error_callback);

int ft_loader_get_error(ft_loader_error_callback);

void ft_loader_set_error_function(ft_loader_error_callback, ft_loader_error_func error_function, void *extra);

int ft_loader_set_error(ft_loader_error_callback, int error, DB *db, int which_db, DBT *key, DBT *val);

int ft_loader_call_error_function(ft_loader_error_callback);

int ft_loader_set_error_and_callback(ft_loader_error_callback, int error, DB *db, int which_db, DBT *key, DBT *val);

struct ft_loader_s {
    // These two are set in the close function, and used while running close
    struct error_callback_s error_callback;
    struct poll_callback_s poll_callback;

    generate_row_for_put_func generate_row_for_put;
    ft_compare_func *bt_compare_funs;

    DB *src_db;
    int N;
    DB **dbs; // N of these
    DESCRIPTOR *descriptors; // N of these.
    TXNID      *root_xids_that_created; // N of these.
    const char **new_fnames_in_env; // N of these.  The file names that the final data will be written to (relative to env).

    uint64_t *extracted_datasizes; // N of these.

    struct rowset primary_rowset; // the primary rows that have been put, but the secondary rows haven't been generated.
    struct rowset primary_rowset_temp; // the primary rows that are being worked on by the extractor_thread.

    QUEUE primary_rowset_queue; // main thread enqueues rowsets in this queue (in maybe 64MB chunks).  The extractor thread removes them, sorts them, adn writes to file.
    toku_pthread_t     extractor_thread;     // the thread that takes primary rowset and does extraction and the first level sort and write to file.
    BOOL extractor_live;

    DBT  *last_key;         // for each rowset, remember the most recently output key.  The system may choose not to keep this up-to-date when a rowset is unsorted.  These keys are malloced and ulen maintains the size of the malloced block.
    struct rowset *rows; // secondary rows that have been put, but haven't been sorted and written to a file.
    u_int64_t n_rows; // how many rows have been put?
    struct merge_fileset *fs;

    const char *temp_file_template;

    CACHETABLE cachetable;
    BOOL did_reserve_memory;
    uint64_t   reserved_memory; // how much memory are we allowed to use?

    /* To make it easier to recover from errors, we don't use FILE*, instead we use an index into the file_infos. */
    struct file_infos file_infos;

#define PROGRESS_MAX (1<<16)
    int progress;       // Progress runs from 0 to PROGRESS_MAX.  When we call the poll function we convert to a float from 0.0 to 1.0
    // We use an integer so that we can add to the progress using a fetch-and-add instruction.

    int progress_callback_result; // initially zero, if any call to the poll function callback returns nonzero, we save the result here (and don't call the poll callback function again).

    LSN load_lsn; //LSN of the fsynced 'load' log entry.  Write this LSN (as checkpoint_lsn) in brt headers made by this loader.
    TXNID load_root_xid; //(Root) transaction that performed the load.

    QUEUE *fractal_queues; // an array of work queues, one for each secondary index.
    toku_pthread_t *fractal_threads;
    BOOL *fractal_threads_live; // an array of bools indicating that fractal_threads[i] is a live thread.  (There is no NULL for a pthread_t, so we have to maintain this separately).

    unsigned fractal_workers; // number of fractal tree writer threads

    toku_mutex_t mutex;
    BOOL mutex_init;

// Set the number of rows in the loader.  Used for test.
void toku_ft_loader_set_n_rows(FTLOADER bl, u_int64_t n_rows);

// Get the number of rows in the loader.  Used for test.
u_int64_t toku_ft_loader_get_n_rows(FTLOADER bl);

// The data passed into a fractal_thread via pthread_create.
struct fractal_thread_args {
    FTLOADER                bl;
    const DESCRIPTOR descriptor;
    int                      fd; // write the brt into tfd.
    int                      progress_allocation;
    QUEUE                    q;
    uint64_t                 total_disksize_estimate;
    int                      errno_result; // the final result.
    int                      which_db;
    uint32_t                 target_nodesize;
    uint32_t                 target_basementnodesize;
    enum toku_compression_method target_compression_method;

void toku_ft_loader_set_n_rows(FTLOADER bl, u_int64_t n_rows);
u_int64_t toku_ft_loader_get_n_rows(FTLOADER bl);

int merge_row_arrays_base (struct row dest[/*an+bn*/], struct row a[/*an*/], int an, struct row b[/*bn*/], int bn,
                           int which_db, DB *dest_db, ft_compare_func,
                           struct rowset *);

int merge_files (struct merge_fileset *fs, FTLOADER bl, int which_db, DB *dest_db, ft_compare_func, int progress_allocation, QUEUE);

int sort_and_write_rows (struct rowset rows, struct merge_fileset *fs, FTLOADER bl, int which_db, DB *dest_db, ft_compare_func);

int mergesort_row_array (struct row rows[/*n*/], int n, int which_db, DB *dest_db, ft_compare_func, FTLOADER, struct rowset *);

//int write_file_to_dbfile (int outfile, FIDX infile, FTLOADER bl, const DESCRIPTOR descriptor, int progress_allocation);
int toku_merge_some_files_using_dbufio (const BOOL to_q, FIDX dest_data, QUEUE q, int n_sources, DBUFIO_FILESET bfs, FIDX srcs_fidxs[/*n_sources*/], FTLOADER bl, int which_db, DB *dest_db, ft_compare_func compare, int progress_allocation);

int ft_loader_sort_and_write_rows (struct rowset *rows, struct merge_fileset *fs, FTLOADER bl, int which_db, DB *dest_db, ft_compare_func);

// This is probably only for testing.
int toku_loader_write_brt_from_q_in_C (FTLOADER                bl,
				       const DESCRIPTOR descriptor,
				       int                      fd, // write to here
				       int                      progress_allocation,
				       QUEUE                    q,
				       uint64_t                 total_disksize_estimate,
                                       int                      which_db,
                                       uint32_t                 target_nodesize,
                                       uint32_t                 target_basementnodesize,
                                       enum toku_compression_method target_compression_method);

int ft_loader_mergesort_row_array (struct row rows[/*n*/], int n, int which_db, DB *dest_db, ft_compare_func, FTLOADER, struct rowset *);

int ft_loader_write_file_to_dbfile (int outfile, FIDX infile, FTLOADER bl, const DESCRIPTOR descriptor, int progress_allocation);

int ft_loader_init_file_infos (struct file_infos *fi);
void ft_loader_fi_destroy (struct file_infos *fi, BOOL is_error);
int ft_loader_fi_close (struct file_infos *fi, FIDX idx, BOOL require_open);
int ft_loader_fi_close_all (struct file_infos *fi);
int ft_loader_fi_reopen (struct file_infos *fi, FIDX idx, const char *mode);
int ft_loader_fi_unlink (struct file_infos *fi, FIDX idx);

int toku_ft_loader_internal_init (/* out */ FTLOADER *blp,
				   CACHETABLE cachetable,
				   generate_row_for_put_func g,
				   DB *src_db,
				   int N, FT_HANDLE brts[/*N*/], DB* dbs[/*N*/],
				   const char *new_fnames_in_env[/*N*/],
				   ft_compare_func bt_compare_functions[/*N*/],
				   const char *temp_file_template,
				   LSN load_lsn,
                                   TOKUTXN txn,
                                   BOOL reserve_memory);

void toku_ft_loader_internal_destroy (FTLOADER bl, BOOL is_error);

// For test purposes only.  (In production, the rowset size is determined by negotation with the cachetable for some memory.  See #2613.)
uint64_t toku_ft_loader_get_rowset_budget_for_testing (void);

int toku_ft_loader_finish_extractor(FTLOADER bl);

int toku_ft_loader_get_error(FTLOADER bl, int *loader_errno);

void ft_loader_lock_init(FTLOADER bl);
void ft_loader_lock_destroy(FTLOADER bl);
void ft_loader_set_fractal_workers_count_from_c(FTLOADER bl);