# changes 2008-02-20 hhunger splitted events.test into events_1 and events_2 # changes 2008-02-22 hhunger replaced all sleep by wait_condition # # Can't test with embedded server that doesn't support grants -- source include/not_embedded.inc call mtr.add_suppression("Column count of mysql.event is wrong. Expected .*, found .*\. The table is probably corrupted"); --disable_warnings drop database if exists events_test; drop database if exists db_x; drop database if exists mysqltest_db2; drop database if exists mysqltest_no_such_database; --enable_warnings create database events_test; use events_test; # # START: BUG #17289 Events: missing privilege check for drop database # CREATE USER pauline@localhost; CREATE DATABASE db_x; GRANT EVENT ON db_x.* TO pauline@localhost; USE db_x; CREATE TABLE x_table(a int); connect (priv_conn,localhost,pauline,,db_x); CREATE EVENT e_x1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO DROP DATABASE db_x; CREATE EVENT e_x2 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO DROP TABLE x_table; connection default; SHOW DATABASES LIKE 'db_x'; SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=1; let $wait_condition= SELECT count(*)= 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME LIKE 'db_x'; --source include/wait_condition.inc SHOW DATABASES LIKE 'db_x'; SHOW TABLES FROM db_x; SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=off; connection priv_conn; DROP EVENT e_x1; DROP EVENT e_x2; disconnect priv_conn; connection default; DROP DATABASE db_x; DROP USER pauline@localhost; USE events_test; # # END: BUG #17289 Events: missing privilege check for drop database # SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=off; drop event if exists event1; create event event1 on schedule every 15 minute starts now() ends date_add(now(), interval 5 hour) DO begin end; alter event event1 rename to event2 enable; alter event event2 disable; alter event event2 enable; alter event event2 on completion not preserve; delimiter __; alter event event2 on schedule every 1 year on completion preserve rename to event3 comment "new comment" do begin select 1; end__ delimiter ;__ alter event event3 rename to event2; drop event event2; create event event2 on schedule every 2 second starts now() ends date_add(now(), interval 5 hour) comment "some" DO begin end; drop event event2; # # BUG #16537 (Events: mysql.event.starts is null) # CREATE EVENT event_starts_test ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 SECOND COMMENT "" DO SELECT 1; SELECT interval_field, interval_value, body FROM mysql.event WHERE db='events_test' AND name='event_starts_test'; SELECT execute_at IS NULL, starts IS NULL, ends IS NULL, comment FROM mysql.event WHERE db='events_test' AND name='event_starts_test'; ALTER EVENT event_starts_test ON SCHEDULE AT '2020-02-02 20:00:02'; SELECT execute_at IS NULL, starts IS NULL, ends IS NULL, comment FROM mysql.event WHERE db='events_test' AND name='event_starts_test'; ALTER EVENT event_starts_test COMMENT "non-empty comment"; SELECT execute_at IS NULL, starts IS NULL, ends IS NULL, comment FROM mysql.event WHERE db='events_test' AND name='event_starts_test'; ALTER EVENT event_starts_test COMMENT ""; SELECT execute_at IS NULL, starts IS NULL, ends IS NULL, comment FROM mysql.event WHERE db='events_test' AND name='event_starts_test'; DROP EVENT event_starts_test; CREATE EVENT event_starts_test ON SCHEDULE EVERY 20 SECOND STARTS '2020-02-02 20:00:02' ENDS '2022-02-02 20:00:02' DO SELECT 2; SELECT execute_at IS NULL, starts IS NULL, ends IS NULL, comment FROM mysql.event WHERE db='events_test' AND name='event_starts_test'; ALTER EVENT event_starts_test COMMENT "non-empty comment"; SELECT execute_at IS NULL, starts IS NULL, ends IS NULL, comment FROM mysql.event WHERE db='events_test' AND name='event_starts_test'; ALTER EVENT event_starts_test COMMENT ""; SELECT execute_at IS NULL, starts IS NULL, ends IS NULL, comment FROM mysql.event WHERE db='events_test' AND name='event_starts_test'; DROP EVENT event_starts_test; # # create table test_nested(a int); create event e_43 on schedule every 1 second do set @a = 5; --error ER_EVENT_RECURSION_FORBIDDEN alter event e_43 do alter event e_43 do set @a = 4; delimiter |; alter event e_43 do begin alter event e_43 on schedule every 5 minute; insert into test_nested values(1); end| delimiter ;| set global event_scheduler = on; let $wait_condition= SELECT count(*)>0 from mysql.event where name='e_43' and interval_value= 5; --source include/wait_condition.inc select db, name, body, status, interval_field, interval_value from mysql.event; drop event e_43; drop table test_nested; --echo "Let's check whether we can use non-qualified names" create table non_qualif(a int); create event non_qualif_ev on schedule every 10 minute do insert into non_qualif values (800219); let $wait_condition=SELECT count(*)= 1 from non_qualif where a=800219; --source include/wait_condition.inc select * from non_qualif; drop event non_qualif_ev; drop table non_qualif; --error ER_EVENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST alter event non_existant rename to non_existant_too; set global event_scheduler = off; create event existant on schedule at now() + interval 1 year do select 12; --error ER_EVENT_ALREADY_EXISTS alter event non_existant rename to existant; --error ER_EVENT_SAME_NAME alter event existant rename to events_test.existant; drop event existant; create table t_event3 (a int, b float); drop event if exists event3; create event event3 on schedule every 50 + 10 minute starts date_add("20100101", interval 5 minute) ends date_add("20151010", interval 5 day) comment "portokala_comment" DO insert into t_event3 values (unix_timestamp(), rand()); let $wait_condition=SELECT count(*)=0 from t_event3; --source include/wait_condition.inc select count(*) from t_event3; drop event event3; drop table t_event3; set names utf8; # # SHOW CREATE EVENT test begin # CREATE EVENT root6 ON SCHEDULE EVERY '10:20' MINUTE_SECOND ON COMPLETION PRESERVE ENABLE COMMENT 'some comment' DO select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root6; create event root7 on schedule every 2 year do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root7; create event root8 on schedule every '2:5' year_month do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root8; create event root8_1 on schedule every '2:15' year_month do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root8_1; create event root9 on schedule every 2 week ON COMPLETION PRESERVE DISABLE COMMENT 'коментар на кирилица' do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root9; create event root10 on schedule every '20:5' day_hour do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root10; create event root11 on schedule every '20:25' day_hour do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root11; create event root12 on schedule every '20:25' hour_minute do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root12; create event root13 on schedule every '25:25' hour_minute do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root13; create event root13_1 on schedule every '11:65' hour_minute do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root13_1; create event root14 on schedule every '35:35' minute_second do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root14; create event root15 on schedule every '35:66' minute_second do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root15; create event root16 on schedule every '35:56' day_minute do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root16; create event root17 on schedule every '35:12:45' day_minute do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root17; create event root17_1 on schedule every '35:25:65' day_minute do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root17_1; create event root18 on schedule every '35:12:45' hour_second do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root18; create event root19 on schedule every '15:59:85' hour_second do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root19; create event root20 on schedule every '50:20:12:45' day_second do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT root20; set names cp1251; create event ����21 on schedule every '50:23:59:95' day_second COMMENT '���� � 1251 ��������' do select 1; --replace_regex /STARTS '[^']+'/STARTS '#'/ SHOW CREATE EVENT ����21; insert into mysql.event ( db, name, body, definer, interval_value, interval_field, originator, character_set_client, collation_connection, db_collation, body_utf8) values ( database(), "root22", "select 1", user(), 100, "SECOND_MICROSECOND", 1, 'utf8', 'utf8_general_ci', 'utf8_general_ci', 'select 1'); --error ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET show create event root22; --error ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET SHOW EVENTS; drop event root22; --error ER_EVENT_INTERVAL_NOT_POSITIVE_OR_TOO_BIG create event root23 on schedule every -100 year do select 1; --error ER_EVENT_INTERVAL_NOT_POSITIVE_OR_TOO_BIG create event root23 on schedule every 222222222222222222222 year do select 1; drop event root6; drop event root7; drop event root8; drop event root8_1; drop event root9; drop event root10; drop event root11; drop event root12; drop event root13; drop event root13_1; drop event root14; drop event root15; drop event root16; drop event root17; drop event root17_1; drop event root18; drop event root19; drop event root20; drop event ����21; set names latin1; # # SHOW CREATE EVENT test end # # # mysql.event intact checking # Check that the server does not crash if # one has destroyed or tampered with the event table. # Please see see for events_restart_phase* tests to # see the server behavior at start up with bad mysql.event # table. # # --echo Create a test event. Only event metadata is relevant, --echo the actual schedule and body are not. # CREATE EVENT intact_check ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 HOUR DO SELECT "nothing"; --replace_column 8 # 9 # SHOW EVENTS; # --echo Try to alter mysql.event: the server should fail to load --echo event information after mysql.event was tampered with. --echo --echo First, let's add a column to the end and check the error is emitted. --echo ALTER TABLE mysql.event ADD dummy INT; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED SHOW EVENTS; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED SELECT event_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.events; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED SHOW CREATE EVENT intact_check; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT no_such_event; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED CREATE EVENT intact_check_1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 5 HOUR DO SELECT 5; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED ALTER EVENT intact_check_1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 8 HOUR DO SELECT 8; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED ALTER EVENT intact_check_1 RENAME TO intact_check_2; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT intact_check_1; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT intact_check_2; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT intact_check; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest_no_such_database; CREATE DATABASE mysqltest_db2; DROP DATABASE mysqltest_db2; SELECT @@event_scheduler; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'event_scheduler'; SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=OFF; # Clean up ALTER TABLE mysql.event DROP dummy; DROP EVENT intact_check; CREATE EVENT intact_check ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 HOUR DO SELECT "nothing"; --echo --echo Now let's add a column to the first position: the server --echo expects to see event schema name there --echo ALTER TABLE mysql.event ADD dummy INT FIRST; --error ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED SHOW EVENTS; --error ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED SELECT event_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.events; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED SHOW CREATE EVENT intact_check; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT no_such_event; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED CREATE EVENT intact_check_1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 5 HOUR DO SELECT 5; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED ALTER EVENT intact_check_1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 8 HOUR DO SELECT 8; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED ALTER EVENT intact_check_1 RENAME TO intact_check_2; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT intact_check_1; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT intact_check_2; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT intact_check; # Should work OK DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest_no_such_database; CREATE DATABASE mysqltest_db2; DROP DATABASE mysqltest_db2; SELECT @@event_scheduler; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'event_scheduler'; SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=OFF; --echo Clean up ALTER TABLE mysql.event DROP dummy; DELETE FROM mysql.event; CREATE EVENT intact_check ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 HOUR DO SELECT "nothing"; --echo Back up the table, further changes are not reversible CREATE TABLE event_like LIKE mysql.event; INSERT INTO event_like SELECT * FROM mysql.event; --echo --echo Drop some columns and try more checks. --echo --echo ALTER TABLE mysql.event DROP comment, DROP starts; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED SHOW EVENTS; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED SELECT event_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.EVENTS; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED SHOW CREATE EVENT intact_check; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT no_such_event; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED CREATE EVENT intact_check_1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 5 HOUR DO SELECT 5; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED ALTER EVENT intact_check_1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 8 HOUR DO SELECT 8; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED ALTER EVENT intact_check_1 RENAME TO intact_check_2; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT intact_check_1; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT intact_check_2; --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED DROP EVENT intact_check; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest_no_such_database; CREATE DATABASE mysqltest_db2; DROP DATABASE mysqltest_db2; SELECT @@event_scheduler; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'event_scheduler'; SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=OFF; --echo --echo Now drop the table, and test again --echo --echo DROP TABLE mysql.event; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SHOW EVENTS; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT event_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.events; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SHOW CREATE EVENT intact_check; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE DROP EVENT no_such_event; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE CREATE EVENT intact_check_1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 5 HOUR DO SELECT 5; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE ALTER EVENT intact_check_1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 8 HOUR DO SELECT 8; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE ALTER EVENT intact_check_1 RENAME TO intact_check_2; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE DROP EVENT intact_check_1; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE DROP EVENT intact_check_2; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE DROP EVENT intact_check; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest_no_such_database; CREATE DATABASE mysqltest_db2; DROP DATABASE mysqltest_db2; --echo OK, there is an unnecessary warning about the non-existent table --echo but it's not easy to fix and no one complained about it. --echo A similar warning is printed if mysql.proc is missing. SHOW WARNINGS; SELECT @@event_scheduler; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'event_scheduler'; SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=OFF; --echo Restore the original table. CREATE TABLE mysql.event like event_like; DROP TABLE event_like; --replace_column 8 # 9 # SHOW EVENTS; --echo --echo # --echo # Bug#12394306: the sever may crash if mysql.event is corrupted --echo # --echo CREATE EVENT ev1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 5 HOUR DO SELECT 5; ALTER EVENT ev1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 8 HOUR DO SELECT 8; --echo CREATE TABLE event_original LIKE mysql.event; INSERT INTO event_original SELECT * FROM mysql.event; --echo ALTER TABLE mysql.event MODIFY modified CHAR(1); --echo --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED SHOW EVENTS; --echo --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED SELECT event_name, created, last_altered FROM information_schema.events; --echo --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED CREATE EVENT ev2 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 5 HOUR DO SELECT 5; --echo --error ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED ALTER EVENT ev1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 9 HOUR DO SELECT 9; --echo DROP TABLE mysql.event; RENAME TABLE event_original TO mysql.event; --echo DROP EVENT ev1; --echo SHOW EVENTS; --echo --echo # --echo # End of tests --echo # let $wait_condition= select count(*) = 0 from information_schema.processlist where db='events_test' and command = 'Connect' and user=current_user(); --source include/wait_condition.inc drop database events_test;