/* Copyright(C) 2019 MariaDB Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute itand /or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111 - 1301 USA*/ #ifndef _WIN32 #include <unistd.h> /* pread(), pwrite() */ #endif #include "tpool.h" #include "tpool_structs.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> namespace tpool { #ifdef _WIN32 /* In order to be able to execute synchronous IO even on file opened with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, and to bypass to completion port, we use valid event handle for the hEvent member of the OVERLAPPED structure, with its low-order bit set. See MSDN docs for GetQueuedCompletionStatus() for description of this trick. */ static DWORD fls_sync_io= FLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES; HANDLE win_get_syncio_event() { HANDLE h; h= (HANDLE) FlsGetValue(fls_sync_io); if (h) { return h; } h= CreateEventA(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); /* Set low-order bit to keeps I/O completion from being queued */ h= (HANDLE)((uintptr_t) h | 1); FlsSetValue(fls_sync_io, h); return h; } #include <WinIoCtl.h> static void __stdcall win_free_syncio_event(void *data) { if (data) { CloseHandle((HANDLE) data); } } struct WinIoInit { WinIoInit() { fls_sync_io= FlsAlloc(win_free_syncio_event); if(fls_sync_io == FLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) abort(); } ~WinIoInit() { FlsFree(fls_sync_io); } }; static WinIoInit win_io_init; SSIZE_T pread(const native_file_handle &h, void *buf, size_t count, unsigned long long offset) { OVERLAPPED ov{}; ULARGE_INTEGER uli; uli.QuadPart= offset; ov.Offset= uli.LowPart; ov.OffsetHigh= uli.HighPart; ov.hEvent= win_get_syncio_event(); if (count > 0xFFFFFFFF) count= 0xFFFFFFFF; if (ReadFile(h, buf, (DWORD) count, 0, &ov) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING)) { DWORD n_bytes; if (GetOverlappedResult(h, &ov, &n_bytes, TRUE)) return n_bytes; } return -1; } SSIZE_T pwrite(const native_file_handle &h, void *buf, size_t count, unsigned long long offset) { OVERLAPPED ov{}; ULARGE_INTEGER uli; uli.QuadPart= offset; ov.Offset= uli.LowPart; ov.OffsetHigh= uli.HighPart; ov.hEvent= win_get_syncio_event(); if (count > 0xFFFFFFFF) count= 0xFFFFFFFF; if (WriteFile(h, buf, (DWORD) count, 0, &ov) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING)) { DWORD n_bytes; if (GetOverlappedResult(h, &ov, &n_bytes, TRUE)) return n_bytes; } return -1; } #endif /** Simulated AIO. Executes IO synchronously in worker pool and then calls the completion routine. */ class simulated_aio : public aio { thread_pool *m_pool; public: simulated_aio(thread_pool *tp) : m_pool(tp) { } static void simulated_aio_callback(void *param) { aiocb *cb= (aiocb *) param; synchronous(cb); cb->m_internal_task.m_func= cb->m_callback; thread_pool *pool= (thread_pool *)cb->m_internal; pool->submit_task(&cb->m_internal_task); } virtual int submit_io(aiocb *aiocb) override { aiocb->m_internal_task.m_func = simulated_aio_callback; aiocb->m_internal_task.m_arg = aiocb; aiocb->m_internal_task.m_group = aiocb->m_group; aiocb->m_internal = m_pool; m_pool->submit_task(&aiocb->m_internal_task); return 0; } virtual int bind(native_file_handle &fd) override { return 0; } virtual int unbind(const native_file_handle &fd) override { return 0; } }; aio *create_simulated_aio(thread_pool *tp) { return new simulated_aio(tp); } } // namespace tpool