source include/;
drop table if exists t1,v1;
drop view if exists t1,v1;
reset master;

# Check that createion drop of view is replicated, also check replication of
# updating of view
connection master;
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (1);
create view v1 as select a from t1;
insert into v1 values (2);
select * from v1 order by a;
# view already have to be on slave
select * from v1 order by a;
connection master;
update v1 set a=3 where a=1;
select * from v1 order by a;
select * from v1 order by a;
connection master;
delete from v1 where a=2;
select * from v1 order by a;
select * from v1 order by a;
connection master;
# 'alter view' internally maped to creation, but still check that it works
alter view v1 as select a as b from t1;
select * from v1 order by 1;
connection master;
drop view v1;
#error, because view have to be removed from slave
-- error 1146
select * from v1 order by a;
connection master;
drop table t1;
--replace_column 2 # 5 #
show binlog events limit 1,100;