# Merge static libraries into a big static lib. The resulting library # should not not have dependencies on other static libraries. # We use it in MySQL to merge mysys,dbug,vio etc into mysqlclient FUNCTION(GET_DEPENDEND_OS_LIBS target result) SET(deps ${${target}_LIB_DEPENDS}) IF(deps) FOREACH(lib ${deps}) # Filter out keywords for used for debug vs optimized builds IF(NOT lib MATCHES "general" AND NOT lib MATCHES "debug" AND NOT lib MATCHES "optimized") GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(lib_location ${lib} LOCATION) IF(NOT lib_location) SET(ret ${ret} ${lib}) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() ENDIF() SET(${result} ${ret} PARENT_SCOPE) ENDFUNCTION(GET_DEPENDEND_OS_LIBS) MACRO(MERGE_STATIC_LIBS TARGET OUTPUT_NAME LIBS_TO_MERGE) # To produce a library we need at least one source file. # It is created by ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND below and will helps # also help to track dependencies. SET(SOURCE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${TARGET}_depends.cc) ADD_LIBRARY(${TARGET} STATIC ${SOURCE_FILE}) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${TARGET} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${OUTPUT_NAME}) SET(OSLIBS) FOREACH(LIB ${LIBS_TO_MERGE}) GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(LIB_LOCATION ${LIB} LOCATION) GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(LIB_TYPE ${LIB} TYPE) IF(NOT LIB_LOCATION) # 3rd party library like libz.so. Make sure that everything # that links to our library links to this one as well. LIST(APPEND OSLIBS ${LIB}) ELSE() # This is a target in current project # (can be a static or shared lib) IF(LIB_TYPE STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") SET(STATIC_LIBS ${STATIC_LIBS} ${LIB_LOCATION}) ADD_DEPENDENCIES(${TARGET} ${LIB}) # Extract dependend OS libraries GET_DEPENDEND_OS_LIBS(${LIB} LIB_OSLIBS) LIST(APPEND OSLIBS ${LIB_OSLIBS}) ELSE() # This is a shared library our static lib depends on. LIST(APPEND OSLIBS ${LIB}) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() IF(OSLIBS) LIST(REMOVE_DUPLICATES OSLIBS) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${TARGET} ${OSLIBS}) ENDIF() # Make the generated dummy source file depended on all static input # libs. If input lib changes,the source file is touched # which causes the desired effect (relink). ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${SOURCE_FILE} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${SOURCE_FILE} DEPENDS ${STATIC_LIBS}) IF(MSVC) # To merge libs, just pass them to lib.exe command line. SET(LINKER_EXTRA_FLAGS "") FOREACH(LIB ${STATIC_LIBS}) SET(LINKER_EXTRA_FLAGS "${LINKER_EXTRA_FLAGS} ${LIB}") ENDFOREACH() SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${TARGET} PROPERTIES STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS "${LINKER_EXTRA_FLAGS}") ELSE() GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(TARGET_LOCATION ${TARGET} LOCATION) IF(APPLE) # Use OSX's libtool to merge archives (ihandles universal # binaries properly) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(TARGET ${TARGET} POST_BUILD COMMAND rm ${TARGET_LOCATION} COMMAND /usr/bin/libtool -static -o ${TARGET_LOCATION} ${STATIC_LIBS} ) ELSE() # Generic Unix, Cygwin or MinGW. In post-build step, call # script, that extracts objects from archives with "ar x" # and repacks them with "ar r" SET(TARGET ${TARGET}) CONFIGURE_FILE( ${TOKU_CMAKE_SCRIPT_DIR}/merge_archives_unix.cmake.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/merge_archives_${TARGET}.cmake @ONLY ) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(TARGET ${TARGET} POST_BUILD COMMAND rm ${TARGET_LOCATION} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/merge_archives_${TARGET}.cmake DEPENDS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/merge_archives_${TARGET}.cmake" ) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDMACRO(MERGE_STATIC_LIBS)