create table t1 (a int, b varchar(32)); insert into t1 values (4,'aaaa' ), (7,'bb'), (1,'ccc'), (4,'dd'); insert into t1 values (3,'eee'), (7,'bb'), (1,'fff'), (4,'ggg'); --ERROR ER_UNACCEPTABLE_MUTUAL_RECURSION with recursive t as ( select * from t1 where t1.b >= 'c' union select * from r ), r as ( select * from t union select t1.* from t1,r where r.a+1 = t1.a ) select * from r; --ERROR ER_UNACCEPTABLE_MUTUAL_RECURSION with recursive a1(a,b) as (select * from t1 where t1.a>3 union select * from b1 where b1.a >3 union select * from c1 where c1.a>3), b1(a,b) as (select * from a1 where a1.b > 'ccc' union select * from c1 where c1.b > 'ddd'), c1(a,b) as (select * from a1 where a1.a<6 and a1.b< 'zz' union select * from b1 where b1.b > 'auu') select * from c1; drop table t1; --echo # WITH RECURSIVE vs just WITH create table t1 (a int); insert into t1 values (0), (1), (2), (3), (4); create table t2 (a int); insert into t2 values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5); --echo # just WITH : s refers to t defined after s --ERROR ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE with s(a) as (select t.a + 10 from t), t(a) as (select t1.a from t1) select * from s; --echo # WITH RECURSIVE: s refers to t defined after s with recursive s(a) as (select t.a + 10 from t), t(a) as (select t1.a from t1) select * from s; --echo # just WITH : defined t1 is non-recursive and uses base tables t1,t2 with t1 as ( select a from t2 where t2.a=3 union select t2.a from t1,t2 where t1.a+1=t2.a ) select * from t1; explain with t1 as ( select a from t2 where t2.a=3 union select t2.a from t1,t2 where t1.a+1=t2.a ) select * from t1; --echo #WITH RECURSIVE : defined t1 is recursive and uses only base table t2 with recursive t1 as ( select a from t2 where t2.a=3 union select t2.a from t1,t2 where t1.a+1=t2.a ) select * from t1; explain with recursive t1 as ( select a from t2 where t2.a=3 union select t2.a from t1,t2 where t1.a+1=t2.a ) select * from t1; --echo # just WITH : types of t1 columns are determined by all parts of union create view v1 as with t1 as ( select a from t2 where t2.a=3 union select t2.a+1 from t1,t2 where t1.a=t2.a ) select * from t1; show columns from v1; --echo # WITH RECURSIVE : types of t1 columns are determined by anchor parts create view v2 as with recursive t1 as ( select a from t2 where t2.a=3 union select t2.a+1 from t1,t2 where t1.a=t2.a ) select * from t1; show columns from v2; drop view v1,v2; drop table t1,t2; create table folks(id int, name char(32), dob date, father int, mother int); insert into folks values (100, 'Me', '2000-01-01', 20, 30), (20, 'Dad', '1970-02-02', 10, 9), (30, 'Mom', '1975-03-03', 8, 7), (10, 'Grandpa Bill', '1940-04-05', null, null), (9, 'Grandma Ann', '1941-10-15', null, null), (25, 'Uncle Jim', '1968-11-18', 8, 7), (98, 'Sister Amy', '2001-06-20', 20, 30), (7, 'Grandma Sally', '1943-08-23', null, 6), (8, 'Grandpa Ben', '1940-10-21', null, null), (6, 'Grandgrandma Martha', '1923-05-17', null, null), (67, 'Cousin Eddie', '1992-02-28', 25, 27), (27, 'Auntie Melinda', '1971-03-29', null, null); --echo # simple recursion with one anchor and one recursive select --echo # the anchor is the first select in the specification with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' and dob = '2000-01-01' union select,, p.dob, p.father, p.mother from folks as p, ancestors AS a where = a.father or = a.mother ) select * from ancestors; --echo # simple recursion with one anchor and one recursive select --echo # the anchor is the last select in the specification with recursive ancestors as ( select p.* from folks as p, ancestors AS a where = a.father or = a.mother union select * from folks where name = 'Me' and dob = '2000-01-01' ) select * from ancestors; --echo # simple recursion with one anchor and one recursive select --echo # the anchor is the first select in the specification with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Cousin Eddie' union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as a where = a.father or = a.mother ) select * from ancestors; --echo # simple recursion with or in anchor and or in recursive part with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' or name='Sister Amy' union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as a where = a.father or = a.mother ) select * from ancestors; --echo # two recursive definition, one uses another with recursive prev_gen as ( select folks.* from folks, prev_gen where or union select * from folks where name='Me' ), ancestors as ( select * from folks where name='Me' union select * from ancestors union select * from prev_gen ) select, ancestors.dob from ancestors; --echo # recursive definition with two attached non-recursive with recursive ancestors(id,name,dob) as ( with father(child_id,id,name,dob) as ( select,,, f.dob from folks, folks f where ), mother(child_id,id,name,dob) as ( select,,, m.dob from folks, folks m where ) select,, folks.dob from folks where name='Me' union select,, f.dob from ancestors a, father f where union select,, m.dob from ancestors a, mother m where ) select, ancestors.dob from ancestors; --echo # simple recursion with one anchor and one recursive select --echo # the anchor is the first select in the specification with recursive descendants as ( select * from folks where name = 'Grandpa Bill' union select folks.* from folks, descendants as d where or ) select * from descendants; --echo # simple recursion with one anchor and one recursive select --echo # the anchor is the first select in the specification with recursive descendants as ( select * from folks where name = 'Grandma Sally' union select folks.* from folks, descendants as d where or ) select * from descendants; --echo # simple recursive table used three times in the main query with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' and dob = '2000-01-01' union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors AS a where = a.father OR = a.mother ) select * from ancestors t1, ancestors t2 where exists (select * from ancestors a where AND; --echo # simple recursive table used three times in the main query with ancestor_couples(husband, h_dob, wife, w_dob) as ( with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors AS a where = a.father OR = a.mother ) select, t1.dob,, t2.dob from ancestors t1, ancestors t2 where exists (select * from ancestors a where AND ) select * from ancestor_couples; --echo # simple recursion with two selects in recursive part with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as fa where = fa.father union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as ma where = ma.mother ) select * from ancestors; --echo # mutual recursion with renaming with recursive ancestor_couples(h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother, w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother) as ( select h.*, w.* from folks h, folks w, coupled_ancestors a where a.father = AND a.mother = union select h.*, w.* from folks v, folks h, folks w where = 'Me' and (v.father = AND v.mother= ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother from ancestor_couples union select w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother from ancestor_couples ) select h_name, h_dob, w_name, w_dob from ancestor_couples; --echo # mutual recursion with union all with recursive ancestor_couples(h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother, w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother) as ( select h.*, w.* from folks h, folks w, coupled_ancestors a where a.father = AND a.mother = union select h.*, w.* from folks v, folks h, folks w where = 'Me' and (v.father = AND v.mother= ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother from ancestor_couples union all select w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother from ancestor_couples ) select h_name, h_dob, w_name, w_dob from ancestor_couples; --echo # mutual recursion with renaming with recursive ancestor_couples(h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother, w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother) as ( select h.*, w.* from folks h, folks w, coupled_ancestors a where a.father = AND a.mother = union select h.*, w.* from folks v, folks h, folks w where = 'Me' and (v.father = AND v.mother= ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother from ancestor_couples union select w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother from ancestor_couples ) select h_name, h_dob, w_name, w_dob from ancestor_couples; --echo # mutual recursion with union all with recursive ancestor_couples(h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother, w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother) as ( select h.*, w.* from folks h, folks w, coupled_ancestors a where a.father = AND a.mother = ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union all select h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother from ancestor_couples union all select w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother from ancestor_couples ) select h_name, h_dob, w_name, w_dob from ancestor_couples; --echo # mutual recursion with one select in the first definition with recursive ancestor_couple_ids(h_id, w_id) as ( select a.father, a.mother from coupled_ancestors a where a.father is not null and a.mother is not null ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids fa where = fa.h_id union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids ma where = ma.w_id ) select * from ancestor_couple_ids; --echo # join of a mutually recursive table with base tables with recursive ancestor_couple_ids(h_id, w_id) as ( select a.father, a.mother from coupled_ancestors a where a.father is not null and a.mother is not null ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids fa where = fa.h_id union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids ma where = ma.w_id ) select, h.dob,, w.dob from ancestor_couple_ids c, folks h, folks w where c.h_id = and c.w_id=; --echo # join of two mutually recursive tables with recursive ancestor_couple_ids(h_id, w_id) as ( select a.father, a.mother from coupled_ancestors a where a.father is not null and a.mother is not null ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids fa where = fa.h_id union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids ma where = ma.w_id ) select, h.dob,, w.dob from ancestor_couple_ids c, coupled_ancestors h, coupled_ancestors w where c.h_id = and c.w_id=; explain extended with recursive ancestor_couple_ids(h_id, w_id) as ( select a.father, a.mother from coupled_ancestors a where a.father is not null and a.mother is not null ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids fa where = fa.h_id union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids ma where = ma.w_id ) select, h.dob,, w.dob from ancestor_couple_ids c, coupled_ancestors h, coupled_ancestors w where c.h_id = and c.w_id=; --echo # simple mutual recursion with recursive ancestor_couple_ids(h_id, w_id) as ( select a.father, a.mother from coupled_ancestors a ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids fa where = fa.h_id union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids ma where = ma.w_id ) select * from ancestor_couple_ids; --echo # join of two mutually recursive tables with recursive ancestor_couple_ids(h_id, w_id) as ( select a.father, a.mother from coupled_ancestors a ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids fa where = fa.h_id union all select p.* from folks p, ancestor_couple_ids ma where = ma.w_id ) select, h.dob,, w.dob from ancestor_couple_ids c, coupled_ancestors h, coupled_ancestors w where c.h_id = and c.w_id=; --echo # execution of prepared query using a recursive table prepare stmt1 from " with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' and dob = '2000-01-01' union select,, p.dob, p.father, p.mother from folks as p, ancestors AS a where = a.father or = a.mother ) select * from ancestors; "; execute stmt1; execute stmt1; deallocate prepare stmt1; --echo # view using a recursive table create view v1 as with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' and dob = '2000-01-01' union select,, p.dob, p.father, p.mother from folks as p, ancestors AS a where = a.father or = a.mother ) select * from ancestors; show create view v1; select * from v1; create view v2 as with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as fa where = fa.father union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as ma where = ma.mother ) select * from ancestors; show create view v2; select * from v2; drop view v1,v2; explain extended with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' and dob = '2000-01-01' union select,, p.dob, p.father, p.mother from folks as p, ancestors AS a where = a.father or = a.mother ) select * from ancestors; --echo # recursive spec with two anchor selects and two recursive ones with recursive ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' union select father from folks, ancestor_ids a where = union select mother from folks, ancestor_ids a where = ), ancestors as ( select p.* from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where = ) select * from ancestors; --echo # recursive spec using union all with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union all select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as fa where = fa.father union all select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as ma where = ma.mother ) select * from ancestors; --ERROR ER_NOT_STANDARD_COMPLIANT_RECURSIVE with recursive ancestor_ids (id, generation) as ( select father, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' and father is not null union all select mother, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' and mother is not null union all select father, fa.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids fa where = and (father not in (select id from ancestor_ids)) union all select mother, ma.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids ma where = and (mother not in (select id from ancestor_ids)) ) select generation, name from ancestor_ids a, folks where =; set standard_compliant_cte=0; --ERROR ER_WITH_COL_WRONG_LIST with recursive ancestor_ids (id, generation) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' and father is not null union all select mother from folks where name = 'Me' and mother is not null union all select father, fa.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids fa where = and (father not in (select id from ancestor_ids)) union all select mother, ma.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids ma where = and (mother not in (select id from ancestor_ids)) ) select generation, name from ancestor_ids a, folks where =; with recursive ancestor_ids (id, generation) as ( select father, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' and father is not null union all select mother, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' and mother is not null union all select father, fa.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids fa where = and father is not null and (father not in (select id from ancestor_ids)) union all select mother, ma.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids ma where = and mother is not null and (mother not in (select id from ancestor_ids)) ) select generation, name from ancestor_ids a, folks where =; set standard_compliant_cte=1; --ERROR ER_NOT_STANDARD_COMPLIANT_RECURSIVE with recursive coupled_ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' and father is not null union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' and mother is not null union select n.father from folks, coupled_ancestor_ids fa, coupled_ancestor_ids ma, folks n where folks.father = and folks.mother = and ( = or = and n.father is not null and n.mother is not null union select n.mother from folks, coupled_ancestor_ids fa, coupled_ancestor_ids ma, folks n where folks.father = and folks.mother = and ( = or = and n.father is not null and n.mother is not null ) select p.* from coupled_ancestor_ids a, folks p where =; set statement standard_compliant_cte=0 for with recursive coupled_ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' and father is not null union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' and mother is not null union select n.father from folks, coupled_ancestor_ids fa, coupled_ancestor_ids ma, folks n where folks.father = and folks.mother = and ( = or = and n.father is not null and n.mother is not null union select n.mother from folks, coupled_ancestor_ids fa, coupled_ancestor_ids ma, folks n where folks.father = and folks.mother = and ( = or = and n.father is not null and n.mother is not null ) select p.* from coupled_ancestor_ids a, folks p where =; --ERROR ER_NOT_STANDARD_COMPLIANT_RECURSIVE with recursive ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' union select father from folks left join ancestor_ids a on = union select mother from folks left join ancestor_ids a on = ), ancestors as ( select p.* from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where = ) select * from ancestors; set statement standard_compliant_cte=0 for with recursive ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' union select father from folks left join ancestor_ids a on = union select mother from folks left join ancestor_ids a on = ), ancestors as ( select p.* from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where = ) select * from ancestors; with recursive ancestor_ids (id, generation) as ( select father, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' union select father, a.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids a where = union select mother, a.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids a where = ), ancestors as ( select generation, name from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where = ) select * from ancestors; --ERROR ER_NOT_STANDARD_COMPLIANT_RECURSIVE with recursive ancestor_ids (id, generation) as ( select father, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' union select max(father), max(a.generation)+1 from folks, ancestor_ids a where = group by a.generation union select max(mother), max(a.generation)+1 from folks, ancestor_ids a where = group by a.generation ), ancestors as ( select generation, name from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where = ) select * from ancestors; set statement standard_compliant_cte=0 for with recursive ancestor_ids (id, generation) as ( select father, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' union select max(father), a.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids a where = group by a.generation union select max(mother), a.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids a where = group by a.generation ), ancestors as ( select generation, name from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where = ) select * from ancestors; set statement max_recursive_iterations=1 for with recursive ancestor_ids (id, generation) as ( select father, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother, 1 from folks where name = 'Me' union select father, a.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids a where = union select mother, a.generation+1 from folks, ancestor_ids a where = ), ancestors as ( select generation, name from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where = ) select * from ancestors; --echo # query with recursive tables using key access alter table folks add primary key (id); explain with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as fa where = fa.father union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as ma where = ma.mother ) select * from ancestors; with recursive ancestors as ( select * from folks where name = 'Me' union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as fa where = fa.father union select p.* from folks as p, ancestors as ma where = ma.mother ) select * from ancestors; --echo # --echo # EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON on a query where one recursive CTE uses another: --echo # explain with recursive prev_gen as ( select folks.* from folks, prev_gen where or union select * from folks where name='Me' ), ancestors as ( select * from folks where name='Me' union select * from ancestors union select * from prev_gen ) select, ancestors.dob from ancestors; explain FORMAT=JSON with recursive prev_gen as ( select folks.* from folks, prev_gen where or union select * from folks where name='Me' ), ancestors as ( select * from folks where name='Me2' union select * from ancestors where id < 234 union select * from prev_gen where id < 345 ) select, ancestors.dob from ancestors; --echo # explain format=json with recursive ancestor_couples(h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother, w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother) as ( select h.*, w.* from folks h, folks w, coupled_ancestors a where a.father = AND a.mother = union select h.*, w.* from folks v, folks h, folks w where = 'Me' and (v.father = AND v.mother= ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother from ancestor_couples union all select w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother from ancestor_couples ) select h_name, h_dob, w_name, w_dob from ancestor_couples; create table my_ancestors with recursive ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' union select father from folks, ancestor_ids a where = union select mother from folks, ancestor_ids a where = ) select p.* from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where =; select * from my_ancestors; delete from my_ancestors; insert into my_ancestors with recursive ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' union select father from folks, ancestor_ids a where = union select mother from folks, ancestor_ids a where = ) select p.* from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where =; select * from my_ancestors; drop table my_ancestors; --echo # --echo # MDEV-10883: execution of prepared statement from SELECT --echo # with recursive CTE that renames columns --echo # prepare stmt from" with recursive ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' union select father from folks, ancestor_ids a where = union select mother from folks, ancestor_ids a where = ) select p.* from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where =; "; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; --echo # --echo # MDEV-10881: execution of prepared statement from --echo # CREATE ... SELECT, INSERT ... SELECT --echo # prepare stmt from" create table my_ancestors with recursive ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' union select father from folks, ancestor_ids a where = union select mother from folks, ancestor_ids a where = ) select p.* from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where =; "; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; select * from my_ancestors; delete from my_ancestors; prepare stmt from" insert into my_ancestors with recursive ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' union select father from folks, ancestor_ids a where = union select mother from folks, ancestor_ids a where = ) select p.* from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where =; "; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; select * from my_ancestors; drop table my_ancestors; --echo # --echo # MDEV-10933: WITH clause together with SELECT in parenthesis --echo # CREATE SELECT --echo # create table my_ancestors ( with recursive ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' union select father from folks, ancestor_ids a where = union select mother from folks, ancestor_ids a where = ) select p.* from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where = ); select * from my_ancestors; drop table my_ancestors; drop table folks; --echo # --echo # MDEV-10372: [bb-10.2-mdev9864 tree] EXPLAIN with recursive CTE enters endless recursion --echo # create table t1(a int); insert into t1 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); explain format=json with recursive t as (select a from t1 union select a+10 from t where a < 1000) select * from t; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-10737: recursive union with several anchors at the end --echo # WITH RECURSIVE cte(n) AS ( SELECT n+1 FROM cte WHERE n < 5 UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 1 ) SELECT * FROM cte; --echo # --echo # MDEV-10736: recursive definition with anchor over a table with blob --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (f VARCHAR(1024)); WITH RECURSIVE cte(f) AS (SELECT t1.f FROM t1 UNION ALL SELECT cte.f FROM cte) SELECT * FROM cte as t; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-10899: mergeable derived in the spec of recursive CTE --echo # create table t1 (a int); insert into t1 values (0), (1), (2), (3), (4); create table t2 (a int); insert into t2 values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5); with recursive t1 as ( select x.a from (select a from t2 where t2.a=3) x union select t2.a from t1,t2 where t1.a+1=t2.a ) select * from t1; explain with recursive t1 as ( select x.a from (select a from t2 where t2.a=3) x union select t2.a from t1,t2 where t1.a+1=t2.a ) select * from t1; drop table t1,t2; --echo # --echo # MDEV-11278: non-mergeable view in the spec of recursive CTE --echo # create table t1 (a int); insert into t1 values (0), (1), (2), (3), (4); create table t2 (a int); insert into t2 values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5); create view v1 as select a from t2 where a < 3 union select a from t2 where a > 4; with recursive t1 as ( select a from v1 where a=1 union select v1.a from t1,v1 where t1.a+1=v1.a ) select * from t1; drop view v1; drop table t1,t2; --echo # --echo # MDEV-11259: recursive CTE with concatenation operation --echo # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS edges; CREATE TABLE edges( a int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, b int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (a,b), KEY b(b) ); INSERT INTO edges VALUES (1,3),(2,1),(2,4),(3,4),(3,5),(3,6),(4,7),(5,1),(5,6),(6,1); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS edges2; CREATE VIEW edges2 (a, b) AS SELECT a, b FROM edges UNION ALL SELECT b, a FROM edges; --sorted_result WITH RECURSIVE transitive_closure(a, b, distance, path_string) AS ( SELECT a, b, 1 AS distance, concat(a, '.', b, '.') AS path_string FROM edges UNION ALL SELECT tc.a, e.b, tc.distance + 1, concat(tc.path_string, e.b, '.') AS path_string FROM edges AS e JOIN transitive_closure AS tc ON e.a = tc.b WHERE tc.path_string NOT LIKE concat('%', e.b, '.%') ) SELECT * FROM transitive_closure ORDER BY a, b, distance; --sorted_result WITH RECURSIVE transitive_closure(a, b, distance, path_string) AS ( SELECT a, b, 1 AS distance, concat(a, '.', b, '.') AS path_string FROM edges WHERE a = 1 -- source UNION ALL SELECT tc.a, e.b, tc.distance + 1, concat(tc.path_string, e.b, '.') AS path_string FROM edges AS e JOIN transitive_closure AS tc ON e.a = tc.b WHERE tc.path_string NOT LIKE concat('%', e.b, '.%') ) SELECT * FROM transitive_closure WHERE b = 6 -- destination ORDER BY a, b, distance; --sorted_result WITH RECURSIVE transitive_closure(a, b, distance, path_string) AS ( SELECT a, b, 1 AS distance, concat(a, '.', b, '.') AS path_string FROM edges2 UNION ALL SELECT tc.a, e.b, tc.distance + 1, concat(tc.path_string, e.b, '.') AS path_string FROM edges2 AS e JOIN transitive_closure AS tc ON e.a = tc.b WHERE tc.path_string NOT LIKE concat('%', e.b, '.%') ) SELECT * FROM transitive_closure ORDER BY a, b, distance; --sorted_result WITH RECURSIVE transitive_closure(a, b, distance, path_string) AS ( SELECT a, b, 1 AS distance, concat(a, '.', b, '.') AS path_string FROM edges2 UNION ALL SELECT tc.a, e.b, tc.distance + 1, concat(tc.path_string, e.b, '.') AS path_string FROM edges2 AS e JOIN transitive_closure AS tc ON e.a = tc.b WHERE tc.path_string NOT LIKE concat('%', e.b, '.%') ) SELECT a, b, min(distance) AS dist FROM transitive_closure GROUP BY a, b ORDER BY a, dist, b; DROP VIEW edges2; DROP TABLE edges; --echo # --echo # MDEV-11674: recursive CTE table that cannot be stored --echo # in a heap table --echo # create table t1 (id int, test_data varchar(36)); insert into t1(id, test_data) select id, test_data from ( with recursive data_generator(id, test_data) as ( select 1 as id, uuid() as test_data union all select id + 1, uuid() from data_generator where id < 150000 ) select * from data_generator ) as a; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-10773: ANALYZE for query with recursive CTE --echo # --source include/ analyze format=json with recursive src(counter) as (select 1 union select counter+1 from src where counter<10 ) select * from src; --echo # --echo # mdev-12360: recursive reference in left operand of LEFT JOIN --echo # create table folks(id int, name char(32), dob date, father int, mother int); insert into folks values (100, 'Me', '2000-01-01', 20, 30), (20, 'Dad', '1970-02-02', 10, 9), (30, 'Mom', '1975-03-03', 8, 7), (10, 'Grandpa Bill', '1940-04-05', null, null), (9, 'Grandma Ann', '1941-10-15', null, null), (25, 'Uncle Jim', '1968-11-18', 8, 7), (98, 'Sister Amy', '2001-06-20', 20, 30), (7, 'Grandma Sally', '1943-08-23', null, 6), (8, 'Grandpa Ben', '1940-10-21', null, null), (6, 'Grandgrandma Martha', '1923-05-17', null, null), (67, 'Cousin Eddie', '1992-02-28', 25, 27), (27, 'Auntie Melinda', '1971-03-29', null, null); with recursive ancestor_ids (id) as ( select father from folks where name = 'Me' union select mother from folks where name = 'Me' union select father from ancestor_ids as a left join folks on = union select mother from ancestor_ids as a left join folks on = ), ancestors as ( select p.* from folks as p, ancestor_ids as a where = ) select * from ancestors; drop table folks; --echo # --echo # mdev-12368: crash with mutually recursive CTE --echo # that arenot Standard compliant --echo # create table value_nodes (v char(4)); create table module_nodes(m char(4)); create table module_arguments(m char(4), v char(4)); create table module_results(m char(4), v char(4)); --ERROR ER_NOT_STANDARD_COMPLIANT_RECURSIVE with recursive reached_values as ( select v from value_nodes where v in ('v3','v7','v9') union select module_results.v from module_results, applied_modules where module_results.m = applied_modules.m ), applied_modules as ( select module_nodes.m from module_nodes left join ( module_arguments left join reached_values on module_arguments.v = reached_values.v ) on reached_values.v is null and module_nodes.m = module_arguments.m where module_arguments.m is null ) select * from reached_values; drop table value_nodes, module_nodes, module_arguments, module_results; --echo # --echo # mdev-12375: query using one of two mutually recursive CTEs --echo # whose non-recursive part returns an empty set --echo # create table value_nodes (v char(4)); insert into value_nodes values ('v1'), ('v2'), ('v3'), ('v4'), ('v5'), ('v6'), ('v7'), ('v8'), ('v9'), ('v10'), ('v11'), ('v12'), ('v13'), ('v14'), ('v15'), ('v16'); create table module_nodes(m char(4)); insert into module_nodes values ('m1'), ('m2'), ('m3'), ('m4'), ('m5'), ('m6'), ('m7'); create table module_arguments(m char(4), v char(4)); insert into module_arguments values ('m1','v3'), ('m1','v9'), ('m2','v4'), ('m2','v3'), ('m2','v7'), ('m3','v6'), ('m4','v4'), ('m4','v1'), ('m5','v10'), ('m5','v8'), ('m5','v3'), ('m6','v8'), ('m6','v1'), ('m7','v11'), ('m7','v12'); create table module_results(m char(4), v char(4)); insert into module_results values ('m1','v4'), ('m2','v1'), ('m2','v6'), ('m3','v10'), ('m4','v8'), ('m5','v11'), ('m5','v9'), ('m6','v12'), ('m6','v4'), ('m7','v2'); set statement max_recursive_iterations=2, standard_compliant_cte=0 for with recursive reached_values as ( select v from value_nodes where v in ('v3','v7','v9') union select module_results.v from module_results, applied_modules where module_results.m = applied_modules.m ), applied_modules as ( select * from module_nodes where 1=0 union select module_nodes.m from module_nodes left join ( module_arguments left join reached_values on module_arguments.v = reached_values.v ) on reached_values.v is null and module_nodes.m = module_arguments.m where module_arguments.m is null ) select * from applied_modules; drop table value_nodes, module_nodes, module_arguments, module_results; --echo # --echo # mdev-12519: recursive references in subqueries --echo # create table t1 (lp char(4) not null, rp char(4) not null); insert into t1 values ('p1','p2'), ('p2','p3'), ('p3','p4'), ('p4','p5'), ('p2','p7'), ('p7','p8'), ('p8','p3'), ('p8','p4'); set standard_compliant_cte=0; with recursive reachables(p) as ( select lp from t1 where lp = 'p1' union select t1.rp from reachables, t1 where t1.lp = reachables.p ) select * from reachables; with recursive reachables(p) as ( select lp from t1 where lp = 'p1' union select t1.rp from reachables, t1 where 'p3' not in (select * from reachables) and t1.lp = reachables.p ) select * from reachables; with recursive reachables(p) as ( select lp from t1 where lp = 'p1' union select t1.rp from reachables, t1 where 'p3' not in (select p from reachables where p <= 'p5' union select p from reachables where p > 'p5') and t1.lp = reachables.p ) select * from reachables; prepare stmt from " with recursive reachables(p) as ( select lp from t1 where lp = 'p1' union select t1.rp from reachables, t1 where 'p3' not in (select p from reachables where p <= 'p5' union select p from reachables where p > 'p5') and t1.lp = reachables.p ) select * from reachables; "; execute stmt; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; drop table t1; create table objects(v char(4) not null); insert into objects values ('v1'), ('v2'), ('v3'), ('v4'), ('v5'), ('v6'), ('v7'), ('v8'), ('v9'), ('v10'); create table modules(m char(4) not null); insert into modules values ('m1'), ('m2'), ('m3'), ('m4'); create table module_arguments(m char(4) not null, v char(4) not null); insert into module_arguments values ('m1','v3'), ('m1','v9'), ('m2','v4'), ('m2','v7'), ('m3','v6'), ('m4','v2'); create table module_results(m char(4) not null, v char(4) not null); insert into module_results values ('m1','v4'), ('m2','v1'), ('m2','v6'), ('m3','v10'), ('m4','v7'); set standard_compliant_cte=0; with recursive reached_objects as ( select v, 'init' as m from objects where v in ('v3','v7','v9') union select module_results.v, module_results.m from module_results, applied_modules where module_results.m = applied_modules.m ), applied_modules as ( select * from modules where 1=0 union select modules.m from modules where not exists (select * from module_arguments where module_arguments.m = modules.m and module_arguments.v not in (select v from reached_objects)) ) select * from reached_objects; with recursive reached_objects as ( select v, 'init' as m from objects where v in ('v3','v7','v9') union select module_results.v, module_results.m from module_results, applied_modules where module_results.m = applied_modules.m ), applied_modules as ( select * from modules where 1=0 union select modules.m from modules where 'v6' not in (select v from reached_objects) and not exists (select * from module_arguments where module_arguments.m = modules.m and module_arguments.v not in (select v from reached_objects)) ) select * from reached_objects; prepare stmt from " with recursive reached_objects as ( select v, 'init' as m from objects where v in ('v3','v7','v9') union select module_results.v, module_results.m from module_results, applied_modules where module_results.m = applied_modules.m ), applied_modules as ( select * from modules where 1=0 union select modules.m from modules where 'v6' not in (select v from reached_objects) and not exists (select * from module_arguments where module_arguments.m = modules.m and module_arguments.v not in (select v from reached_objects)) ) select * from reached_objects; "; execute stmt; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; drop table objects, modules, module_arguments, module_results; set standard_compliant_cte=default; select @@standard_compliant_cte; --echo # --echo # mdev-12554: impossible where in recursive select --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (i int); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); WITH RECURSIVE cte(f) AS ( SELECT i FROM t1 UNION SELECT f FROM t1, cte WHERE 1=0 ) SELECT * FROM cte; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # mdev-12556: recursive execution uses Aria temporary tables --echo # CREATE TABLE t (c1 varchar(255), c2 tinytext); INSERT INTO t VALUES ('a','a'),('b','b'),('c','c'),('d','d'); let $q1= WITH RECURSIVE cte(f) AS ( SELECT c1 FROM t UNION SELECT c1 FROM t, cte ) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cte; let $q2= WITH RECURSIVE cte(f) AS ( SELECT c2 FROM t UNION SELECT c2 FROM t, cte ) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cte; eval ANALYZE $q1; eval $q1; eval ANALYZE $q2; eval $q2; DROP TABLE t; --echo # --echo # mdev-12563: no recursive references on the top level of the CTE spec --echo # CREATE TABLE t (i int); INSERT INTO t VALUES (3), (1),(2); SET standard_compliant_cte=0; WITH RECURSIVE cte(f) AS ( SELECT i FROM t UNION SELECT i FROM t WHERE i NOT IN ( SELECT * FROM cte ) ) SELECT * FROM cte; WITH RECURSIVE cte(f) AS ( SELECT i FROM t UNION SELECT i FROM t WHERE i NOT IN ( SELECT * FROM cte WHERE i < 2 ) UNION SELECT i FROM t WHERE i NOT IN ( SELECT * FROM cte WHERE i > 2 ) ) SELECT * FROM cte; WITH RECURSIVE cte(f) AS ( SELECT i FROM t UNION SELECT i FROM t WHERE i NOT IN ( SELECT * FROM cte WHERE i < 2 UNION SELECT * FROM cte WHERE i > 2) ) SELECT * FROM cte; WITH RECURSIVE cte(f) AS ( SELECT i FROM t UNION SELECT i FROM t WHERE i NOT IN ( SELECT * FROM t WHERE i IN ( SELECT * FROM cte ) GROUP BY i ) ) SELECT * FROM cte; WITH RECURSIVE cte(f) AS ( SELECT i FROM t UNION SELECT i FROM t WHERE i NOT IN ( SELECT * FROM cte ) UNION SELECT * FROM cte WHERE f > 2 ) SELECT * FROM cte; set standard_compliant_cte=default; DROP TABLE t; --echo # --echo # mdev-14184: recursive CTE embedded into CTE with multiple references --echo # WITH cte1 AS ( SELECT n FROM ( WITH RECURSIVE rec_cte(n) AS ( SELECT 1 as n1 UNION ALL SELECT n+1 as n2 FROM rec_cte WHERE n < 3 ) SELECT n FROM rec_cte ) AS X ), cte2 as ( SELECT 2 FROM cte1 ) SELECT * FROM cte1; --echo # --echo # mdev-14629: a user-defined variable is defined by the recursive CTE --echo # set @var= ( with recursive cte_tab(a) as ( select 1 union select a+1 from cte_tab where a<3) select count(*) from cte_tab ); select @var; create table t1(a int, b int); insert into t1 values (3,8),(1,5),(5,7),(7,4),(4,3); set @var= ( with recursive summ(a,s) as ( select 1, 0 union select t1.b, t1.b+summ.s from summ, t1 where summ.a=t1.a) select s from summ order by a desc limit 1 ); select @var; --ERROR ER_UNACCEPTABLE_MUTUAL_RECURSION set @var= ( with recursive cte_1 as ( select 1 union select * from cte_2), cte_2 as ( select * from cte_1 union select a from t1, cte_2 where t1.a=cte_2.a) select * from cte_2 limit 1 ); drop table t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-14217 [db crash] Recursive CTE when SELECT includes new field --echo # CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE a_tbl ( a VARCHAR(33) PRIMARY KEY, b VARCHAR(33) ); INSERT INTO a_tbl VALUES ('block0', 'block0'), ('block1', NULL); --error ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT WITH RECURSIVE Q0 AS ( SELECT T0.a, T0.b, 5 FROM a_tbl T0 WHERE b IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT T1.a, T1.b FROM Q0 JOIN a_tbl T1 ON T1.a=Q0.a ) SELECT distinct(Q0.a), Q0.b FROM Q0; DROP TABLE a_tbl; --error ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT WITH RECURSIVE x AS (SELECT 1,2 UNION ALL SELECT 1 FROM x) SELECT * FROM x;