# #BUG#11752315 : STOP SLAVE UNABLE TO COMPLETE WHEN SLAVE THREAD IS TRYING # TO RECONNECT TO # # ==== Purpose ==== # #Tests that the slave does not go to a sleep for a long duration after the #master is killed and we do a START_SLAVE and STOP_SLAVE. # # ==== Method ==== # #This is a new functionality of having an interruptable sleep of the slave. #We find the thread id for the slave thread. On finding the thread ID of the #slave thread we kill the slave thread. A successful kill in less than 60 sec #should serve the purpose of checking the functionality. # --source include/have_log_bin.inc --source include/master-slave.inc connection slave; --let $connection_id=`SELECT id FROM information_schema.processlist where state LIKE 'Waiting for master to send event'` set @time_before_kill := (select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); --echo [Time before the query] --echo [Connection ID of the slave I/O thread found] --replace_regex /kill [0-9]*/kill <connection_id>/ --eval kill $connection_id let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM information_schema.processlist where id=$connection_id; --source include/wait_condition.inc set @time_after_kill := (select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); --echo [Time after the query] if(`select TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,@time_after_kill, @time_before_kill) > 60`) { --echo # assert : The difference between the timestamps 'time_after_kill' and 'time_before_kill' should be less than 60sec. --die } --echo [Killing of the slave IO thread was successful] START SLAVE IO_THREAD; # End of test --source include/rpl_end.inc