/* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef BACKUP_IMPL_HPP #define BACKUP_IMPL_HPP #include "SignalData.hpp" #include class DefineBackupReq { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class Backup; friend class Dblqh; friend bool printDEFINE_BACKUP_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 9 + NdbNodeBitmask::Size); private: /** * i - value of backup object */ Uint32 backupPtr; Uint32 backupId; Uint32 clientRef; Uint32 clientData; Uint32 senderRef; /** * Which node(s) is participating in the backup */ NdbNodeBitmask nodes; /** * Generated random number */ Uint32 backupKey[2]; /** * Length of backup data */ Uint32 backupDataLen; /** * Backup flags */ /* & 0x3 - waitCompleted */ Uint32 flags; }; class DefineBackupRef { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class Backup; friend class Dblqh; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; friend bool printDEFINE_BACKUP_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 4 ); enum ErrorCode { Undefined = 1340, FailedToAllocateBuffers = 1342, FailedToSetupFsBuffers = 1343, FailedToAllocateTables = 1344, FailedInsertFileHeader = 1345, FailedInsertTableList = 1346, FailedAllocateTableMem = 1347, FailedToAllocateFileRecord = 1348, FailedToAllocateAttributeRecord = 1349 }; private: Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; Uint32 errorCode; Uint32 nodeId; }; class DefineBackupConf { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class Backup; friend class Dblqh; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; friend bool printDEFINE_BACKUP_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 ); private: Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; }; class StartBackupReq { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class Backup; friend bool printSTART_BACKUP_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 ); private: Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; }; class StartBackupRef { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class Backup; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; friend bool printSTART_BACKUP_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 4 ); enum ErrorCode { FailedToAllocateTriggerRecord = 1 }; private: Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; Uint32 errorCode; Uint32 nodeId; }; class StartBackupConf { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class Backup; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; friend bool printSTART_BACKUP_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 ); private: Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; }; class BackupFragmentReq { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class Backup; friend class Dblqh; friend bool printBACKUP_FRAGMENT_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 5 ); private: Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; Uint32 tableId; Uint32 fragmentNo; Uint32 count; }; class BackupFragmentRef { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class Backup; friend class Dblqh; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; friend bool printBACKUP_FRAGMENT_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 5 ); private: Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; Uint32 errorCode; Uint32 nodeId; }; class BackupFragmentConf { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class Backup; friend class Dblqh; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; friend bool printBACKUP_FRAGMENT_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 8 ); private: Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; Uint32 tableId; Uint32 fragmentNo; Uint32 noOfRecordsLow; Uint32 noOfBytesLow; Uint32 noOfRecordsHigh; Uint32 noOfBytesHigh; }; class BackupFragmentCompleteRep { public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 8 ); Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; Uint32 tableId; Uint32 fragmentNo; Uint32 noOfTableRowsLow; Uint32 noOfFragmentRowsLow; Uint32 noOfTableRowsHigh; Uint32 noOfFragmentRowsHigh; }; class StopBackupReq { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class Backup; friend bool printSTOP_BACKUP_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 4 ); private: Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; Uint32 startGCP; Uint32 stopGCP; }; class StopBackupRef { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class Backup; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; friend bool printSTOP_BACKUP_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 4 ); private: Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; Uint32 errorCode; Uint32 nodeId; }; class StopBackupConf { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class Backup; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; friend bool printSTOP_BACKUP_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 4 ); private: Uint32 backupId; Uint32 backupPtr; Uint32 noOfLogBytes; Uint32 noOfLogRecords; }; class BackupStatusReq { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class Backup; friend bool printBACKUP_STATUS_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 1 ); private: }; class BackupStatusConf { /** * Sender(s) */ friend class Backup; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class BackupMaster; friend bool printBACKUP_STATUS_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); public: STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 1 ); private: }; #endif