/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma interface /* gcc class implementation */ #endif struct st_table_list; void item_init(void); /* Init item functions */ class Item { Item(const Item &); /* Prevent use of theese */ void operator=(Item &); public: static void *operator new(size_t size) {return (void*) sql_alloc((uint) size); } static void operator delete(void *ptr,size_t size) {} /*lint -e715 */ enum Type {FIELD_ITEM,FUNC_ITEM,SUM_FUNC_ITEM,STRING_ITEM, INT_ITEM,REAL_ITEM,NULL_ITEM,VARBIN_ITEM, COPY_STR_ITEM,FIELD_AVG_ITEM, PROC_ITEM,COND_ITEM,REF_ITEM,FIELD_STD_ITEM, CONST_ITEM}; enum cond_result { COND_UNDEF,COND_OK,COND_TRUE,COND_FALSE }; String str_value; /* used to store value */ my_string name; /* Name from select */ Item *next; uint32 max_length; uint8 marker,decimals; my_bool maybe_null; /* If item may be null */ my_bool null_value; /* if item is null */ my_bool binary; my_bool with_sum_func; // alloc & destruct is done as start of select using sql_alloc Item(); virtual ~Item() { name=0; } /*lint -e1509 */ void set_name(char* str,uint length=0); void init_make_field(Send_field *tmp_field,enum enum_field_types type); virtual bool fix_fields(THD *,struct st_table_list *); virtual bool save_in_field(Field *field); virtual void save_org_in_field(Field *field) { (void) save_in_field(field); } virtual bool send(String *str); virtual bool eq(const Item *) const; virtual Item_result result_type () const { return REAL_RESULT; } virtual enum Type type() const =0; virtual double val()=0; virtual longlong val_int()=0; virtual String *val_str(String*)=0; virtual void make_field(Send_field *field)=0; virtual Field *tmp_table_field() { return 0; } virtual const char *full_name() const { return name ? name : "???"; } virtual double val_result() { return val(); } virtual longlong val_int_result() { return val_int(); } virtual String *str_result(String* tmp) { return val_str(tmp); } virtual table_map used_tables() const { return (table_map) 0L; } virtual bool basic_const_item() const { return 0; } virtual Item *new_item() { return 0; } /* Only for const items */ virtual cond_result eq_cmp_result() const { return COND_OK; } inline uint float_length(uint decimals_par) const { return decimals != NOT_FIXED_DEC ? (DBL_DIG+2+decimals_par) : DBL_DIG+8;} virtual bool const_item() const { return used_tables() == 0; } virtual void print(String *str_arg) { str_arg->append(full_name()); } virtual void update_used_tables() {} virtual void split_sum_func(List<Item> &fields) {} virtual bool get_date(TIME *ltime,bool fuzzydate); virtual bool get_time(TIME *ltime); }; class Item_ident :public Item { public: const char *db_name; const char *table_name; const char *field_name; Item_ident(const char *db_name_par,const char *table_name_par, const char *field_name_par) :db_name(db_name_par),table_name(table_name_par),field_name(field_name_par) { name = (char*) field_name_par; } const char *full_name() const; }; class Item_field :public Item_ident { void set_field(Field *field); public: Field *field,*result_field; // Item_field() {} Item_field(const char *db_par,const char *table_name_par, const char *field_name_par) :Item_ident(db_par,table_name_par,field_name_par),field(0),result_field(0) {} Item_field(Field *field); enum Type type() const { return FIELD_ITEM; } bool eq(const Item *item) const; double val(); longlong val_int(); String *val_str(String*); double val_result(); longlong val_int_result(); String *str_result(String* tmp); bool send(String *str_arg) { return result_field->send(str_arg); } void make_field(Send_field *field); bool fix_fields(THD *,struct st_table_list *); bool save_in_field(Field *field); void save_org_in_field(Field *field); table_map used_tables() const; enum Item_result result_type () const { return field->result_type(); } Field *tmp_table_field() { return result_field; } bool get_date(TIME *ltime,bool fuzzydate); bool get_time(TIME *ltime); }; class Item_null :public Item { public: Item_null(char *name_par=0) { maybe_null=null_value=TRUE; name= name_par ? name_par : (char*) "NULL";} enum Type type() const { return NULL_ITEM; } bool eq(const Item *item) const; double val(); longlong val_int(); String *val_str(String *str); void make_field(Send_field *field); bool save_in_field(Field *field); enum Item_result result_type () const { return STRING_RESULT; } bool send(String *str); bool basic_const_item() const { return 1; } Item *new_item() { return new Item_null(name); } }; class Item_int :public Item { public: const longlong value; Item_int(int32 i,uint length=11) :value((longlong) i) { max_length=length;} #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG Item_int(longlong i,uint length=21) :value(i) { max_length=length;} #endif Item_int(const char *str_arg,longlong i,uint length) :value(i) { max_length=length; name=(char*) str_arg;} Item_int(const char *str_arg) : value(str_arg[0] == '-' ? strtoll(str_arg,(char**) 0,10) : (longlong) strtoull(str_arg,(char**) 0,10)) { max_length= (uint) strlen(str_arg); name=(char*) str_arg;} enum Type type() const { return INT_ITEM; } virtual enum Item_result result_type () const { return INT_RESULT; } longlong val_int() { return value; } double val() { return (double) value; } String *val_str(String*); void make_field(Send_field *field); bool save_in_field(Field *field); bool basic_const_item() const { return 1; } Item *new_item() { return new Item_int(name,value,max_length); } void print(String *str); }; class Item_real :public Item { public: const double value; // Item_real() :value(0) {} Item_real(const char *str_arg,uint length) :value(atof(str_arg)) { name=(char*) str_arg; decimals=nr_of_decimals(str_arg); max_length=length; } Item_real(const char *str,double val_arg,uint decimal_par,uint length) :value(val_arg) { name=(char*) str; decimals=decimal_par; max_length=length; } Item_real(double value_par) :value(value_par) {} bool save_in_field(Field *field); enum Type type() const { return REAL_ITEM; } double val() { return value; } longlong val_int() { return (longlong) (value+(value > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5));} String *val_str(String*); void make_field(Send_field *field); bool basic_const_item() const { return 1; } Item *new_item() { return new Item_real(name,value,decimals,max_length); } }; class Item_float :public Item_real { public: Item_float(const char *str,uint length) :Item_real(str,length) { decimals=NOT_FIXED_DEC; max_length=DBL_DIG+8; } }; class Item_string :public Item { public: Item_string(const char *str,uint length) { str_value.set(str,length); max_length=length; name=(char*) str_value.ptr(); decimals=NOT_FIXED_DEC; } Item_string(const char *name_par,const char *str,uint length) { str_value.set(str,length); max_length=length; name=(char*) name_par; decimals=NOT_FIXED_DEC; } ~Item_string() {} enum Type type() const { return STRING_ITEM; } double val() { return atof(str_value.ptr()); } longlong val_int() { return strtoll(str_value.ptr(),(char**) 0,10); } String *val_str(String*) { return (String*) &str_value; } bool save_in_field(Field *field); void make_field(Send_field *field); enum Item_result result_type () const { return STRING_RESULT; } bool basic_const_item() const { return 1; } Item *new_item() { return new Item_string(name,str_value.ptr(),max_length); } String *const_string() { return &str_value; } inline void append(char *str,uint length) { str_value.append(str,length); } void print(String *str); }; /* for show tables */ class Item_datetime :public Item_string { public: Item_datetime(const char *item_name): Item_string(item_name,"",0) { max_length=19;} void make_field(Send_field *field); }; class Item_empty_string :public Item_string { public: Item_empty_string(const char *header,uint length) :Item_string("",0) { name=(char*) header; max_length=length;} }; class Item_varbinary :public Item { public: Item_varbinary(const char *str,uint str_length); ~Item_varbinary() {} enum Type type() const { return VARBIN_ITEM; } double val() { return (double) Item_varbinary::val_int(); } longlong val_int(); String *val_str(String*) { return &str_value; } bool save_in_field(Field *field); void make_field(Send_field *field); enum Item_result result_type () const { return INT_RESULT; } }; class Item_result_field :public Item /* Item with result field */ { public: Field *result_field; /* Save result here */ Item_result_field() :result_field(0) {} ~Item_result_field() {} /* Required with gcc 2.95 */ Field *tmp_table_field() { return result_field; } virtual void fix_length_and_dec()=0; }; class Item_ref :public Item_ident { Item **ref; public: Item_ref(char *db_par,char *table_name_par,char *field_name_par) :Item_ident(db_par,table_name_par,field_name_par),ref(0) {} Item_ref(Item **item, char *table_name_par,char *field_name_par) :Item_ident(NullS,table_name_par,field_name_par),ref(item) {} enum Type type() const { return REF_ITEM; } bool eq(const Item *item) const { return (*ref)->eq(item); } ~Item_ref() { if (ref) delete *ref; } double val() { double tmp=(*ref)->val_result(); null_value=(*ref)->null_value; return tmp; } longlong val_int() { longlong tmp=(*ref)->val_int_result(); null_value=(*ref)->null_value; return tmp; } String *val_str(String* tmp) { tmp=(*ref)->str_result(tmp); null_value=(*ref)->null_value; return tmp; } bool get_date(TIME *ltime,bool fuzzydate) { return (null_value=(*ref)->get_date(ltime,fuzzydate)); } bool send(String *tmp) { return (*ref)->send(tmp); } void make_field(Send_field *field) { (*ref)->make_field(field); } bool fix_fields(THD *,struct st_table_list *); bool save_in_field(Field *field) { return (*ref)->save_in_field(field); } void save_org_in_field(Field *field) { (*ref)->save_org_in_field(field); } enum Item_result result_type () const { return (*ref)->result_type(); } table_map used_tables() const { return (*ref)->used_tables(); } }; #include "item_sum.h" #include "item_func.h" #include "item_cmpfunc.h" #include "item_strfunc.h" #include "item_timefunc.h" #include "item_uniq.h" class Item_copy_string :public Item { public: Item *item; Item_copy_string(Item *i) :item(i) { null_value=maybe_null=item->maybe_null; decimals=item->decimals; max_length=item->max_length; name=item->name; } ~Item_copy_string() { delete item; } enum Type type() const { return COPY_STR_ITEM; } enum Item_result result_type () const { return STRING_RESULT; } double val() { return null_value ? 0.0 : atof(str_value.c_ptr()); } longlong val_int() { return null_value ? LL(0) : strtoll(str_value.c_ptr(),(char**) 0,10); } String *val_str(String*); void make_field(Send_field *field) { item->make_field(field); } void copy(); table_map used_tables() const { return (table_map) 1L; } bool const_item() const { return 0; } }; class Item_buff :public Sql_alloc { public: my_bool null_value; Item_buff() :null_value(0) {} virtual bool cmp(void)=0; virtual ~Item_buff(); /*line -e1509 */ }; class Item_str_buff :public Item_buff { Item *item; String value,tmp_value; public: Item_str_buff(Item *arg) :item(arg),value(arg->max_length) {} bool cmp(void); ~Item_str_buff(); // Deallocate String:s }; class Item_real_buff :public Item_buff { Item *item; double value; public: Item_real_buff(Item *item_par) :item(item_par),value(0.0) {} bool cmp(void); }; class Item_int_buff :public Item_buff { Item *item; longlong value; public: Item_int_buff(Item *item_par) :item(item_par),value(0) {} bool cmp(void); }; class Item_field_buff :public Item_buff { char *buff; Field *field; uint length; public: Item_field_buff(Item_field *item) { field=item->field; buff= (char*) sql_calloc(length=field->pack_length()); } bool cmp(void); }; extern Item_buff *new_Item_buff(Item *item); extern Item_result item_cmp_type(Item_result a,Item_result b); extern Item *resolve_const_item(Item *item,Item *cmp_item); extern bool field_is_equal_to_item(Field *field,Item *item); Item *get_system_var(LEX_STRING name);