/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 MySQL AB

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */

/* compare and test functions */

#pragma interface			/* gcc class implementation */

extern Item_result item_cmp_type(Item_result a,Item_result b);
class Item_bool_func2;
class Arg_comparator;

typedef int (Arg_comparator::*arg_cmp_func)();

class Arg_comparator: public Sql_alloc
  Item **a, **b;
  arg_cmp_func func;
  Item_bool_func2 *owner;
  Arg_comparator *comparators;   // used only for compare_row()

  DTCollation cmp_collation;

  Arg_comparator() {};
  Arg_comparator(Item **a1, Item **a2): a(a1), b(a2) {};

  int set_compare_func(Item_bool_func2 *owner, Item_result type);
  inline int set_compare_func(Item_bool_func2 *owner_arg)
    return set_compare_func(owner_arg, item_cmp_type((*a)->result_type(),
  inline int set_cmp_func(Item_bool_func2 *owner_arg,
			  Item **a1, Item **a2,
			  Item_result type)
    a= a1;
    b= a2;
    return set_compare_func(owner_arg, type);
  inline int set_cmp_func(Item_bool_func2 *owner_arg,
			  Item **a1, Item **a2)
    return set_cmp_func(owner_arg, a1, a2, item_cmp_type((*a1)->result_type(),
  inline int compare() { return (this->*func)(); }

  int compare_string();		 // compare args[0] & args[1]
  int compare_binary_string();	 // compare args[0] & args[1]
  int compare_real();            // compare args[0] & args[1]
  int compare_int_signed();      // compare args[0] & args[1]
  int compare_int_signed_unsigned();
  int compare_int_unsigned_signed();
  int compare_int_unsigned();
  int compare_row();             // compare args[0] & args[1]
  int compare_e_string();	 // compare args[0] & args[1]
  int compare_e_binary_string(); // compare args[0] & args[1]
  int compare_e_real();          // compare args[0] & args[1]
  int compare_e_int();           // compare args[0] & args[1]
  int compare_e_int_diff_signedness();
  int compare_e_row();           // compare args[0] & args[1]

  static arg_cmp_func comparator_matrix [4][2];

  friend class Item_func;

class Item_bool_func :public Item_int_func
  Item_bool_func() :Item_int_func() {}
  Item_bool_func(Item *a) :Item_int_func(a) {}
  Item_bool_func(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_int_func(a,b) {}
  Item_bool_func(THD *thd, Item_bool_func *item) :Item_int_func(thd, item) {}
  bool is_bool_func() { return 1; }
  void fix_length_and_dec() { decimals=0; max_length=1; }

class Item_cache;
class Item_in_optimizer: public Item_bool_func
  Item_cache *cache;
  bool save_cache;
  Item_in_optimizer(Item *a, Item_in_subselect *b):
    Item_bool_func(a, my_reinterpret_cast(Item *)(b)), cache(0), save_cache(0)
  bool fix_fields(THD *, struct st_table_list *, Item **);
  bool fix_left(THD *thd, struct st_table_list *tables, Item **ref);
  bool is_null();
    Item_in_optimizer item is special boolean function. On value request 
    (one of val, val_int or val_str methods) it evaluate left expression 
    of IN by storing it value in cache item (one of Item_cache* items), 
    then it test cache is it NULL. If left expression (cache) is NULL then
    Item_in_optimizer return NULL, else it evaluate Item_in_subselect.
  longlong val_int();
  void cleanup();
  const char *func_name() const { return "<in_optimizer>"; }
  Item_cache **get_cache() { return &cache; }
  void keep_top_level_cache();

class Comp_creator
  virtual Item_bool_func2* create(Item *a, Item *b) const = 0;
  virtual const char* symbol(bool invert) const = 0;
  virtual bool eqne_op() const = 0;
  virtual bool l_op() const = 0;

class Eq_creator :public Comp_creator
  virtual Item_bool_func2* create(Item *a, Item *b) const;
  virtual const char* symbol(bool invert) const { return invert? "<>" : "="; }
  virtual bool eqne_op() const { return 1; }
  virtual bool l_op() const { return 0; }

class Ne_creator :public Comp_creator
  virtual Item_bool_func2* create(Item *a, Item *b) const;
  virtual const char* symbol(bool invert) const { return invert? "=" : "<>"; }
  virtual bool eqne_op() const { return 1; }
  virtual bool l_op() const { return 0; }

class Gt_creator :public Comp_creator
  virtual Item_bool_func2* create(Item *a, Item *b) const;
  virtual const char* symbol(bool invert) const { return invert? "<=" : ">"; }
  virtual bool eqne_op() const { return 0; }
  virtual bool l_op() const { return 0; }

class Lt_creator :public Comp_creator
  virtual Item_bool_func2* create(Item *a, Item *b) const;
  virtual const char* symbol(bool invert) const { return invert? ">=" : "<"; }
  virtual bool eqne_op() const { return 0; }
  virtual bool l_op() const { return 1; }

class Ge_creator :public Comp_creator
  virtual Item_bool_func2* create(Item *a, Item *b) const;
  virtual const char* symbol(bool invert) const { return invert? "<" : ">="; }
  virtual bool eqne_op() const { return 0; }
  virtual bool l_op() const { return 0; }

class Le_creator :public Comp_creator
  virtual Item_bool_func2* create(Item *a, Item *b) const;
  virtual const char* symbol(bool invert) const { return invert? ">" : "<="; }
  virtual bool eqne_op() const { return 0; }
  virtual bool l_op() const { return 1; }

class Item_bool_func2 :public Item_int_func
{						/* Bool with 2 string args */
  Arg_comparator cmp;
  String tmp_value1,tmp_value2;

  Item_bool_func2(Item *a,Item *b)
    :Item_int_func(a,b), cmp(tmp_arg, tmp_arg+1) {}
  void fix_length_and_dec();
  void set_cmp_func()
    cmp.set_cmp_func(this, tmp_arg, tmp_arg+1);
  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_OP; }
  virtual enum Functype rev_functype() const { return UNKNOWN_FUNC; }
  bool have_rev_func() const { return rev_functype() != UNKNOWN_FUNC; }
  void print(String *str) { Item_func::print_op(str); }
  bool is_null() { return test(args[0]->is_null() || args[1]->is_null()); }
  bool is_bool_func() { return 1; }
  CHARSET_INFO *compare_collation() { return cmp.cmp_collation.collation; }

  friend class  Arg_comparator;

class Item_bool_rowready_func2 :public Item_bool_func2
  Item_bool_rowready_func2(Item *a, Item *b) :Item_bool_func2(a, b)
    allowed_arg_cols= 0;  // Fetch this value from first argument
  Item *neg_transformer(THD *thd);
  virtual Item *negated_item();

class Item_func_not :public Item_bool_func
  Item_func_not(Item *a) :Item_bool_func(a) {}
  longlong val_int();
  enum Functype functype() const { return NOT_FUNC; }
  const char *func_name() const { return "not"; }
  Item *neg_transformer(THD *thd);

class Item_maxmin_subselect;
class Item_func_not_all :public Item_func_not
  /* allow to check presence od values in max/min optimisation */
  Item_sum_hybrid *test_sum_item;
  Item_maxmin_subselect *test_sub_item;

  bool abort_on_null;
  bool show;

  Item_func_not_all(Item *a)
    :Item_func_not(a), test_sum_item(0), test_sub_item(0), abort_on_null(0),
  virtual void top_level_item() { abort_on_null= 1; }
  bool top_level() { return abort_on_null; }
  longlong val_int();
  enum Functype functype() const { return NOT_ALL_FUNC; }
  const char *func_name() const { return "<not>"; }
  void print(String *str);
  void set_sum_test(Item_sum_hybrid *item) { test_sum_item= item; };
  void set_sub_test(Item_maxmin_subselect *item) { test_sub_item= item; };
  bool empty_underlying_subquery();

class Item_func_nop_all :public Item_func_not_all

  Item_func_nop_all(Item *a) :Item_func_not_all(a) {}
  longlong val_int();
  const char *func_name() const { return "<nop>"; }

class Item_func_eq :public Item_bool_rowready_func2
  Item_func_eq(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_bool_rowready_func2(a,b) {}
  longlong val_int();
  enum Functype functype() const { return EQ_FUNC; }
  enum Functype rev_functype() const { return EQ_FUNC; }
  cond_result eq_cmp_result() const { return COND_TRUE; }
  const char *func_name() const { return "="; }
  Item *negated_item();

class Item_func_equal :public Item_bool_rowready_func2
  Item_func_equal(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_bool_rowready_func2(a,b) {};
  longlong val_int();
  void fix_length_and_dec();
  table_map not_null_tables() const { return 0; }
  enum Functype functype() const { return EQUAL_FUNC; }
  enum Functype rev_functype() const { return EQUAL_FUNC; }
  cond_result eq_cmp_result() const { return COND_TRUE; }
  const char *func_name() const { return "<=>"; }
  Item *neg_transformer(THD *thd) { return 0; }

class Item_func_ge :public Item_bool_rowready_func2
  Item_func_ge(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_bool_rowready_func2(a,b) {};
  longlong val_int();
  enum Functype functype() const { return GE_FUNC; }
  enum Functype rev_functype() const { return LE_FUNC; }
  cond_result eq_cmp_result() const { return COND_TRUE; }
  const char *func_name() const { return ">="; }
  Item *negated_item();

class Item_func_gt :public Item_bool_rowready_func2
  Item_func_gt(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_bool_rowready_func2(a,b) {};
  longlong val_int();
  enum Functype functype() const { return GT_FUNC; }
  enum Functype rev_functype() const { return LT_FUNC; }
  cond_result eq_cmp_result() const { return COND_FALSE; }
  const char *func_name() const { return ">"; }
  Item *negated_item();

class Item_func_le :public Item_bool_rowready_func2
  Item_func_le(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_bool_rowready_func2(a,b) {};
  longlong val_int();
  enum Functype functype() const { return LE_FUNC; }
  enum Functype rev_functype() const { return GE_FUNC; }
  cond_result eq_cmp_result() const { return COND_TRUE; }
  const char *func_name() const { return "<="; }
  Item *negated_item();

class Item_func_lt :public Item_bool_rowready_func2
  Item_func_lt(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_bool_rowready_func2(a,b) {}
  longlong val_int();
  enum Functype functype() const { return LT_FUNC; }
  enum Functype rev_functype() const { return GT_FUNC; }
  cond_result eq_cmp_result() const { return COND_FALSE; }
  const char *func_name() const { return "<"; }
  Item *negated_item();

class Item_func_ne :public Item_bool_rowready_func2
  Item_func_ne(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_bool_rowready_func2(a,b) {}
  longlong val_int();
  enum Functype functype() const { return NE_FUNC; }
  cond_result eq_cmp_result() const { return COND_FALSE; }
  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_KEY; } 
  const char *func_name() const { return "<>"; }
  Item *negated_item();

class Item_func_between :public Item_int_func
  DTCollation cmp_collation;
  Item_result cmp_type;
  String value0,value1,value2;
  Item_func_between(Item *a,Item *b,Item *c) :Item_int_func(a,b,c) {}
  longlong val_int();
  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_KEY; }
  enum Functype functype() const   { return BETWEEN; }
  const char *func_name() const { return "between"; }
  void fix_length_and_dec();
  void print(String *str);
  CHARSET_INFO *compare_collation() { return cmp_collation.collation; }

class Item_func_strcmp :public Item_bool_func2
  Item_func_strcmp(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_bool_func2(a,b) {}
  longlong val_int();
  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_NONE; }
  const char *func_name() const { return "strcmp"; }

class Item_func_interval :public Item_int_func
  Item_row *row;
  double *intervals;
  Item_func_interval(Item_row *a)
    allowed_arg_cols= 0;    // Fetch this value from first argument
  longlong val_int();
  void fix_length_and_dec();
  const char *func_name() const { return "interval"; }

class Item_func_ifnull :public Item_func
  enum Item_result cached_result_type;
  enum_field_types cached_field_type;
  bool field_type_defined;
  Item_func_ifnull(Item *a,Item *b)
    :Item_func(a,b), cached_result_type(INT_RESULT)
  double val();
  longlong val_int();
  String *val_str(String *str);
  enum Item_result result_type () const { return cached_result_type; }
  enum_field_types field_type() const;
  void fix_length_and_dec();
  const char *func_name() const { return "ifnull"; }
  Field *tmp_table_field(TABLE *table);
  table_map not_null_tables() const { return 0; }

class Item_func_if :public Item_func
  enum Item_result cached_result_type;
  Item_func_if(Item *a,Item *b,Item *c)
    :Item_func(a,b,c), cached_result_type(INT_RESULT)
  double val();
  longlong val_int();
  String *val_str(String *str);
  enum Item_result result_type () const { return cached_result_type; }
  bool fix_fields(THD *thd,struct st_table_list *tlist, Item **ref)
    DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 0);
    return Item_func::fix_fields(thd, tlist, ref);
  void fix_length_and_dec();
  const char *func_name() const { return "if"; }
  table_map not_null_tables() const { return 0; }

class Item_func_nullif :public Item_bool_func2
  enum Item_result cached_result_type;
  Item_func_nullif(Item *a,Item *b)
    :Item_bool_func2(a,b), cached_result_type(INT_RESULT)
  double val();
  longlong val_int();
  String *val_str(String *str);
  enum Item_result result_type () const { return cached_result_type; }
  void fix_length_and_dec();
  const char *func_name() const { return "nullif"; }
  void print(String *str) { Item_func::print(str); }
  table_map not_null_tables() const { return 0; }
  bool is_null();

class Item_func_coalesce :public Item_func
  enum Item_result cached_result_type;
  Item_func_coalesce(List<Item> &list)
  double val();
  longlong val_int();
  String *val_str(String *);
  void fix_length_and_dec();
  enum Item_result result_type () const { return cached_result_type; }
  const char *func_name() const { return "coalesce"; }
  table_map not_null_tables() const { return 0; }

class Item_func_case :public Item_func
  int first_expr_num, else_expr_num;
  enum Item_result cached_result_type;
  String tmp_value;
  uint ncases;
  Item_result cmp_type;
  DTCollation cmp_collation;
  Item_func_case(List<Item> &list, Item *first_expr_arg, Item *else_expr_arg)
    :Item_func(), first_expr_num(-1), else_expr_num(-1),
    ncases= list.elements;
    if (first_expr_arg)
      first_expr_num= list.elements;
    if (else_expr_arg)
      else_expr_num= list.elements;
  double val();
  longlong val_int();
  String *val_str(String *);
  void fix_length_and_dec();
  table_map not_null_tables() const { return 0; }
  enum Item_result result_type () const { return cached_result_type; }
  const char *func_name() const { return "case"; }
  void print(String *str);
  Item *find_item(String *str);
  CHARSET_INFO *compare_collation() { return cmp_collation.collation; }

/* Functions to handle the optimized IN */

class in_vector :public Sql_alloc
  char *base;
  uint size;
  qsort2_cmp compare;
  CHARSET_INFO *collation;
  uint count;
  uint used_count;
  in_vector() {}
  in_vector(uint elements,uint element_length,qsort2_cmp cmp_func, 
  	    CHARSET_INFO *cmp_coll)
    :base((char*) sql_calloc(elements*element_length)),
     size(element_length), compare(cmp_func), collation(cmp_coll),
     count(elements), used_count(elements) {}
  virtual ~in_vector() {}
  virtual void set(uint pos,Item *item)=0;
  virtual byte *get_value(Item *item)=0;
  void sort()
  int find(Item *item);

class in_string :public in_vector
  char buff[80];
  String tmp;
  in_string(uint elements,qsort2_cmp cmp_func, CHARSET_INFO *cs);
  void set(uint pos,Item *item);
  byte *get_value(Item *item);

class in_longlong :public in_vector
  longlong tmp;
  in_longlong(uint elements);
  void set(uint pos,Item *item);
  byte *get_value(Item *item);

class in_double :public in_vector
  double tmp;
  in_double(uint elements);
  void set(uint pos,Item *item);
  byte *get_value(Item *item);

** Classes for easy comparing of non const items

class cmp_item :public Sql_alloc
  CHARSET_INFO *cmp_charset;
  cmp_item() { cmp_charset= &my_charset_bin; }
  virtual ~cmp_item() {}
  virtual void store_value(Item *item)= 0;
  virtual int cmp(Item *item)= 0;
  // for optimized IN with row
  virtual int compare(cmp_item *item)= 0;
  static cmp_item* get_comparator(Item *);
  virtual cmp_item *make_same()= 0;
  virtual void store_value_by_template(cmp_item *tmpl, Item *item)

class cmp_item_string :public cmp_item 
  String *value_res;
  cmp_item_string (CHARSET_INFO *cs) { cmp_charset= cs; }
  friend class cmp_item_sort_string;
  friend class cmp_item_sort_string_in_static;

class cmp_item_sort_string :public cmp_item_string
  char value_buff[80];
  String value;
  cmp_item_sort_string(CHARSET_INFO *cs):
    value(value_buff, sizeof(value_buff), cs) {}
  void store_value(Item *item)
    value_res= item->val_str(&value);
  int cmp(Item *arg)
    char buff[80];
    String tmp(buff, sizeof(buff), cmp_charset), *res;
    if (!(res= arg->val_str(&tmp)))
      return 1;				/* Can't be right */
    return sortcmp(value_res, res, cmp_charset);
  int compare(cmp_item *c)
    cmp_item_string *cmp= (cmp_item_string *)c;
    return sortcmp(value_res, cmp->value_res, cmp_charset);
  cmp_item *make_same();

class cmp_item_int :public cmp_item
  longlong value;
  void store_value(Item *item)
    value= item->val_int();
  int cmp(Item *arg)
    return value != arg->val_int();
  int compare(cmp_item *c)
    cmp_item_int *cmp= (cmp_item_int *)c;
    return (value < cmp->value) ? -1 : ((value == cmp->value) ? 0 : 1);
  cmp_item *make_same();

class cmp_item_real :public cmp_item
  double value;
  void store_value(Item *item)
    value= item->val();
  int cmp(Item *arg)
    return value != arg->val();
  int compare(cmp_item *c)
    cmp_item_real *cmp= (cmp_item_real *)c;
    return (value < cmp->value)? -1 : ((value == cmp->value) ? 0 : 1);
  cmp_item *make_same();

class cmp_item_row :public cmp_item
  cmp_item **comparators;
  uint n;
  cmp_item_row(): comparators(0), n(0) {}
  void store_value(Item *item);
  int cmp(Item *arg);
  int compare(cmp_item *arg);
  cmp_item *make_same();
  void store_value_by_template(cmp_item *tmpl, Item *);

class in_row :public in_vector
  cmp_item_row tmp;
  in_row(uint elements, Item *);
  void set(uint pos,Item *item);
  byte *get_value(Item *item);

   cmp_item for optimized IN with row (right part string, which never
   be changed)

class cmp_item_sort_string_in_static :public cmp_item_string
  String value;
  cmp_item_sort_string_in_static(CHARSET_INFO *cs):
    cmp_item_string(cs) {}
  void store_value(Item *item)
    value_res= item->val_str(&value);
  int cmp(Item *item)
    // Should never be called
    return 1;
  int compare(cmp_item *c)
    cmp_item_string *cmp= (cmp_item_string *)c;
    return sortcmp(value_res, cmp->value_res, cmp_charset);
  cmp_item *make_same()
    return new cmp_item_sort_string_in_static(cmp_charset);

class Item_func_in :public Item_int_func
  Item_result cmp_type;
  in_vector *array;
  cmp_item *in_item;
  bool have_null;
  DTCollation cmp_collation;
  Item_func_in(List<Item> &list)
    :Item_int_func(list), array(0), in_item(0), have_null(0)
    allowed_arg_cols= 0;  // Fetch this value from first argument
  longlong val_int();
  void fix_length_and_dec();
  void cleanup()
    delete array;
    delete in_item;
    array= 0;
    in_item= 0;
  optimize_type select_optimize() const
    { return array ? OPTIMIZE_KEY : OPTIMIZE_NONE; }
  void print(String *str);
  enum Functype functype() const { return IN_FUNC; }
  const char *func_name() const { return " IN "; }
  bool nulls_in_row();
  bool is_bool_func() { return 1; }
  CHARSET_INFO *compare_collation() { return cmp_collation.collation; }
    IN() protect from NULL only first argument, if construction like
    "expression IN ()" will be allowed, we will need to check number of
    argument here, because "NOT(NULL IN ())" is TRUE.
  table_map not_null_tables() const { return args[0]->not_null_tables(); }

/* Functions used by where clause */

class Item_func_isnull :public Item_bool_func
  longlong cached_value;
  Item_func_isnull(Item *a) :Item_bool_func(a) {}
  longlong val_int();
  enum Functype functype() const { return ISNULL_FUNC; }
  void fix_length_and_dec()
    decimals=0; max_length=1; maybe_null=0;
  const char *func_name() const { return "isnull"; }
  /* Optimize case of not_null_column IS NULL */
  virtual void update_used_tables()
    if (!args[0]->maybe_null)
      used_tables_cache= 0;			/* is always false */
      const_item_cache= 1;
      cached_value= (longlong) 0;
      if (!(used_tables_cache=args[0]->used_tables()))
	/* Remember if the value is always NULL or never NULL */
	cached_value= (longlong) args[0]->is_null();
  table_map not_null_tables() const { return 0; }
  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_NULL; }
  Item *neg_transformer(THD *thd);
  CHARSET_INFO *compare_collation() { return args[0]->collation.collation; }

/* Functions used by HAVING for rewriting IN subquery */

class Item_in_subselect;
class Item_is_not_null_test :public Item_func_isnull
  Item_in_subselect* owner;
  Item_is_not_null_test(Item_in_subselect* ow, Item *a)
    :Item_func_isnull(a), owner(ow)
  enum Functype functype() const { return ISNOTNULLTEST_FUNC; }
  longlong val_int();
  const char *func_name() const { return "<is_not_null_test>"; }
  void update_used_tables();

class Item_func_isnotnull :public Item_bool_func
  Item_func_isnotnull(Item *a) :Item_bool_func(a) {}
  longlong val_int();
  enum Functype functype() const { return ISNOTNULL_FUNC; }
  void fix_length_and_dec()
    decimals=0; max_length=1; maybe_null=0;
  const char *func_name() const { return "isnotnull"; }
  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_NULL; }
  table_map not_null_tables() const { return 0; }
  Item *neg_transformer(THD *thd);
  void print(String *str);
  CHARSET_INFO *compare_collation() { return args[0]->collation.collation; }

class Item_func_like :public Item_bool_func2
  // Turbo Boyer-Moore data
  bool        canDoTurboBM;	// pattern is '%abcd%' case
  const char* pattern;
  int         pattern_len;

  // TurboBM buffers, *this is owner
  int* bmGs; //   good suffix shift table, size is pattern_len + 1
  int* bmBc; // bad character shift table, size is alphabet_size

  void turboBM_compute_suffixes(int* suff);
  void turboBM_compute_good_suffix_shifts(int* suff);
  void turboBM_compute_bad_character_shifts();
  bool turboBM_matches(const char* text, int text_len) const;
  enum { alphabet_size = 256 };

  Item *escape_item;

  char escape;

  Item_func_like(Item *a,Item *b, Item *escape_arg)
    :Item_bool_func2(a,b), canDoTurboBM(FALSE), pattern(0), pattern_len(0), 
     bmGs(0), bmBc(0), escape_item(escape_arg) {}
  longlong val_int();
  enum Functype functype() const { return LIKE_FUNC; }
  optimize_type select_optimize() const;
  cond_result eq_cmp_result() const { return COND_TRUE; }
  const char *func_name() const { return "like"; }
  bool fix_fields(THD *thd, struct st_table_list *tlist, Item **ref);

#ifdef USE_REGEX

#include <regex.h>

class Item_func_regex :public Item_bool_func
  regex_t preg;
  bool regex_compiled;
  bool regex_is_const;
  String prev_regexp;
  DTCollation cmp_collation;
  Item_func_regex(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_bool_func(a,b),
    regex_compiled(0),regex_is_const(0) {}
  void cleanup();
  longlong val_int();
  bool fix_fields(THD *thd, struct st_table_list *tlist, Item **ref);
  const char *func_name() const { return "regexp"; }
  void print(String *str) { print_op(str); }
  CHARSET_INFO *compare_collation() { return cmp_collation.collation; }


class Item_func_regex :public Item_bool_func
  Item_func_regex(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_bool_func(a,b) {}
  longlong val_int() { return 0;}
  const char *func_name() const { return "regex"; }
  void print(String *str) { print_op(str); }

#endif /* USE_REGEX */

typedef class Item COND;

class Item_cond :public Item_bool_func
  List<Item> list;
  bool abort_on_null;
  table_map and_tables_cache;

  /* Item_cond() is only used to create top level items */
  Item_cond(): Item_bool_func(), abort_on_null(1)
  { const_item_cache=0; }
  Item_cond(Item *i1,Item *i2) 
    :Item_bool_func(), abort_on_null(0)
  Item_cond(THD *thd, Item_cond *item);
  Item_cond(List<Item> &nlist)
    :Item_bool_func(), list(nlist), abort_on_null(0) {}
  bool add(Item *item) { return list.push_back(item); }
  bool fix_fields(THD *, struct st_table_list *, Item **ref);

  enum Type type() const { return COND_ITEM; }
  List<Item>* argument_list() { return &list; }
  table_map used_tables() const;
  void update_used_tables();
  void print(String *str);
  void split_sum_func(THD *thd, Item **ref_pointer_array, List<Item> &fields);
  friend int setup_conds(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *tables,COND **conds);
  void top_level_item() { abort_on_null=1; }
  void copy_andor_arguments(THD *thd, Item_cond *item);
  bool walk(Item_processor processor, byte *arg);
  void neg_arguments(THD *thd);

class Item_cond_and :public Item_cond
  Item_cond_and() :Item_cond() {}
  Item_cond_and(Item *i1,Item *i2) :Item_cond(i1,i2) {}
  Item_cond_and(THD *thd, Item_cond_and *item) :Item_cond(thd, item) {}
  Item_cond_and(List<Item> &list): Item_cond(list) {}
  enum Functype functype() const { return COND_AND_FUNC; }
  longlong val_int();
  const char *func_name() const { return "and"; }
  table_map not_null_tables() const
  { return abort_on_null ? not_null_tables_cache: and_tables_cache; }
  Item* copy_andor_structure(THD *thd)
    Item_cond_and *item;
    if ((item= new Item_cond_and(thd, this)))
       item->copy_andor_arguments(thd, this);
    return item;
  Item *neg_transformer(THD *thd);

class Item_cond_or :public Item_cond
  Item_cond_or() :Item_cond() {}
  Item_cond_or(Item *i1,Item *i2) :Item_cond(i1,i2) {}
  Item_cond_or(THD *thd, Item_cond_or *item) :Item_cond(thd, item) {}
  Item_cond_or(List<Item> &list): Item_cond(list) {}
  enum Functype functype() const { return COND_OR_FUNC; }
  longlong val_int();
  const char *func_name() const { return "or"; }
  table_map not_null_tables() const { return and_tables_cache; }
  Item* copy_andor_structure(THD *thd)
    Item_cond_or *item;
    if ((item= new Item_cond_or(thd, this)))
      item->copy_andor_arguments(thd, this);
    return item;
  Item *neg_transformer(THD *thd);

  XOR is Item_cond, not an Item_int_func bevause we could like to
  optimize (a XOR b) later on. It's low prio, though

class Item_cond_xor :public Item_cond
  Item_cond_xor() :Item_cond() {}
  Item_cond_xor(Item *i1,Item *i2) :Item_cond(i1,i2) {}
  enum Functype functype() const { return COND_XOR_FUNC; }
  /* TODO: remove the next line when implementing XOR optimization */
  enum Type type() const { return FUNC_ITEM; }
  longlong val_int();
  const char *func_name() const { return "xor"; }
  void top_level_item() {}

/* Some usefull inline functions */

inline Item *and_conds(Item *a, Item *b)
  if (!b) return a;
  if (!a) return b;
  return new Item_cond_and(a, b);

Item *and_expressions(Item *a, Item *b, Item **org_item);