/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "event_priv.h" #include "event.h" #include "event_scheduler.h" #include "sp_head.h" /* ToDo: 1. Talk to Alik to get a check for configure.in for my_time_t and time_t 2. Look at guardian.h|cc to see its life cycle, has similarities. */ /* The scheduler is implemented as class Event_scheduler. Only one instance is kept during the runtime of the server, by implementing the Singleton DP. Object instance is always there because the memory is allocated statically and initialized when the OS loader loads mysqld. This initialization is bare. Extended initialization is done during the call to Event_scheduler::init() in Events::init(). The reason for that late initialization is that some subsystems needed to boot the Scheduler are not available at earlier stages of the mysqld boot procedure. Events::init() is called in mysqld.cc . If the mysqld is started with --event-scheduler=0 then no initialization takes place and the scheduler is unavailable during this server run. The server should be started with --event-scheduler=1 to have the scheduler initialized and able to execute jobs. This starting alwa s implies that the jobs execution will start immediately. If the server is started with --event-scheduler=2 then the scheduler is started in suspended state. Default state, if --event-scheduler is not specified is 2. The scheduler only manages execution of the events. Their creation, alteration and deletion is delegated to other routines found in event.cc . These routines interact with the scheduler : - CREATE EVENT -> Event_scheduler::add_event() - ALTER EVENT -> Event_scheduler::replace_event() - DROP EVENT -> Event_scheduler::drop_event() There is one mutex in the single Event_scheduler object which controls the simultaneous access to the objects invariants. Using one lock makes it easy to follow the workflow. This mutex is LOCK_scheduler_data. It is initialized in Event_scheduler::init(). Which in turn is called by the Facade class Events in event.cc, coming from init_thread_environment() from mysqld.cc -> no concurrency at this point. It's destroyed in Events::destroy_mutexes() called from clean_up_mutexes() in mysqld.cc . The full initialization is done in Event_scheduler::init() called from Events::init(). It's done before any requests coming in, so this is a guarantee for not having concurrency. The scheduler is started with Event_scheduler::start() and stopped with Event_scheduler::stop(). When the scheduler starts it loads all events from mysql.event table. Unfortunately, there is a race condition between the event disk management functions and the scheduler ones (add/replace/drop_event & load_events_from_db()), because the operations do not happen under one global lock but the disk operations are guarded by the MYISAM lock on mysql.event. In the same time, the queue operations are guarded by LOCK_scheduler_data. If the scheduler is start()-ed during server startup and stopped()-ed during server shutdown (in Events::shutdown() called by kill_server() in mysqld.cc) these races does not exist. Since the user may want to temporarily inhibit execution of events the scheduler can be suspended and then it can be forced to resume its operations. The API call to perform these is Event_scheduler::suspend_or_resume(enum enum_suspend_or_resume) . When the scheduler is suspended the main scheduler thread, which ATM happens to have thread_id 1, locks on a condition COND_suspend_or_resume. When this is signal is sent for the reverse operation the main scheduler loops continues to roll and execute events. When the scheduler is suspended all add/replace/drop_event() operations work as expected and the modify the queue but no events execution takes place. In contrast to the previous scheduler implementation, found in event_executor.cc, the start, shutdown, suspend and resume are synchronous operations. As a whole all operations are synchronized and no busy waits are used except in stop_all_running_events(), which waits until all running event worker threads have finished. It would have been nice to use a conditional on which this method will wait and the last thread to finish would signal it but this implies subclassing THD. The scheduler does not keep a counter of how many event worker threads are running, at any specific moment, because this will copy functionality already existing in the server. Namely, all THDs are registered in the global `threads` array. THD has member variable system_thread which identifies the type of thread. Connection threads being NON_SYSTEM_THREAD, all other have their enum value. Important for the scheduler are SYSTEM_THREAD_EVENT_SCHEDULER and SYSTEM_THREAD_EVENT_WORKER. Class THD subclasses class ilink, which is the linked list of all threads. When a THD instance is destroyed it's being removed from threads, thus no manual intervention is needed. On the contrary registering is manual with threads.append() . Traversing the threads array every time a subclass of THD, for instance if we would have had THD_scheduler_worker to see how many events we have and whether the scheduler is shutting down will take much time and lead to a deadlock. stop_all_running_events() is called under LOCK_scheduler_data. If the THD_scheduler_worker was aware of the single Event_scheduler instance it will try to check Event_scheduler::state but for this it would need to acquire LOCK_scheduler_data => deadlock. Thus stop_all_running_events() uses a busy wait. DROP DATABASE DDL should drop all events defined in a specific schema. DROP USER also should drop all events who has as definer the user being dropped (this one is not addressed at the moment but a hook exists). For this specific needs Event_scheduler::drop_matching_events() is implemented. Which expects a callback to be applied on every object in the queue. Thus events that match specific schema or user, will be removed from the queue. The exposed interface is : - Event_scheduler::drop_schema_events() - Event_scheduler::drop_user_events() This bulk dropping happens under LOCK_scheduler_data, thus no two or more threads can execute it in parallel. However, DROP DATABASE is also synchronized, currently, in the server thus this does not impact the overall performance. In addition, DROP DATABASE is not that often executed DDL. Though the interface to the scheduler is only through the public methods of class Event_scheduler, there are currently few functions which are used during its operations. Namely : - static evex_print_warnings() After every event execution all errors/warnings are dumped, so the user can see in case of a problem what the problem was. - static init_event_thread() This function is both used by event_scheduler_thread() and event_worker_thread(). It initializes the THD structure. The initialization looks pretty similar to the one in slave.cc done for the replication threads. However, though the similarities it cannot be factored out to have one routine. - static event_scheduler_thread() Because our way to register functions to be used by the threading library does not allow usage of static methods this function is used to start the scheduler in it. It does THD initialization and then calls Event_scheduler::run(). - static event_worker_thread() With already stated the reason for not being able to use methods, this function executes the worker threads. The execution of events is, to some extent, synchronized to inhibit race conditions when Event_timed::thread_id is being updated with the thread_id of the THD in which the event is being executed. The thread_id is in the Event_timed object because we need to be able to kill quickly a specific event during ALTER/DROP EVENT without traversing the global `threads` array. However, this makes the scheduler's code more complicated. The event worker thread is started by Event_timed::spawn_now(), which in turn calls pthread_create(). The thread_id which will be associated in init_event_thread is not known in advance thus the registering takes place in event_worker_thread(). This registering has to be synchronized under LOCK_scheduler_data, so no kill_event() on a object in replace_event/drop_event/drop_matching_events() could take place. This synchronization is done through class Worker_thread_param that is local to this file. Event_scheduler::execute_top() is called under LOCK_scheduler_data. This method : 1. Creates an instance of Worker_thread_param on the stack 2. Locks Worker_thread_param::LOCK_started 3. Calls Event_timed::spawn_now() which in turn creates a new thread. 4. Locks on Worker_thread_param::COND_started_or_stopped and waits till the worker thread send signal. The code is spurious wake-up safe because Worker_thread_param::started is checked. 5. The worker thread initializes its THD, then sets Event_timed::thread_id, sets Worker_thread_param::started to TRUE and sends back Worker_thread_param::COND_started. From this moment on, the event is being executed and could be killed by using Event_timed::thread_id. When Event_timed::spawn_thread_finish() is called in the worker thread, it sets thread_id to 0. From this moment on, the worker thread should not touch the Event_timed instance. The life-cycle of the server is a FSA. enum enum_state Event_scheduler::state keeps the state of the scheduler. The states are: |---UNINITIALIZED | | |------------------> IN_SHUTDOWN --> INITIALIZED -> COMMENCING ---> RUNNING ----------| ^ ^ | | ^ | | |- CANTSTART <--| | |- SUSPENDED <-| |______________________________| - UNINITIALIZED :The object is created and only the mutex is initialized - INITIALIZED :All member variables are initialized - COMMENCING :The scheduler is starting, no other attempt to start should succeed before the state is back to INITIALIZED. - CANTSTART :Set by the ::run() method in case it can't start for some reason. In this case the connection thread that tries to start the scheduler sees that some error has occurred and returns an error to the user. Finally, the connection thread sets the state to INITIALIZED, so further attempts to start the scheduler could be made. - RUNNING :The scheduler is running. New events could be added, dropped, altered. The scheduler could be stopped. - SUSPENDED :Like RUNNING but execution of events does not take place. Operations on the memory queue are possible. - IN_SHUTDOWN :The scheduler is shutting down, due to request by setting the global event_scheduler to 0/FALSE, or because of a KILL command sent by a user to the master thread. In every method the macros LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA() and UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA() are used for (un)locking purposes. They are used to save the programmer from typing everytime lock_data(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); All locking goes through Event_scheduler::lock_data() and ::unlock_data(). These two functions then record in variables where for last time LOCK_scheduler_data was locked and unlocked (two different variables). In multithreaded environment, in some cases they make no sense but are useful for inspecting deadlocks without having the server debug log turned on and the server is still running. The same strategy is used for conditional variables. Event_scheduler::cond_wait() is invoked from all places with parameter an enum enum_cond_vars. In this manner, it's possible to inspect the last on which condition the last call to cond_wait() was waiting. If the server was started with debug trace switched on, the trace file also holds information about conditional variables used. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #if __GNUC__ >= 2 #define SCHED_FUNC __FUNCTION__ #endif #else #define SCHED_FUNC "<unknown>" #endif #define LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA() lock_data(SCHED_FUNC, __LINE__) #define UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA() unlock_data(SCHED_FUNC, __LINE__) #ifndef DBUG_OFF static LEX_STRING states_names[] = { {(char*) STRING_WITH_LEN("UNINITIALIZED")}, {(char*) STRING_WITH_LEN("INITIALIZED")}, {(char*) STRING_WITH_LEN("COMMENCING")}, {(char*) STRING_WITH_LEN("CANTSTART")}, {(char*) STRING_WITH_LEN("RUNNING")}, {(char*) STRING_WITH_LEN("SUSPENDED")}, {(char*) STRING_WITH_LEN("IN_SHUTDOWN")} }; #endif Event_scheduler Event_scheduler::singleton; const char * const Event_scheduler::cond_vars_names[Event_scheduler::COND_LAST] = { "new work", "started or stopped", "suspend or resume" }; class Worker_thread_param { public: Event_timed *et; pthread_mutex_t LOCK_started; pthread_cond_t COND_started; bool started; Worker_thread_param(Event_timed *etn):et(etn), started(FALSE) { pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_started, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); pthread_cond_init(&COND_started, NULL); } ~Worker_thread_param() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_started); pthread_cond_destroy(&COND_started); } }; /* Prints the stack of infos, warnings, errors from thd to the console so it can be fetched by the logs-into-tables and checked later. SYNOPSIS evex_print_warnings thd - thread used during the execution of the event et - the event itself */ static void evex_print_warnings(THD *thd, Event_timed *et) { MYSQL_ERROR *err; DBUG_ENTER("evex_print_warnings"); if (!thd->warn_list.elements) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; char msg_buf[10 * STRING_BUFFER_USUAL_SIZE]; char prefix_buf[5 * STRING_BUFFER_USUAL_SIZE]; String prefix(prefix_buf, sizeof(prefix_buf), system_charset_info); prefix.length(0); prefix.append("SCHEDULER: ["); append_identifier(thd, &prefix, et->definer_user.str, et->definer_user.length); prefix.append('@'); append_identifier(thd, &prefix, et->definer_host.str, et->definer_host.length); prefix.append("][", 2); append_identifier(thd,&prefix, et->dbname.str, et->dbname.length); prefix.append('.'); append_identifier(thd,&prefix, et->name.str, et->name.length); prefix.append("] ", 2); List_iterator_fast<MYSQL_ERROR> it(thd->warn_list); while ((err= it++)) { String err_msg(msg_buf, sizeof(msg_buf), system_charset_info); /* set it to 0 or we start adding at the end. That's the trick ;) */ err_msg.length(0); err_msg.append(prefix); err_msg.append(err->msg, strlen(err->msg), system_charset_info); err_msg.append("]"); DBUG_ASSERT(err->level < 3); (sql_print_message_handlers[err->level])("%*s", err_msg.length(), err_msg.c_ptr()); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Inits an scheduler thread handler, both the main and a worker SYNOPSIS init_event_thread() thd - the THD of the thread. Has to be allocated by the caller. NOTES 1. The host of the thead is my_localhost 2. thd->net is initted with NULL - no communication. RETURN VALUE 0 OK -1 Error */ static int init_event_thread(THD** t, enum enum_thread_type thread_type) { THD *thd= *t; thd->thread_stack= (char*)t; // remember where our stack is DBUG_ENTER("init_event_thread"); thd->client_capabilities= 0; thd->security_ctx->master_access= 0; thd->security_ctx->db_access= 0; thd->security_ctx->host_or_ip= (char*)my_localhost; my_net_init(&thd->net, 0); thd->net.read_timeout= slave_net_timeout; thd->slave_thread= 0; thd->options|= OPTION_AUTO_IS_NULL; thd->client_capabilities|= CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS; thd->real_id=pthread_self(); VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count)); thd->thread_id= thread_id++; threads.append(thd); thread_count++; thread_running++; VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count)); if (init_thr_lock() || thd->store_globals()) { thd->cleanup(); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } #if !defined(__WIN__) && !defined(OS2) && !defined(__NETWARE__) sigset_t set; VOID(sigemptyset(&set)); // Get mask in use VOID(pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&set,&thd->block_signals)); #endif /* Guarantees that we will see the thread in SHOW PROCESSLIST though its vio is NULL. */ thd->system_thread= thread_type; thd->proc_info= "Initialized"; thd->version= refresh_version; thd->set_time(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Inits the main scheduler thread and then calls Event_scheduler::run() of arg. SYNOPSIS event_scheduler_thread() arg void* ptr to Event_scheduler NOTES 1. The host of the thead is my_localhost 2. thd->net is initted with NULL - no communication. 3. The reason to have a proxy function is that it's not possible to use a method as function to be executed in a spawned thread: - our pthread_hander_t macro uses extern "C" - separating thread setup from the real execution loop is also to be considered good. RETURN VALUE 0 OK */ pthread_handler_t event_scheduler_thread(void *arg) { /* needs to be first for thread_stack */ THD *thd= NULL; Event_scheduler *scheduler= (Event_scheduler *) arg; DBUG_ENTER("event_scheduler_thread"); my_thread_init(); pthread_detach_this_thread(); /* note that constructor of THD uses DBUG_ ! */ if (!(thd= new THD) || init_event_thread(&thd, SYSTEM_THREAD_EVENT_SCHEDULER)) { sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Cannot init manager event thread."); scheduler->report_error_during_start(); } else { thd->security_ctx->set_user((char*)"event_scheduler"); sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Manager thread booting"); if (Event_scheduler::check_system_tables(thd)) scheduler->report_error_during_start(); else scheduler->run(thd); /* NOTE: Don't touch `scheduler` after this point because we have notified the thread which shuts us down that we have finished cleaning. In this very moment a new scheduler thread could be started and a crash is not welcome. */ } /* If we cannot create THD then don't decrease because we haven't touched thread_count and thread_running in init_event_thread() which was never called. In init_event_thread() thread_count and thread_running are always increased even in the case the method returns an error. */ if (thd) { thd->proc_info= "Clearing"; DBUG_ASSERT(thd->net.buff != 0); net_end(&thd->net); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count); thread_count--; thread_running--; delete thd; pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); } my_thread_end(); DBUG_RETURN(0); // Can't return anything here } /* Function that executes an event in a child thread. Setups the environment for the event execution and cleans after that. SYNOPSIS event_worker_thread() arg The Event_timed object to be processed RETURN VALUE 0 OK */ pthread_handler_t event_worker_thread(void *arg) { THD *thd; /* needs to be first for thread_stack */ Worker_thread_param *param= (Worker_thread_param *) arg; Event_timed *event= param->et; int ret; bool startup_error= FALSE; Security_context *save_ctx; /* this one is local and not needed after exec */ Security_context security_ctx; DBUG_ENTER("event_worker_thread"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("event=[%s.%s]", event->dbname.str, event->name.str)); my_thread_init(); pthread_detach_this_thread(); if (!(thd= new THD) || init_event_thread(&thd, SYSTEM_THREAD_EVENT_WORKER)) { sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Startup failure."); startup_error= TRUE; event->spawn_thread_finish(thd); } else event->set_thread_id(thd->thread_id); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("master_access=%d db_access=%d", thd->security_ctx->master_access, thd->security_ctx->db_access)); /* If we don't change it before we send the signal back, then an intermittent DROP EVENT will take LOCK_scheduler_data and try to kill this thread, because event->thread_id is already real. However, because thd->security_ctx->user is not initialized then a crash occurs in kill_one_thread(). Thus, we have to change the context before sending the signal. We are under LOCK_scheduler_data being held by Event_scheduler::run() -> ::execute_top(). */ change_security_context(thd, event->definer_user, event->definer_host, event->dbname, &security_ctx, &save_ctx); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("master_access=%d db_access=%d", thd->security_ctx->master_access, thd->security_ctx->db_access)); /* Signal the scheduler thread that we have started successfully */ pthread_mutex_lock(¶m->LOCK_started); param->started= TRUE; pthread_cond_signal(¶m->COND_started); pthread_mutex_unlock(¶m->LOCK_started); if (!startup_error) { thd->init_for_queries(); thd->enable_slow_log= TRUE; event->set_thread_id(thd->thread_id); sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: [%s.%s of %s] executing in thread %lu", event->dbname.str, event->name.str, event->definer.str, thd->thread_id); ret= event->execute(thd, thd->mem_root); evex_print_warnings(thd, event); sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: [%s.%s of %s] executed. RetCode=%d", event->dbname.str, event->name.str, event->definer.str, ret); if (ret == EVEX_COMPILE_ERROR) sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: COMPILE ERROR for event %s.%s of %s", event->dbname.str, event->name.str, event->definer.str); else if (ret == EVEX_MICROSECOND_UNSUP) sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: MICROSECOND is not supported"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("master_access=%d db_access=%d", thd->security_ctx->master_access, thd->security_ctx->db_access)); /* If true is returned, we are expected to free it */ if (event->spawn_thread_finish(thd)) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Freeing object pointer")); delete event; } } if (thd) { thd->proc_info= "Clearing"; DBUG_ASSERT(thd->net.buff != 0); /* Free it here because net.vio is NULL for us => THD::~THD will check it and won't call net_end(&net); See also replication code. */ net_end(&thd->net); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Worker thread %lu exiting", thd->thread_id)); VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count)); thread_count--; thread_running--; delete thd; VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count)); } my_thread_end(); DBUG_RETURN(0); // Can't return anything here } /* Constructor of class Event_scheduler. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::Event_scheduler() */ Event_scheduler::Event_scheduler() :state(UNINITIALIZED), start_scheduler_suspended(FALSE), thread_id(0), mutex_last_locked_at_line(0), mutex_last_unlocked_at_line(0), mutex_last_locked_in_func(""), mutex_last_unlocked_in_func(""), cond_waiting_on(COND_NONE), mutex_scheduler_data_locked(FALSE) { } /* Returns the singleton instance of the class. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::get_instance() RETURN VALUE address */ Event_scheduler* Event_scheduler::get_instance() { DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::get_instance"); DBUG_RETURN(&singleton); } /* The implementation of full-fledged initialization. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::init() RETURN VALUE FALSE OK TRUE Error */ bool Event_scheduler::init() { int i= 0; bool ret= FALSE; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::init"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("this=%p", this)); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); for (;i < COND_LAST; i++) if (pthread_cond_init(&cond_vars[i], NULL)) { sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Unable to initalize conditions"); ret= TRUE; goto end; } /* init memory root */ init_alloc_root(&scheduler_root, MEM_ROOT_BLOCK_SIZE, MEM_ROOT_PREALLOC); if (init_queue_ex(&queue, 30 /*num_el*/, 0 /*offset*/, 0 /*smallest_on_top*/, event_timed_compare_q, NULL, 30 /*auto_extent*/)) { sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Can't initialize the execution queue"); ret= TRUE; goto end; } if (sizeof(my_time_t) != sizeof(time_t)) { sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: sizeof(my_time_t) != sizeof(time_t) ." "The scheduler may not work correctly. Stopping."); DBUG_ASSERT(0); ret= TRUE; goto end; } state= INITIALIZED; end: UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(ret); } /* Frees all memory allocated by the scheduler object. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::destroy() RETURN VALUE FALSE OK TRUE Error */ void Event_scheduler::destroy() { DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler"); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); switch (state) { case UNINITIALIZED: break; case INITIALIZED: delete_queue(&queue); free_root(&scheduler_root, MYF(0)); int i; for (i= 0; i < COND_LAST; i++) pthread_cond_destroy(&cond_vars[i]); state= UNINITIALIZED; break; default: sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Destroying while state is %d", state); /* I trust my code but ::safe() > ::sorry() */ DBUG_ASSERT(0); break; } UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Adds an event to the scheduler queue SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::add_event() et The event to add check_existence Whether to check if already loaded. RETURN VALUE OP_OK OK or scheduler not working OP_LOAD_ERROR Error during loading from disk */ enum Event_scheduler::enum_error_code Event_scheduler::add_event(THD *thd, Event_timed *et, bool check_existence) { enum enum_error_code res; Event_timed *et_new; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::add_event"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("thd=%p et=%p lock=%p",thd,et,&LOCK_scheduler_data)); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); if (!is_running_or_suspended()) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("scheduler not running but %d. doing nothing", state)); UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(OP_OK); } if (check_existence && find_event(et, FALSE)) { res= OP_ALREADY_EXISTS; goto end; } /* We need to load the event on scheduler_root */ if (!(res= load_named_event(thd, et, &et_new))) { queue_insert_safe(&queue, (byte *) et_new); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Sending COND_new_work")); pthread_cond_signal(&cond_vars[COND_new_work]); } else if (res == OP_DISABLED_EVENT) res= OP_OK; end: UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(res); } /* Drops an event from the scheduler queue SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::drop_event() etn The event to drop state Wait the event or kill&drop RETURN VALUE FALSE OK (replaced or scheduler not working) TRUE Failure */ bool Event_scheduler::drop_event(THD *thd, Event_timed *et) { int res; Event_timed *et_old; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::drop_event"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("thd=%p et=%p lock=%p",thd,et,&LOCK_scheduler_data)); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); if (!is_running_or_suspended()) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("scheduler not running but %d. doing nothing", state)); UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(OP_OK); } if (!(et_old= find_event(et, TRUE))) DBUG_PRINT("info", ("No such event found, probably DISABLED")); UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); /* See comments in ::replace_event() why this is split in two parts. */ if (et_old) { switch ((res= et_old->kill_thread(thd))) { case EVEX_CANT_KILL: /* Don't delete but continue */ et_old->flags |= EVENT_FREE_WHEN_FINISHED; break; case 0: /* kill_thread() waits till the spawned thread finishes after it's killed. Hence, we delete here memory which is no more referenced from a running thread. */ delete et_old; /* We don't signal COND_new_work here because: 1. Even if the dropped event is on top of the queue this will not move another one to be executed before the time the one on the top (but could be at the same second as the dropped one) 2. If this was the last event on the queue, then pthread_cond_timedwait in ::run() will finish and then see that the queue is empty and call cond_wait(). Hence, no need to interrupt the blocked ::run() thread. */ break; default: sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Got unexpected error %d", res); DBUG_ASSERT(0); } } DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /* Replaces an event in the scheduler queue SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::replace_event() et The event to replace(add) into the queue state Async or sync stopping RETURN VALUE OP_OK OK or scheduler not working OP_LOAD_ERROR Error during loading from disk OP_ALREADY_EXISTS Event already in the queue */ enum Event_scheduler::enum_error_code Event_scheduler::replace_event(THD *thd, Event_timed *et, LEX_STRING *new_schema, LEX_STRING *new_name) { enum enum_error_code res; Event_timed *et_old, *et_new= NULL; LEX_STRING old_schema, old_name; LINT_INIT(old_schema.str); LINT_INIT(old_schema.length); LINT_INIT(old_name.str); LINT_INIT(old_name.length); DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::replace_event"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("thd=%p et=%p et=[%s.%s] lock=%p", thd, et, et->dbname.str, et->name.str, &LOCK_scheduler_data)); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); if (!is_running_or_suspended()) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("scheduler not running but %d. doing nothing", state)); UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(OP_OK); } if (!(et_old= find_event(et, TRUE))) DBUG_PRINT("info", ("%s.%s not found cached, probably was DISABLED", et->dbname.str, et->name.str)); if (new_schema && new_name) { old_schema= et->dbname; old_name= et->name; et->dbname= *new_schema; et->name= *new_name; } /* We need to load the event (it's strings but on the object itself) on scheduler_root. et_new could be NULL : 1. Error occured 2. If the replace is DISABLED, we don't load it into the queue. */ if (!(res= load_named_event(thd, et, &et_new))) { queue_insert_safe(&queue, (byte *) et_new); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Sending COND_new_work")); pthread_cond_signal(&cond_vars[COND_new_work]); } else if (res == OP_DISABLED_EVENT) res= OP_OK; if (new_schema && new_name) { et->dbname= old_schema; et->name= old_name; } UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); /* Andrey: Is this comment still truthful ??? We don't move this code above because a potential kill_thread will call THD::awake(). Which in turn will try to acqure mysys_var->current_mutex, which is LOCK_scheduler_data on which the COND_new_work in ::run() locks. Hence, we try to acquire a lock which we have already acquired and we run into an assert. Holding LOCK_scheduler_data however is not needed because we don't touch any invariant of the scheduler anymore. ::drop_event() does the same. */ if (et_old) { switch (et_old->kill_thread(thd)) { case EVEX_CANT_KILL: /* Don't delete but continue */ et_old->flags |= EVENT_FREE_WHEN_FINISHED; break; case 0: /* kill_thread() waits till the spawned thread finishes after it's killed. Hence, we delete here memory which is no more referenced from a running thread. */ delete et_old; /* We don't signal COND_new_work here because: 1. Even if the dropped event is on top of the queue this will not move another one to be executed before the time the one on the top (but could be at the same second as the dropped one) 2. If this was the last event on the queue, then pthread_cond_timedwait in ::run() will finish and then see that the queue is empty and call cond_wait(). Hence, no need to interrupt the blocked ::run() thread. */ break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); } } DBUG_RETURN(res); } /* Searches for an event in the scheduler queue SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::find_event() etn The event to find comparator The function to use for comparing remove_from_q If found whether to remove from the Q RETURN VALUE NULL Not found otherwise Address NOTE The caller should do the locking also the caller is responsible for actual signalling in case an event is removed from the queue (signalling COND_new_work for instance). */ Event_timed * Event_scheduler::find_event(Event_timed *etn, bool remove_from_q) { uint i; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::find_event"); for (i= 0; i < queue.elements; ++i) { Event_timed *et= (Event_timed *) queue_element(&queue, i); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("[%s.%s]==[%s.%s]?", etn->dbname.str, etn->name.str, et->dbname.str, et->name.str)); if (event_timed_identifier_equal(etn, et)) { if (remove_from_q) queue_remove(&queue, i); DBUG_RETURN(et); } } DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } /* Drops all events from the in-memory queue and disk that match certain pattern evaluated by a comparator function SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::drop_matching_events() thd THD pattern A pattern string comparator The function to use for comparing RETURN VALUE -1 Scheduler not working >=0 Number of dropped events NOTE Expected is the caller to acquire lock on LOCK_scheduler_data */ void Event_scheduler::drop_matching_events(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *pattern, bool (*comparator)(Event_timed *,LEX_STRING *)) { DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::drop_matching_events"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("pattern=%*s state=%d", pattern->length, pattern->str, state)); if (is_running_or_suspended()) { uint i= 0, dropped= 0; while (i < queue.elements) { Event_timed *et= (Event_timed *) queue_element(&queue, i); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("[%s.%s]?", et->dbname.str, et->name.str)); if (comparator(et, pattern)) { /* The queue is ordered. If we remove an element, then all elements after it will shift one position to the left, if we imagine it as an array from left to the right. In this case we should not increment the counter and the (i < queue.elements) condition is ok. */ queue_remove(&queue, i); /* See replace_event() */ switch (et->kill_thread(thd)) { case EVEX_CANT_KILL: /* Don't delete but continue */ et->flags |= EVENT_FREE_WHEN_FINISHED; ++dropped; break; case 0: delete et; ++dropped; break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); } } else i++; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Dropped %lu", dropped)); } /* Don't send COND_new_work because no need to wake up the scheduler thread. When it wakes next time up it will recalculate how much more it should sleep if the top of the queue has been changed by this method. */ DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Drops all events from the in-memory queue and disk that are from certain schema. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::drop_schema_events() thd THD db The schema name RETURN VALUE -1 Scheduler not working >=0 Number of dropped events */ int Event_scheduler::drop_schema_events(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *schema) { int ret; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::drop_schema_events"); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); if (is_running_or_suspended()) drop_matching_events(thd, schema, event_timed_db_equal); ret= db_drop_events_from_table(thd, schema); UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(ret); } extern pthread_attr_t connection_attrib; /* Starts the event scheduler SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::start() RETURN VALUE FALSE OK TRUE Error */ bool Event_scheduler::start() { bool ret= FALSE; pthread_t th; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::start"); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); /* If already working or starting don't make another attempt */ DBUG_ASSERT(state == INITIALIZED); if (state > INITIALIZED) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("scheduler is already running or starting")); ret= TRUE; goto end; } /* Now if another thread calls start it will bail-out because the branch above will be executed. Thus no two or more child threads will be forked. If the child thread cannot start for some reason then `state` is set to CANTSTART and COND_started is also signaled. In this case we set `state` back to INITIALIZED so another attempt to start the scheduler can be made. */ state= COMMENCING; /* Fork */ if (pthread_create(&th, &connection_attrib, event_scheduler_thread, (void*)this)) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("cannot create a new thread")); state= INITIALIZED; ret= TRUE; goto end; } /* Wait till the child thread has booted (w/ or wo success) */ while (!is_running_or_suspended() && state != CANTSTART) cond_wait(COND_started_or_stopped, &LOCK_scheduler_data); /* If we cannot start for some reason then don't prohibit further attempts. Set back to INITIALIZED. */ if (state == CANTSTART) { state= INITIALIZED; ret= TRUE; goto end; } end: UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(ret); } /* Starts the event scheduler in suspended mode. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::start_suspended() RETURN VALUE TRUE OK FALSE Error */ bool Event_scheduler::start_suspended() { DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::start_suspended"); start_scheduler_suspended= TRUE; DBUG_RETURN(start()); } /* Report back that we cannot start. Used for ocasions where we can't go into ::run() and have to report externally. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::report_error_during_start() */ inline void Event_scheduler::report_error_during_start() { DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::report_error_during_start"); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); state= CANTSTART; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Sending back COND_started_or_stopped")); pthread_cond_signal(&cond_vars[COND_started_or_stopped]); UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* The internal loop of the event scheduler SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::run() thd Thread RETURN VALUE FALSE OK TRUE Failure */ bool Event_scheduler::run(THD *thd) { int ret; struct timespec abstime; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::run"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("thd=%p", thd)); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); ret= load_events_from_db(thd); if (!ret) { thread_id= thd->thread_id; state= start_scheduler_suspended? SUSPENDED:RUNNING; start_scheduler_suspended= FALSE; } else state= CANTSTART; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Sending back COND_started_or_stopped")); pthread_cond_signal(&cond_vars[COND_started_or_stopped]); if (ret) { UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } if (!check_n_suspend_if_needed(thd)) UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Manager thread started with id %lu", thd->thread_id); abstime.tv_nsec= 0; while (is_running_or_suspended()) { Event_timed *et; LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); if (check_n_wait_for_non_empty_queue(thd)) continue; /* On TRUE data is unlocked, go back to the beginning */ if (check_n_suspend_if_needed(thd)) continue; /* Guaranteed locked here */ if (state == IN_SHUTDOWN || shutdown_in_progress) { UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); break; } DBUG_ASSERT(state == RUNNING); et= (Event_timed *)queue_top(&queue); /* Skip disabled events */ if (et->status != Event_timed::ENABLED) { /* It could be a one-timer scheduled for a time, already in the past when the scheduler was suspended. */ sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Found a disabled event %*s.%*s in the queue", et->dbname.length, et->dbname.str, et->name.length, et->name.str); queue_remove(&queue, 0); /* ToDo: check this again */ if (et->dropped) et->drop(thd); delete et; UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); continue; } thd->proc_info= (char *)"Computing"; DBUG_PRINT("evex manager",("computing time to sleep till next exec")); /* Timestamp is in UTC */ abstime.tv_sec= sec_since_epoch_TIME(&et->execute_at); thd->end_time(); if (abstime.tv_sec > thd->query_start()) { /* Event trigger time is in the future */ thd->proc_info= (char *)"Sleep"; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Going to sleep. Should wakeup after approx %d secs", abstime.tv_sec - thd->query_start())); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Entering condition because waiting for activation")); /* Use THD::enter_cond()/exit_cond() or we won't be able to kill a sleeping thread. Though ::stop() can do it by sending COND_new_work an user can't by just issuing 'KILL x'; . In the latter case pthread_cond_timedwait() will wait till `abstime`. "Sleeping until next time" */ thd->enter_cond(&cond_vars[COND_new_work],&LOCK_scheduler_data,"Sleeping"); pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond_vars[COND_new_work], &LOCK_scheduler_data, &abstime); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Manager woke up. state is %d", state)); /* If we get signal we should recalculate the whether it's the right time because there could be : 1. Spurious wake-up 2. The top of the queue was changed (new one becase of add/drop/replace) */ /* This will do implicit UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA() */ thd->exit_cond(""); } else { thd->proc_info= (char *)"Executing"; /* Execute the event. An error may occur if a thread cannot be forked. In this case stop the manager. We should enter ::execute_top() with locked LOCK_scheduler_data. */ int ret= execute_top(thd); UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); if (ret) break; } } thd->proc_info= (char *)"Cleaning"; LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); /* It's possible that a user has used (SQL)COM_KILL. Hence set the appropriate state because it is only set by ::stop(). */ if (state != IN_SHUTDOWN) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("We got KILL but the but not from ::stop()")); state= IN_SHUTDOWN; } UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Shutting down"); thd->proc_info= (char *)"Cleaning queue"; clean_queue(thd); THD_CHECK_SENTRY(thd); /* free mamager_root memory but don't destroy the root */ thd->proc_info= (char *)"Cleaning memory root"; free_root(&scheduler_root, MYF(0)); THD_CHECK_SENTRY(thd); /* We notify the waiting thread which shutdowns us that we have cleaned. There are few more instructions to be executed in this pthread but they don't affect manager structures thus it's safe to signal already at this point. */ LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); thd->proc_info= (char *)"Sending shutdown signal"; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Sending COND_started_or_stopped")); if (state == IN_SHUTDOWN) pthread_cond_signal(&cond_vars[COND_started_or_stopped]); state= INITIALIZED; /* We set it here because ::run() can stop not only because of ::stop() call but also because of `KILL x` */ thread_id= 0; sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Stopped"); UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); /* We have modified, we set back */ thd->query= NULL; thd->query_length= 0; DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /* Executes the top element of the queue. Auxiliary method for ::run(). SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::execute_top() RETURN VALUE FALSE OK TRUE Failure NOTE NO locking is done. EXPECTED is that the caller should have locked the queue (w/ LOCK_scheduler_data). */ bool Event_scheduler::execute_top(THD *thd) { int spawn_ret_code; bool ret= FALSE; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::execute_top"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("thd=%p", thd)); Event_timed *et= (Event_timed *)queue_top(&queue); /* Is it good idea to pass a stack address ?*/ Worker_thread_param param(et); pthread_mutex_lock(¶m.LOCK_started); /* We don't lock LOCK_scheduler_data fpr workers_increment() because it's a pre-requisite for calling the current_method. */ switch ((spawn_ret_code= et->spawn_now(event_worker_thread, ¶m))) { case EVENT_EXEC_CANT_FORK: /* We don't lock LOCK_scheduler_data here because it's a pre-requisite for calling the current_method. */ sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Problem while trying to create a thread"); ret= TRUE; break; case EVENT_EXEC_ALREADY_EXEC: /* We don't lock LOCK_scheduler_data here because it's a pre-requisite for calling the current_method. */ sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: %s.%s in execution. Skip this time.", et->dbname.str, et->name.str); if ((et->flags & EVENT_EXEC_NO_MORE) || et->status == Event_timed::DISABLED) queue_remove(&queue, 0);// 0 is top, internally 1 else queue_replaced(&queue); break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(!spawn_ret_code); if ((et->flags & EVENT_EXEC_NO_MORE) || et->status == Event_timed::DISABLED) queue_remove(&queue, 0);// 0 is top, internally 1 else queue_replaced(&queue); /* We don't lock LOCK_scheduler_data here because it's a pre-requisite for calling the current_method. */ if (likely(!spawn_ret_code)) { /* Wait the forked thread to start */ do { pthread_cond_wait(¶m.COND_started, ¶m.LOCK_started); } while (!param.started); } /* param was allocated on the stack so no explicit delete as well as in this moment it's no more used in the spawned thread so it's safe to be deleted. */ break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(¶m.LOCK_started); /* `param` is on the stack and will be destructed by the compiler */ DBUG_RETURN(ret); } /* Cleans the scheduler's queue. Auxiliary method for ::run(). SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::clean_queue() thd Thread */ void Event_scheduler::clean_queue(THD *thd) { CHARSET_INFO *scs= system_charset_info; uint i; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::clean_queue"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("thd=%p", thd)); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); stop_all_running_events(thd); UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Emptying the queue"); /* empty the queue */ for (i= 0; i < queue.elements; ++i) { Event_timed *et= (Event_timed *) queue_element(&queue, i); et->free_sp(); delete et; } resize_queue(&queue, 0); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Stops all running events SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::stop_all_running_events() thd Thread NOTE LOCK_scheduler data must be acquired prior to call to this method */ void Event_scheduler::stop_all_running_events(THD *thd) { CHARSET_INFO *scs= system_charset_info; uint i; DYNAMIC_ARRAY running_threads; THD *tmp; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::stop_all_running_events"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("workers_count=%d", workers_count())); my_init_dynamic_array(&running_threads, sizeof(ulong), 10, 10); bool had_super= FALSE; VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count)); // For unlink from list I_List_iterator<THD> it(threads); while ((tmp=it++)) { if (tmp->command == COM_DAEMON) continue; if (tmp->system_thread == SYSTEM_THREAD_EVENT_WORKER) push_dynamic(&running_threads, (gptr) &tmp->thread_id); } VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count)); /* We need temporarily SUPER_ACL to be able to kill our offsprings */ if (!(thd->security_ctx->master_access & SUPER_ACL)) thd->security_ctx->master_access|= SUPER_ACL; else had_super= TRUE; char tmp_buff[10*STRING_BUFFER_USUAL_SIZE]; char int_buff[STRING_BUFFER_USUAL_SIZE]; String tmp_string(tmp_buff, sizeof(tmp_buff), scs); String int_string(int_buff, sizeof(int_buff), scs); tmp_string.length(0); for (i= 0; i < running_threads.elements; ++i) { int ret; ulong thd_id= *dynamic_element(&running_threads, i, ulong*); int_string.set((longlong) thd_id,scs); tmp_string.append(int_string); if (i < running_threads.elements - 1) tmp_string.append(' '); if ((ret= kill_one_thread(thd, thd_id, FALSE))) { sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Error killing %lu code=%d", thd_id, ret); break; } } if (running_threads.elements) sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Killing workers :%s", tmp_string.c_ptr()); if (!had_super) thd->security_ctx->master_access &= ~SUPER_ACL; delete_dynamic(&running_threads); sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Waiting for worker threads to finish"); while (workers_count()) my_sleep(100000); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Stops the event scheduler SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::stop() RETURN VALUE OP_OK OK OP_CANT_KILL Error during stopping of manager thread OP_NOT_RUNNING Manager not working NOTE The caller must have acquited LOCK_scheduler_data. */ enum Event_scheduler::enum_error_code Event_scheduler::stop() { THD *thd= current_thd; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::stop"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("thd=%p", current_thd)); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); if (!is_running_or_suspended()) { /* One situation to be here is if there was a start that forked a new thread but the new thread did not acquire yet LOCK_scheduler_data. Hence, in this case return an error. */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("manager not running but %d. doing nothing", state)); UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(OP_NOT_RUNNING); } state= IN_SHUTDOWN; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Manager thread has id %d", thread_id)); sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Killing manager thread %lu", thread_id); /* Sending the COND_new_work to ::run() is a way to get this working without race conditions. If we use kill_one_thread() it will call THD::awake() and because in ::run() both THD::enter_cond()/::exit_cond() are used, THD::awake() will try to lock LOCK_scheduler_data. If we UNLOCK it before, then the pthread_cond_signal(COND_started_or_stopped) could be signaled in ::run() and we can miss the signal before we relock. A way is to use another mutex for this shutdown procedure but better not. */ pthread_cond_signal(&cond_vars[COND_new_work]); /* Or we are suspended - then we should wake up */ pthread_cond_signal(&cond_vars[COND_suspend_or_resume]); /* Guarantee we don't catch spurious signals */ sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Waiting the manager thread to reply"); while (state != INITIALIZED) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Waiting for COND_started_or_stopped from the manager " "thread. Current value of state is %d . " "workers count=%d", state, workers_count())); cond_wait(COND_started_or_stopped, &LOCK_scheduler_data); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Manager thread has cleaned up. Set state to INIT")); UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(OP_OK); } /* Suspends or resumes the scheduler. SUSPEND - it won't execute any event till resumed. RESUME - it will resume if suspended. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::suspend_or_resume() RETURN VALUE OP_OK OK */ enum Event_scheduler::enum_error_code Event_scheduler::suspend_or_resume( enum Event_scheduler::enum_suspend_or_resume action) { DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::suspend_or_resume"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("action=%d", action)); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); if ((action == SUSPEND && state == SUSPENDED) || (action == RESUME && state == RUNNING)) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Either trying to suspend suspended or resume " "running scheduler. Doing nothing.")); } else { /* Wake the main thread up if he is asleep */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Sending signal")); if (action==SUSPEND) { state= SUSPENDED; pthread_cond_signal(&cond_vars[COND_new_work]); } else { state= RUNNING; pthread_cond_signal(&cond_vars[COND_suspend_or_resume]); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Waiting on COND_suspend_or_resume")); cond_wait(COND_suspend_or_resume, &LOCK_scheduler_data); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Got response")); } UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(OP_OK); } /* Returns the number of executing events. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::workers_count() */ uint Event_scheduler::workers_count() { THD *tmp; uint count= 0; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::workers_count"); VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count)); // For unlink from list I_List_iterator<THD> it(threads); while ((tmp=it++)) { if (tmp->command == COM_DAEMON) continue; if (tmp->system_thread == SYSTEM_THREAD_EVENT_WORKER) ++count; } VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count)); DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("%d", count)); DBUG_RETURN(count); } /* Checks and suspends if needed SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::check_n_suspend_if_needed() thd Thread RETURN VALUE FALSE Not suspended, we haven't slept TRUE We were suspended. LOCK_scheduler_data is unlocked. NOTE The caller should have locked LOCK_scheduler_data! The mutex will be unlocked in case this function returns TRUE */ bool Event_scheduler::check_n_suspend_if_needed(THD *thd) { bool was_suspended= FALSE; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::check_n_suspend_if_needed"); if (thd->killed && !shutdown_in_progress) { state= SUSPENDED; thd->killed= THD::NOT_KILLED; } if (state == SUSPENDED) { thd->enter_cond(&cond_vars[COND_suspend_or_resume], &LOCK_scheduler_data, "Suspended"); /* Send back signal to the thread that asked us to suspend operations */ pthread_cond_signal(&cond_vars[COND_suspend_or_resume]); sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Suspending operations"); was_suspended= TRUE; } while (state == SUSPENDED) { cond_wait(COND_suspend_or_resume, &LOCK_scheduler_data); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Woke up after waiting on COND_suspend_or_resume")); if (state != SUSPENDED) { pthread_cond_signal(&cond_vars[COND_suspend_or_resume]); sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Resuming operations"); } } if (was_suspended) { if (queue.elements) { uint i; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("We have to recompute the execution times")); for (i= 0; i < queue.elements; i++) { ((Event_timed*)queue_element(&queue, i))->compute_next_execution_time(); ((Event_timed*)queue_element(&queue, i))->update_fields(thd); } queue_fix(&queue); } /* This will implicitly unlock LOCK_scheduler_data */ thd->exit_cond(""); } DBUG_RETURN(was_suspended); } /* Checks for empty queue and waits till new element gets in SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::check_n_wait_for_non_empty_queue() thd Thread RETURN VALUE FALSE Did not wait - LOCK_scheduler_data still locked. TRUE Waited - LOCK_scheduler_data unlocked. NOTE The caller should have locked LOCK_scheduler_data! */ bool Event_scheduler::check_n_wait_for_non_empty_queue(THD *thd) { bool slept= FALSE; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::check_n_wait_for_non_empty_queue"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("q.elements=%lu state=%s", queue.elements, states_names[state])); if (!queue.elements) thd->enter_cond(&cond_vars[COND_new_work], &LOCK_scheduler_data, "Empty queue, sleeping"); /* Wait in a loop protecting against catching spurious signals */ while (!queue.elements && state == RUNNING) { slept= TRUE; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Entering condition because of empty queue")); cond_wait(COND_new_work, &LOCK_scheduler_data); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Manager woke up. Hope we have events now. state=%d", state)); /* exit_cond does implicit mutex_UNLOCK, we needed it locked if 1. we loop again 2. end the current loop and start doing calculations */ } if (slept) thd->exit_cond(""); DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("q.elements=%lu state=%s thd->killed=%d", queue.elements, states_names[state], thd->killed)); DBUG_RETURN(slept); } /* Wrapper for pthread_mutex_lock SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::lock_data() mutex Mutex to lock line The line number on which the lock is done RETURN VALUE Error code of pthread_mutex_lock() */ inline void Event_scheduler::lock_data(const char *func, uint line) { DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::lock_mutex"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("mutex_lock=%p func=%s line=%u", &LOCK_scheduler_data, func, line)); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_scheduler_data); mutex_last_locked_in_func= func; mutex_last_locked_at_line= line; mutex_scheduler_data_locked= TRUE; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Wrapper for pthread_mutex_unlock SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::unlock_data() mutex Mutex to unlock line The line number on which the unlock is done */ inline void Event_scheduler::unlock_data(const char *func, uint line) { DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::UNLOCK_mutex"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("mutex_unlock=%p func=%s line=%u", &LOCK_scheduler_data, func, line)); mutex_last_unlocked_at_line= line; mutex_scheduler_data_locked= FALSE; mutex_last_unlocked_in_func= func; pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_scheduler_data); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Wrapper for pthread_cond_wait SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::cond_wait() cond Conditional to wait for mutex Mutex of the conditional RETURN VALUE Error code of pthread_cond_wait() */ inline int Event_scheduler::cond_wait(enum Event_scheduler::enum_cond_vars cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { int ret; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::cond_wait"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("cond=%s mutex=%p", cond_vars_names[cond], mutex)); ret= pthread_cond_wait(&cond_vars[cond_waiting_on=cond], mutex); cond_waiting_on= COND_NONE; DBUG_RETURN(ret); } /* Checks whether the scheduler is in a running or suspended state. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::is_running_or_suspended() RETURN VALUE TRUE Either running or suspended FALSE IN_SHUTDOWN, not started, etc. */ inline bool Event_scheduler::is_running_or_suspended() { return (state == SUSPENDED || state == RUNNING); } /* Returns the current state of the scheduler SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::get_state() */ enum Event_scheduler::enum_state Event_scheduler::get_state() { enum Event_scheduler::enum_state ret; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::get_state"); /* lock_data & unlock_data are not static */ pthread_mutex_lock(&singleton.LOCK_scheduler_data); ret= singleton.state; pthread_mutex_unlock(&singleton.LOCK_scheduler_data); DBUG_RETURN(ret); } /* Returns whether the scheduler was initialized. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::initialized() RETURN VALUE FALSE Was not initialized so far TRUE Was initialized */ bool Event_scheduler::initialized() { DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::initialized"); DBUG_RETURN(Event_scheduler::get_state() != UNINITIALIZED); } /* Returns the number of elements in the queue SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::events_count() RETURN VALUE 0 Number of Event_timed objects in the queue */ uint Event_scheduler::events_count() { uint n; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::events_count"); LOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); n= queue.elements; UNLOCK_SCHEDULER_DATA(); DBUG_RETURN(n); } /* Looks for a named event in mysql.event and then loads it from the table, compiles and inserts it into the cache. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::load_named_event() thd THD etn The name of the event to load and compile on scheduler's root etn_new The loaded event RETURN VALUE NULL Error during compile or the event is non-enabled. otherwise Address */ enum Event_scheduler::enum_error_code Event_scheduler::load_named_event(THD *thd, Event_timed *etn, Event_timed **etn_new) { int ret= 0; MEM_ROOT *tmp_mem_root; Event_timed *et_loaded= NULL; Open_tables_state backup; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::load_and_compile_event"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("thd=%p name:%*s",thd, etn->name.length, etn->name.str)); thd->reset_n_backup_open_tables_state(&backup); /* No need to use my_error() here because db_find_event() has done it */ { sp_name spn(etn->dbname, etn->name); ret= db_find_event(thd, &spn, &et_loaded, NULL, &scheduler_root); } thd->restore_backup_open_tables_state(&backup); /* In this case no memory was allocated so we don't need to clean */ if (ret) DBUG_RETURN(OP_LOAD_ERROR); if (et_loaded->status != Event_timed::ENABLED) { /* We don't load non-enabled events. In db_find_event() `et_new` was allocated on the heap and not on scheduler_root therefore we delete it here. */ delete et_loaded; DBUG_RETURN(OP_DISABLED_EVENT); } et_loaded->compute_next_execution_time(); *etn_new= et_loaded; DBUG_RETURN(OP_OK); } /* Loads all ENABLED events from mysql.event into the prioritized queue. Called during scheduler main thread initialization. Compiles the events. Creates Event_timed instances for every ENABLED event from mysql.event. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::load_events_from_db() thd - Thread context. Used for memory allocation in some cases. RETURN VALUE 0 OK !0 Error (EVEX_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED, EVEX_MICROSECOND_UNSUP, EVEX_COMPILE_ERROR) - in all these cases mysql.event was tampered. NOTES Reports the error to the console */ int Event_scheduler::load_events_from_db(THD *thd) { TABLE *table; READ_RECORD read_record_info; int ret= -1; uint count= 0; bool clean_the_queue= FALSE; /* Compile the events on this root but only for syntax check, then discard */ MEM_ROOT boot_root; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::load_events_from_db"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("thd=%p", thd)); if (state > COMMENCING) { DBUG_ASSERT(0); sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Trying to load events while already running."); DBUG_RETURN(EVEX_GENERAL_ERROR); } if ((ret= Events::open_event_table(thd, TL_READ, &table))) { sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Table mysql.event is damaged. Can not open."); DBUG_RETURN(EVEX_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED); } init_alloc_root(&boot_root, MEM_ROOT_BLOCK_SIZE, MEM_ROOT_PREALLOC); init_read_record(&read_record_info, thd, table ,NULL,1,0); while (!(read_record_info.read_record(&read_record_info))) { Event_timed *et; if (!(et= new Event_timed)) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Out of memory")); clean_the_queue= TRUE; break; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Loading event from row.")); if ((ret= et->load_from_row(&scheduler_root, table))) { clean_the_queue= TRUE; sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Error while loading from mysql.event. " "Table probably corrupted"); break; } if (et->status != Event_timed::ENABLED) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("%s is disabled",et->name.str)); delete et; continue; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Event %s loaded from row. ", et->name.str)); /* We load only on scheduler root just to check whether the body compiles */ switch (ret= et->compile(thd, &boot_root)) { case EVEX_MICROSECOND_UNSUP: et->free_sp(); sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: mysql.event is tampered. MICROSECOND is not " "supported but found in mysql.event"); goto end; case EVEX_COMPILE_ERROR: sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Error while compiling %s.%s. Aborting load.", et->dbname.str, et->name.str); goto end; default: /* Free it, it will be compiled again on the worker thread */ et->free_sp(); break; } /* let's find when to be executed */ if (et->compute_next_execution_time()) { sql_print_error("SCHEDULER: Error while computing execution time of %s.%s." " Skipping", et->dbname.str, et->name.str); continue; } DBUG_PRINT("load_events_from_db", ("Adding %p to the exec list.")); queue_insert_safe(&queue, (byte *) et); count++; } end: end_read_record(&read_record_info); free_root(&boot_root, MYF(0)); if (clean_the_queue) { for (count= 0; count < queue.elements; ++count) queue_remove(&queue, 0); ret= -1; } else { ret= 0; sql_print_information("SCHEDULER: Loaded %d event%s", count, (count == 1)?"":"s"); } /* Force close to free memory */ thd->version--; close_thread_tables(thd); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Status code %d. Loaded %d event(s)", ret, count)); DBUG_RETURN(ret); } /* Opens mysql.db and mysql.user and checks whether: 1. mysql.db has column Event_priv at column 20 (0 based); 2. mysql.user has column Event_priv at column 29 (0 based); SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::check_system_tables() */ bool Event_scheduler::check_system_tables(THD *thd) { TABLE_LIST tables; bool not_used; Open_tables_state backup; bool ret; DBUG_ENTER("Event_scheduler::check_system_tables"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("thd=%p", thd)); thd->reset_n_backup_open_tables_state(&backup); bzero((char*) &tables, sizeof(tables)); tables.db= (char*) "mysql"; tables.table_name= tables.alias= (char*) "db"; tables.lock_type= TL_READ; if ((ret= simple_open_n_lock_tables(thd, &tables))) sql_print_error("Cannot open mysql.db"); else { ret= table_check_intact(tables.table, MYSQL_DB_FIELD_COUNT, mysql_db_table_fields, &mysql_db_table_last_check, ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE); close_thread_tables(thd); } if (ret) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); bzero((char*) &tables, sizeof(tables)); tables.db= (char*) "mysql"; tables.table_name= tables.alias= (char*) "user"; tables.lock_type= TL_READ; if ((ret= simple_open_n_lock_tables(thd, &tables))) sql_print_error("Cannot open mysql.db"); else { if (tables.table->s->fields < 29 || strncmp(tables.table->field[29]->field_name, STRING_WITH_LEN("Event_priv"))) { sql_print_error("mysql.user has no `Event_priv` column at position 29"); ret= TRUE; } close_thread_tables(thd); } thd->restore_backup_open_tables_state(&backup); DBUG_RETURN(ret); } /* Inits mutexes. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::init_mutexes() */ void Event_scheduler::init_mutexes() { pthread_mutex_init(&singleton.LOCK_scheduler_data, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); } /* Destroys mutexes. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::destroy_mutexes() */ void Event_scheduler::destroy_mutexes() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&singleton.LOCK_scheduler_data); } /* Dumps some data about the internal status of the scheduler. SYNOPSIS Event_scheduler::dump_internal_status() thd THD RETURN VALUE 0 OK 1 Error */ int Event_scheduler::dump_internal_status(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("dump_internal_status"); #ifndef DBUG_OFF CHARSET_INFO *scs= system_charset_info; Protocol *protocol= thd->protocol; List<Item> field_list; int ret; char tmp_buff[5*STRING_BUFFER_USUAL_SIZE]; char int_buff[STRING_BUFFER_USUAL_SIZE]; String tmp_string(tmp_buff, sizeof(tmp_buff), scs); String int_string(int_buff, sizeof(int_buff), scs); tmp_string.length(0); int_string.length(0); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Name", 20)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Value",20)); if (protocol->send_fields(&field_list, Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF)) DBUG_RETURN(1); protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("state"), scs); protocol->store(states_names[singleton.state].str, states_names[singleton.state].length, scs); ret= protocol->write(); /* If not initialized - don't show anything else. get_instance() will otherwise implicitly initialize it. We don't want that. */ if (singleton.state >= INITIALIZED) { /* last locked at*/ /* The first thing to do, or get_instance() will overwrite the values. mutex_last_locked_at_line / mutex_last_unlocked_at_line */ protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("last locked at"), scs); tmp_string.length(scs->cset->snprintf(scs, (char*) tmp_string.ptr(), tmp_string.alloced_length(), "%s::%d", singleton.mutex_last_locked_in_func, singleton.mutex_last_locked_at_line)); protocol->store(&tmp_string); ret= protocol->write(); /* last unlocked at*/ protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("last unlocked at"), scs); tmp_string.length(scs->cset->snprintf(scs, (char*) tmp_string.ptr(), tmp_string.alloced_length(), "%s::%d", singleton.mutex_last_unlocked_in_func, singleton.mutex_last_unlocked_at_line)); protocol->store(&tmp_string); ret= protocol->write(); /* waiting on */ protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("waiting on condition"), scs); tmp_string.length(scs->cset-> snprintf(scs, (char*) tmp_string.ptr(), tmp_string.alloced_length(), "%s", (singleton.cond_waiting_on != COND_NONE) ? cond_vars_names[singleton.cond_waiting_on]: "NONE")); protocol->store(&tmp_string); ret= protocol->write(); Event_scheduler *scheduler= get_instance(); /* workers_count */ protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("workers_count"), scs); int_string.set((longlong) scheduler->workers_count(), scs); protocol->store(&int_string); ret= protocol->write(); /* queue.elements */ protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("queue.elements"), scs); int_string.set((longlong) scheduler->queue.elements, scs); protocol->store(&int_string); ret= protocol->write(); /* scheduler_data_locked */ protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("scheduler data locked"), scs); int_string.set((longlong) scheduler->mutex_scheduler_data_locked, scs); protocol->store(&int_string); ret= protocol->write(); } send_eof(thd); #endif DBUG_RETURN(0); }