/*********** File AM Dbf C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) ****************/ /* PROGRAM NAME: FILAMDBF */ /* ------------- */ /* Version 1.6 */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT: */ /* ---------- */ /* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2005-2013 */ /* */ /* WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES: */ /* ----------------------- */ /* This program are the DBF file access method classes. */ /* */ /* ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: */ /* ---------------- */ /* Somerset Data Systems, Inc. (908) 766-5845 */ /* Version 1.2 April 6, 1991 */ /* Programmer: Jay Parsons */ /****************************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* Include relevant sections of the System header files. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "my_global.h" #if defined(WIN32) #include <io.h> #include <fcntl.h> //#include <errno.h> //#include <windows.h> #else // !WIN32 #if defined(UNIX) #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #else // !UNIX //#include <io.h> #endif // !UNIX //#include <fcntl.h> #endif // !WIN32 #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /***********************************************************************/ /* Include application header files: */ /* global.h is header containing all global declarations. */ /* plgdbsem.h is header containing the DB application declarations. */ /* tabdos.h is header containing the TABDOS class declarations. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "global.h" #include "plgdbsem.h" #include "filamdbf.h" #include "tabdos.h" #include "valblk.h" #define NO_FUNC #include "plgcnx.h" // For DB types #include "resource.h" /****************************************************************************/ /* Definitions. */ /****************************************************************************/ #define HEADLEN 32 /* sizeof ( mainhead or thisfield ) */ //efine MEMOLEN 10 /* length of memo field in .dbf */ #define DBFTYPE 3 /* value of bits 0 and 1 if .dbf */ #define EOH 0x0D /* end-of-header marker in .dbf file */ extern "C" int trace; // The general trace value /****************************************************************************/ /* First 32 bytes of a .dbf file. */ /* Note: some reserved fields are used here to store info (Fields) */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _dbfheader { //uchar Dbf :2; /* both 1 for dBASE III or IV .dbf */ //uchar :1; //uchar Db4dbt:1; /* 1 if a dBASE IV-type .dbt exists */ //uchar Dbfox :4; /* FoxPro if equal to 3 */ uchar Version; /* Version information flags */ char Filedate[3]; /* date, YYMMDD, binary. YY=year-1900 */ uint Records; /* records in the file */ ushort Headlen; /* bytes in the header */ ushort Reclen; /* bytes in a record */ ushort Fields; /* Reserved but used to store fields */ char Incompleteflag; /* 01 if incomplete, else 00 */ char Encryptflag; /* 01 if encrypted, else 00 */ char Reserved2[12]; /* for LAN use */ char Mdxflag; /* 01 if production .mdx, else 00 */ char Language; /* Codepage */ char Reserved3[2]; } DBFHEADER; /****************************************************************************/ /* Column field descriptor of a .dbf file. */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _descriptor { char Name[11]; /* field name, in capitals, null filled*/ char Type; /* field type, C, D, F, L, M or N */ uint Offset; /* used in memvars, not in files. */ uchar Length; /* field length */ uchar Decimals; /* number of decimal places */ short Reserved4; char Workarea; /* ??? */ char Reserved5[2]; char Setfield; /* ??? */ char Reserved6[7]; char Mdxfield; /* 01 if tag field in production .mdx */ } DESCRIPTOR; /****************************************************************************/ /* dbfhead: Routine to analyze a .dbf header. */ /* Parameters: */ /* PGLOBAL g -- pointer to the Plug Global structure */ /* FILE *file -- pointer to file to analyze */ /* PSZ fn -- pathname of the file to analyze */ /* DBFHEADER *buf -- pointer to _dbfheader structure */ /* Returns: */ /* RC_OK, RC_NF, RC_INFO, or RC_FX if error. */ /* Side effects: */ /* Moves file pointer to byte 32; fills buffer at buf with */ /* first 32 bytes of file. */ /****************************************************************************/ static int dbfhead(PGLOBAL g, FILE *file, PSZ fn, DBFHEADER *buf) { char endmark[2]; int dbc = 2, rc = RC_OK; *g->Message = '\0'; // Read the first 32 bytes into buffer if (fread(buf, HEADLEN, 1, file) != 1) { strcpy(g->Message, MSG(NO_READ_32)); return RC_NF; } // endif fread // Check first byte to be sure of .dbf type if ((buf->Version & 0x03) != DBFTYPE) { strcpy(g->Message, MSG(NOT_A_DBF_FILE)); rc = RC_INFO; if ((buf->Version & 0x30) == 0x30) { strcpy(g->Message, MSG(FOXPRO_FILE)); dbc = 264; // FoxPro database container } // endif Version } else strcpy(g->Message, MSG(DBASE_FILE)); // Check last byte(s) of header if (fseek(file, buf->Headlen - dbc, SEEK_SET) != 0) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_HEADER), fn); return RC_FX; } // endif fseek if (fread(&endmark, 2, 1, file) != 1) { strcpy(g->Message, MSG(BAD_HEAD_END)); return RC_FX; } // endif fread // Some files have just 1D others have 1D00 following fields if (endmark[0] != EOH && endmark[1] != EOH) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_0DH_HEAD), dbc); if (rc == RC_OK) return RC_FX; } // endif endmark // Calculate here the number of fields while we have the dbc info buf->Fields = (buf->Headlen - dbc - 1) / 32; fseek(file, HEADLEN, SEEK_SET); return rc; } // end of dbfhead /* -------------------------- Function DBFColumns ------------------------- */ /****************************************************************************/ /* DBFColumns: constructs the result blocks containing the description */ /* of all the columns of a DBF file that will be retrieved by #GetData. */ /****************************************************************************/ PQRYRES DBFColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *fn, BOOL info) { int buftyp[] = {TYPE_STRING, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_INT, TYPE_INT, TYPE_SHORT}; XFLD fldtyp[] = {FLD_NAME, FLD_TYPE, FLD_TYPENAME, FLD_PREC, FLD_LENGTH, FLD_SCALE}; unsigned int length[] = {11, 6, 8, 10, 10, 6}; char buf[2], filename[_MAX_PATH]; int ncol = sizeof(buftyp) / sizeof(int); int rc, type, len, field, fields; BOOL bad; DBFHEADER mainhead; DESCRIPTOR thisfield; FILE *infile = NULL; PQRYRES qrp; PCOLRES crp; if (trace) htrc("DBFColumns: File %s\n", SVP(fn)); if (!info) { if (!fn) { strcpy(g->Message, MSG(MISSING_FNAME)); return NULL; } // endif fn /************************************************************************/ /* Open the input file. */ /************************************************************************/ PlugSetPath(filename, fn, PlgGetDataPath(g)); if (!(infile= global_fopen(g, MSGID_CANNOT_OPEN, filename, "rb"))) return NULL; /************************************************************************/ /* Get the first 32 bytes of the header. */ /************************************************************************/ if ((rc = dbfhead(g, infile, filename, &mainhead)) == RC_FX) { fclose(infile); return NULL; } // endif dbfhead /************************************************************************/ /* Allocate the structures used to refer to the result set. */ /************************************************************************/ fields = mainhead.Fields; } else fields = 0; qrp = PlgAllocResult(g, ncol, fields, IDS_COLUMNS + 3, buftyp, fldtyp, length, true, false); if (info || !qrp) { if (infile) fclose(infile); return qrp; } // endif info if (trace) { htrc("Structure of %s\n", filename); htrc("headlen=%hd reclen=%hd degree=%d\n", mainhead.Headlen, mainhead.Reclen, fields); htrc("flags(iem)=%d,%d,%d cp=%d\n", mainhead.Incompleteflag, mainhead.Encryptflag, mainhead.Mdxflag, mainhead.Language); htrc("%hd records, last changed %02d/%02d/%d\n", mainhead.Records, mainhead.Filedate[1], mainhead.Filedate[2], mainhead.Filedate[0] + (mainhead.Filedate[0] <= 30) ? 2000 : 1900); htrc("Field Type Offset Len Dec Set Mdx\n"); } // endif trace buf[1] = '\0'; /**************************************************************************/ /* Do it field by field. We are at byte 32 of file. */ /**************************************************************************/ for (field = 0; field < fields; field++) { bad = FALSE; if (fread(&thisfield, HEADLEN, 1, infile) != 1) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(ERR_READING_REC), field+1, fn); goto err; } else len = thisfield.Length; if (trace) htrc("%-11s %c %6ld %3d %2d %3d %3d\n", thisfield.Name, thisfield.Type, thisfield.Offset, len, thisfield.Decimals, thisfield.Setfield, thisfield.Mdxfield); /************************************************************************/ /* Now get the results into blocks. */ /************************************************************************/ switch (thisfield.Type) { case 'C': // Characters case 'L': // Logical 'T' or 'F' type = TYPE_STRING; break; case 'N': type = (thisfield.Decimals) ? TYPE_DOUBLE : (len > 10) ? TYPE_BIGINT : TYPE_INT; break; case 'F': type = TYPE_DOUBLE; break; case 'D': type = TYPE_DATE; // Is this correct ??? break; default: if (!info) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_DBF_TYPE), thisfield.Type); goto err; } // endif info type = TYPE_ERROR; bad = TRUE; } // endswitch Type crp = qrp->Colresp; // Column Name crp->Kdata->SetValue(thisfield.Name, field); crp = crp->Next; // Data Type crp->Kdata->SetValue((int)type, field); crp = crp->Next; // Type Name if (bad) { buf[0] = thisfield.Type; crp->Kdata->SetValue(buf, field); } else crp->Kdata->SetValue(GetTypeName(type), field); crp = crp->Next; // Precision crp->Kdata->SetValue((int)thisfield.Length, field); crp = crp->Next; // Length crp->Kdata->SetValue((int)thisfield.Length, field); crp = crp->Next; // Scale (precision) crp->Kdata->SetValue((int)thisfield.Decimals, field); } // endfor field qrp->Nblin = field; fclose(infile); #if 0 if (info) { /************************************************************************/ /* Prepare return message for dbfinfo command. */ /************************************************************************/ char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "Ver=%02x ncol=%hu nlin=%u lrecl=%hu headlen=%hu date=%02d/%02d/%02d", mainhead.Version, fields, mainhead.Records, mainhead.Reclen, mainhead.Headlen, mainhead.Filedate[0], mainhead.Filedate[1], mainhead.Filedate[2]); strcat(g->Message, buf); } // endif info #endif // 0 /**************************************************************************/ /* Return the result pointer for use by GetData routines. */ /**************************************************************************/ return qrp; err: fclose(infile); return NULL; } // end of DBFColumns /* ---------------------------- Class DBFBASE ----------------------------- */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Constructors. */ /****************************************************************************/ DBFBASE::DBFBASE(PDOSDEF tdp) { Records = 0; Nerr = 0; Maxerr = tdp->Maxerr; Accept = tdp->Accept; ReadMode = tdp->ReadMode; } // end of DBFBASE standard constructor DBFBASE::DBFBASE(DBFBASE *txfp) { Records = txfp->Records; Nerr = txfp->Nerr; Maxerr = txfp->Maxerr; Accept = txfp->Accept; ReadMode = txfp->ReadMode; } // end of DBFBASE copy constructor /****************************************************************************/ /* ScanHeader: scan the DBF file header for number of records, record size,*/ /* and header length. Set Records, check that Reclen is equal to lrecl and */ /* return the header length or 0 in case of error. */ /****************************************************************************/ int DBFBASE::ScanHeader(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fname, int lrecl, char *defpath) { int rc; char filename[_MAX_PATH]; DBFHEADER header; FILE *infile; /************************************************************************/ /* Open the input file. */ /************************************************************************/ PlugSetPath(filename, fname, defpath); if (!(infile= global_fopen(g, MSGID_CANNOT_OPEN, filename, "rb"))) return 0; // Assume file does not exist /************************************************************************/ /* Get the first 32 bytes of the header. */ /************************************************************************/ rc = dbfhead(g, infile, filename, &header); fclose(infile); if (rc == RC_NF) { Records = 0; return 0; } else if (rc == RC_FX) return -1; if ((int)header.Reclen != lrecl) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_LRECL), lrecl, header.Reclen); return -1; } // endif Lrecl Records = (int)header.Records; return (int)header.Headlen; } // end of ScanHeader /* ---------------------------- Class DBFFAM ------------------------------ */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Cardinality: returns table cardinality in number of rows. */ /* This function can be called with a null argument to test the */ /* availability of Cardinality implementation (1 yes, 0 no). */ /****************************************************************************/ int DBFFAM::Cardinality(PGLOBAL g) { if (!g) return 1; if (!Headlen) if ((Headlen = ScanHeader(g, To_File, Lrecl, Tdbp->GetPath())) < 0) return -1; // Error in ScanHeader // Set number of blocks for later use Block = (Records > 0) ? (Records + Nrec - 1) / Nrec : 0; return Records; } // end of Cardinality #if 0 // Not compatible with ROWID block optimization /***********************************************************************/ /* GetRowID: return the RowID of last read record. */ /***********************************************************************/ int DBFFAM::GetRowID(void) { return Rows; } // end of GetRowID #endif /***********************************************************************/ /* OpenTableFile: Open a DBF table file using C standard I/Os. */ /* Binary mode cannot be used on Insert because of EOF (CTRL+Z) char. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool DBFFAM::OpenTableFile(PGLOBAL g) { char opmode[4], filename[_MAX_PATH]; //int ftype = Tdbp->GetFtype(); MODE mode = Tdbp->GetMode(); PDBUSER dbuserp = PlgGetUser(g); switch (mode) { case MODE_READ: strcpy(opmode, "rb"); break; case MODE_DELETE: if (!Tdbp->GetNext()) { // Store the number of deleted lines DelRows = -1; // Means all lines deleted // DelRows = Cardinality(g); no good because of soft deleted lines // This will erase the entire file strcpy(opmode, "w"); Tdbp->ResetSize(); Records = 0; break; } // endif // Selective delete, pass thru case MODE_UPDATE: UseTemp = Tdbp->IsUsingTemp(g); strcpy(opmode, (UseTemp) ? "rb" : "r+b"); break; case MODE_INSERT: // Must be in text mode to remove an eventual EOF character strcpy(opmode, "a+"); break; default: sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_OPEN_MODE), mode); return true; } // endswitch Mode // Now open the file stream PlugSetPath(filename, To_File, Tdbp->GetPath()); if (!(Stream = PlugOpenFile(g, filename, opmode))) { #ifdef DEBTRACE htrc("%s\n", g->Message); #endif return (mode == MODE_READ && errno == ENOENT) ? PushWarning(g, Tdbp) : true; } // endif Stream #ifdef DEBTRACE htrc("File %s is open in mode %s\n", filename, opmode); #endif To_Fb = dbuserp->Openlist; // Keep track of File block /*********************************************************************/ /* Allocate the line buffer. For mode Delete a bigger buffer has to */ /* be allocated because is it also used to move lines into the file.*/ /*********************************************************************/ return AllocateBuffer(g); } // end of OpenTableFile /****************************************************************************/ /* Allocate the block buffer for the table. */ /****************************************************************************/ bool DBFFAM::AllocateBuffer(PGLOBAL g) { char c; int rc; MODE mode = Tdbp->GetMode(); Buflen = Blksize; To_Buf = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Buflen); if (mode == MODE_INSERT) { #if defined(WIN32) /************************************************************************/ /* Now we can revert to binary mode in particular because the eventual */ /* writing of a new header must be done in binary mode to avoid */ /* translating 0A bytes (LF) into 0D0A (CRLF) by Windows in text mode. */ /************************************************************************/ if (_setmode(_fileno(Stream), _O_BINARY) == -1) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BIN_MODE_FAIL), strerror(errno)); return true; } // endif setmode #endif // WIN32 /************************************************************************/ /* If this is a new file, the header must be generated. */ /************************************************************************/ int len = GetFileLength(g); if (!len) { // Make the header for this DBF table file struct tm *datm; int hlen, n = 0; ushort reclen = 1; time_t t; DBFHEADER *header; DESCRIPTOR *descp; PCOLDEF cdp; PDOSDEF tdp = (PDOSDEF)Tdbp->GetDef(); // Count the number of columns for (cdp = tdp->GetCols(); cdp; cdp = cdp->GetNext()) { reclen += cdp->GetLong(); n++; } // endfor cdp if (Lrecl != reclen) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_LRECL), Lrecl, reclen); return true; } // endif Lrecl hlen = HEADLEN * (n + 1) + 2; header = (DBFHEADER*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, hlen); memset(header, 0, hlen); header->Version = DBFTYPE; t = time(NULL) - (time_t)DTVAL::GetShift(); datm = gmtime(&t); header->Filedate[0] = datm->tm_year - 100; header->Filedate[1] = datm->tm_mon + 1; header->Filedate[2] = datm->tm_mday; header->Headlen = (ushort)hlen; header->Reclen = (ushort)reclen; descp = (DESCRIPTOR*)header; // Currently only standard Xbase types are supported for (cdp = tdp->GetCols(); cdp; cdp = cdp->GetNext()) { descp++; switch ((c = *GetFormatType(cdp->GetType()))) { case 'S': // Short integer case 'L': // Large (big) integer case 'T': // Tiny integer c = 'N'; // Numeric case 'N': // Numeric (integer) case 'F': // Float (double) descp->Decimals = (uchar)cdp->F.Prec; case 'C': // Char case 'D': // Date break; default: // Should never happen sprintf(g->Message, "Unsupported DBF type %c for column %s", c, cdp->GetName()); return true; } // endswitch c strncpy(descp->Name, cdp->GetName(), 11); descp->Type = c; descp->Length = (uchar)cdp->GetLong(); } // endfor cdp *(char*)(++descp) = EOH; // Now write the header if (fwrite(header, 1, hlen, Stream) != (unsigned)hlen) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(FWRITE_ERROR), strerror(errno)); return true; } // endif fwrite Records = 0; Headlen = hlen; } else if (len < 0) return true; // Error in GetFileLength /************************************************************************/ /* For Insert the buffer must be prepared. */ /************************************************************************/ memset(To_Buf, ' ', Buflen); Rbuf = Nrec; // To be used by WriteDB } else if (UseTemp) { // Allocate a separate buffer so block reading can be kept Dbflen = Nrec; DelBuf = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Blksize); } // endif's if (!Headlen) { /************************************************************************/ /* Here is a good place to process the DBF file header */ /************************************************************************/ DBFHEADER header; if ((rc = dbfhead(g, Stream, Tdbp->GetFile(g), &header)) == RC_OK) { if (Lrecl != (int)header.Reclen) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_LRECL), Lrecl, header.Reclen); return true; } // endif Lrecl Records = (int)header.Records; Headlen = (int)header.Headlen; } else if (rc == RC_NF) { Records = 0; Headlen = 0; } else // RC_FX return true; // Error in dbfhead } // endif Headlen /**************************************************************************/ /* Position the file at the begining of the data. */ /**************************************************************************/ if (Tdbp->GetMode() == MODE_INSERT) rc = fseek(Stream, 0, SEEK_END); else rc = fseek(Stream, Headlen, SEEK_SET); if (rc) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_DBF_FILE), Tdbp->GetFile(g)); return true; } // endif fseek return false; } // end of AllocateBuffer /***********************************************************************/ /* Reset buffer access according to indexing and to mode. */ /* >>>>>>>>>>>>>> TO BE RE-VISITED AND CHECKED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< */ /***********************************************************************/ void DBFFAM::ResetBuffer(PGLOBAL g) { /*********************************************************************/ /* If access is random, performances can be much better when the */ /* reads are done on only one row, except for small tables that can */ /* be entirely read in one block. If the index is just used as a */ /* bitmap filter, as for Update or delete, reading will be */ /* sequential and we better keep block reading. */ /*********************************************************************/ if (Tdbp->GetKindex() && Tdbp->GetMode() == MODE_READ && ReadBlks != 1) { Nrec = 1; // Better for random access Rbuf = 0; Blksize = Lrecl; OldBlk = -2; // Has no meaning anymore Block = Tdbp->Cardinality(g); // Blocks are one line now } // endif Mode } // end of ResetBuffer /***********************************************************************/ /* ReadBuffer: Read one line for a DBF file. */ /***********************************************************************/ int DBFFAM::ReadBuffer(PGLOBAL g) { if (!Placed && !Closing && GetRowID() == Records) return RC_EF; int rc = FIXFAM::ReadBuffer(g); if (rc != RC_OK || Closing) return rc; switch (*Tdbp->GetLine()) { case '*': if (!ReadMode) rc = RC_NF; // Deleted line else Rows++; break; case ' ': if (ReadMode < 2) Rows++; // Non deleted line else rc = RC_NF; break; default: if (++Nerr >= Maxerr && !Accept) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_DBF_REC), Tdbp->GetFile(g), GetRowID()); rc = RC_FX; } else rc = (Accept) ? RC_OK : RC_NF; } // endswitch To_Buf return rc; } // end of ReadBuffer /***********************************************************************/ /* Copy the header into the temporary file. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool DBFFAM::CopyHeader(PGLOBAL g) { bool rc = true; if (Headlen) { void *hdr = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Headlen); size_t n, hlen = (size_t)Headlen; int pos = ftell(Stream); if (fseek(Stream, 0, SEEK_SET)) strcpy(g->Message, "Seek error in CopyHeader"); else if ((n = fread(hdr, 1, hlen, Stream)) != hlen) sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_READ_NUMBER), (int) n, To_File); else if ((n = fwrite(hdr, 1, hlen, T_Stream)) != hlen) sprintf(g->Message, MSG(WRITE_STRERROR), To_Fbt->Fname , strerror(errno)); else if (fseek(Stream, pos, SEEK_SET)) strcpy(g->Message, "Seek error in CopyHeader"); else rc = false; } else rc = false; return rc; } // end of CopyHeader /***********************************************************************/ /* Data Base delete line routine for DBF access methods. */ /* Deleted lines are just flagged in the first buffer character. */ /***********************************************************************/ int DBFFAM::DeleteRecords(PGLOBAL g, int irc) { if (irc == RC_OK) { // T_Stream is the temporary stream or the table file stream itself if (!T_Stream) if (UseTemp) { if (OpenTempFile(g)) return RC_FX; if (CopyHeader(g)) // For DBF tables return RC_FX; } else T_Stream = Stream; *Tdbp->GetLine() = '*'; Modif++; // Modified line in Delete mode } // endif irc return RC_OK; } // end of DeleteRecords /***********************************************************************/ /* Rewind routine for DBF access method. */ /***********************************************************************/ void DBFFAM::Rewind(void) { BLKFAM::Rewind(); Nerr = 0; } // end of Rewind /***********************************************************************/ /* Table file close routine for DBF access method. */ /***********************************************************************/ void DBFFAM::CloseTableFile(PGLOBAL g) { int rc = RC_OK, wrc = RC_OK; MODE mode = Tdbp->GetMode(); // Closing is True if last Write was in error if (mode == MODE_INSERT && CurNum && !Closing) { // Some more inserted lines remain to be written Rbuf = CurNum--; // Closing = true; wrc = WriteBuffer(g); } else if (mode == MODE_UPDATE || mode == MODE_DELETE) { if (Modif && !Closing) { // Last updated block remains to be written Closing = true; wrc = ReadBuffer(g); } // endif Modif if (UseTemp && T_Stream && wrc == RC_OK) { // Copy any remaining lines bool b; Fpos = Tdbp->Cardinality(g); if ((rc = MoveIntermediateLines(g, &b)) == RC_OK) { // Delete the old file and rename the new temp file. RenameTempFile(g); goto fin; } // endif rc } // endif UseTemp } // endif's mode if (Tdbp->GetMode() == MODE_INSERT) { int n = ftell(Stream) - Headlen; rc = PlugCloseFile(g, To_Fb); if (n >= 0 && !(n % Lrecl)) { n /= Lrecl; // New number of lines if (n > Records) { // Update the number of rows in the file header char filename[_MAX_PATH]; PlugSetPath(filename, To_File, Tdbp->GetPath()); if ((Stream= global_fopen(g, MSGID_OPEN_MODE_STRERROR, filename, "r+b"))) { fseek(Stream, 4, SEEK_SET); // Get header.Records position fwrite(&n, sizeof(int), 1, Stream); fclose(Stream); Stream= NULL; Records= n; // Update Records value } } // endif n } // endif n } else // Finally close the file rc = PlugCloseFile(g, To_Fb); fin: #ifdef DEBTRACE htrc("DBF CloseTableFile: closing %s mode=%d wrc=%d rc=%d\n", To_File, mode, wrc, rc); #endif Stream = NULL; // So we can know whether table is open } // end of CloseTableFile /* ---------------------------- Class DBMFAM ------------------------------ */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Cardinality: returns table cardinality in number of rows. */ /* This function can be called with a null argument to test the */ /* availability of Cardinality implementation (1 yes, 0 no). */ /****************************************************************************/ int DBMFAM::Cardinality(PGLOBAL g) { if (!g) return 1; if (!Headlen) if ((Headlen = ScanHeader(g, To_File, Lrecl, Tdbp->GetPath())) < 0) return -1; // Error in ScanHeader // Set number of blocks for later use Block = (Records > 0) ? (Records + Nrec - 1) / Nrec : 0; return Records; } // end of Cardinality #if 0 // Not compatible with ROWID block optimization /***********************************************************************/ /* GetRowID: return the RowID of last read record. */ /***********************************************************************/ int DBMFAM::GetRowID(void) { return Rows; } // end of GetRowID #endif /***********************************************************************/ /* Just check that on all deletion the unknown deleted line number is */ /* sent back because Cardinality doesn't count soft deleted lines. */ /***********************************************************************/ int DBMFAM::GetDelRows(void) { if (Tdbp->GetMode() == MODE_DELETE && !Tdbp->GetNext()) return -1; // Means all lines deleted else return DelRows; } // end of GetDelRows /****************************************************************************/ /* Allocate the block buffer for the table. */ /****************************************************************************/ bool DBMFAM::AllocateBuffer(PGLOBAL g) { if (!Headlen) { /************************************************************************/ /* Here is a good place to process the DBF file header */ /************************************************************************/ DBFHEADER *hp = (DBFHEADER*)Memory; if (Lrecl != (int)hp->Reclen) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_LRECL), Lrecl, hp->Reclen); return true; } // endif Lrecl Records = (int)hp->Records; Headlen = (int)hp->Headlen; } // endif Headlen /**************************************************************************/ /* Position the file at the begining of the data. */ /**************************************************************************/ Fpos = Mempos = Memory + Headlen; Top--; // Because of EOF marker return false; } // end of AllocateBuffer /****************************************************************************/ /* ReadBuffer: Read one line for a FIX file. */ /****************************************************************************/ int DBMFAM::ReadBuffer(PGLOBAL g) { // if (!Placed && GetRowID() == Records) // return RC_EF; int rc = MPXFAM::ReadBuffer(g); if (rc != RC_OK) return rc; switch (*Fpos) { case '*': if (!ReadMode) rc = RC_NF; // Deleted line else Rows++; break; case ' ': if (ReadMode < 2) Rows++; // Non deleted line else rc = RC_NF; break; default: if (++Nerr >= Maxerr && !Accept) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_DBF_REC), Tdbp->GetFile(g), GetRowID()); rc = RC_FX; } else rc = (Accept) ? RC_OK : RC_NF; } // endswitch To_Buf return rc; } // end of ReadBuffer /****************************************************************************/ /* Data Base delete line routine for DBF access methods. */ /* Deleted lines are just flagged in the first buffer character. */ /****************************************************************************/ int DBMFAM::DeleteRecords(PGLOBAL g, int irc) { if (irc == RC_OK) *Fpos = '*'; return RC_OK; } // end of DeleteRecords /***********************************************************************/ /* Rewind routine for DBF access method. */ /***********************************************************************/ void DBMFAM::Rewind(void) { MBKFAM::Rewind(); Nerr = 0; } // end of Rewind /* --------------------------------- EOF ---------------------------------- */