/* Copyright (c) 2021 Eric Herman and MariaDB Foundation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ #include <my_global.h> #include <json_lib.h> #ifndef PSI_JSON #define PSI_JSON PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED #endif #ifndef JSON_MALLOC_FLAGS #define JSON_MALLOC_FLAGS MYF(MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC|MY_WME) #endif /* From the EXPIRED DRAFT JSON Canonical Form https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-staykov-hu-json-canonical-form-00 2. JSON canonical form The canonical form is defined by the following rules: * The document MUST be encoded in UTF-8 [UTF-8] * Non-significant(1) whitespace characters MUST NOT be used * Non-significant(1) line endings MUST NOT be used * Entries (set of name/value pairs) in JSON objects MUST be sorted lexicographically(2) by their names * Arrays MUST preserve their initial ordering (1)As defined in JSON data-interchange format [JSON], JSON objects consists of multiple "name"/"value" pairs and JSON arrays consists of multiple "value" fields. Non-significant means not part of "name" or "value". (2)Lexicographic comparison, which orders strings from least to greatest alphabetically based on the UCS (Unicode Character Set) codepoint values. */ struct json_norm_array { DYNAMIC_ARRAY values; }; struct json_norm_object { DYNAMIC_ARRAY kv_pairs; }; struct json_norm_value { enum json_value_types type; union { DYNAMIC_STRING number; LEX_STRING string; struct json_norm_array array; struct json_norm_object object; } value; }; struct json_norm_kv { LEX_STRING key; struct json_norm_value value; }; static void * json_norm_malloc(size_t size) { return my_malloc(PSI_JSON, size, JSON_MALLOC_FLAGS); } int json_norm_string_init(LEX_STRING *string, const char *str, size_t len) { string->length= len + 1; string->str= json_norm_malloc(string->length); if (!string->str) { string->length= 0; return 1; } strncpy(string->str, str, len); string->str[len]= 0; return 0; } void json_norm_string_free(LEX_STRING *string) { my_free(string->str); string->str= NULL; string->length= 0; } void json_norm_number_free(DYNAMIC_STRING *number) { dynstr_free(number); number->length= 0; } int json_normalize_number(DYNAMIC_STRING *out, const char *str, size_t str_len) { int err= 0; long int magnitude= 0; int negative= 0; size_t i= 0; size_t j= 0; size_t k= 0; char *buf= NULL; size_t buf_size = str_len + 1; buf= json_norm_malloc(buf_size); if (!buf) return 1; memset(buf, 0x00, buf_size); if (str[0] == '-') { negative= 1; ++i; } /* grab digits preceding the decimal */ for (; i < str_len && str[i] != '.' && str[i] != 'e' && str[i] != 'E'; ++i) buf[j++] = str[i]; magnitude = (long)(j - 1); if (i < str_len) { /* skip the . */ if (str[i] == '.') ++i; /* grab rest of digits before the E */ for (; i < str_len && str[i] != 'e' && str[i] != 'E'; ++i) buf[j++] = str[i]; } /* trim trailing zeros */ for (k = j - 1; k && buf[k] == '0'; --k, --j) buf[k] = '\0'; /* trim the leading zeros */ for (k = 0; buf[k] && buf[k] == '0'; ++k); if (k) { memmove(buf, buf + k, j - k); j = j - k; buf[j] = '\0'; magnitude -= (long)k; } if (!j) { err= dynstr_append_mem(out, STRING_WITH_LEN("0.0E0")); my_free(buf); return err; } if (negative) err|= dynstr_append_mem(out, STRING_WITH_LEN("-")); err|= dynstr_append_mem(out, buf, 1); err|= dynstr_append_mem(out, STRING_WITH_LEN(".")); if (j == 1) err|= dynstr_append_mem(out, STRING_WITH_LEN("0")); else err|= dynstr_append(out, buf + 1); err|= dynstr_append_mem(out, STRING_WITH_LEN("E")); if (i < str_len && (str[i] == 'e' || str[i] == 'E')) { char *endptr = NULL; /* skip the [eE] */ ++i; /* combine the exponent with current magnitude */ magnitude += strtol(str + i, &endptr, 10); } snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%ld", magnitude); err|= dynstr_append(out, buf); my_free(buf); return err ? 1 : 0; } static int json_norm_object_append_key_value(struct json_norm_object *obj, DYNAMIC_STRING *key, struct json_norm_value *val) { struct json_norm_kv pair; int err= json_norm_string_init(&pair.key, key->str, key->length); if (err) return 1; pair.value= *val; err|= insert_dynamic(&obj->kv_pairs, &pair); if (err) { json_norm_string_free(&pair.key); return 1; } return 0; } static struct json_norm_kv* json_norm_object_get_last_element(struct json_norm_object *obj) { struct json_norm_kv *kv; DBUG_ASSERT(obj->kv_pairs.elements > 0); kv= dynamic_element(&obj->kv_pairs, obj->kv_pairs.elements - 1, struct json_norm_kv*); return kv; } static struct json_norm_value* json_norm_array_get_last_element(struct json_norm_array *arr) { struct json_norm_value *val; DBUG_ASSERT(arr->values.elements > 0); val= dynamic_element(&arr->values, arr->values.elements - 1, struct json_norm_value*); return val; } static int json_norm_array_append_value(struct json_norm_array *arr, struct json_norm_value *val) { return insert_dynamic(&arr->values, val); } int json_norm_init_dynamic_array(size_t element_size, void *where) { const size_t init_alloc= 20; const size_t alloc_increment= 20; return my_init_dynamic_array(PSI_JSON, where, element_size, init_alloc, alloc_increment, JSON_MALLOC_FLAGS); } int json_norm_value_object_init(struct json_norm_value *val) { const size_t element_size= sizeof(struct json_norm_kv); struct json_norm_object *obj= &val->value.object; val->type= JSON_VALUE_OBJECT; return json_norm_init_dynamic_array(element_size, &obj->kv_pairs); } int json_norm_value_array_init(struct json_norm_value *val) { const size_t element_size= sizeof(struct json_norm_value); struct json_norm_array *array= &val->value.array; val->type= JSON_VALUE_ARRAY; return json_norm_init_dynamic_array(element_size, &array->values); } static int json_norm_value_string_init(struct json_norm_value *val, const char *str, size_t len) { val->type= JSON_VALUE_STRING; return json_norm_string_init(&val->value.string, str, len); } static int json_norm_kv_comp(const void *a_, const void *b_) { const struct json_norm_kv *a= a_, *b= b_; return my_strnncoll(&my_charset_utf8mb4_bin, (const uchar *)a->key.str, a->key.length, (const uchar *)b->key.str, b->key.length); } static void json_normalize_sort(struct json_norm_value *val) { switch (val->type) { case JSON_VALUE_OBJECT: { size_t i; DYNAMIC_ARRAY *pairs= &val->value.object.kv_pairs; for (i= 0; i < pairs->elements; ++i) { struct json_norm_kv *kv= dynamic_element(pairs, i, struct json_norm_kv*); json_normalize_sort(&kv->value); } my_qsort(dynamic_element(pairs, 0, struct json_norm_kv*), pairs->elements, sizeof(struct json_norm_kv), json_norm_kv_comp); break; } case JSON_VALUE_ARRAY: { /* Arrays in JSON must keep the order. Just recursively sort values. */ size_t i; DYNAMIC_ARRAY *values= &val->value.array.values; for (i= 0; i < values->elements; ++i) { struct json_norm_value *value; value= dynamic_element(values, i, struct json_norm_value*); json_normalize_sort(value); } break; } case JSON_VALUE_UNINITIALIZED: DBUG_ASSERT(0); break; default: /* Nothing to do for other types. */ break; } } static void json_norm_value_free(struct json_norm_value *val) { size_t i; switch (val->type) { case JSON_VALUE_OBJECT: { struct json_norm_object *obj= &val->value.object; DYNAMIC_ARRAY *pairs_arr= &obj->kv_pairs; for (i= 0; i < pairs_arr->elements; ++i) { struct json_norm_kv *kv; kv= dynamic_element(pairs_arr, i, struct json_norm_kv *); json_norm_string_free(&kv->key); json_norm_value_free(&kv->value); } delete_dynamic(pairs_arr); break; } case JSON_VALUE_ARRAY: { struct json_norm_array *arr= &val->value.array; DYNAMIC_ARRAY *values_arr= &arr->values; for (i= 0; i < arr->values.elements; ++i) { struct json_norm_value *jt_value; jt_value= dynamic_element(values_arr, i, struct json_norm_value *); json_norm_value_free(jt_value); } delete_dynamic(values_arr); break; } case JSON_VALUE_STRING: { json_norm_string_free(&val->value.string); break; } case JSON_VALUE_NUMBER: json_norm_number_free(&val->value.number); break; case JSON_VALUE_NULL: case JSON_VALUE_TRUE: case JSON_VALUE_FALSE: case JSON_VALUE_UNINITIALIZED: break; } val->type= JSON_VALUE_UNINITIALIZED; } static int json_norm_to_string(DYNAMIC_STRING *buf, struct json_norm_value *val) { switch (val->type) { case JSON_VALUE_OBJECT: { size_t i; struct json_norm_object *obj= &val->value.object; DYNAMIC_ARRAY *pairs_arr= &obj->kv_pairs; if (dynstr_append_mem(buf, STRING_WITH_LEN("{"))) return 1; for (i= 0; i < pairs_arr->elements; ++i) { struct json_norm_kv *kv; kv= dynamic_element(pairs_arr, i, struct json_norm_kv *); if (dynstr_append_mem(buf, STRING_WITH_LEN("\"")) || dynstr_append(buf, kv->key.str) || dynstr_append_mem(buf, STRING_WITH_LEN("\":")) || json_norm_to_string(buf, &kv->value)) return 1; if (i != (pairs_arr->elements - 1)) if (dynstr_append_mem(buf, STRING_WITH_LEN(","))) return 1; } if (dynstr_append_mem(buf, STRING_WITH_LEN("}"))) return 1; break; } case JSON_VALUE_ARRAY: { size_t i; struct json_norm_array *arr= &val->value.array; DYNAMIC_ARRAY *values_arr= &arr->values; if (dynstr_append_mem(buf, STRING_WITH_LEN("["))) return 1; for (i= 0; i < values_arr->elements; ++i) { struct json_norm_value *jt_value; jt_value= dynamic_element(values_arr, i, struct json_norm_value *); if (json_norm_to_string(buf, jt_value)) return 1; if (i != (values_arr->elements - 1)) if (dynstr_append_mem(buf, STRING_WITH_LEN(","))) return 1; } if (dynstr_append_mem(buf, STRING_WITH_LEN("]"))) return 1; break; } case JSON_VALUE_STRING: { if (dynstr_append(buf, val->value.string.str)) return 1; break; } case JSON_VALUE_NULL: { if (dynstr_append_mem(buf, STRING_WITH_LEN("null"))) return 1; break; } case JSON_VALUE_TRUE: { if (dynstr_append_mem(buf, STRING_WITH_LEN("true"))) return 1; break; } case JSON_VALUE_FALSE: { if (dynstr_append_mem(buf, STRING_WITH_LEN("false"))) return 1; break; } case JSON_VALUE_NUMBER: { if (dynstr_append(buf, val->value.number.str)) return 1; break; } case JSON_VALUE_UNINITIALIZED: { DBUG_ASSERT(0); break; } } return 0; } static int json_norm_value_number_init(struct json_norm_value *val, const char *number, size_t num_len) { int err; val->type= JSON_VALUE_NUMBER; err= init_dynamic_string(&val->value.number, NULL, 0, 0); if (err) return 1; err= json_normalize_number(&val->value.number, number, num_len); if (err) dynstr_free(&val->value.number); return err; } static void json_norm_value_null_init(struct json_norm_value *val) { val->type= JSON_VALUE_NULL; } static void json_norm_value_false_init(struct json_norm_value *val) { val->type= JSON_VALUE_FALSE; } static void json_norm_value_true_init(struct json_norm_value *val) { val->type= JSON_VALUE_TRUE; } static int json_norm_value_init(struct json_norm_value *val, json_engine_t *je) { int err= 0; switch (je->value_type) { case JSON_VALUE_STRING: { const char *je_value_begin= (const char *)je->value_begin; size_t je_value_len= (je->value_end - je->value_begin); err= json_norm_value_string_init(val, je_value_begin, je_value_len); break; } case JSON_VALUE_NULL: { json_norm_value_null_init(val); break; } case JSON_VALUE_TRUE: { json_norm_value_true_init(val); break; } case JSON_VALUE_FALSE: { json_norm_value_false_init(val); break; } case JSON_VALUE_ARRAY: { err= json_norm_value_array_init(val); break; } case JSON_VALUE_OBJECT: { err= json_norm_value_object_init(val); break; } case JSON_VALUE_NUMBER: { const char *je_number_begin= (const char *)je->value_begin; size_t je_number_len= (je->value_end - je->value_begin); err= json_norm_value_number_init(val, je_number_begin, je_number_len); break; } default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); return 1; } return err; } static int json_norm_append_to_array(struct json_norm_value *val, json_engine_t *je) { int err= 0; struct json_norm_value tmp; DBUG_ASSERT(val->type == JSON_VALUE_ARRAY); DBUG_ASSERT(je->value_type != JSON_VALUE_UNINITIALIZED); err= json_norm_value_init(&tmp, je); if (err) return 1; err= json_norm_array_append_value(&val->value.array, &tmp); if (err) json_norm_value_free(&tmp); return err; } static int json_norm_append_to_object(struct json_norm_value *val, DYNAMIC_STRING *key, json_engine_t *je) { int err= 0; struct json_norm_value tmp; DBUG_ASSERT(val->type == JSON_VALUE_OBJECT); DBUG_ASSERT(je->value_type != JSON_VALUE_UNINITIALIZED); err= json_norm_value_init(&tmp, je); if (err) return 1; err= json_norm_object_append_key_value(&val->value.object, key, &tmp); if (err) json_norm_value_free(&tmp); return err; } static int json_norm_parse(struct json_norm_value *root, json_engine_t *je) { size_t current; struct json_norm_value *stack[JSON_DEPTH_LIMIT]; int err= 0; DYNAMIC_STRING key; err= init_dynamic_string(&key, NULL, 0, 0); if (err) goto json_norm_parse_end; memset(stack, 0x00, sizeof(stack)); current= 0; stack[current]= root; do { switch (je->state) { case JST_KEY: { const uchar *key_start= je->s.c_str; const uchar *key_end; DBUG_ASSERT(stack[current]->type == JSON_VALUE_OBJECT); do { key_end= je->s.c_str; } while (json_read_keyname_chr(je) == 0); /* we have the key name */ /* reset the dynstr: */ dynstr_trunc(&key, key.length); dynstr_append_mem(&key, (char *)key_start, (key_end - key_start)); /* After reading the key, we have a follow-up value. */ err= json_read_value(je); if (err) goto json_norm_parse_end; err= json_norm_append_to_object(stack[current], &key, je); if (err) goto json_norm_parse_end; if (je->value_type == JSON_VALUE_ARRAY || je->value_type == JSON_VALUE_OBJECT) { struct json_norm_kv *kv; err= ((current + 1) == JSON_DEPTH_LIMIT); if (err) goto json_norm_parse_end; kv= json_norm_object_get_last_element(&stack[current]->value.object); stack[++current]= &kv->value; } break; } case JST_VALUE: { struct json_norm_array *current_arr= &stack[current]->value.array; err= json_read_value(je); if (err) goto json_norm_parse_end; DBUG_ASSERT(stack[current]->type == JSON_VALUE_ARRAY); err= json_norm_append_to_array(stack[current], je); if (err) goto json_norm_parse_end; if (je->value_type == JSON_VALUE_ARRAY || je->value_type == JSON_VALUE_OBJECT) { err= ((current + 1) == JSON_DEPTH_LIMIT); if (err) goto json_norm_parse_end; stack[++current]= json_norm_array_get_last_element(current_arr); } break; } case JST_OBJ_START: /* parser found an object (the '{' in JSON) */ break; case JST_OBJ_END: /* parser found the end of the object (the '}' in JSON) */ /* pop stack */ --current; break; case JST_ARRAY_START: /* parser found an array (the '[' in JSON) */ break; case JST_ARRAY_END: /* parser found the end of the array (the ']' in JSON) */ /* pop stack */ --current; break; }; } while (json_scan_next(je) == 0); json_norm_parse_end: dynstr_free(&key); return err; } static int json_norm_build(struct json_norm_value *root, const char *s, size_t size, CHARSET_INFO *cs) { int err= 0; json_engine_t je; DBUG_ASSERT(s); memset(&je, 0x00, sizeof(je)); memset(root, 0x00, sizeof(struct json_norm_value)); root->type= JSON_VALUE_UNINITIALIZED; err= json_scan_start(&je, cs, (const uchar *)s, (const uchar *)(s + size)); if (json_read_value(&je)) return err; err= json_norm_value_init(root, &je); if (root->type == JSON_VALUE_OBJECT || root->type == JSON_VALUE_ARRAY) { err= json_norm_parse(root, &je); if (err) return err; } return err; } int json_normalize(DYNAMIC_STRING *result, const char *s, size_t size, CHARSET_INFO *cs) { int err= 0; uint convert_err= 0; struct json_norm_value root; char *s_utf8= NULL; size_t in_size; const char *in; DBUG_ASSERT(result); memset(&root, 0x00, sizeof(root)); root.type = JSON_VALUE_UNINITIALIZED; /* Convert the incoming string to utf8mb4_bin before doing any other work. According to JSON RFC 8259, between systems JSON must be UTF-8 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8259#section-8.1 */ if (cs == &my_charset_utf8mb4_bin) { in= s; in_size= size; } else { in_size= (size * my_charset_utf8mb4_bin.mbmaxlen) + 1; s_utf8= json_norm_malloc(in_size); if (!s_utf8) return 1; memset(s_utf8, 0x00, in_size); my_convert(s_utf8, (uint32)in_size, &my_charset_utf8mb4_bin, s, (uint32)size, cs, &convert_err); if (convert_err) { my_free(s_utf8); return 1; } in= s_utf8; in_size= strlen(s_utf8); } if (!json_valid(in, in_size, &my_charset_utf8mb4_bin)) { err= 1; goto json_normalize_end; } err= json_norm_build(&root, in, in_size, &my_charset_utf8mb4_bin); if (err) goto json_normalize_end; json_normalize_sort(&root); err= json_norm_to_string(result, &root); json_normalize_end: json_norm_value_free(&root); if (err) dynstr_free(result); if (s_utf8) my_free(s_utf8); return err; }