--source include/have_plugin_auth.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/mysql_upgrade_preparation.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/no_valgrind_without_big.inc #enable view protocol after fix MDEV-29542 --source include/no_view_protocol.inc SET GLOBAL SQL_MODE=""; SET LOCAL SQL_MODE=""; query_vertical SELECT PLUGIN_STATUS, PLUGIN_TYPE, PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS WHERE PLUGIN_NAME='test_plugin_server'; CREATE USER plug IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'plug_dest'; CREATE USER plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; SELECT plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE User='plug'; --echo ## test plugin auth --replace_result $MASTER_MYPORT MYSQL_PORT $MASTER_MYSOCK MYSQL_SOCK --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR : this should fail : no grant connect(plug_con,localhost,plug,plug_dest,"*NO-ONE*"); GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug; --echo test proxies_priv columns --replace_column 1 xx 7 xx SELECT * FROM mysql.proxies_priv WHERE user !='root'; --echo test mysql.proxies_priv; SHOW CREATE TABLE mysql.proxies_priv; connect(plug_con,localhost,plug,plug_dest,"*NO-ONE*"); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); --echo ## test SET PASSWORD # here we set for native password plugin SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('plug_dest'); connection default; disconnect plug_con; --echo ## test bad credentials --replace_result $MASTER_MYPORT MYSQL_PORT $MASTER_MYSOCK MYSQL_SOCK --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR connect(plug_con,localhost,plug,bad_credentials); --echo ## test bad default plugin : nothing bad happens, as that plugin was't required by the server connect(plug_con_wrongp,localhost,plug,plug_dest,"*NO-ONE*",,,,wrong_plugin_name); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; disconnect plug_con_wrongp; --echo ## test correct default plugin connect(plug_con_rightp,localhost,plug,plug_dest,"*NO-ONE*",,,,auth_test_plugin); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; disconnect plug_con_rightp; --echo ## test no_auto_create_user sql mode with plugin users SET @@sql_mode=no_auto_create_user; GRANT INSERT ON TEST.* TO grant_user IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server'; SET @@sql_mode=""; DROP USER grant_user; --echo ## test utf-8 user name CREATE USER `Ÿ` IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'plug_dest'; GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO `Ÿ`; connect(non_ascii,localhost,Ÿ,plug_dest,"*NO-ONE*"); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; disconnect non_ascii; DROP USER `Ÿ`; --echo ## test GRANT ... IDENTIFIED WITH/BY ... CREATE DATABASE test_grant_db; --echo # create new user via GRANT WITH GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_grant_db.* TO new_grant_user IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'plug_dest'; GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO new_grant_user; GRANT CREATE, DROP ON test_grant_db.* TO 'plug_dest'@'%'; connect(plug_con_grant,localhost,new_grant_user,plug_dest,"*NO-ONE*"); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); USE test_grant_db; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); DROP TABLE t1; connection default; disconnect plug_con_grant; REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_grant_db.* FROM new_grant_user; --echo # try re-create existing user via GRANT IDENTIFIED BY GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_grant_db.* TO new_grant_user IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password'; --replace_result $MASTER_MYPORT MYSQL_PORT $MASTER_MYSOCK MYSQL_SOCK --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR connect(plug_con_grant_deny,localhost,new_grant_user,plug_dest); connect(plug_con_grant,localhost,new_grant_user,new_password,test_grant_db); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); DROP TABLE t1; connection default; disconnect plug_con_grant; DROP USER new_grant_user; --echo # try re-create existing user via GRANT IDENTIFIED WITH GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_grant_db.* TO plug IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'plug_dest'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_grant_db.* TO plug_dest IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'plug_dest'; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR REVOKE SELECT on test_grant_db.* FROM joro INDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'plug_dest'; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR REVOKE SELECT on test_grant_db.* FROM joro INDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR REVOKE SELECT on test_grant_db.* FROM joro INDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'plug_dest_passwd'; DROP DATABASE test_grant_db; --echo ## GRANT PROXY tests CREATE USER grant_plug IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'grant_plug_dest'; CREATE USER grant_plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'grant_plug_dest_passwd'; CREATE USER grant_plug_dest2 IDENTIFIED BY 'grant_plug_dest_passwd2'; --echo # ALL PRIVILEGES doesn't include PROXY GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO grant_plug; --disable_query_log --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR : this should fail : no grant connect(grant_plug_con,localhost,grant_plug,grant_plug_dest); --enable_query_log --error ER_PARSE_ERROR : this should fail : can't combine PROXY GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES,PROXY ON grant_plug_dest TO grant_plug; --echo this should fail : can't combine PROXY --error ER_PARSE_ERROR GRANT ALL SELECT,PROXY ON grant_plug_dest TO grant_plug; --echo # this should fail : no such grant --error ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT REVOKE PROXY ON grant_plug_dest FROM grant_plug; connect(grant_plug_dest_con,localhost,grant_plug_dest,grant_plug_dest_passwd,"*NO-ONE*"); --echo ## testing what an ordinary user can grant --echo this should fail : no rights to grant all --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR GRANT PROXY ON ''@'%%' TO grant_plug; --echo this should fail : not the same user --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR GRANT PROXY ON grant_plug TO grant_plug_dest; # Security context in THD contains two pairs of (user,host) # 1. (user,host) pair referring to inbound connection # 2. (priv_user,priv_host) pair obtained from mysql.user table after doing # authnetication of incoming connection. # Granting/revoking proxy privileges, privileges should be checked wrt # (priv_user, priv_host) tuple that is obtained from mysql.user table # Following is a valid grant because effective user of connection is # grant_plug_dest@% and statement is trying to grant proxy on the same # user. --echo This is a valid grant GRANT PROXY ON grant_plug_dest TO grant_plug; REVOKE PROXY ON grant_plug_dest FROM grant_plug; --echo this should work : same user GRANT PROXY ON grant_plug_dest TO grant_plug_dest2; REVOKE PROXY ON grant_plug_dest FROM grant_plug_dest2; # grant_plug_dest@localhost is not the same as grant_plug_dest@% # so following grant/revoke should fail --echo this should fail : not the same user --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR GRANT PROXY ON grant_plug_dest@localhost TO grant_plug WITH GRANT OPTION; --echo this should fail : not the same user --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR REVOKE PROXY ON grant_plug_dest@localhost FROM grant_plug; --echo this should fail : can't create users --error ER_CANT_CREATE_USER_WITH_GRANT GRANT PROXY ON grant_plug_dest TO grant_plug@localhost; connection default; disconnect grant_plug_dest_con; --echo # test what root can grant --echo should work : root has PROXY to all users GRANT PROXY ON ''@'%%' TO grant_plug; REVOKE PROXY ON ''@'%%' FROM grant_plug; --echo should work : root has PROXY to all users GRANT PROXY ON ''@'%%' TO proxy_admin IDENTIFIED BY 'test' WITH GRANT OPTION; --echo need USAGE : PROXY doesn't contain it. GRANT USAGE on *.* TO proxy_admin; connect (proxy_admin_con,localhost,proxy_admin,test); --echo should work : proxy_admin has proxy to ''@'%%' GRANT PROXY ON future_user TO grant_plug; connection default; disconnect proxy_admin_con; SHOW GRANTS FOR grant_plug; REVOKE PROXY ON future_user FROM grant_plug; SHOW GRANTS FOR grant_plug; --echo ## testing drop user CREATE USER test_drop@localhost; GRANT PROXY ON future_user TO test_drop@localhost; SHOW GRANTS FOR test_drop@localhost; DROP USER test_drop@localhost; SELECT * FROM mysql.proxies_priv WHERE Host = 'test_drop' AND User = 'localhost'; DROP USER proxy_admin; DROP USER grant_plug,grant_plug_dest,grant_plug_dest2; --echo ## END GRANT PROXY tests --echo ## cleanup DROP USER plug; DROP USER plug_dest; --echo ## @@proxy_user tests CREATE USER plug IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'plug_dest'; CREATE USER plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug; SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(),@@LOCAL.proxy_user; --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR SELECT @@GLOBAL.proxy_user; SELECT @@LOCAL.proxy_user; --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR SET GLOBAL proxy_user = 'test'; --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR SET LOCAL proxy_user = 'test'; SELECT @@LOCAL.proxy_user; connect(plug_con,localhost,plug,plug_dest,"*NO-ONE*"); SELECT @@LOCAL.proxy_user; connection default; disconnect plug_con; --echo ## cleanup DROP USER plug; DROP USER plug_dest; --echo ## END @@proxy_user tests --echo ## @@external_user tests CREATE USER plug IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'plug_dest'; CREATE USER plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug; SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(),@@LOCAL.external_user; --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR SELECT @@GLOBAL.external_user; SELECT @@LOCAL.external_user; --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR SET GLOBAL external_user = 'test'; --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR SET LOCAL external_user = 'test'; SELECT @@LOCAL.external_user; connect(plug_con,localhost,plug,plug_dest,"*NO-ONE*"); SELECT @@LOCAL.external_user; connection default; disconnect plug_con; --echo ## cleanup DROP USER plug; DROP USER plug_dest; --echo ## END @@external_user tests --echo # --echo # Bug #56798 : Wrong credentials assigned when using a proxy user. --echo # GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO power_user; GRANT USAGE ON anonymous_db.* TO ''@'%%' IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'power_user'; GRANT PROXY ON power_user TO ''@'%%'; CREATE DATABASE confidential_db; connect(plug_con,localhost, test_login_user, power_user, confidential_db); SELECT user(),current_user(),@@proxy_user; connection default; disconnect plug_con; DROP USER power_user; DROP USER ''@'%%'; DROP DATABASE confidential_db; --echo # Test case #2 (crash with double grant proxy) CREATE USER ''@'%%' IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'standard_user'; CREATE USER standard_user; CREATE DATABASE shared; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON shared.* TO standard_user; GRANT PROXY ON standard_user TO ''@'%%'; --echo #should not crash GRANT PROXY ON standard_user TO ''@'%%'; DROP USER ''@'%%'; DROP USER standard_user; DROP DATABASE shared; --echo # --echo # Bug #57551 : Live upgrade fails between 5.1.52 -> 5.5.7-rc --echo # CALL mtr.add_suppression("Missing system table mysql.proxies_priv."); DROP TABLE mysql.proxies_priv; --echo # Must come back with mysql.proxies_priv absent. --source include/restart_mysqld.inc --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT * FROM mysql.proxies_priv; CREATE USER u1@localhost; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO u1@localhost; REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM u1@localhost; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO u1@localhost; CREATE USER u2@localhost; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO u2@localhost; --echo # access denied because of no privileges to root --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR GRANT PROXY ON u2@localhost TO u1@localhost; --echo # access denied because of no privileges to root --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR REVOKE PROXY ON u2@localhost FROM u1@localhost; --echo # go try graning proxy on itself, so that it will need the table connect(proxy_granter_con,localhost,u2,); --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE GRANT PROXY ON u2@localhost TO u1@localhost; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE REVOKE PROXY ON u2@localhost FROM u1@localhost; connection default; disconnect proxy_granter_con; --echo # test if REVOKE works without the proxies_priv table REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM u1@localhost, u2@localhost; --echo # test if DROP USER work without the proxies_priv table DROP USER u1@localhost,u2@localhost; --echo # test if FLUSH PRIVILEGES works without the proxies_priv table FLUSH PRIVILEGES; --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --skip-verbose --force 2>&1 --query_vertical SELECT Host,User,Proxied_host,Proxied_user,With_grant FROM mysql.proxies_priv FLUSH PRIVILEGES; --echo # --echo # Bug#58139 : default-auth option not recognized in MySQL standard --echo # command line clients --echo # --echo # Executing 'mysql' --exec $MYSQL -u root -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -P $MASTER_MYPORT --default-auth=auth_test_plugin -e "SELECT 1" --echo # Executing 'mysqladmin' --exec $MYSQLADMIN -u root -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -P $MASTER_MYPORT --default-auth=auth_test_plugin ping --echo # Executing 'mysqldump' --exec $MYSQL_DUMP -u root -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -P $MASTER_MYPORT --compact --default-auth=auth_test_plugin test --echo # Executing 'mysql_upgrade' --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE -u root -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -P $MASTER_MYPORT --default-auth=auth_test_plugin --skip-verbose --force --upgrade-system-tables --echo # --echo # Bug #59657: Move the client authentication_pam plugin into the --echo # server repository --echo # CREATE USER uplain@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH 'cleartext_plugin_server' AS 'cleartext_test'; --echo ## test plugin auth --disable_query_log --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR : this should fail : no grant connect(cleartext_fail_con,localhost,uplain,cleartext_test2); --enable_query_log connect(cleartext_con,localhost,uplain,cleartext_test,"*NO-ONE*"); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; disconnect cleartext_con; DROP USER uplain@localhost; # prepare for two tests that use mysql.user table source include/switch_to_mysql_user.inc; drop view mysql.user_bak; --echo # --echo # Bug #59038 : mysql.user.authentication_string column --echo # causes configuration wizard to fail INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.user( Host, User, Password, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv, File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv, Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv, Execute_priv, Repl_slave_priv, Repl_client_priv, /*!50001 Create_view_priv, Show_view_priv, Create_routine_priv, Alter_routine_priv, Create_user_priv, */ ssl_type, ssl_cipher, x509_issuer, x509_subject, max_questions, max_updates, max_connections) VALUES ( 'localhost', 'inserttest', '', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', /*!50001 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', */'', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0'); FLUSH PRIVILEGES; DROP USER inserttest@localhost; SELECT IS_NULLABLE, COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMN_NAME IN ('authentication_string', 'plugin') AND TABLE_NAME='user' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='mysql' ORDER BY COLUMN_NAME; --echo # --echo # Bug #11936829: diff. between mysql.user (authentication_string) --echo # in fresh and upgraded 5.5.11 --echo # SELECT IS_NULLABLE, COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA= 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME= 'user' AND COLUMN_NAME IN ('plugin', 'authentication_string') ORDER BY COLUMN_NAME; ALTER TABLE mysql.user MODIFY plugin char(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE mysql.user MODIFY authentication_string TEXT NOT NULL; --echo Run mysql_upgrade on a 5.5.10 external authentication column layout --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --skip-verbose --force 2>&1 SELECT IS_NULLABLE, COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA= 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME= 'user' AND COLUMN_NAME IN ('plugin', 'authentication_string') ORDER BY COLUMN_NAME; let $datadir= `select @@datadir`; remove_file $datadir/mysql_upgrade_info; drop table mysql.global_priv; rename table mysql.global_priv_bak to mysql.global_priv; --echo # --echo # Bug # 11766641: 59792: BIN/MYSQL -UUNKNOWN -PUNKNOWN --echo # .-> USING PASSWORD: NO --echo # --echo # shoud contain "using password=yes" --error 1 --exec $MYSQL -uunknown -punknown 2>&1 --echo # shoud contain "using password=no" --error 1 --exec $MYSQL -uunknown 2>&1 --echo # --echo # Bug #12610784: SET PASSWORD INCORRECTLY KEEP AN OLD EMPTY PASSWORD --echo # CREATE USER bug12610784@localhost; SET PASSWORD FOR bug12610784@localhost = PASSWORD('secret'); --disable_query_log --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR connect(b12610784,localhost,bug12610784,,test); --enable_query_log connect(b12610784,localhost,bug12610784,secret,"*NO-ONE*"); connection default; disconnect b12610784; DROP USER bug12610784@localhost; --echo # --echo # Bug #12818542: PAM: ADDING PASSWORD FOR AN ACCOUNT DISABLES PAM --echo # AUTHENTICATION SETTINGS --echo # CREATE USER bug12818542@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH 'test_plugin_server' AS 'bug12818542_dest'; CREATE USER bug12818542_dest@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'bug12818542_dest_passwd'; GRANT PROXY ON bug12818542_dest@localhost TO bug12818542@localhost; connect(bug12818542_con,localhost,bug12818542,bug12818542_dest,"*NO-ONE*"); SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('bruhaha'); connection default; disconnect bug12818542_con; connect(bug12818542_con2,localhost,bug12818542,bug12818542_dest,"*NO-ONE*"); SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; disconnect bug12818542_con2; DROP USER bug12818542@localhost; DROP USER bug12818542_dest@localhost; SET GLOBAL SQL_MODE=default; --echo End of 5.5 tests