--source include/have_debug.inc
--source include/have_log_bin.inc
--source include/not_valgrind.inc

# Speed up wait_until_connected_again.inc
let NO_WSREP=1;

# Testing of atomic DROP DATABASE when the generated query could be too long

let $engine_count=1;
let $engines='aria';

let $crash_count=2;
let $crash_points='ddl_log_drop_after_drop_tables','ddl_log_drop_before_binlog';

let $max_tables=30;

let $old_debug=`select @@debug_dbug`;

let $keep_include_silent=1;
let $grep_script=DROP;

let $e=0;
while ($e < $engine_count)
  inc $e;
  let $engine=`select ELT($e, $engines)`;
  let $default_engine=$engine;
  let $extra_option=;

  if ($engine == "aria")
    let $extra_option=transactional=1;
  if ($engine == "aria_notrans")
    let $default_engine="aria";
    let $extra_option=transactional=0;

  let $c=0;
  while ($c < $crash_count)
    inc $c;
    let $crash=`select ELT($c, $crash_points)`;
    let $r=0;
    while ($r < 1)
      inc $r;
      create database test2;
      use test2;
      --eval set @@default_storage_engine=$default_engine
      let $t=0;
      while ($t < $max_tables)
        inc $t;
        let $name=`select concat("t",char(floor(65+$t/26)),repeat(char(65+mod($t,26)),60))`;
        let $view=`select concat("t",char(floor(65+$t/26)),repeat(char(65+mod($t,26)),30),'v')`;
        --eval create table $name (a int not null) $extra_option
        --eval create view $view as select * from $name

      flush tables;
      use test;

      --let $start_binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)

      echo "engine: $engine  crash point: $crash  position: $r";
     --exec echo "restart" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect
      --eval set @@debug_dbug="+d,$crash",@debug_crash_counter=$r
      let $errno=0;
      --error 0,2013
      DROP DATABASE test2;
      let $error=$errno;
      --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc
      --eval set @@debug_dbug="$old_debug"

      if ($error == 0)
        echo "No crash!";
      use test;
      # Check which tables still exists
      --error 0,1
      --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test2 t*
      --error 0,ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST

      --let $binlog_file=$start_binlog_file
      --let $binlog_output_name=master-bin.000001
      if ($error)
        --let $binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
        --let $binlog_output_name=master-bin.000002
        if ($binlog_file != $start_binlog_file)
          --source include/show_binlog_events.inc
      # Really drop the tables. The warnings will show what was dropped
      --error 0, ER_DB_DROP_EXISTS
      DROP DATABASE test2;
drop database if exists test2;
