revno: 2630.4.35
committer: Konstantin Osipov <konstantin@mysql.com>
branch nick: mysql-6.0-3726
timestamp: Wed 2008-06-25 16:44:00 +0400
Fix a MyISAM-specific bug in the new implementation of
If more than one instance of a MyISAM table are open in the
same connection, all of them must share the same status_param.
Otherwise, unlock of a table may lead to lost records.
See also comments in thr_lock.c.
Text conflict in mysql-test/collections/default.experimental
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/show_check.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/sp-code.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_tmp_table.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/disabled.def
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/show_check.test
Text conflict in mysys/my_delete.c
Text conflict in sql/item.h
Text conflict in sql/item_cmpfunc.h
Text conflict in sql/log.cc
Text conflict in sql/mysqld.cc
Text conflict in sql/repl_failsafe.cc
Text conflict in sql/slave.cc
Text conflict in sql/sql_parse.cc
Text conflict in sql/sql_table.cc
Text conflict in sql/sql_yacc.yy
Text conflict in storage/myisam/ha_myisam.cc
Corrected results for
stm_auto_increment_bug33029.reject 2009-12-01
20:01:49.000000000 +0300
<andrei> @@ -42,9 +42,6 @@
<andrei> RETURN i;
<andrei> END//
<andrei> CALL p1();
<andrei> -Warnings:
<andrei> -Note 1592 Statement may not be safe to log in statement
<andrei> -Note 1592 Statement may not be safe to log in statement
There should be indeed no Note present because there is in fact autoincrement
top-level query in sp() that triggers inserting in yet another auto-inc table.
(todo: alert DaoGang to improve the test).
NOTE: backporting BUG#42150 into next-mr
Includes latest Andrei's patch (see [2 Feb 18:40] Bugs System)
and merge.test post-push fix (see [3 Feb 18:04] Bugs System)
The reason of the bug appeared to be overreacting on absense of a
binlog file although the file name had been presented in in the master
binlog index file.
By convention, there should have been only a warning printed and the rest of
`reset master' logics completed. This did not happen on windows
due to incorrect value of my_errno returned from nt_share_delete().
Fixed with correcting my_errno assignment in nt_share_delete() to be ENOENT in
he event of no binlog file. Some minor refactoring has been made.
ChangeSet@1.2571, 2008-04-08 12:30:06+02:00, vvaintroub@wva. +122 -0
Bug#32082 : definition of VOID in my_global.h conflicts with Windows
SDK headers
VOID macro is now removed. Its usage is replaced with void cast.
In some cases, where cast does not make much sense (pthread_*, printf,
hash_delete, my_seek), cast is ommited.
revno: 2877
committer: Davi Arnaut <Davi.Arnaut@Sun.COM>
branch nick: 35164-6.0
timestamp: Wed 2008-10-15 19:53:18 -0300
Bug#35164: Large number of invalid pthread_attr_setschedparam calls
Bug#37536: Thread scheduling causes performance degradation at low thread count
Bug#12702: Long queries take 100% of CPU and freeze other applications under Windows
The problem is that although having threads with different priorities
yields marginal improvements [1] in some platforms [2], relying on some
statically defined priorities (QUERY_PRIOR and WAIT_PRIOR) to play well
(or to work at all) with different scheduling practices and disciplines
is, at best, a shot in the dark as the meaning of priority values may
change depending on the scheduling policy set for the process.
Another problem is that increasing priorities can hurt other concurrent
(running on the same hardware) applications (such as AMP) by causing
starvation problems as MySQL threads will successively preempt lower
priority processes. This can be evidenced by Bug#12702.
The solution is to not change the threads priorities and rely on the
system scheduler to perform its job. This also enables a system admin
to increase or decrease the scheduling priority of the MySQL process,
if intended.
Furthermore, the internal wrappers and code for changing the priority
of threads is being removed as they are now unused and ancient.
1. Due to unintentional side effects. On Solaris this could artificially
help benchmarks as calling the priority changing syscall millions of
times is more beneficial than the actual setting of the priority.
2. Where it actually works. It has never worked on Linux as the default
scheduling policy SCHED_OTHER only accepts the static priority 0.
Testing for presence of stuff in a hash inside the function
that's filling in the hash creates chicken-and-egg type of problems.
This results in test suite failures in mysql-pe in debug mode and
adds bad initialization dependency in 5.1.
Fixed by removing the debug code.
revno: 2597.4.17
revision-id: sp1r-davi@mysql.com/endora.local-20080328174753-24337
parent: sp1r-anozdrin/alik@quad.opbmk-20080328140038-16479
committer: davi@mysql.com/endora.local
timestamp: Fri 2008-03-28 14:47:53 -0300
Bug#15192 "fatal errors" are caught by handlers in stored procedures
The problem is that fatal errors (e.g.: out of memory) were being
caught by stored procedure exception handlers which could cause
the execution to not be stopped due to a continue handler.
The solution is to not call any exception handler if the error is
fatal and send the fatal error to the client.