Logging to logging@openlogging.org accepted
sql_yacc.yy, sql_parse.cc, sql_lex.h, lex.h:
Implements the SHOW MUTEX STATUS command
set_var.cc, mysqld.cc, mysql_priv.h:
Added new GLOBAL variable timed_mutexes
New function innodb_mutex_show_status
Added new innodb variables in SHOW STATUS
Implements the SHOW MUTEX STATUS command
innodb.test, innodb.result:
Added new row_lock_waits status variables tests.
variables.test, variables.result:
test new variable timed_mutexes
New function ut_usectime.
Mutex counting.
New mutex parameters initialization.
Counting row lock waits
row0sel.c, row0mysql.c:
Setting row_lock or table_lock state to thd.
Added default no_lock_state to thd.
Count mutex using.
Added new parameters to mutex structure for counting.
Added new parameters to rw_create_func.
Added new innodb varuables to SHOW STATUS.
Added thread lock states.
tables requires privileges for them if some table or column level grants
present" (with after-review fixes).
We should set SELECT_ACL for implicitly opened tables in
my_tz_check_n_skip_implicit_tables() to be able to bypass privilege
checking in check_grant(). Also we should exclude those tables from
privilege checking in multi-update.
Added auto-correct of field length for enum/set tables for ALTER TABLE
This is becasue of a bug in previous MySQL 4.1 versions where the length for enum/set was set incorrectly after ALTER TABLE
results." a.k.a. "Proper cleanup of subqueries is missing for SET and DO
statements". (Version #2 with after-review fixes).
To perform proper cleanup for statements that can contain subqueries
but don't have main select we must call free_undelaid_joins().
- ndb_use_exact_count
- ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz
- ndb_use_transactions
- ndb_force_send
moved "inlined" functions to .cc file since they are virtual anyways
enabled printout od ndb errors in warnings even if mapping existst to mysql error code
Now thd->mem_root is a pointer to thd->main_mem_root and THR_MALLOC is a pointer to thd->mem_root.
This gives us the following benefits:
- Allow us to easily detect if arena has already been swapped before (this fixes a bug in setup_conds() where arena was swaped twice in some cases)
- Faster swaps of arenas (as we don't have to copy the whole MEM_ROOT)
- We don't anymore have to call my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC,...) to change where memory is alloced. Now it's enough to set thd->mem_root
New mysqltest that can run mysqltest with PS
Added support for ZEROFILL in PS
Fixed crash when one called mysql_stmt_store_result() without a preceding mysql_stmt_bind_result()
Updated test cases to support --ps-protocol
(Some tests are still run using old protocol)
Fixed crash in PS when using SELECT * FROM t1 NATURAL JOIN t2...
Fixed crash in PS when using sub queries
Create table didn't signal when table was created. This could cause a "DROP TABLE created_table" in another thread to wait "forever"
Fixed wrong permissions check in PS and multi-table updates (one could get permission denied for legal quries)
Reset all warnings when executing a new PS query
group_concat(...ORDER BY) didn't work with PS
Fixed problem with test suite when not using innodb
The same problem with SET columns:
find_set() now executes find_type2() to do charset aware search,
instead of always using system_charset_info comparison.
Rename innodb_table_locks_old_behavior -> innodb_table_locks
Set innodb_table_locks to off by default to get same behaviour as in MySQL 4.0.20
(This means that Innodb ignore table locks by default, which makes it easier to combine MyISAM and InnoDB to simulate a transaction)
now default behaviour do not prevent any updates of view.
Also updating VIEWs of queries without LIMIT clause will not be checked at all (there will not be even warning)
(changes according to discussion on last dev-conf)