Now one can use user variables as target for data loaded from file
(besides table's columns). Also LOAD DATA got new SET-clause in which
one can specify values for table columns as expressions.
For example the following is possible:
LOAD DATA INFILE 'words.dat' INTO TABLE t1 (a, @b) SET c = @b + 1;
This patch also implements new way of replicating LOAD DATA.
Now we do it similarly to other queries.
We store LOAD DATA query in new Execute_load_query event
(which is last in the sequence of events representing LOAD DATA).
When we are executing this event we simply rewrite part of query which
holds name of file (we use name of temporary file) and then execute it
as usual query. In the beggining of this sequence we use Begin_load_query
event which is almost identical to Append_file event
This is a modifiction of my previous patch after receiving feedback. This is a better way to fix the problem. With this patch, data directory and index directory will use only forward slashes (/) when on Windows.
Removed fixPaths routine. Was improper fix for bug #6660
Changed append_directory to convert backslashes to foward slashes when on Windows.
This really should not happen on Windows and part of the problem not fixed here is why show create table includes data directory when being run on Windows. However, this patch fixes the bug in mysqldump.c
Added fixPaths function to convert \ to / in data directory and index directory entries only on Windows
Change string->float conversion to delay division as long as possible.
This gives us more exact integer->float conversion for numbers of type '123.45E+02' (Bug #7740)
we store 7 bytes (1 + 2*3) in every Query_log_event.
In the future if users want binlog optimized for small size and less safe,
we could add --binlog-no-charset (and binlog-no-sql-mode etc): charset info
is something by design optional (even if for now we don't offer possibility to disable it):
it's not a binlog format change.
We try to reduce the number of get_charset() calls in the slave SQL thread to a minimum
by caching the charset read from the previous event (which will often be equal to the one of the current event).
We don't use SET ONE_SHOT for charset-aware repl (we still do for timezones, will be fixed later).
No more errors if one changes the global value of charset vars on master or slave
(as we log charset info in all Query_log_event).
Not fixing Load_log_event as it will be rewritten soon by Dmitri.
Testing how mysqlbinlog behaves in rpl_charset.test.
mysqlbinlog needs to know where charset file is (to be able to convert a charset number found
in binlog (e.g. in User_var_log_event) to a charset name); mysql-test-run needs to pass
the correct value for this option to mysqlbinlog.
Many result udpates (adding charset info into every event shifts log_pos in SHOW BINLOG EVENTS).
Roughly the same job is to be done for timezones :)