String::realloc() did not check whether the existing string data fits in the newly
allocated buffer for cases when reallocating a String object with external buffer
(i.e.alloced == FALSE). This could lead to memory overruns in some cases.
upgrading lock, even with low_priority_updates
The problem is that there is no mechanism to control whether a
delayed insert takes a high or low priority lock on a table.
The solution is to modify the delayed insert thread ("handler")
to take into account the global value of low_priority_updates
when taking table locks. The value of low_priority_updates is
retrieved when the insert delayed thread is created and will
remain the same for the duration of the thread.
There was a type casting problem in the storage/innobase/handler/,
(int ha_innobase::write_row(...)). Innobase uses has an internal error variable
of type 'ulint' while mysql uses an 'int'.
To fix the problem the function manipulates an error variable of
type 'ulint' and only casts it into 'int' when needs to return the value.
The original symptoms of this bug have been fixed as a consequence of other bug fixes.
Taking this time to correct some formatting, such as replacing error numbers with names.
Beginning this with 5.0
- If missing: add "disconnect <session>"
- If physical disconnect of non "default" sessions is not finished
at test end: add routine which waits till this happened
+ additional improvements like
- remove superfluous files created by the test
- replace error numbers by error names
- remove trailing spaces, replace tabs by spaces
- unify writing of bugs within comments
- correct comments
- minor changes of formatting
Modifications according to the code review are included.
Fixed tests:
There are two issues:
1. 6.0 uses the obsolate master-*** server options;
2. the test is not deterministic in that although master vs slave consistency is
fine, two runs of the test can have different results. The reason of the
non-determinism is the combination of
a chosen way to demo results and the ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz feature.
The current patch fixes the 2nd issue by putting out results via diff_table macro
instead of the former run-sensitive method.
The 1st issue is going to be fixed by a separate patch to 6.0.
Custom UCA collations didn't set the MY_CS_STRNXFRM flag,
which resulted in "prefix_search" method instead of
the required "seq_search".
Problem2: (not metioned in the bug report)
Custom UCA collations didn't also set the MY_CS_UNICODE flag,
so an attempt to compare a column with a custom UCA collation
to another column with a non-Unicode character set led to
the "illegal mix of collation" error.
the two missing flags was added into collation initialization.
- All fulltext indexes with custom UCA collations should be rebuilt.
- Non-fulltext custom UCA indexes should likely be rebuild as well.
Remove size of binlog file from SHOW BINARY LOGS.
Changing size of binlog file is an affect of adding or removing events to/from
binlog and it can be checked in next command of test: SHOW BINLOG EVENTS.
For SHOW BINARY LOGS statement enough to show the list of file names.
It seems that the length of the thick line printed by mtr when printing the
suite name differs from mtr1 and mtr2, affecting the mtr filtering by PB2.
This patch addresses it by restoring the thick line length to 78 (original
length) instead of 60 (the one in mtr2).
The test case proposed by the bugfix fails in bugteam trees after merging new
mtr from main. The failure is due to the fact that the binlog file location has
changed and is no more under $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log.
This patch fixes the test failure by setting the correct path to the binlog
When storing a NULL to a TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT ...,
NULL returned from some functions threw a 'cannot be NULL error.'
NULL-returns now correctly result in the timestamp-field being
assigned its default value.