Note to the reviewer
Warning: reviewing this patch is somewhat involved.
Due to the nature of several issues all affecting the same area,
fixing separately each issue is not practical, since each fix can not be
implemented and tested independently.
In particular, the issues with
- rule recursion
- nested case statements
- forward jump resolution (backpatch list)
are tightly coupled (see below).
The expression
CASE expr
WHEN expr THEN expr
WHEN expr THEN expr
is a "Simple Case Expression".
The expression
WHEN expr THEN expr
WHEN expr THEN expr
is a "Searched Case Expression".
The statement
CASE expr
WHEN expr THEN stmts
WHEN expr THEN stmts
is a "Simple Case Statement".
The statement
WHEN expr THEN stmts
WHEN expr THEN stmts
is a "Searched Case Statement".
A "Left Recursive" rule is like
| list element
A "Right Recursive" rule is like
| element list
Left and right recursion produces the same language, the difference only
affects the *order* in which the text is parsed.
In a descendant parser (usually written manually), right recursion works
very well, and is typically implemented with a while loop.
In an ascendant parser (yacc/bison) left recursion works very well,
and is implemented naturally by the parser stack.
In both cases, using the wrong type or recursion is very bad and should be
avoided, as it causes technical issues with the parser implementation.
Before this change
The "Simple Case Expression" and "Searched Case Expression" were both
implemented by the "when_list" and "when_list2" rules, which are left
recursive (ok).
These rules, however, used lex->when_list instead of using the parser stack,
which is more complex that necessary, and potentially dangerous because
of other rules using THD::reset_lex.
The "Simple Case Statement" and "Searched Case Statements" were implemented
by the "sp_case", "sp_whens" and in part by "sp_proc_stmt" rules.
Both cases were right recursive (bad).
The grammar involved was convoluted, and is assumed to be the results of
tweaks to get the code generation to work, but is not what someone would
naturally write.
In addition, using a common rule for both "Simple" and "Searched" case
statements was implemented with sp_head::m_flags |= IN_SIMPLE_CASE,
which is a flag and not a stack, and therefore does not take into account
*nested* case statements. This leads to incorrect generated code, and either
a server crash or an incorrect result.
With regards to the backpatch mechanism, a *different* backpatch list was
created for each jump from "WHEN expr THEN stmt" to "END CASE", which
relied on the grammar to be right recursive.
This is a mis-use of the backpatch list, since this list can resolve
multiple references to the same target at once.
The optimizer algorithm used to detect dead code in the "assembly" SQL
instructions, implemented by sp_head::opt_mark(uint ip), was recursive
in some cases (a conditional jump pointing forward to another conditional
In case of specially crafted code, like
- a long list of "IF expr THEN stmt END IF"
- a long CASE statement
this would actually cause a server crash with a stack overflow.
In general, having a stack that grows proportionally with user data (the
SQL code given by the client in a CREATE PROCEDURE) is to be avoided.
In debug builds only, creating a SP / SF / Trigger which had a significant
amount of code would spend --literally-- several minutes in sp_head::create,
because of the debug code involved with DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Code %s ...
There are several issues with this code:
- in a CASE with 5 000 WHEN, there are 15 000 instructions generated,
which create a sting representation of the code which is 500 000 bytes
- using a String instead of an io stream causes performances to degrade
to a total server freeze, as time is spent doing realloc of a buffer
always too short,
- Printing a 500 000 long string in the debug log is too verbose,
- Generating this string even when DBUG_PRINT is off is useless,
- Having code that potentially can affect the server behavior, used with
#ifdef / #endif is useful in some cases, but is also a bad practice.
After this change
"Case Expressions" (both simple and searched) have been simplified to
not use LEX::when_list, which has been removed.
Considering all the issues affecting case statements, the grammar for these
has been totally re written.
The existing actions, used to generate "assembly" sp_inst* code, have been
preserved but moved in the new grammar, with the following changes:
a) Bison rules are no longer shared between "Simple" and "Searched" case
statements, because a stack instead of a flag is required to handle them.
Nested statements are handled naturally by the parser stack, which by
definition uses the correct rule in the correct context.
Nested statements of the opposite type (simple vs searched) works correctly.
The flag sp_head::IN_SIMPLE_CASE is no longer used.
This is a step towards resolution of WL#2999, which correctly identified
that temporary parsing flags do not belong to sp_head.
The code in the action is shared by mean of the case_stmt_action_xxx()
b) The backpatch mechanism, used to resolve forward jumps in the generated
code, has been changed to:
- create a label for the instruction following 'END CASE',
- register each jump at the end of a "WHEN expr THEN stmt" in a *unique*
backpatch list associated with the 'END CASE' label
- resolve all the forward jumps for this label at once.
In addition, the code involving backpatch has been commented, so that a
reader can now understand by reading matching "Registering" and "Resolving"
comments how the forward jumps are resolved and what target they resolve to,
as this is far from evident when reading the code alone.
The implementation of sp_head::opt_mark() has been revised to avoid
recursive calls from jump instructions, and instead add the jump location
to the list of paths to explore during the flow analysis of the instruction
graph, with a call to sp_head::add_mark_lead().
In addition, the flow analysis will stop if an instruction has already
been marked as reachable, which the previous code failed to do in the
recursive case.
sp_head::opt_mark() is now private, to prevent new calls to this method from
being introduced.
The debug code present in sp_head::create() has been removed.
Considering that SHOW PROCEDURE CODE is also available in debug builds,
and can be used anytime regardless of the trace level, as opposed to
"CREATE PROCEDURE" time and only if the trace was on,
removing the code actually makes debugging easier (usable trace).
Tests have been written to cover the parser overflow (big CASE),
and to cover nested CASE statements.
erroneous check
Problem: Actually there were two problems in the server code. The check
for SQLCOM_FLUSH in SF/Triggers were not according to the existing
architecture which uses sp_get_flags_for_command() from .
This function was also missing a check for SQLCOM_FLUSH which has a
problem combined with prelocking. This changeset fixes both of these
deficiencies as well as the erroneous check in
sp_head::is_not_allowed_in_function() which was a copy&paste error.
Fix for BUG#16676: Database CHARSET not used for stored procedures
The problem in BUG#16211 is that CHARSET-clause of the return type for
stored functions is just ignored.
The problem in BUG#16676 is that if character set is not explicitly
specified for sp-variable, the server character set is used instead
of the database one.
The fix has two parts:
- always store CHARSET-clause of the return type along with the
type definition in mysql.proc.returns column. "Always" means that
CHARSET-clause is appended even if it has not been explicitly
specified in CREATE FUNCTION statement (this affects BUG#16211 only).
Storing CHARSET-clause if it is not specified is essential to avoid
changing character set if the database character set is altered in
the future.
NOTE: this change is not backward compatible with the previous releases.
- use database default character set if CHARSET-clause is not explicitly
specified (this affects both BUG#16211 and BUG#16676).
NOTE: this also breaks backward compatibility.
Routine arguments were evaluated in the security context of the routine
itself, not in the caller's context.
The bug is fixed the following way:
- Item_func_sp::find_and_check_access() has been split into two
functions: Item_func_sp::find_and_check_access() itself only
finds the function and check that the caller have EXECUTE privilege
on it. New function set_routine_security_ctx() changes security
context for SUID routines and checks that definer have EXECUTE
privilege too.
- new function sp_head::execute_trigger() is called from
Table_triggers_list::process_triggers() instead of
sp_head::execute_function(), and is effectively just as the
sp_head::execute_function() is, with all non-trigger related code
removed, and added trigger-specific security context switch.
- call to Item_func_sp::find_and_check_access() stays outside
of sp_head::execute_function(), and there is a code in before the call to sp_head::execute_procedure() that
checks that the caller have EXECUTE privilege, but both
sp_head::execute_function() and sp_head::execute_procedure() call
set_routine_security_ctx() after evaluating their parameters,
and restore the context after the body is executed.
1) Fix for BUG#19630 "stored function inserting into two auto_increment breaks
statement-based binlog":
a stored function inserting into two such tables may fail to replicate
(inserting wrong data in the slave's copy of the second table) if the slave's
second table had an internal auto_increment counter different from master's.
Because the auto_increment value autogenerated by master for the 2nd table
does not go into binlog, only the first does, so the slave lacks information.
To fix this, if running in mixed binlogging mode, if the stored function or
trigger plans to update two different tables both having auto_increment
columns, we switch to row-based for the whole function.
We don't have a simple solution for statement-based binlogging mode, there
the bug remains and will be documented as a known problem.
Re-enabling rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed.
2) Fix for BUG#20630 "Mixed binlogging mode does not work with stored
functions, triggers, views", which was a documented limitation (in mixed
mode, we didn't detect that a stored function's execution needed row-based
binlogging (due to some UUID() call for example); same for
triggers, same for views (a view created from a SELECT UUID(), and doing
INSERT INTO sometable SELECT theview; would not replicate row-based).
This is implemented by, after parsing a routine's body, remembering in sp_head
that this routine needs row-based binlogging. Then when this routine is used,
the caller is marked to require row-based binlogging too.
Same for views: when we parse a view and detect that its SELECT needs
row-based binary logging, we mark the calling LEX as such.
3) Fix for BUG#20499 "mixed mode with temporary table breaks binlog":
a temporary table containing e.g. UUID has its changes not binlogged,
so any query updating a permanent table with data from the temporary table
will run wrongly on slave. Solution: in mixed mode we don't switch back
from row-based to statement-based when there exists temporary tables.
4) Attempt to test mysqlbinlog on a binlog generated by mysqlbinlog;
impossible due to BUG#11312 and BUG#20329, but test is in place for when
they are fixed.
Bug#19022 "Memory bug when switching db during trigger execution"
Bug#17199 "Problem when view calls function from another database."
Bug#18444 "Fully qualified stored function names don't work correctly in
SELECT statements"
Documentation note: this patch introduces a change in behaviour of prepared
This patch adds a few new invariants with regard to how THD::db should
be used. These invariants should be preserved in future:
- one should never refer to THD::db by pointer and always make a deep copy
(strmake, strdup)
- one should never compare two databases by pointer, but use strncmp or
- TABLE_LIST object table->db should be always initialized in the parser or
by creator of the object.
For prepared statements it means that if the current database is changed
after a statement is prepared, the database that was current at prepare
remains active. This also means that you can not prepare a statement that
implicitly refers to the current database if the latter is not set.
This is not documented, and therefore needs documentation. This is NOT a
change in behavior for almost all SQL statements except:
until this patch t1 or t2 could be evaluated at the first execution of
prepared statement.
CURRENT_DATABASE() still works OK and is evaluated at every execution
of prepared statement.
Note, that in stored routines this is not an issue as the default
database is the database of the stored procedure and "use" statement
is prohibited in stored routines.
This patch makes obsolete the use of check_db_used (it was never used in the
old code too) and all other places that check for table->db and assign it
from THD::db if it's NULL, except the parser.
How this patch was created: THD::{db,db_length} were replaced with a
LEX_STRING, THD::db. All the places that refer to THD::{db,db_length} were
manually checked and:
- if the place uses thd->db by pointer, it was fixed to make a deep copy
- if a place compared two db pointers, it was fixed to compare them by value
(via strcmp/my_strcasecmp, whatever was approproate)
Then this intermediate patch was used to write a smaller patch that does the
same thing but without a rename.
TODO in 5.1:
- remove check_db_used
- deploy THD::set_db in mysql_change_db
See also comments to individual files.
Stored procedure execution sometimes placed the address of auto variables
in the list of Item changes to undo in THD::rollback_item_tree_changes().
This could cause stack corruption.
Removed sp-goto.test, sp-goto.result and all (disabled) GOTO code.
Also removed some related code that's not needed any more (no possible
unresolved label references any more, so no need to check for them).
NB: Keeping the ER_SP_GOTO_IN_HNDLR in errmsg.txt; it might become useful
in the future, and removing it (and thus re-enumerating error codes)
might upset things. (Anything referring to explicit error codes.)
Also added comments, and fixing some coding style (mostly in comments too).
There are no functional changes, so no tests or documentation needed.
(This was originally part of a bugfix, but it was decided to not include this
in that patch; instead it's done separately.)
statements. Almost all support of definer in stored routines had been already
done before this patch.
NOTE: this patch changes behaviour of dumping stored routines in mysqldump.
Before this patch, mysqldump did not dump DEFINER-clause for stored routines
and this was documented behaviour. In order to get full information about stored
routines, one should have dumped mysql.proc table. This patch changes this
behaviour, so that DEFINER-clause is dumped.
Since DEFINER-clause is not supported in CREATE PROCEDURE | FUNCTION statements
before this patch, the clause is covered by additional version-specific comments.
After trying multiple inheritance (to messy and hard make it work) and
sublassing jump_if_not (worked, but ugly), decided to on this solution
Inserting an abstract sp_instr_opt_meta class as parent for all instructions
with destinations makes it possible to handle a continuation pointer for
sp_instr_set_case_expr too.
Note: No special test case; the fix is captured by the changed behaviour of
bug14643_2, and bug14498_4 (formerly disabled), in sp.test.
Second version.
The problem was that the optimizer didn't work correctly with forwards jumps
to "no-op" hpop and cpop instructions.
Don't generate "no-op" instructions (hpop 0 and cpop 0), it isn't actually
- Fixed tests
- Optimized new code
- Fixed some unlikely core dumps
- Better bug fixes for:
- #14397 - OPTIMIZE TABLE with an open HANDLER causes a crash
- #14850 (ERROR 1062 when a quering a view using a Group By on a column that can be null
according to the standard.
The idea is to use Field-classes to implement stored routines
variables. Also, we should provide facade to Item-hierarchy
by Item_field class (it is necessary, since SRVs take part
in expressions).
The patch fixes the following bugs:
- BUG#8702: Stored Procedures: No Error/Warning shown for inappropriate data
type matching;
- BUG#8768: Functions: For any unsigned data type, -ve values can be passed
and returned;
- BUG#8769: Functions: For Int datatypes, out of range values can be passed
and returned;
- BUG#9078: STORED PROCDURE: Decimal digits are not displayed when we use
DECIMAL datatype;
- BUG#9572: Stored procedures: variable type declarations ignored;
- BUG#12903: upper function does not work inside a function;
- BUG#13705: parameters to stored procedures are not verified;
- BUG#13808: ENUM type stored procedure parameter accepts non-enumerated
- BUG#13909: Varchar Stored Procedure Parameter always BINARY string (ignores
- BUG#14161: Stored procedure cannot retrieve bigint unsigned;
- BUG#14188: BINARY variables have no 0x00 padding;
- BUG#15148: Stored procedure variables accept non-scalar values;
impossible view security".
We should not expose names of tables which are explicitly or implicitly (via
routine or trigger) used by view even if we find that they are missing.
So during building of list of prelocked tables for statement we track which
routines (and therefore tables for these routines) are used from views. We
mark elements of LEX::routines set which correspond to routines used in views
by setting Sroutine_hash_entry::belong_to_view member to point to TABLE_LIST
object for topmost view which uses routine. We propagate this mark to all
routines which are used by this routine and which we add to this set. We also
mark tables used by such routine which we add to the list of tables for
prelocking as belonging to this view.
- split into several files
- forbid parallel execution (before analyse is done how to make it possible)
because the same sp_head instance cannot be executed in parallel
- added GPL headers
- changed EVENT_ACL to be per DB variable
- fixed minor problems
The table opening process now works the following way:
- Create common TABLE_SHARE object
- Read the .frm file and unpack it into the TABLE_SHARE object
- Create a TABLE object based on the information in the TABLE_SHARE
object and open a handler to the table object
Other noteworthy changes:
- In TABLE_SHARE the most common strings are now LEX_STRING's
- Better error message when table is not found
- Variable table_cache is now renamed 'table_open_cache'
- New variable 'table_definition_cache' that is the number of table defintions that will be cached
- strxnmov() calls are now fixed to avoid overflows
- strxnmov() will now always add one end \0 to result
- engine objects are now created with a TABLE_SHARE object instead of a TABLE object.
- After creating a field object one must call field->init(table) before using it
- For a busy system this change will give you:
- Less memory usage for table object
- Faster opening of tables (if it's has been in use or is in table definition cache)
- Allow you to cache many table definitions objects
- Faster drop of table