Some simple optimzations, more comments and indentation changes.
Add ` around database in 'use database' in binary log.
Moved max_error_count and max_warning_count to variables struct.
Changed string functions to use character set of first string argument as default return characterset
(Each string function can change the above assumption if needed)
Fixed bugs in my last changeset that made MySQL hard to compile.
Added mutex around some data that could cause table cache corruptions when using OPTIMIZE TABLE / REPAIR TABLE or automatic repair of MyISAM tables.
Added mutex around some data in the slave start/stop code that could cause THD linked list corruptions
Extended my_chsize() to allow one to specify a filler character.
Extend vio_blocking to return the old state (This made some usage of this function much simpler)
Added testing for some functions that they caller have got the required mutexes before calling the function.
Use setrlimit() to ensure that we can write core file if one specifies --core-file.
Added --slave-compressed-protocol
Made 2 the minimum length for ft_min_word_len
Added variables foreign_key_checks & unique_checks.
Less logging from replication code (if not started with --log-warnings)
Changed that SHOW INNODB STATUS requre the SUPER privilege
More DBUG statements and a lot of new code comments
Made a some new buffers thread specific and changeable.
Resize of key_buffer.
Fixed mutex bug in DROP DATABASE
Fixed bug when using auto_increment as second part of a key where first part could include NULL.
Split handler->extra() to extra() and extra_opt() to be able to support thread specific buffers.
Don't write message to error log when slave reconnects becasue of timeout.
Fixed possible update problem when using DELETE/UPDATE on small tables
(In some cases we used index even if table scanning would be better)
A lot of minior code cleanups
Faster 'read_first_row' (Fixes slow 'preparing' state)
Read constant tables earlier, which provides better optimzations when using tables with <=1 row.
This also fixes a complicated bug involving const tables.
ut0ut.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
trx0purge.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
trx0rec.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
trx0trx.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
trx0undo.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
thr0loc.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
sync0arr.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
sync0rw.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
sync0sync.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
srv0srv.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
srv0start.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
row0ins.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
row0mysql.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
row0purge.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
row0sel.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
row0umod.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
row0upd.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
row0vers.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
rem0cmp.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
que0que.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
pars0opt.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
pars0pars.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
lexyy.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
pars0grm.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
page0page.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
os0file.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
mtr0log.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
mem0pool.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
log0log.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
log0recv.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
lock0lock.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
ibuf0ibuf.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
fil0fil.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
dict0crea.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
dict0dict.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
dict0load.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
dict0mem.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
data0data.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
data0type.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
buf0buf.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
buf0lru.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
btr0btr.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
btr0cur.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
btr0pcur.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
btr0sea.c Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
data0type.ic Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
dict0dict.ic Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
mtr0mtr.ic Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
row0upd.ic Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
sync0ipm.ic Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
sync0rw.ic Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
sync0sync.ic Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
trx0rseg.ic Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
btr0pcur.ic Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
buf0buf.ic Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
data0data.ic Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
row0upd.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
srv0srv.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
sync0arr.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
sync0rw.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
sync0sync.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
trx0trx.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
ut0mem.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
data0data.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
data0type.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
db0err.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
dict0crea.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
dict0dict.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
dict0load.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
dict0mem.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
dict0types.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
fil0fil.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
ibuf0ibuf.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
lock0lock.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
log0log.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
mtr0mtr.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
rem0cmp.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
row0ins.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
row0mysql.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
btr0cur.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
btr0pcur.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
btr0sea.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
buf0buf.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
ha_innobase.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
handler.h Merge changes in InnoDB-3.23.43b
Speed up column-completion in 'mysql'
Don't use ISAM if HAVE_ISAM is not defined
A lot of fixes for the embedded version. All libraries are now included in libmysqld.a
Changed arguments to convert_dirname() to make it more general.
Renamed files in the 'merge' directory to all use a common prefix.
Don't compile both assembler and C functions on x86