Merge revisions 2852:2854 from branches/5.1:
r2854 | sunny | 2008-10-23 08:30:32 +0300 (Thu, 23 Oct 2008) | 13 lines
Changed paths:
M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0dict.c
M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0mem.c
M /branches/5.1/handler/
M /branches/5.1/handler/ha_innodb.h
M /branches/5.1/include/dict0dict.h
M /branches/5.1/include/dict0mem.h
M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c
branches/5.1: Backport changes from branches/zip r2725
Simplify the autoinc initialization code. This removes the
non-determinism related to reading the table's autoinc value for the first
time. This change has also reduced the sizeof dict_table_t by sizeof(ibool)
bytes because we don't need the dict_table_t::autoinc_inited field anymore.
Bug#39830 Table autoinc value not updated on first insert.
Bug#35498 Cannot get table test/table1 auto-inccounter value in ::info
Bug#36411 Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine" in 5.1.24 auto-inc
non-determinism related to reading the table's autoinc value for the first
time. This change has also reduced the sizeof dict_table_t by sizeof(ibool)
bytes because we don't need the dict_table_t::autoinc_inited field anymore.
This also fixes Bug#39830 Table autoinc value not updated on first insert.
the table's global autoinc counter value. This is part of simplifying the
AUTOINC sub-system. We extract the type info from MySQL data structures at
This fixes Bug#37788 InnoDB Plugin: AUTO_INCREMENT wrong for compressed tables
my_error(ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE, ...). Otherwise, MySQL can report
"Got error 139 from storage engine" instead of the appropriate
error message.
ha_innobase::index_read(), ha_innobase::general_fetch():
Replace if-else if-else with switch-case.
Pass table->flags to convert_error_code_to_mysql().
innodb_check_for_record_too_big_error(). Remove. This code belongs to
convert_error_code_to_mysql(): Add the parameter "flags", for table flags.
create_index(): Add the parameter "flags".
create_clustered_index_when_no_primary(): Replace the parameter "comp"
with "flags".
innobase_drop_database(): Remove the #ifdef'd-out call to
symbols. Use it for all definitions of non-static variables and functions.
lexyy.c, Declare yylex as UNIV_INTERN, not static. It is
referenced from pars0grm.c.
Actually, according to
nm .libs/|grep -w '[ABCE-TVXYZ]'
the following symbols are still global:
* The vtable for class ha_innodb
* pars0grm.c: The function yyparse() and the variables yychar, yylval, yynerrs
The required changes to the Bison-generated file pars0grm.c will be addressed
in a separate commit, which will add a script similar to
The class ha_innodb is renamed from class ha_innobase by a #define. Thus,
there will be no clash with the builtin InnoDB. However, there will be some
overhead for invoking virtual methods of class ha_innodb. Ideas for making
the vtable hidden are welcome. -fvisibility=hidden is not available in GCC 3.
ha_innobase::update_thd(void): New function, to call the inline function
check_trx_exists(): Make static. does not need to call
this function.
#ifdef ROW_MERGE_IS_INDEX_USABLE, to avoid growing the memory
footprint until MySQL implements and calls the virtual method
handler::is_index_available() or something equivalent.
for displaying buddy allocator statistics.
buf_buddy_used[], buf_buddy_relocated[]: Declare as global symbols.
mysql_declare_plugin(innobase): Add MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_PLUGIN
for innobase_is_buddy ("INNODB_BUDDY").
mysql.patch: Patch to change or add variables to MySQL
innodb.patch: Patch to make the master thread poll requests to resize
the buffer pool.
Replace srv_pool_size and innobase_buffer_pool_size
with srv_buf_pool_size, srv_buf_pool_old_size,
and srv_buf_pool_curr_size.
Add buf_chunk_t, a collection of buf_block_t.