+ failing statements
Implicit DROP event for temporary table is not getting
LOG_EVENT_THREAD_SPECIFIC_F flag, because, in the previous
executed statement in the same thread, which might even be a
failed statement, the thread_specific_used flag is set to
FALSE (in mysql_reset_thd_for_next_command) and not set to TRUE
before connection is shutdown. This means that implicit DROP
event will take the FALSE value from thread_specific_used and
will not set LOG_EVENT_THREAD_SPECIFIC_F in the event header. As
a consequence, mysqlbinlog will not print the pseudo_thread_id
from the DROP event, because one of the requirements for the
printout is that this flag is set to TRUE.
We fix this by setting thread_specific_used whenever we are
binlogging a DROP in close_temporary_tables, and resetting it to
its previous value afterward.
In RBR, DDL statement will change binlog format to non row-based
format before it is binlogged, but the binlog format was not be
restored, and then manipulating a temporary table can not reset binlog
format to row-based format rightly. So that the manipulated statement
is binlogged with statement-based format.
To fix the problem, restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Added the test file to verify if executing DDL statement before
trying to manipulate a temporary table causes row-based replication
to break with error 'table does not exist'.
Correct the test result, all the above binlog event
should be row-based after the bug49132 is fixed IN RBR.
Test result for bug#49132 base on ndb engine.
Added the test file to verify if executing DDL statement before
trying to manipulate a temporary table causes row-based replication
to break with error 'table does not exist' base on ndb engine.
Test result for bug#49132 base on myisam engine.
Added the test file to verify if executing DDL statement before
trying to manipulate a temporary table causes row-based replication
to break with error 'table does not exist' base on myisam engine.
Added code to restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Added code to restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Added code to restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Added code to restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Added code to restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Problem: When RAND() is binlogged in statement mode, the seed is
binlogged too, so the replication slave generates the same
sequence of random numbers. This makes replication work in many
cases, but not in all cases: the order of rows is not guaranteed
for, e.g., UPDATE or INSERT...SELECT statements, so the row data
will be different if master and slave retrieve the rows in
different orders.
Fix: Mark RAND() as unsafe. It will generate a warning if
binlog_format=STATEMENT and switch to row-logging if
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated result file
Added test for RAND().
Also clarified some old comments.
updated result file
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated result file
updated result file
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated result file
Mark RAND() unsafe.
For tables with metadata sizes ranging from 251 to 255 the size
of the event data (m_data_size) was being improperly calculated
in the Table_map_log_event constructor. This was due to the fact
that when writing the Table_map_log_event body (in
Table_map_log_event::write_data_body) a call to net_store_length
is made for packing the m_field_metadata_size. It happens that
net_store_length uses *one* byte for storing
m_field_metadata_size when it is smaller than 251 but *three*
bytes when it exceeds that value. BUG 42749 had already
pinpointed and fix this fact, but the fix was incomplete, as the
calculation in the Table_map_log_event constructor considers 255
instead of 251 as the threshold to increment m_data_size by
three. Thence, the window for having a mismatch between the
number of bytes written and the number of bytes accounted in the
event length (m_data_size) was left open for
m_field_metadata_size values between 251 and 255.
We fix this by changing the condition in the Table_map_log_event
constructor to match the one in the net_store_length, ie,
increment one byte if m_field_metadata_size < 251 and three if it
exceeds this value.
Updated result file.
Changes to the original test case: added slave and moved
file into the rpl suite.
New test case: replicates two tables one with 250 and
another with 252 metadata sizes. This exercises the usage
of 1 or 3 bytes while packing the m_field_metadata_size.
Made the m_data_size calculation for the table map log event
to match the number of bytes used while packing the
m_field_metadata_size value (according to net_store_length
function in pack.c).
escaped field names
When in mixed or statement mode, the master logs LOAD DATA
queries by resorting to an Execute_load_query_log_event. This
event does not contain the original query, but a rewritten
version of it, which includes the table field names. However, the
rewrite does not escape the field names. If these names match a
reserved keyword, then the slave will stop with a syntax error
when executing the event.
We fix this by escaping the fields names as it happens already
for the table name.
Added test case for the reported bug.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Added result for new test.
Changed show slave status positions which are now different because of
extra escape character in field names.
Changed show slave status positions which are now different because of
extra escape character.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed positions which is now different because of extra escape
character in field names.
Appended escape characters before and after field names.
This patch fixes three bugs as follows. First, aborting the server while purging
binary logs might generate orphan files due to how the purge operation was
(purge routine - sql/log.cc - MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs)
1 - register the files to be removed in a temporary buffer.
2 - update the log-bin.index.
3 - flush the log-bin.index.
4 - erase the files whose names where register in the temporary buffer
in step 1.
Thus a failure while executing step 4 would generate an orphan file. Second,
a similar issue might happen while creating a new binary as follows:
(create routine - sql/log.cc - MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open)
1 - open the new log-bin.
2 - update the log-bin.index.
Thus a failure while executing step 1 would generate an orphan file.
To fix these issues, we record the files to be purged or created before really
removing or adding them. So if a failure happens such records can be used to
automatically remove dangling files. The new steps might be outlined as follows:
(purge routine - sql/log.cc - MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs)
1 - register the files to be removed in the log-bin.~rec~ placed in
the data directory.
2 - update the log-bin.index.
3 - flush the log-bin.index.
4 - delete the log-bin.~rec~.
(create routine - sql/log.cc - MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open)
1 - register the file to be created in the log-bin.~rec~
placed in the data directory.
2 - open the new log-bin.
3 - update the log-bin.index.
4 - delete the log-bin.~rec~.
(recovery routine - sql/log.cc - MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_index_file)
1 - open the log-bin.index.
2 - open the log-bin.~rec~.
3 - for each file in log-bin.~rec~.
3.1 Check if the file is in the log-bin.index and if so ignore it.
3.2 Otherwise, delete it.
The third issue can be described as follows. The purge operation was allowing
to remove a file in use thus leading to the loss of data and possible
inconsistencies between the master and slave. Roughly, the routine was only
taking into account the dump threads and so if a slave was not connect the
file might be delete even though it was in use.
Problem: Some system functions that could return different values on
master and slave were not marked unsafe. In particular:
Fix: Mark these functions unsafe.
- The test does not work in mixed mode any more, since it tries to
simulate an error in the sql thread in a query that uses get_lock.
Since get_lock now causes the query to be logged in row format,
the error didn't happen. Hence, we now force statement mode.
- Warnings must be disabled when the unsafe query is issued.
- Replaced some save_master_pos+connection slave+sync_with_master
by sync_slave_with_master.
updated result file
updated result file
updated result file
binlog_killed only works in statement format now, since
it switches to row mode in mixed mode.
suppress warnings for unsafe statements
- Suppress warnings in test that causes warnings.
- The test sets binlog format explicitly, so no need to execute it
Added test for all unsafe system functions. This test also includes
system functions that were unsafe prior to BUG#47995.
updated result file
updated result file
new result file
updated result file
updated result file
- suppress warnings for unsafe statement
- replaced save_master_pos+connection slave+sync_with_master
with sync_slave_with_master
update test case that causes new warnings
Added new test case for nondeterministic functions.
update test case that causes new warnings
Marked some system functions unsafe.
Clarified comment related to this bug.
Marked sysdate unsafe.
Issuing 'FLUSH LOGS' does not close and reopen indexfile.
Instead a SEEK_SET is performed.
This patch makes index file to be closed and reopened whenever a
rotation happens (FLUSH LOGS is issued or binary log exceeds
maximum configured size).
Result file.
Test case.
Added LOG_CLOSE_INDEX flag when calling MYSQL_BIN_LOG::close
from within MYSQL_BIN_LOG::new_file_impl (which should just be
called whenever a rotation is to happen - FLUSH LOGS issued or
binlog size exceeds the maximum configured).
The BINLOG statement was sharing too much code with the slave SQL thread, introduced with
the patch for Bug#32407. This caused statements to be logged with the wrong server_id, the
id stored inside the events of the BINLOG statement rather than the id of the running
Fix by rearranging code a bit so that only relevant parts of the code are executed by
the BINLOG statement, and the server_id of the server executing the statements will
not be overrided by the server_id stored in the 'format description BINLOG statement'.
Added test to verify if the server_id stored in the 'format
description BINLOG statement' will override the server_id
of the server executing the statements.
Test result for bug#46640
Test result for bug#46640
Moved rows_event_stmt_clean() call from update_pos() to apply_event(). This in any case
makes more sense, and is needed as update_pos() is no longer called when executing
BINLOG statements.
Moved setting of rli->relay_log.description_event_for_exec from
Format_description_log_event::do_update_pos() to
Moved rows_event_stmt_clean() call from update_pos() to apply_event(). This in any case
makes more sense, and is needed as update_pos() is no longer called when executing
BINLOG statements.
The skip flag is no longer needed, as the code path for BINLOG statement has been
cleaned up.
Don't invoke the update_pos() code path for the BINLOG statement, as it contains code
that is redundant and/or harmful (especially setting thd->server_id).
- T be a transactional table and N non-transactional table.
- B be begin, C commit and R rollback.
- N be a statement that accesses and changes only N-tables.
- T be a statement that accesses and changes only T-tables.
In RBR, changes to N-tables that happen early in a transaction are not immediately flushed
upon committing a statement. This behavior may, however, break consistency in the presence
of concurrency since changes done to N-tables become immediately visible to other
connections. To fix this problem, we do the following:
. B N N T C would log - B N C B N C B T C.
. B N N T R would log - B N C B N C B T R.
Note that we are not preserving history from the master as we are introducing a commit that
never happened. However, this seems to be more acceptable than the possibility of breaking
consistency in the presence of concurrency.
- T be a transactional table and N non-transactional table.
- B be begin, C commit and R rollback.
- M be a mixed statement, i.e. a statement that updates both T and N.
- M* be a mixed statement that fails while updating either T or N.
This patch restore the behavior presented in 5.1.37 for rows either produced in
the RBR or MIXED modes, when a M* statement that happened early in a transaction
had their changes written to the binary log outside the boundaries of the
transaction and wrapped in a BEGIN/ROLLBACK. This was done to keep the slave
consistent with with the master as the rollback would keep the changes on N and
undo them on T. In particular, we do what follows:
. B M* T C would log - B M* R B T C.
Note that, we are not preserving history from the master as we are introducing a
rollback that never happened. However, this seems to be more acceptable than
making the slave diverge. We do not fix the following case:
. B T M* C would log B T M* C.
The slave will diverge as the changes on T tables that originated from the M
statement are rolled back on the master but not on the slave. Unfortunately, we
cannot simply rollback the transaction as this would undo any uncommitted
changes on T tables.
SBR is not considered in this patch because a failing statement is written to
the binary along with the error code and a slave executes and then rolls back
the statement when it has an associated error code, thus undoing the effects
on T. In RBR and MBR, a full-fledged fix will be pushed after the WL 2687.
"load data" statements were written to the binlog as a mix of the original statement
and bits recreated from parse-info. This relied on implementation details and broke
with IGNORE_SPACES and versioned comments.
We now completely resynthesize the query for LOAD DATA for binlog (which among other
things normalizes them somewhat with regard to case, spaces, etc.).
We have already parsed the query properly, so we make use of that rather
than mix-and-match string literals and parsed items.
This should make us safe with regard to versioned comments, even those
spanning multiple tokens. Also no longer affected by IGNORE_SPACES.
LOAD DATA INFILE normalized; offsets adjusted to reflect that
test for #43746 - trying to break LOAD DATA part of parser
try to break the LOAD DATA part of the parser (test for #43746)
LOAD DATA INFILE normalized; adjust offsets to reflect that
clean up Load_log_event::print_query and friends so they don't print
excess spaces. add support for printing charset names to print_query.
We already have three places where we synthesize LOAD DATA queries.
Better use one of those!
When binlogging LOAD DATA statements, we make up the statement to
be logged (from the parse-info, rather than substrings of the
original query) now. Consequently, we no longer need (string-)
pointers into the original query.
Completely rewrote write_execute_load_query_log_event() to synthesize the
LOAD DATA statement wholesale, rather than piece it together from
synthesized bits and literal excerpts from the original query. This
will not only give us a nice, normalized statement (all uppercase,
no excess spaces, etc.), it will also handle comments, including
versioned comments right, which is certainly more than we can say
about the previous incarnation.
We're no longer assembling LOAD DATA statements from bodyparts of the
original query, so some bookkeeping in the parser can go.
In RBR, 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS...' statement is binlogged when the table
does not exist.
In fact, 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE ...' statement should never be binlogged in RBR
no matter if the table exists or not.
This patch addresses this by checking whether we are dropping a
temporary table or not, when building the custom drop statement.
binlog-db-db / binlog-ignore-db
InnoDB will return an error if statement based replication is used
along with transaction isolation level READ-COMMITTED (or weaker),
even if the statement in question is filtered out according to the
binlog-do-db rules set. In this case, an error should not be printed.
This patch addresses this issue by extending the existing check in
external_lock to take into account the filter rules before deciding to
print an error. Furthermore, it also changes decide_logging_format to
take into consideration whether the statement is filtered out from
binlog before decision is made.
Changed the check on decide_logging_format to take into account
whether statement is filtered or not in SBR.
Added the thd_binlog_filter_ok to INNODB_COMPATIBILITY_HOOKS set.
Extended check in external_lock to take into consideration the
filtering when deciding to throw an error.
Added declaration of new hook.
Extended check in external_lock to take into consideration the
filtering when deciding to throw an error.
Added declaration of new hook.
This test case uses mysqlbinlog to dump the content of master-bin.000001,
but the content of master-bin.000001 is not that this test needs.
MTR runs a lot of test cases on one server, so when this test starts, the current binlog file
might not be master-bin.000001, or there are other events are written by tests before.
'RESET MASTER' command must be called at the begin, it ensures that binlog of this test
is wrote to master-bin.000001 correctly.
Three other tests have the same problem, They were fixed together.
Mixing transactional (T) and non-transactional (N) tables on behalf of a
transaction may lead to inconsistencies among masters and slaves in STATEMENT
mode. The problem stems from the fact that although modifications done to
non-transactional tables on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible
to other connections they do not immediately get to the binary log and therefore
consistency is broken. Although there may be issues in mixing T and M tables in
STATEMENT mode, there are safe combinations that clients find useful.
In this bug, we fix the following issue. Mixing N and T tables in multi-level
(e.g. a statement that fires a trigger) or multi-table table statements (e.g.
update t1, t2...) were not handled correctly. In such cases, it was not possible
to distinguish when a T table was updated if the sequence of changes was N and T.
In a nutshell, just the flag "modified_non_trans_table" was not enough to reflect
that both a N and T tables were changed. To circumvent this issue, we check if an
engine is registered in the handler's list and changed something which means that
a T table was modified.
Check WL 2687 for a full-fledged patch that will make the use of either the MIXED or
ROW modes completely safe.
Truncate statement is wrapped in BEGIN/COMMIT.
Truncate statement is wrapped in BEGIN/COMMIT.
If using statement based replication (SBR), repeatedly calling
statements which are unsafe for SBR will cause a warning message
to be written to the error for each statement. This might lead
to filling up the error log and there is no way to disable this
The solution is to only log these message (about statements unsafe
for statement based replication) if the log_warnings option is set.
For example:
In this case the message will be printed only once:
[Warning] Statement may not be safe to log in statement format.
Add test case result for Bug#46265
Make log_error value available.
Add test case for Bug#46265
Print warning only if the log_warnings is enabled.
"create as select" (innodb table)
Problem: code constructing "CREATE TABLE..." statement
doesn't take into account that current database is not set
in some cases. That may lead to a server crash.
Fix: check if current database is set.
Fix for bug#45998: database crashes when running
"create as select" (innodb table)
- test case.
Fix for bug#45998: database crashes when running
"create as select" (innodb table)
- test result.
Fix for bug#45998: database crashes when running
"create as select" (innodb table)
- added check if there's current database set.
format." warnings
Despite the fact that a statement would be filtered out from binlog, a
warning would still be thrown if it was issued with the LIMIT.
This patch addresses this issue by checking the filtering rules before
printing out the warning.
Parameter to filter out database: "b42851".
Added a new test case.
Added filtering rules check to condition used to decide whether to
printout warning or not.
mysqlbinlog --database parameter was being ignored when processing
row events. As such no event filtering would take place.
This patch addresses this by deploying a call to shall_skip_database
when table_map_events are handled (as these contain also the name of
the database). All other rows events referencing the table id for the
filtered map event, will also be skipped.
Added shall_skip_database call to the part of the code that handles
Table_map_log_events. It inspects the database name and decides whether
to filter the event or not. Furthermore, if table map event is filtered
next events referencing the table id in the table map event, will also
be filtered.
Test case that checks if row events are actually filtered out.
Added a map for holding the currently ignored table map events.
Table map events are inserted when they shall be skipped and removed
once the last row event in the statement is processed.
"freeing items"
The calculation of the table map log event in the event constructor
was one byte shorter than what would be actually written. This would
lead to a mismatch between the number of bytes written and the event
end_log_pos, causing bad event alignment in the binlog (corrupted
binlog) or in the transaction cache while fixing positions
(MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_cache). This could lead to impossible to read
binlog or even infinite loops in MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_cache.
This patch addresses this issue by correcting the expected event
length in the Table_map_log_event constructor, when the field metadata
size exceeds 255.
Added the extra byte as net_store_length imposes.
In the output from mysqlbinlog, incident log events were
represented as just a comment. Since the incident log event
represents an incident that could cause the contents of the
database to change without being logged to the binary log,
it means that if the SQL is applied to a server, it could
potentially lead to that the databases are out of sync.
In order to handle that, this patch adds the statement "RELOAD
DATABASE" to the SQL output for the incident log event. This will
require a DBA to edit the file and handle the case as apropriate
before applying the output to a server.
Options file to cause server to generate an incident log
event when executing a REPLACE.
Test to check that the incident log event is represented
correctly in the output from mysqlbinlog.
The incident log event now ouput a "RELOAD DATABASE" instead
of just a comment. RELOAD DATABASE is not an existing command
and will generate a syntax error.
Mysql server crashes because unsafe statements warning is wrongly elevated to error,
which is set the error status of Diagnostics_area of the thread in THD::binlog_query().
Yet the caller believes that binary logging shouldn't touch the status, so it will
set the status also later by my_ok(), my_error() or my_message() seperately
according to the execution result of the statement or transaction.
But the status of Diagnostics_area of the thread is allowed to set only once.
Fixed to clear the error wrongly set by binary logging, but keep the warning message.
Change unsafe warning to NOTE level
Test case result for unsafe statements to ensure mysql sever don't crash
Test case for unsafe statements to ensure mysql sever don't crash
Change unsafe warning to NOTE level
Change unsafe warning to NOTE level
Change unsafe warning to NOTE level
the error status of the thread is cleared When a warning is elevated to an error
because of unsafe warning of binary log.
The reason of the bug is in that the test makes a trick with relay log files and
did not reset fully at the end.
If mtr does not restart the test the new SQL thread tried to work with the old time
session data.
Fixed with deploying RESET slave at the clean-up.
adding RESET slave to force active mi and rli data struct to be reset.
The slave SQL thread will deal with a fresh structures each time it restarts.
When binlog_format is STATEMENT and the statement is unsafe before,
the unsafe warning/error message was issued without checking
whether the SQL_LOG_BIN was turned on or not.
Fixed with adding a sql_log_bin_toplevel flag in THD to check
whether SQL_LOG_BIN is ON in current session whatever the current is in sp or not.
Test case result for unsafe warning/error message
Test case for unsafe message warning/error
Adding a function set_option_log_bin_bit() which specailly handles to
the change of SQL_LOG_BIN bit in order to set sql_log_bin_toplevel
according to SQL_LOG_BIN current value at the same time.
Initialize the flag sql_log_bin_toplevel in THD::init(),
and add the condition to check whether unsafe ror message was issued.
Add a sql_log_bin_toplevel flag in THD to indicate whether the toplevel SQL_LOG_BIN is
Set wrong sql_mode when creating a procedure.
So that the sql_mode can't be writen into binary log correctly.
Restore the current session sql_mode right before generating the binlog event
when creating a procedure.
Test result
Test file for sql_mode testing
Restore the current session sql_mode right before generating the binlog event.
TRUNCATE TABLE fails to replicate when stmt-based binlogging is not supported.
Correcting some tests that was failing in pushbuild as well as fixing result
file for some tests that are not executed in the default MTR run.
Need to reset master to avoid the check to be for the wrong binlog file.
Need to reset master to avoid the check to be for the wrong binlog file.
Post-merge fixes. Changes to some result sets.
TRUNCATE TABLE does not cause the binary log to do commits any more.
TRUNCATE TABLE is not transactional, hence does not have BEGIN/COMMIT around itself.
TRUNCATE TABLE is not transactional, hence does not have BEGIN/COMMIT around itself.
TRUNCATE TABLE is not transactional, hence does not have BEGIN/COMMIT around itself.
STOP SLAVE was replaced with include file.
STOP SLAVE was replaced with include file.
The problem is that a unfiltered user query was being passed as
the format string parameter of sql_print_warning which later
performs printf-like formatting, leading to crashes if the user
query contains formatting instructions (ie: %s). Also, it was
using THD::query as the source of the user query, but this
variable is not meaningful in some situations -- in a delayed
insert, it points to the table name.
The solution is to pass the user query as a parameter for the
format string and use the function parameter query_arg as the
source of the user query.
Add test case result for Bug#42634
Add test case for Bug#42634
Don't pass the user query as a format string.
TRUNCATE TABLE fails to replicate when stmt-based binlogging is not supported.
There were two separate problems with the code, both of which are fixed with
this patch:
1. An error was printed by InnoDB for TRUNCATE TABLE in statement mode when
the in isolation levels READ COMMITTED and READ UNCOMMITTED since InnoDB
does permit statement-based replication for DML statements. However,
the TRUNCATE TABLE is not transactional, but is a DDL, and should therefore
be allowed to be replicated as a statement.
2. The statement was not logged in mixed mode because of the error above, but
the error was not reported to the client.
This patch fixes the problem by treating TRUNCATE TABLE a DDL, that is, it is
always logged as a statement and not reporting an error from InnoDB for TRUNCATE
Adding new test to check that TRUNCATE TABLE is written correctly
to the binary log.
Removing redundant testing by eliminating settings of BINLOG_FORMAT.
Replacing slave and master reset code with include file.
Removing settings of BINLOG_FORMAT.
Replacing printing of table contents to compare master and slave
with diff_tables.inc.
Adding test for testing that TRUNCATE TABLE is logged correctly for InnoDB
in all isolation levels.
Adding test for testing that TRUNCATE TABLE is logged correctly for MyISAM.
Disabling binlog_truncate_innodb since it does not work (yet).
Correcting setting of capabilities flags to make the comparison with 0
later in the code work correctly.
Re-organizing code to ensure that TRUNCATE TABLE is logged in statement
format and that row format is not used unless there are rows to log (which
there are not when delete_all_rows() is called, so this has to be logged
as a statement).