Temporarily checking in an incorrect test case. Rationale: the impact of
this bug is negligible (it's almost a feature request). We need 5.1 to be
stable, and making a real fix is a bit risky. So the fix is postponed
to 6.0.
The test suite/rpl/t/rpl_innodb_bug28430.test was disabled because of
BUG#32247, but not re-enabled when BUG#32247 was fixed. I've re-enabled
it. The test and result file needed to be updated too.
If a binlog file is manually replaced with a namesake directory the internal purging did
not handle the error of deleting the file so that eventually
a post-execution guards fires an assert.
Fixed with reusing a snippet of code for bug@18199 to tolerate lack of the file but no other error
at an attempt to delete it.
The same applied to the index file deletion.
The cset carries pieces of manual merging.
The bug allow multiple executing transactions working with non-transactional
to interfere with each others by interleaving the events of different trans-
Bug is fixed by writing non-transactional events to the transaction cache and
flushing the cache to the binary log at statement commit. To mimic the behavior
of normal statement-based replication, we flush the transaction cache in row-
based mode when there is no committed statements in the transaction cache,
which means we are committing the first one. This means that it will be written
to the binary log as a "mini-transaction" with just the rows for the statement.
Note that the changes here does not take effect when building the server with
HAVE_TRANSACTIONS set to false, but it is not clear if this was possible before
this patch either.
For row-based logging, we also have that when AUTOCOMMIT=1, the code now always
generates a BEGIN/COMMIT pair for single statements, or BEGIN/ROLLBACK pair in the
case of non-transactional changes in a statement that was rolled back. Note that
for the case where changes to a non-transactional table causes a rollback due
to error, the statement will now be logged with a BEGIN/ROLLBACK pair, even
though some changes has been committed to the non-transactional table.
Problem: rpl_variables_stm.test used a character set and a collation which
are not included on all platforms.
Fix: replace the character set and collation by ones that are included on
all platforms. (rpl_variables_stm does not rely on which character set is
used, the only important aspect is the fact that it changes.)
Problem: in mixed and statement mode, a query that refers to a
system variable will use the slave's value when replayed on
slave. So if the value of a system variable is inserted into a
table, the slave will differ from the master.
Fix: mark statements that refer to a system variable as "unsafe",
meaning they will be replicated by row in mixed mode and produce a warning
in statement mode. There are some exceptions: some variables are actually
replicated. Those should *not* be marked as unsafe.
BUG#34732: mysqlbinlog does not print default values for auto_increment variables
Problem: mysqlbinlog does not print default values for some variables,
including auto_increment_increment and others. So if a client executing
the output of mysqlbinlog has different default values, replication will
be wrong.
Fix: Always print default values for all variables that are replicated.
I need to fix the two bugs at the same time, because the test cases would
fail if I only fixed one of them.
There was a failure in that show slave status displayed a wrong message
when slave stopped at processing a row event inserting to a default-less
The problem seem to have ceased after recent fixes in rbr code.
However, the test was not updated to carry testing of the case commented-out.
Uncommenting and editing the test.
Notice, Bug#23907 is most probably a duplicate of this one.
There was no way to see if report-{host,port,user,password} were set up.
Fixed with introducing new global variables.
The variables are made read-only because of a possible need to change them
most probably require the slave server restart.
Todo: transform the startup options to be CHANGE master parameters - i.e
to deprecate `report-' options, and to change the new vars
to be updatable at time of CHANGE master executes with new
"Server_IO_State" field
Critical error messages from get_master_version_and_clock() were written
only to the slave errorlog while Show slave status did not display any
incident happened.
Although the artifact was reported for a particular --replicate-same-server-id
related issue the fix refines all critical error reporting with
deploying rli->report().
The test for the bug covers only --replicate-same-server-id error reporting.
irrelevant to execute since the charset information does not
affect replication for row-based replication. The row-based
versions of the tests were removed, and the statement-based
version of the test was made executable by all three modes.
This involves removing any lines that causes the test to be
dependent on the contents of the binary log, and instead we
just check that the replication works as it should.
but not collation.
The problem here was that text literals in a view were always
dumped with character set introducer. That lead to loosing
collation information.
The fix is to dump character set introducer only if it was
in the original query. That is now possible because there
is no problem any more of loss of character set of string
literals in views -- after WL#4052 the view is dumped
in the original character set.
mysql-test/t/variables.test, because:
- mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_variables.test does not replicate anything,
so should not be in the rpl suite.
- mysql-test/t/variables.test is the place for testing variable-related
problems and features.
- I will soon commit a patch containing a test case that tests
replication of variables. It would be good if I could call the test case
mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_variables.test. I'm making place for that now.