added blob to test to see that blob tables don't show up in show tables
auto increment setting need not fetch blob tables (will otherwise generate error during table creation)
moved addBlobTables out of fetchGlobalTableImpl to get_local_table_info
changed addBlobTables to start from last column and break if all blobs added
also addBlobTables will return -1 if failed (typically getTable)
changed to using get_local_table_info with internal table name where applicable for efficiency
added option to get_local_table_info wether to fetch blob tables or not
getTable always fetches the blobtables
moved addBlobTables to get_local_table_info to always be called, even if main table goes to cache only
crashes server (prepared statements)": the bug was that all boolean
items always recovered its original arguments at statement cleanup
This collided with Item_subselect::select_transformer, which tries to
permanently change the item tree to use a transformed subselect instead of
original one.
So we had this call sequence for prepare:
mysql_stmt_prepare -> JOIN::prepare ->
Item_subselect::fix_fields -> the item tree gets transformed ->
Item_bool_rowready_func2::cleanup, item tree is recovered to original
state, while it shouldn't have been;
mysql_stmt_execute -> attempts to execute a broken tree -> crash.
Now instead of bluntly recovering all arguments of bool functions in
Item_bool_rowready_func2::cleanup, we recover only those
which were changed, and do it in one place.
There still would exist a possibility for a collision with subselect
tranformation, if permanent and temporary changes were performed at the
same stage.
But fortunately subselect transformation is always done first, so it
doesn't conflict with the optimization done by propogate_cond_constants.
Now we have:
mysql_stmt_prepare -> JOIN::prepare -> subselect transformation
permanently changes the tree -> cleanup doesn't recover anything,
because nothing was registered for recovery.
mysql_stmt_execute -> JOIN::prepare (the tree is already transformed,
so it doesn't change), JOIN::optimize ->
propogate_cond_constants -> temporary changes the item tree
with constants -> JOIN::execute -> cleanup ->
the changes done by propogate_cond_constants are recovered, as
they were registered for recovery.
crashes mysqld": implementation for a generic item tree modifications
registry. Every item tree modification which should be rolled back for
subsequent execution of a prepared statement or stored procedure should
be saved in the registry. All such modifications are rolled back at once
during cleanup stage of PS.
Actual fix for the bug just adds a call to register modifications to
Post review fixes implemented.
to auto_increment in 4.1".
Now we are enforcing NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO mode during ALTER TABLE only
if we are converting one auto_increment column to another auto_increment
column (this also includes most common case when we don't do anything
with such column).
Also now when we convert some column to TIMESTAMP NOT NULL column with
ALTER TABLE we convert NULL values to current timestamp, (as we do this
in INSERT). One can still get old behavior by setting system TIMESTAMP
variable to 0.