Added a test case for bug #8616.
Fixed bug #8616.
Added class Item_null_result used in rollup processing.
Fixed bug #8616.
Added JOIN::rollup_write_data to cover rollup queries
with DISTINCT. Modified other rollup methods.
Added test case for bug #4767.
Added a correct setting of the maybe_null flag for a copy of
an Item_sum object where the argument was a field of an inner table
in an outer join read from a temporary table.
It's part of the fix for bug #4767.
Made change_refs_to_tmp_fields work correctly
for test case of bug #4767 where Item_sum::get_tmp_table_item
failed to build a correct copy of an Item_sum object referring
to a field in a temporary table.
It looks like a hack yet.
bmove_allign -> bmove_align
Added OLAP function ROLLUP
Split mysql_fix_privilege_tables to a script and a .sql data file
Added new (MEMROOT*) functions to avoid calling current_thd() when creating some common objects.
Added table_alias_charset, for easier --lower-case-table-name handling
Better SQL_MODE handling (Setting complex options also sets sub options)
New (faster) assembler string functions for x86