Added a test case for bug #11295.
Fixed bug #11295.
This a correction for the patch of bug #11088 that takes into
account a possible NULL values of the BLOB column.
More compact and safe handling of path names.
Support for running in Windows source tree.
Use libtool wrapper, instead of messing with
library path names, and objects in .libs dir.
Utility function that search aand check path names
Patch by Carsten, set correct reject/result/eval if not main suite
Bug#11466: Script can now get test case name
from test case file path on command line
Bug#11466: Added --skip-ndbcluster/--skip-ndb option
Don't set --default-time-zone if opt file sets it
Restart the server if time zone is given in opt file
Don't remove symlink to "var" directory in cleanup
Removed duplicate/unessesary options to mysqld
Added a test case for bug #11385.
Added a test case for bug #11385.
Fixed bug #11385.
The bug was due to not defined method decimals for the class
INSERT ... SELECT with UNION" (reviewed version).
Altough bug manifest itself only starting from 5.0 it is better to
apply fix to 4.1 to keep some assumptions true and make code more
Added dummy --manager-port flag, for backward compatibility
Back port from 5.0, correction of paths to SSL pem files
Removed hard coded exclude list for embedded server
Set environment variable MYSQL_SHOW, to be used in test cases
- Push warnings if des_encrypt or des_descrypt function fails because of out of resources or wrong params.
- Push warning if des_encrypt or des_decrypt function is used when server is missing support for openssl.
- Add test func_encrypt_nossl that is tun when the server is missing support for openssl.
Bug#8367 "low log doesn't gives complete information about prepared
Implement status variables for prepared statements commands (a port of
the patch by Andrey Hristov).
See details in comments to the changed files.
No test case as there is no way to test slow log/general log in
Added a test case for bug #8614.
Fixed bug #8614.
SELECT DISTINCT ... GROUP BY 'const' must be equivalent to
SELECT ... GROUP BY 'const'.
Added a test case for bug #11167.
Fixed bug #11167.
In 4.1 char/varchar fields are limited by 255 characters in
length that make them longer than 255 bytes in size for such
character sets as UTF8. The functions store_record_in_cache
and read_cached_records did not take into account this
Moreover the code did not take into account that the size
of the varchar fields in 5.0 can be up to 65535 bytes
Added a sleep for 5 seconds when shuting down,
work around for strange problem with server restarts
Set default time zone as opt to mysqld
Enabled --mysqld=<flags> to work
Put some Windows path names into environment,
to be used in --replace_result
Make shell script tolerant to Windows change in test cases