When running mysqlbinlog on a 64-bit machine with a corrupt relay log,
it causes mysqlbinlog to crash. In this case, the crash is caused
because a request for 18446744073709534806U bytes is issued, which
apparantly can be served on a 64-bit machine (speculatively, I assume)
but this causes the memcpy() issued later to copy the data to segfault.
The request for the number of bytes is caused by a computation
of data_len - server_vars_len where server_vars_len is corrupt in such
a sense that it is > data_len. This causes a wrap-around, with the
the data_len given above.
This patch adds a check that if server_vars_len is greater than
data_len before the substraction, and aborts reading the event in
that case marking the event as invalid. It also adds checks to see
that reading the server variables does not go outside the bounds
of the available space, giving a limited amount of integrity check.
Moved CERT files to where they are used, avoids conflict
between two make files trying to install the same CERTs
Move: SSL/*.pem -> mysql-test/std_data/
and is not described in the manual
- Adding missing initialization for utf8 collations
- Minor code clean-ups: renaming variables,
moving code into a new separate function.
- Adding test, to check that both ucs2 and utf8 user
defined collations work (ucs2_test_ci and utf8_test_ci)
- Adding Vietnamese collation as a complex user defined
collation example.
This patch fixes problem that LOAD DATA could use different
character sets when loading files on master and on slave sides:
- Adding replication of thd->variables.collation_database
- Adding optional character set clause into LOAD DATA
Note, the second way, with explicit CHARACTER SET clause
should be the recommended way to load data using an alternative
character set.
The old way, using "SET @@character_set_database=xxx" should be
gradually depricated.
- Starting time of a query sent by bootstrapping wasn't initialized
and starting time defaulted to 0. This later used value by NOW-
item and was translated to 1970-01-01 11:00:00.
- Marketing the time with thd->set_time() before the call to
mysql_parse resolves this issue.
- set_time was refactored to be part of the thd->init_for_queries-
- Detect if a table has field of type MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING while running
"CHECK TABLE t FOR UPGRADE" and indicate it need to be fixed
with "REPAIR TABLE t".
- When running a "REPAIR TABLE t" or "ALTER TABLE t FORCE" on the above
table, install a special copy function to trim off the trailing spaces
which we safely can say that the pre 5.0 mysqld didn't put there.
doesn't find the column"
When a user was using 4.1 tables with VARCHAR column and 5.0 server
and a query that used a temporary table to resolve itself, the
table metadata for the varchar column sent to client was incorrect:
MYSQL_FIELD::table member was empty.
The bug was caused by implicit "upgrade" from old VARCHAR to new
VARCHAR hard-coded in Field::new_field, which did not preserve
the information about the original table. Thus, the field metadata
of the "upgraded" field pointed to an auxiliary temporary table
created for query execution.
The fix is to copy the pointer to the original table to the new field.
run at startup"
The server returned an error when trying to execute init-file with a
stored procedure that could return multiple result sets to the client.
A stored procedure can return multiple result sets if it contains
PREPARE, SELECT, SHOW and similar statements.
The fix is to set client_capabilites|=CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS in
sql_parse.cc:handle_bootstrap(). There is no "client" really, so
nothing is ever sent. This makes init-file feature behave consistently:
the prepared statements that can be called directly in the init-file
can be used in a stored procedure too.
Re-committed the patch originally submitted by Per-Erik after review.
The idea of the fix is to extend support of non-SUID triggers for backward
compatibility. Formerly non-SUID triggers were appeared when "new" server
is being started against "old" database. Now, they are also created when
"new" slave receives updates from "old" master.
Now one can use user variables as target for data loaded from file
(besides table's columns). Also LOAD DATA got new SET-clause in which
one can specify values for table columns as expressions.
For example the following is possible:
LOAD DATA INFILE 'words.dat' INTO TABLE t1 (a, @b) SET c = @b + 1;
This patch also implements new way of replicating LOAD DATA.
Now we do it similarly to other queries.
We store LOAD DATA query in new Execute_load_query event
(which is last in the sequence of events representing LOAD DATA).
When we are executing this event we simply rewrite part of query which
holds name of file (we use name of temporary file) and then execute it
as usual query. In the beggining of this sequence we use Begin_load_query
event which is almost identical to Append_file event
value if server runs in time zone with leap seconds".
Now in my_gmt_sec() function we take into account difference between
our target and estimation in seconds part.
Don't dump data for MRG_ISAM or MRG_MYISAM tables. (Bug #1846)
Ensure that 'lower_case_table_names' is always set on case insensitive file systems. (Bug #1812)
One can now configure MySQL as windows service as a normal user. (Bug #1802)
Database names is now compared with lower case in ON clause when lower_case_table_names is set. (Bug #1736)
IGNORE ... LINES option didn't work when used with fixed length rows. (Bug #1704)
Change INSERT DELAYED ... SELECT... to INSERT .... SELECT (Bug #1983)
Safety fix for service 'mysql start' (Bug #1815)
Rotate_log_event::exec_event() believed that the relay log was corrupted. Fixed it
by moving the test for corruption to Start_log_event::exec_event().
Changed Rotate_log_event::exec_event() to not increment positions when the
event is seen in the middle of a transaction.
I did a separate commit in 4.1 (so this should not be merged to 4.0) because
code is a bit different in 4.1.
A test to see if the slave detects when the master died while writing a
transaction to the binlog (uses a forged truncated binlog I made).