Portability fixes
Added new client function: mysql_get_server_version()
New server help code (From Victor Vagin)
Fixed wrong usage of binary()
Disabled RTREE usage for now.
Call pthread_mutex_destroy() on not used mutex.
Changed comments in .h and .c files from // -> /* */
Added detection of mutex on which one didn't call pthread_mutex_destroy()
Fixed bug in create_tmp_field() which causes a memory overrun in queries that uses "ORDER BY constant_expression"
Added optimisation for ORDER BY NULL
Don't use new password format if mysql.user has old format
tables_priv was not reset on FLUSH PRIVILEGES if tables_priv was empty
Portability fixes for Windows
just one argument from command line.
Fixed a bug in interactive 'connect' command, which earlier
couldn't take quoted arguments.
mysql> connect `stupid db` localhost
Warning handling and initial prepared statement handling (last not complete yet)
Changed a lot of functions that returned 0/1 to my_bool type.
GRANT handling now uses read/write locks instead of mutex
Change basic net functions to use THD instead of NET
(needed for 4.1 protocol)
Use my_sprintf instead of sprintf() + strlen()
Added alloc_query() to be able to chare query initialization code with
prepared statements.
Note that the following test fails (will be fixed ASAP):
sub_select, union, rpl_rotate_logs and rpl_mystery22
Check if AND/OR expression can be NULL; Fixed bug in GROUP BY and-or-expression where expression could be NULL
Bug fix for SHOW OPEN TABLES when user didn't have privilege to access all open tables.
Better fix for ALTER TABLE on BDB tables.
Some simple optimzations, more comments and indentation changes.
Add ` around database in 'use database' in binary log.
Moved max_error_count and max_warning_count to variables struct.
Changed string functions to use character set of first string argument as default return characterset
(Each string function can change the above assumption if needed)
Made a some new buffers thread specific and changeable.
Resize of key_buffer.
Fixed mutex bug in DROP DATABASE
Fixed bug when using auto_increment as second part of a key where first part could include NULL.
Split handler->extra() to extra() and extra_opt() to be able to support thread specific buffers.
Don't write message to error log when slave reconnects becasue of timeout.
Fixed possible update problem when using DELETE/UPDATE on small tables
(In some cases we used index even if table scanning would be better)
A lot of minior code cleanups